ISO/IEC 10166-1:1991/Amd 2:1996
(Amendment)Information technology — Text and office systems — Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) — Part 1: Abstract service definition and procedures — Amendment 2: Combined usage of DFR and DTAM
Information technology — Text and office systems — Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) — Part 1: Abstract service definition and procedures — Amendment 2: Combined usage of DFR and DTAM
Technologies de l'information — Bureautique — Classement et récupération de documents — Partie 1: Procédures et définition de service abstrait — Amendement 2: Usage combiné de DFR et DTAM
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
1996-08-0 1
Information technology - Text and Office
Systems - Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) -
Part 1:
Abstract Service definition and procedures
AMENDMENT 2: Combined usage of DFR and DTAM
Technologies de Unformation - Bureautique
- Classement et rkcupkration de
documents (DFR) -
Partie 1: Procedures et definition de Service abstrait
AMENDEMENTZ: Usage combine de DFR et DTAM
Reference number
ISO/IEC 10166-1 :1991/Amd.2:1996(E)
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OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 10166~1:1991/Amd.2:1996(E)
Information technology - Text and Office Systems -
Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) -
Part 1:
Abstract Service definition and procedures
AMENDMENT 2: Combined usage of BFR and DTAM
Add the following new Paragraph as the last Paragraph of the Introduction before NOTES.
Document Filing and Retrieval application tan be combined with DTAM (Document Transfer And Manipulation).
Both DTAM and DFR are applications that allow remote operations on any kind of document. While DFR is
concemed with filing and retrieval of documents as a whole, manipulating inner parts of a document is in the
scope of DTAM. When there is a need to manipulate documents and parts of documents that arc kept within the
Document Store, the combined use of DFR and DTAM Services is applied.
Subclause 3.1.8
Add a new subclause with following text.
3.1.8 The following terms zu-e used with the meanings defined in ITU-T Recommendation T.435.
DTAM-DM port
DTAM-DM Server
Subclause 3.2.14 DFR/DTAM-Server and 3.2.15 DFR/DTAM-User
Add new subclauses 3.2.14 DFRIDTAM-DM-server and 3.2.15 DFRIDTAM-DM-User with following text, and
renumber subsequent subclauses accordingly.
3.2.14 DFRIDTAM-DM-server: That part of the application defined in this International Standard that supplies
the combined usage of DFR and DTAM-DM.
3.2.15 DFR/DTAM-DM-usw: The consumer of Services supplied by a DFRIDTAM-DM-server. At any time it is
acting for a security subject and takes on the Privileges of that security subject.
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ISO/IEC 101664:1991/Amd2:1996(E) @lSO/lEC
Clause 4 Abbreviations
Add the fZlowing uhhreviution to the bottom of the abbreviation list.
Document Transfer And Manipulation
DTAM-DM DTAM enhanced document manipulation
Subclause 6 DFR Abstract Model
Add the following text and Figure 1 .l at the bottom of subclause 6.
The DFR/DTAM-DM environment comprises two atomic objects, the DFR/‘DTAM-DM-server and the
DFR/DTAM-DM-User. The DFR/DTAM-DM-server acts as a provider of Services to the DFR/DTAM-DM-User.
The DFR/DTAM-DM-server is described using Can abstract model in Order to define the Service provided by the
DFR/DTAM-DM-server - the DFR/DTAM-DM abstract Service. Figure 1.1 Shows the model.
DFIUDTAM-DM Abstract-senke
Figure l.l-
Subclause 6.1 Objects in DFR Environment
Addthe following new Paragraphs at the bottom of subclause 6.1.
The DFR/DTAM-DM-server is modelled
abstract-Services to the DFR/DTAM-DM-User. The defiiition of the DFR/DTAM-DM-server Object is as follows:
dfr-dtam-dm-server OBJECT
PORTS { dfr-port [SI, dtam-dm-port [S] >
::= id-dfr-dtam-dm-server
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ISO/IEC 10166~1:1991/Amd.2:1996(E)
The DFR/DTAM-DM-User is modelled as a separate Object. The DFR/DTAM-DM-User consumes the DFR port
‘and the DTAM-DM port abstract-Services by the DF’R/DTAM-DM-server.
dfr-dtam-dm-user OBJECT
PORTS { dfr-port [Cl, dtam-dm-port [C] >
::= id-dfr-dtam-dm-user
Also make the same addition for the ASN.1 definition of the dfr-dtum-dm-server and the dfr-dtam-dm-user in
Annex C, page 104, following the definition of the d@-wer.
Subclause 6.2 DFR Port
Add the following Paragraphs at the bottom of subclause 6.2.
A DFR/DTAM-DM-User is joined to, and interacts with, a DFR/DTAM-DM-server by means of both DFR and
DTAM-DM ports. The collection of capabilities provided by these ports forms the DFR/DTAM-DM-server
abstract Services. These capabilities include, for example, obtaining information on, fetthing, deleting, and
manipulating complete and inner parts of a document residing in the DF’R/DTAM-DM-server.
By me
server ‘and the DFR/DTAM-DM-User is established and released. The dtam-dm-port is defmed in ITU-T
Recommendation T.435.
Subclause 7.1.1 Bind-argument Parameters
Change the ASN.1 definition of Dfr-Bind-Argument us follows.
DfrBindArgument ::= SEQUENCE {
initiator-name DistinguishedName,
creden tials Credentials,
Restrittions OPTIONAL,
-- default is none --
dfr-configuration-request BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
bind-security BindSecurity OPTIONAL,
priority Priority DEFAULT medium,
dor-for-consume-operations BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
Version-2 (2); DEFAULT {1},
bilateralInformation SEQUENCE OF
BilateralInformationEntry OPTIONAL,
dTAM-manipulation-capabilities [ 101
Manipulationcapabilities OPTIONAL,
version-l (0) } DEFAULT (0) },
ApplicationRequirement OPTIONAL }
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ISO/IEC 10166~1:1991/Amd.2:1996(E)
Also, make the same Change to the ASN.1 definition of DfrBindArgument in Annex C on page 105.
Subclause 7.1.1 Bind-argument Parameters
Chunge puragruph h) us follows.
h) protocol-version (0): This Parameter indicates the DFR protocol version which the DFR-User requests. If the
DFR-Server tan honor this request, DFR Abstract-Bind continues normally. Otherwise, the DFR-Server will issue
1) Version-1 is defined by ISO/IEC 10166-1:1991.
2) Version-2 is defined by ISO/IEC 10166-1:1991 together with ISO/IEC 10166-1:199l/Amd 1 ‘and
ISO/IEC 10166-1: 1991/Amd 2.
NOTE - Since a server that knows only the DFR protocol version 1 will not understand a Version request, such a request will lead to an
(implementation dependent) error. A server that knows the DFR protocol version 2 may accept the bind from a Version 1 client or
retum an unclassified-server-error.
Subclause 7.1.1 Bind-argument Parameters
Add the following new Paragraph after Paragraph j).
k) Manipulationcapabilities (C): This Parameter indicates the DTAM-DM capabilities the DTAM-DM client
server tan support these capabilities, the bind Operation continues normally. If the DTAM-DM server cannot
support these capabilities, such a request will lead to an error. This Parameter is conditional, and must be present
in the DFR/DTAM-DM environment. ManipulationCapabilities is defined in ITU-T Recommendation T.435.
1) dTAM-protocol-version (0): This Parameter indicates the DTAM-DM protocol Versions which the
DFR/DTAM-DM client requests. It is a variable length bit string where each bit set to one indicates the version of
the DTAM-DM protocol which is requested. Multiple bits may be set indicating the support of multiple Versions.
No trailing bits higher than the highest version of this recommendation which the client supports are included.
That is, the last bit of the string is set to one. When this Parameter is absent, the default value “version-l” is
applied. If the DFR/DTAM-DM server supports a requested protocol Version, DTAM-DM Abstract-Bind continues
normally. Otherwise, the DFR-DTAM-DM server will issue an error.
Version-l is defined by ITU-T T.436: 1994. This Parameter may only be used in the DFR/DTAM-DM
m) dfr-Profile-selection (0): This Parameter indicates the DFR Profile the DFR-User wants to use during the
association. The DFR Profile is negotiated with the DFR-Server. If the DFR-Server tan support this Profile, the
bind Operation continues normally. If the DFR-Server cannot support this Profile, such a request will lead to tan
error, and Profile-mismatch error is retumed. If this Param
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