ISO/IEC 10166-1:1991
(Main)Information technology — Text and office systems — Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) — Part 1: Abstract service definition and procedures
Information technology — Text and office systems — Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) — Part 1: Abstract service definition and procedures
This part of ISO/IEC 10166 specifies the Document Filing and Retrieval Abstract Service that enables a user to communicate with a remote Document Filing and Retrieval server (DFR-Server) in Order to access a remote document store. This part of ISO/IEC 10166 - specifies a client-server type model in accordance with the Distributed-Office-Application Model [ISO/IEC 10031-11; specifies functions and Services provided by Document Filing and Retrieval servers; specifies a specific Document Filing and Retrieval model for managing documents and groups of documents; specifies the Document Filing and Retrieval Abstract Service using the principles established by the Abstract Service Definition Conventions (ISO/IEC 10021-3); specifies the usage of other Services. ISO/IEC 10166 serves the following important fields of application: supports large capacity document storage for use by multiple users in a distributed System; supports ordered filing and multi-key retrieval of documents; supports structured organization of groups of documents; supports storage of an open-ended number of different document types; supports referencing documents and groups ; supports filing and referencing of documents outside of the document storage (for example, non electronic hard copy documents); supports the association of attributes to documents, groups, references and search result lists independent of the content; supports storage, retrieval and deletion of documents of the document store whatever their content; supports searching for, ordering, retrieval, and deletion of Single documents or groups of supports management of different Versions of a document, including such concepts as “previous Version”, ” next Version” and “last Version”; - supports protection against unauthorized storage and retrieval of documents; supports the control of concurrent access to DFR objects.
Technologies de l'information — Bureautique — Classement et récupération de documents — Partie 1: Procédures et définition de service abstrait
La présente partie de l'ISO/CEI 10166 définit le service abstrait de classement et de récupération de documents qui permet à un utilisateur de communiquer avec un serveur de classement et de récupération de documents (serveur DFR) afin d'accéder à une unité distante de stockage de documents. La présente partie de l'ISO/CEI 10166 spécifie un modèle du type client-serveur selon le modèle d'application de bureau distribuée [ISO/CEI 10031-1] ; les fonctions et les services fournis par les serveurs DFR ; un modèle de classement et de récupération de documents spécifique à la gestion de documents et de groupes de documents ; le service abstrait de classement et de récupération de documents en utilisant les principes établis dans les conventions de définition du service abstrait (ISO/CEI 10021-3) ; l'utilisation d'autres services. L'ISO/CEI 10166 concerne les champs d'application suivants : prise en charge d'une unité de stockage de documents à grande capacité permettant une utilisation par plusieurs personnes dans un système distribué ; prise en charge du classement et de la récupération multicritère de documents ; prise en charge de l'organisation structurée de groupes de documents ; prise en charge du stockage d'un nombre indéfini de différents types de 1197 documents ; prise en charge de l'établissement des références des documents et des groupes ; prise en charge du classement et de l'établissement des références des documents en dehors de l'unité de stockage (par exemple, documents sur papier) ; prise en charge de l'affectation d'attributs à des documents, des groupes, des références et de listes de résultats de recherche, indépendamment du contenu ; prise en charge du stockage, de la récupération et de la suppression de documents dans une unité de stockage, quel que soit leur contenu ;
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information technology - Text and Office
Systems - Document Filing and Retrieval
(DFR) -
Part 1:
Abstract Service definition and procedures
Bureautique - Classement et
Technologies de I’r’nforrna tion -
r&up&-ation de documents -
Partie 1: Proc&dures et defirition de Service ahstrait
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Reference number
Table of Contents
Section 1: General
1 Scope
2 Normative references
4 Abbreviations
5 Conventions
Section 2 : DFR Abstract Service Definition
6 DFR Abstract Model
7 Abstract-bind and Abstract-unbind Parameters
8 Abstract-operations
Section 3 : DFR Attributes
9 Attribute Definitions
Section 4 : DFR Realization
10 Supply of the DFR Abstract Service
Pl Port Realization
0 ISQ/IEC 1991
All rights reserved. No patt of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing Flom the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
A Overview of Attributes mapping: ODA Document Profile to DFR
B Formal Assignment of Object Identifiers
Formal Definition of the DFR Abstract-Service
D Formal Definition of DFR-Basic-Attribute-Set 119
Formal Definition of DFR-Extension-Attribute-Set
F Introduction for Attributes and Filter
l .a
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the
International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized System for
worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular
fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and
non-govemmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by
the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of
the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 10166-1 was prepared by Joint Technical
Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information rechnology.
ISO/IEC 10166 consists of the following Parts, under the general title
Information technology - Text and ofSice Systems - Documenf Filing and
Retrieval (DFR):
- Part I: Abstract Service dejinition and procedures
- Part 2: Protocol specification
Annexes B, C, D and E form an integral part of this part of ISO/lEC 10166.
Annexes A and F are for informati .on only.
The Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR) application provides the capability for large capacity non-
volatile document storage to multiple users in a distributed Office System. This facility is particularly
useful in an environment where a large population of desktop workstations that have limited storage
capacity require access to large expensive storage devices.
Documents have associated attributes, to facilitate and control retrieval. Use of these attributes
according to given algorithms will enable documents in the document storage to be browsed, retrieved,
managed and deleted in a variety of ways. Access control protects documents from unauthorized
operations. Documents tan be stored in nested groups. References to documents and groups tan be
created and also stored in nested groups. With specific attributes a document tan be designated a
version of another document. Single documents, references or groups tan be moved from one group into
another group. Enumeration of groups, identification by other attributes besides names, identification
by conditions over attributes, search for documents meeting search criteria, concurrent access to the
Same document, reference or group of documents are further functions provided by this Standard for
the user requirements in an Office environment.
The Document Filing and Retrieval application is one of a series of International Standards defining
applications needed in the area of Office automation, as described in the Distributed-Office-application
model [ISO/IEC 10031-11. ISO/IEC 10166 provides the functionality of document filing and retrieval
which directly supports the user in an Office environment. Thus Document Filing and Retrieval is not a
general standardization of all types of filestores as they may exist in computing Systems. Rather it
concentrates on the filing and retrieval of documents, as related to the task of Office work. Document
Filing and Retrieval aims only at standardizing the model of such document stores and the associated
Services and protocols def’ining the principles of how clients tan access such document store servers,
where clients and servers reside on different nodes of a distributed Office System.
The Document Filing and Retrieval application is a distributed application located in the Application
Layer of the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (see ISO 7498).
It should be noted that a Document Filing and Retrieval application will provide storage for an open-
ended set of document types. The content of the documents stored is transparent to the Document
Filing and Retrieval server.
1 ISO/IEC 10166 deals with individual Document Filing and Retrieval servers, it defines the Document Filing and
Retrieval (DFR-) protocol. This International Standard governs the interactions of a Document Filing and Retrieval client
and a Single Document Filing and Retrieval server. Future standardization will consider the facilities of a Distributed
Filing and Retrieval server System and the need for inter-server protocols and a DFR administration protocol. It is intended
that the results of the initial standardization work be extensible and support this future work.
ISO/IEC 10166 does not presently include administration aspects of the Document Filing and Retrieval abstract-
Service. For the time being these aspects are left to local implementation, although they are candidates for future
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Information technology - Text and Office systems-
Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR)-
Part 1: Abstract Service definition and procedures
Section 1: General
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 10166 specifies the Document Filing and Retrieval Abstract Service that enables
a user to communicate with a remote Document Filing and Retrieval server (DFR-Server) in Order to
access a remote document store.
This part of ISO/IEC 10166
- specifies a client-server type model in accordance with the Distributed-Office-Application Model
[ISO/IEC 10031-11;
- specifies functions and Services provided by Document Filing and Retrieval servers;
- specifies a specific Document Filing and Retrieval model for managing documents and groups of
- specifies the Document Filing and Retrieval Abstract Service using the principles established by
the Abstract Service Definition Conventions (ISO/IEC 10021-3);
- specifies the usage of other Services.
ISO/IEC 10166 serves the following important fields of application:
- supports large capacity document storage for use by multiple users in a distributed System;
- supports ordered filing and multi-key retrieval of documents;
- supports structured organization of groups of documents;
- supports storage of an open-ended number of different document types;
- supports referencing documents and groups ;
- supports filing and referencing of documents outside of the document storage (for example, non-
electronie hard copy documents);
- supports the association of attributes to documents, groups, references and search result lists
independent of the content;
- supports storage, retrieval and deletion of documents of the document store whatever their
- supports searching for, ordering, retrieval, and deletion of Single documents or groups of
documents using document attributes;
- supports management of different Versions of a document, including such concepts as “previous
Version”, ” next Version” and “last Version”;
- supports protection against unauthorized storage and retrieval of documents;
- supports the control of concurrent access to DFR objects.
2 Normative references
The following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this part of ISO/IEC 10166. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC 10166 are
encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the Standards
indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International
ISO 7498: 1984, Information processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic
Reference Model.
ISOPIEC 7498-2: 1989, Information processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic
Reference Model - Part 2: Security Architecture.
Information processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document
ISO 8613-1:1989,
Architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Part 1: Introduction and
general principles.
- Text and Office Systems - Office Document
ISO 8613-4:1989, Information processing
Architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Part 4: Document profile.
ISO 8613-51989, Information processing - Text and Office Systems - Office Document
Architecture (ODA) and interchange format - Part 5: Office Document
Interchange Format (ODIF).
ISO 8649: 1988, Information processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Service
definition for the Association Control Service Element.
Information processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol
ISO 8650: 1988,
specification for the Association Control Service Element.
Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of
ISO/IEC 8824: 1990, Information technology -
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).
ISO/IEC 8825: 1990, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Specification of
Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).
Information processing Systems - Text communication - Reliable Transfer -
ISO/IEC 9066-1:1989,
Part 1: Model and Service definition.
- Text communication - Reliable Transfer -
ISO/IEC 9066-2: 1989, Information processing Systems
Part 2: Protocol specification.
ISO/IEC 9072-1: 1989, Information processing Systems - Text communication - Remote Operations -
Part 1: Model, notation and Service definition.
Information processing Systems - Text communication - Remote Operations -
ISO/IEC 9072-2:1989,
Part 2: Protocol specification.
- Open Systems lnterconnection - The Directory -
ISO/IEC 9594-1:1990, Information technology
Part 1: Overview of concepts, models and Services.
ISO/IEC 9594-2: 1990, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory -
Part 2: Mode&.
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory -
ISO/IEC 9594-3: 1990,
Part 3: A bstract Service definition.
Information technology - Text communication - Message Oriented Text
ISO/IEC 10021-3:1990,
- Part 3: Abstract Service definition
Interchange Systems (MOTIS)
ISO/IEC 10031-1:1991, Information technology - Text and Office Systems - Distributed-office-
applications model- Part 1: General model.
ISO/IEC 10031-2:1991, Information technology - Text and Office Systems - Distributed-office-
applications model - Part 2: Distinguished-Object-reference and associated
- Text and Office Systems - Document Filing and
ISO/IEC 10166-2:1991, Information technology
Retrieval (DFR) - Part 2: Protocol specifzcation.
31 . General Terminology
3.1.1 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO 7498:
Application Layer
Presentation Layer
Service deflnition
3.1.2 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO/IEC 7498-2:
access control
credenti als
security policy
3.1.3 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO 8824:
3.1.4 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO 8649:
Association Service Element
3.1.5 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO/IEC 9066-1:
Reliable Transfer Service Element
3.1.6 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO/IEC 9072-1:
Remote Operations: bind-operation, unbind-operation, Operation
Remote Operation Service Element
3.1.7 The following terms are used with the meanings defined in ISO/IEC 10031:
produce-ope ration
32 . Specific Terminology
For the purpose of ISO/IEC 10166 the following definitions apply:
3.2.1 ancestor: The parent of a DFR-Object and, recursively, any ancestor of the former, including
the DFR-root-group.
3.2.2 attribute-type: That component of an attribute which indicates the type of information given
by the attribute-value.
3.2.3 attribute-value: A particular instance of that class of information indicated by an attribute-
3.2.4 attribute-value-assertion: A proposition, which may be true, false, or undefined, concerning
the values of DFR -attributes in a DFR -entry.
conceptual-document: A set of DFR-documents, considered to be “different Versio
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