ISO 7176-19:2022
(Main)Wheelchairs — Part 19: Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor vehicles
Wheelchairs — Part 19: Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor vehicles
This document specifies test methods, requirements and recommendations for wheelchairs intended for use as seats in motor vehicles related to design, performance, labelling, presale literature, user instructions and user warnings. This document is applicable to all manual and powered wheelchairs, including scooters, which, in addition to their primary function as wheeled mobility devices, are also likely to be used as forward-facing seats in motor vehicles by children and adults with a body mass equal to or greater than 12 kg. This document is applicable to complete wheelchairs, including a frame or powerbase and seating system. It is also applicable to wheelchairs equipped with additional components designed to facilitate conformity with one or more of the requirements of this document.
Fauteuils roulants — Partie 19: Fauteuils roulants destinés à être utilisés comme sièges dans des véhicules à moteur
Le présent document spécifie des méthodes d’essai, des exigences et des recommandations relatives à la conception de fauteuils roulants prévus pour être utilisés comme sièges dans des véhicules à moteur, à leur étiquetage, à la documentation publicitaire, aux instructions d’utilisation et aux avertissements destinés aux utilisateurs. Le présent document est applicable à tous les fauteuils roulants, manuels et électriques, notamment les scooters qui, en plus de leur fonction principale de dispositifs de mobilité montés sur roues, peuvent également être utilisés comme sièges face à la route dans les véhicules à moteur par les enfants et adultes d’une masse corporelle supérieure ou égale à 12 kg. Le présent document est applicable pour compléter les fauteuils roulants, incluant un cadre ou un châssis électrique et un système de siège. Il est également applicable aux fauteuils roulants équipés d’accessoires supplémentaires conçus pour faciliter le respect d’une ou de plusieurs exigences du présent document.
General Information
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STANDARD 7176-19
Third edition
Wheelchairs —
Part 19:
Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor
Fauteuils roulants —
Partie 19: Fauteuils roulants destinés à être utilisés comme sièges
dans des véhicules à moteur
Reference number
ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
© ISO 2022
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
© ISO 2022
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
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ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Design requirements and recommendations . 9
4.1 General . 9
4.2 Wheelchair securement . . . 9
4.3 Occupant restraints . 9
4.3.1 Accommodation of vehicle-mounted three-point belt restraints . 9
4.3.2 Wheelchair-mounted occupant restraints . 9
4.4 Wheelchair head and back supports for small children . 10
4.5 Risk management in modifying wheelchairs that conform to this document . 10
5 Performance requirements and recommendations .10
5.1 General . 10
5.2 Frontal impact . . 10
5.3 Accessibility of securement points intended for use with strap-type tiedowns .12
5.4 Clear paths for strap-type tiedowns .12
5.5 Accommodation of vehicle-mounted belt restraints .12
5.6 Wheelchair-mounted belt restraints . 13
6 Identification, labelling, user instructions, warning, and disclosure requirements
and recommendations .13
6.1 General .13
6.2 Identification and labelling .13
6.3 Presale literature . 14
6.4 User and maintenance instructions. 15
7 Documentation of conformance .18
7.1 General . 18
7.2 Frontal impact test . . . 18
7.3 Design, labelling, and literature requirements . 19
Annex A (normative) Method for frontal impact test .20
Annex B (normative) Specifications for securement points on wheelchairs intended for
attachment of four-point strap-type tiedowns .29
Annex C (normative) Method for testing accessibility and tiedown clear paths of wheelchair
securement points intended for attachment of four-point strap-type tiedowns .33
Annex D (normative) Methods for rating wheelchair accommodation of vehicle-mounted
occupant belt restraints . .42
Annex E (normative) Specifications for Surrogate Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant
Restraint System (SWTORS) with four-point strap-type tiedown and three-point
belt restraint .48
Annex F (informative) Specifications for wheelchair Universal Docking Interface Geometry
(UDIG) .61
Annex G (informative) Wheelchair design, performance, and labelling recommendations
for improved protection of occupants seated facing forward in wheelchairs during
rear impacts .66
Annex H (normative) Design and performance requirements for five-point harness
restraints for children less than 23 kg .75
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
Annex I (informative) Performance considerations for five-point harness restraints for
children less than 23 kg .77
Annex J (informative) Design and performance requirements for wheelchair-mounted
occupant restraints for use by people with body mass equal to or greater than 23 kg .78
Annex K (normative) Requirements and recommendations when providing more than four
securement points .84
Annex L (informative) Checklist of requirements .87
Annex M (informative) Indication of main values in imperial units .89
Bibliography .90
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 173, Assistive products, Subcommittee
SC 1, Wheelchairs.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7176-19:2008), which has been
technically revised. It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 7176-19:2008/Amd.1:2015.
The main changes are as follows:
— scope has been expanded to include wheelchairs for occupants with a mass less than 22 kg;
— clause has been added to address risk management in modification of wheelchairs;
— the conformance label has been revised;
— design and performance requirements have been expanded, for example related to wheelchair
tiedown clear-paths, wheelchair-mounted occupant restraints, and wheelchair securement with
strap-type tiedowns;
— specifications for the surrogate WTORS have been enhanced;
— a checklist of the requirements has been added in Annex L.
A list of all parts in the ISO 7176 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
Transportation safety research has shown that the vehicle seat is an important part of the occupant
restraint system and therefore plays a key role in reducing the risk of serious injuries to vehicle
occupants in many types of vehicle crashes. In particular, the seat needs to allow and facilitate the
proper positioning of belt restraints on the skeletal regions of the occupant, not add to forces on the
occupant during impact loading, and provide effective support for the occupant so that the belt restraint
will remain in place over skeletal regions throughout a crash. People with physical disabilities often
remain in their wheelchairs whilst travelling in motor vehicles as drivers or passengers. Since many
wheelchairs were not designed for this purpose, wheelchair-seated occupants are often at higher risk of
injury in crashes than are people seated in seats provided by the vehicle manufacturer.
ISO 10542-1 provides design, performance, labelling and manufacturer literature requirements,
and specifies associated test methods, for Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant Restraint Systems
(WTORS). This document addresses the seating part of wheelchair-user occupant-protection systems
by establishing design, performance, labelling and manufacturer literature requirements, as well as
associated test methods, for wheelchairs that can be used as seats in motor vehicles.
Whilst wheelchairs can be secured by various types of tiedown and securement systems that were
available throughout the world at the time this document was developed, effective wheelchair
securement in the real world cannot be achieved without compatibility of the wheelchair tiedown
system available in the vehicle and the method of securement provided on the wheelchair. At the time
that this document was developed, the four-point strap-type tiedown was considered to be the most
effective, common, and universally adaptable system for securing a wide range of wheelchair types
and sizes. Therefore the provisions and test methods of this document are based on the use of four-
point strap-type tiedowns to secure the wheelchair in the vehicle. However, wheelchairs can also be
designed for securement in motor vehicles by other methods, such as docking-type devices, which are
commonly used by wheelchair-seated drivers. Manufacturers who wish to evaluate wheelchairs with
other methods of securement can make use of provisions and test methods of this document.
To evaluate the crashworthiness performance of wheelchairs, Annex A specifies procedures for
dynamically testing a wheelchair loaded with an appropriate-size crash-test dummy using a 48 km/h
crash pulse with the wheelchair secured facing forward on the impact sled. This test is based on well-
documented motor vehicle crash and injury statistics, which show that more than 50 % of all serious
injuries to occupants of motor vehicles occur in frontal crashes, and that more than 95 % of frontal
crashes result in a longitudinal change in vehicle speed of less than 48 km/h. Dynamic performance
for forward-facing wheelchairs in rear impacts is addressed in Annex G. Recent research has shown
that some commercial wheelchairs offer significantly less protection in rear-impact than conventional
motor vehicle seats. Manufacturers who wish to test wheelchairs to determine their performance in
rear-impact conditions can use the test methods and performance measures in Annex G.
This document has also been developed with the recognition that the use of a pelvic-belt restraint alone
does not provide the wheelchair occupant with the same level of crash protection in a frontal impact as
does the use of both pelvic-belt and shoulder-belt restraints for adults or five-point harness restraints
for children. Therefore, the provisions and test methods of this document are based on the use of both
pelvic- and shoulder-belt-type restraints or five-point harness restraints.
The first edition of this document only addressed wheelchairs designed for use by people who weigh
22 kg or more because it is best practice to have those under 22 kg transfer to a child safety seat that
meets applicable standards (e.g. FMVSS 213, UN Regulation No. 44). Whilst transfer to a child safety
seat should continue to be the first choice, there is a portion of people who use wheelchairs and weigh
less than 22 kg that cannot safely or practically transfer and these individuals would be safer in a
crashworthy wheelchair. To fill this need, the scope of this document has been expanded (see scope)
to include products designed for people who weigh between 12 kg and 22 kg and includes additional
design features and performance criteria (including buckle release characteristics, restraint belt width,
back-support height, restraint fit and adjustment) for these products that have been shown to provide a
higher level of protection for smaller occupants.
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
The four-point strap-type tiedown system relies on the involvement of a second person and cannot be
implemented by the wheelchair occupant. Accordingly, it is desirable to progress toward a securement
method that can be implemented independently by the wheelchair-seated passenger who might travel
in different public transportation and private vehicles. As a step toward this goal, Annex F establishes
universal docking interface geometry (UDIG) for securement points on wheelchairs when it is intended
for the wheelchair to be secured by docking-type securement devices in public transportation and/or
multiple private vehicles.
It is recognized that single sample testing does not mean that every variation of a given wheelchair
model will exhibit exactly the same performance behaviour. However, it is also recognized that it is
not feasible for manufacturers to independently test every variation of a given wheelchair model. As
such, the expectation is that wheelchair manufacturers will test a suitably representative sample (or
samples) that adequately represents the range of model variation for which conformance is claimed,
based on an engineering assessment. In addition, where requested, manufacturers should make details
of the wheelchair configuration used for testing available to suppliers and/or purchasers, and specify
which options are available on the wheelchair when used as a seat in a motor vehicle.
Finally, this document should be viewed in the totality of daily wheelchair use and the range of
standards to which all wheelchairs are expected to conform. Wheelchairs primarily serve as mobility
devices. Transportation is only one of many daily activities that introduce unique circumstances and
requirements that wheelchairs and people who use wheelchairs can experience. Wheelchair products
that conform with this document will have additional features that provide increased levels of occupant
security and safety whilst their occupants are riding in motor vehicles. However, a wheelchair’s failure
to conform with this document cannot be used to limit access to, and availability of, motor vehicle
transportation for people who use wheelchairs.
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Wheelchairs —
Part 19:
Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor vehicles
1 Scope
This document specifies test methods, requirements and recommendations for wheelchairs intended
for use as seats in motor vehicles related to design, performance, labelling, presale literature, user
instructions and user warnings.
This document is applicable to all manual and powered wheelchairs, including scooters, which, in
addition to their primary function as wheeled mobility devices, are also likely to be used as forward-
facing seats in motor vehicles by children and adults with a body mass equal to or greater than 12 kg.
This document is applicable to complete wheelchairs, including a frame or powerbase and seating
system. It is also applicable to wheelchairs equipped with additional components designed to facilitate
conformity with one or more of the requirements of this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6487, Road vehicles — Measurement techniques in impact tests — Instrumentation
ISO 7176-5, Wheelchairs — Part 5: Determination of dimensions, mass and manoeuvring space
ISO 7176-15, Wheelchairs — Part 15: Requirements for information disclosure, documentation and labelling
ISO 7176-26, Wheelchairs — Part 26: Vocabulary
ISO 10542-1, Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons — Wheelchair tiedown and
occupant-restraint systems — Part 1: Requirements and test methods for all systems
ISO 14971, Medical devices — Application of risk management to medical devices
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 7176-26 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
accessible transport vehicles for sitting and standing passengers
large motor vehicle used in relatively slow-speed travel that allows for seated and standing passengers,
and that provides for transporting people with disabilities who remain seated in their wheelchairs
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
anchor point
location on a vehicle interior component, floor or sidewall, on a wheelchair, or on a wheelchair tiedown
assembly or securement system, that represents the centre of where tiedown and/or securement loads
or belt-restraint loads are transferred to the vehicle, wheelchair, tiedown assembly or securement
system when the wheelchair and occupant is in the traveling position
Note 1 to entry: This is a location based on a particular anchorage, and not necessarily any physical components
or hardware that comprise the anchorage.
component, or an assembly of components and fittings, which transfer loads directly from a WTORS
assembly to the vehicle or wheelchair
EXAMPLE 1 The hardware at the end of a wheelchair tiedown strap that attaches to a vehicle floor (e.g. onto a
track or other component on the vehicle floor).
EXAMPLE 2 An item of hardware such as a D-ring, and its associated fastener at the end of a wheelchair-
mounted occupant restraint belt that attaches to the anchor point on the wheelchair.
anthropomorphic test device
crash-test dummy
articulated physical analogue of the human body used to represent a wheelchair occupant in a test
attachment hardware
mechanical means of attaching a seating system to the wheelchair frame
automatic-locking retractor
device to accommodate a belt or strap that allows extraction of the belt or strap to the desired length
and then lock so that further extraction of the belt or strap is prevented without voluntary intervention
back restraint
device or system intended to limit rearward movement of an occupant during an impact by providing
support force to the back of the torso
back support
postural support device that is part of a wheelchair seating system intended to support the posterior
surface of the sacral, lumbar and/or thoracic segments of the trunk in an upright or partially reclined
length of webbing material used as part of an occupant restraint or postural support device
clamp-type securement
clamp-type tiedown
method of wheelchair securement that uses only mechanical linkages and/or grips requiring manual
positioning and tightening of the securement point end fittings to the wheelchair
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
docking-type securement
DEPRECATED: docking-type tiedown
method of securing a wheelchair to a vehicle interior in which one or more securement points attached
to the wheelchair align and automatically engage with a docking securement device attached to the
vehicle once the wheelchair is manoeuvred into position in the vehicle
Note 1 to entry: Engagement, securement and disengagement of the wheelchair can be automatic or manual.
docking securement device
DEPRECATED: docking tiedown device
assembly of fixtures and components designed for installation in a motor vehicle for the purpose of
securing a wheelchair by engaging with a wheelchair securement adaptor mounted to the wheelchair
emergency-locking retractor
retractor mechanism used in belt restraints that locks the belt from further spool out when the vehicle
acceleration or deceleration exceeds a threshold value and/or when the rate of belt spool out exceeds a
threshold speed
Note 1 to entry: The vehicle acceleration or deceleration threshold value is usually 0,5 g or less.
Note 2 to entry: During normal driving conditions, the retractor does not restrict the freedom of movement of
the wearer of the occupant restraint.
movement of an anthropomorphic test device or wheelchair during a test relative to its initial position
on an impact sled
device used to physically secure hardware components and parts in place
Note 1 to entry: These include, but are not limited to, bolts, nuts, screws, pins and rivets
five-point harness restraint
occupant restraint for use primarily by child occupants comprised of two shoulder belts, a pelvic-belt,
and a crotch strap that uses five anchor points and/or belt guides, with two located above and behind
the shoulders, two located below and behind the pelvis, and one located below and slightly forward of
the crotch
Note 1 to entry: Care should be taken not to confuse a torso postural support device with a five-point harness
foot/leg strap
length of webbing mounted forward and below the anthropomorphic test device knee to limit upward
movement of the leg after peak forward motion of the anthropomorphic test device knee has occurred
Note 1 to entry: The foot/leg strap minimizes damage to the anthropomorphic test device and provides for more
realistic movement of the lower extremities during frontal-impact loading by limiting extension of the knee joints
and upward movement of the anthropomorphic test device’s lower extremities. It does this in a manner that does
not affect forward excursions of the anthropomorphic test device, but slightly reduces the severity of rearward
rebound of the anthropomorphic test device while making this rebound more controlled and consistent between
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ISO 7176-19:2022(E)
orientation in which the wheelchair-seated occupant faces the front of the vehicle with the wheelchair
reference plane within 10° of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle
four-point tiedown
strap-type tiedown attaching to the wheelchair at four separate securement points
four-point strap-type tiedown
wheelchair tiedown system that uses four strap assemblies to secure the wheelchair in the vehicle,
attaching to the wheelchair at four separate securement points and to the vehicle at four separate
anchor points
point located on the left and right sides of the pelvic region of an anthropomorphic test device that
represent the approximate locations of the human hip joint centre in the side views, as specified by the
anthropomorphic test device manufacturer
head restraint
device intended to limit rearward movement of an occupant’s head in a vehicle impact
head support
postural support device intended to support the head
Note 1 to entry: A head support is not designed or intended to provide head restraint in a vehicle impact
impact simulator
device for physically simulating a vehicle crash event by decelerating and/or accelerating an impact
sled, including instrumentation for measuring pertinent data
impact sled
part of an impact simul
Troisième édition
Fauteuils roulants —
Partie 19:
Fauteuils roulants destinés à être
utilisés comme sièges dans des
véhicules à moteur
Wheelchairs —
Part 19: Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor vehicles
Numéro de référence
ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
© ISO 2022
Tous droits réservés. Sauf prescription différente ou nécessité dans le contexte de sa mise en œuvre, aucune partie de cette
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ISO copyright office
Case postale 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Genève
Tél.: +41 22 749 01 11
Publié en Suisse
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .v
Introduction . vi
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives .1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Exigences et recommandations de conception. 9
4.1 Généralités . 9
4.2 Fixation du fauteuil roulant . 9
4.2.1 Fixation à l’aide de systèmes de sangle d’attache . 9
4.3 Systèmes de retenue de l’occupant . 10
4.3.1 Compatibilité avec les systèmes de retenue par ceinture à trois points . 10
4.3.2 Systèmes de retenue de l’occupant montés sur fauteuil roulant . 10
4.4 Dossiers et appuis-tête de fauteuil roulant pour les jeunes enfants. 10
4.5 Gestion des risques liés à la modification de fauteuils roulants conformes au
présent document . 11
5 Exigences et recommandations de performance .11
5.1 Généralités . 11
5.2 Choc frontal . 11
5.3 Accessibilité des points de fixation destinés à être utilisés avec des systèmes de
sangles d’attache .13
5.4 Passages libres pour les systèmes de sangles d’attache . 13
5.5 Compatibilité avec les systèmes de retenue par ceinture . 14
5.6 Systèmes de retenue par ceinture montés sur fauteuil roulant . 14
6 Exigences et recommandations relatives à l’identification, à l’étiquetage, aux
instructions d’utilisation, à l’avertissement et à la communication .14
6.1 Généralités . 14
6.2 Identification et étiquetage . 14
6.3 Documentation publicitaire . 16
6.4 Notice d’utilisation et d’entretien . 17
7 Documentation de la conformité .20
7.1 Généralités . 20
7.2 Essai de choc frontal . .20
7.3 Exigences en matière de conception, d’étiquetage et de documentation . 21
Annexe A (normative) Méthode relative à l’essai de choc frontal .22
Annexe B (normative) Spécifications relatives aux points de fixation sur les fauteuils
roulants destinés à être attachés à l’aide de systèmes de sangles d’attache à quatre
points . .31
Annexe C (normative) Méthode pour soumettre à essai l’accessibilité et les passages libres
d’attache des points de fixation de fauteuil roulant prévus pour la fixation des
systèmes de sangle d’attache à quatre points .35
Annexe D (normative) Méthodes de notation de la compatibilité des fauteuils roulants avec
les systèmes de retenue par ceinture montés sur le véhicule . 44
Annexe E (normative) Spécifications pour le système d’attache de fauteuil roulant et de
retenue de l’occupant de substitution (SWTORS) avec un système de sangles
d’attache à quatre points et un système de retenue par ceinture à trois points .50
Annexe F (informative) Spécifications relatives à la géométrie de l’interface d’arrimage
universelle du fauteuil roulant (UDIG) .63
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
Annexe G (informative) Recommandations en matière de conception, de performance et
d’étiquetage des fauteuils roulants pour une protection améliorée des occupants
en fauteuil roulant assis face à la route en cas de chocs arrière .68
Annexe H (normative) Exigences de conception et de performance des systèmes de retenue
par harnais à cinq points destinés aux enfants de moins de 23 kg .78
Annexe I (informative) Considérations de performance des systèmes de retenue par
harnais à cinq points destinés aux enfants de moins de 23 kg .80
Annexe J (informative) Exigences de conception et de performance des systèmes de
retenue de l’occupant montés sur fauteuil roulant destinés à des personnes d’une
masse corporelle supérieure ou égale à 23 kg .81
Annexe K (normative) Exigences et recommandations en cas de plus de quatre points de
fixation prévus .87
Annexe L (informative) Liste de contrôle des exigences .90
Annexe M (informative) Indication des principales valeurs en unités impériales .92
Bibliographie .93
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
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Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 173, Produits d’assistance, sous-
comité SC 1, Fauteuils roulants.
Cette troisème édition annule et remplace la deuxième édition (ISO 7176-19:2008), qui a fait l’objet
d’une révision technique. Elle intègre également l’Amendement ISO 7176-19:2008/Amd.1:2015.
Les principales modifications sont les suivantes:
— le domaine d’application a été étendu pour couvrir les fauteuils roulants destinés à des occupants
d’une masse inférieure à 22 kg;
— un article a été ajouté pour aborder la gestion des risques dans le cadre de la modification de
fauteuils roulants;
— l’étiquette de conformité a été révisée;
— les exigences de conception et de performance ont été étendues, par exemple au sujet des passages
libres d’attache de fauteuil roulant, les systèmes de retenue de l’occupant montés sur fauteuil roulant
et la fixation de fauteuil roulant à l’aide de sangles d’attache;
— les spécifications relatives au WTORS de substitution ont été complétées;
— une liste de contrôle des exigences a été ajoutée à l’Annexe L.
Une liste de toutes les parties de la série ISO 7176 se trouve sur le site web de l’ISO.
Il convient que l’utilisateur adresse tout retour d’information ou toute question concernant le présent
document à l’organisme national de normalisation de son pays. Une liste exhaustive desdits organismes
se trouve à l’adresse
© ISO 2022 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
La recherche en matière de sécurité de transport montre que le siège du véhicule est un élément
important du système de retenue de l’occupant et joue ainsi un rôle clé dans la réduction des blessures
graves pour les occupants du véhicule dans de nombreux types de collisions. Le siège doit notamment
permettre et faciliter le positionnement approprié des systèmes de retenue par ceinture au niveau des
régions squelettiques de l’occupant, ne pas ajouter de forces sur l’occupant pendant la charge de choc
et fournir un soutien efficace pour l’occupant de manière à ce que le système de retenue par ceinture
reste en place sur les régions squelettiques pendant une collision. Les personnes handicapées restent
souvent dans leur fauteuil roulant lorsqu’elles se déplacent dans des véhicules à moteur en qualité de
conducteur ou de passager. Comme de nombreux fauteuils roulants n’ont pas été conçus à cet effet, les
occupants assis dans un fauteuil roulant sont souvent exposés à un plus grand risque de blessures en
cas de collisions que les personnes assises dans les sièges fournis par le constructeur du véhicule.
L’ISO 10542-1 définit les exigences relatives à la conception, à la performance, à l’étiquetage et à la
documentation du fabricant, et spécifie les méthodes d’essai associées, pour les systèmes d’attache
du fauteuil roulant et de retenue de l’occupant (WTORS). Le présent document couvre la partie assise
des systèmes de protection des occupants pour les utilisateurs de fauteuils roulants en définissant les
exigences relatives à la conception, à la performance, à l’étiquetage et à la documentation du fabricant,
ainsi que les méthodes d’essai associées, pour les fauteuils roulants qui peuvent être utilisés comme
sièges dans les véhicules à moteur.
Même si les fauteuils roulants peuvent être sécurisés au moyen de divers types de systèmes d’attache
et de fixation disponibles dans le monde entier lors de l’élaboration du présent document, l’efficacité
d’une fixation de fauteuil roulant dans le monde réel ne peut pas être garantie sans veiller à la
compatibilité entre le système d’attache du fauteuil roulant disponible dans le véhicule et la méthode
de fixation fournie sur le fauteuil roulant. Au moment de l’élaboration du présent document, le système
de sangles d’attache à quatre points était considéré comme le système le plus efficace, courant et
universellement adaptable pour fixer une grande variété de types et tailles de fauteuils roulants. Par
conséquent, les dispositions et les méthodes d’essai du présent document s’appuient sur l’utilisation
de systèmes de sangles d’attache à quatre points afin de sécuriser le fauteuil roulant à l’intérieur du
véhicule. Cependant, les fauteuils roulants peuvent également être conçus pour permettre leur fixation
à l’intérieur de véhicules à moteur par d’autres méthodes, telles que des dispositifs d’arrimage, qui sont
fréquemment utilisés par les conducteurs assis dans un fauteuil roulant. Les fabricants qui souhaitent
évaluer les fauteuils roulants avec d’autres méthodes de fixation peuvent utiliser les dispositions et les
méthodes d’essai du présent document.
Afin d’évaluer la capacité d’absorption d’énergie de collision des fauteuils roulants, l’Annexe A définit
les modes opératoires relatifs aux essais dynamiques d’un fauteuil roulant chargé avec un mannequin
d’essai de taille appropriée à l’aide d’une impulsion de 48 km/h, le fauteuil roulant étant fixé face à la
route sur le traîneau. Cet essai est basé sur des statistiques correctement documentées de collisions
de véhicules à moteur et de blessures, qui montrent que plus de 50 % de l’ensemble des blessures
graves des occupants de véhicules à moteur ont lieu lors de collisions frontales, et que plus de 95 %
des collisions frontales entraînent un changement longitudinal de la vitesse de véhicule de moins de
48 km/h. La performance dynamique des fauteuils roulants face à la route en cas de chocs arrière est
abordée à l’Annexe G. La recherche récente montre que certains fauteuils roulants disponibles dans
le commerce offrent une protection nettement inférieure en cas de choc arrière à celle des sièges
classiques des véhicules à moteur. Les fabricants qui souhaitent soumettre des fauteuils roulants à essai
afin de déterminer leur performance dans des conditions de choc arrière peuvent utiliser les méthodes
d’essai et les mesures de performances présentées à l’Annexe G.
Le présent document a également été élaboré en tenant compte du fait que l’utilisation d’un système de
retenue par ceinture pelvienne seul ne fournit pas à l’occupant du fauteuil roulant le même niveau de
protection en cas de choc frontal que l’utilisation des deux systèmes de retenue par ceinture pelvienne
et par ceinture épaulière pour les adultes ou de systèmes de retenue par harnais à 5 points pour les
enfants. Par conséquent, les dispositions et méthodes d’essai du présent document sont fondées sur
l’utilisation des deux systèmes de retenue par ceinture pelvienne et par ceinture épaulière ou des
systèmes de retenue par harnais à 5 points.
© ISO 2022 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
La première version du présent document couvrait uniquement les fauteuils roulants conçus pour
être utilisés par des personnes pesant 22 kg ou plus, puisque les meilleures pratiques veulent que
les personnes de moins de 22 kg soient transférées dans un siège auto pour enfants conformes aux
normes applicables, telles que la FMVSS 213 ou le Règlement ONU n 44. S’il convient que le transfert
dans un siège assurant la sécurité des enfants reste le premier choix, une partie des personnes utilisant
des fauteuils roulants et pesant moins de 22 kg ne peuvent pas être transférées pour des raisons de
sécurité ou pratiques et elles seraient plus en sécurité dans un fauteuil roulant absorbant l’énergie de
collision. Afin de répondre à ce besoin, le domaine d’application du présent document a été étendu (voir
le domaine d’application) afin d’inclure les produits conçus pour les personnes pesant entre 12 kg et
22 kg, et couvre des caractéristiques de conception et des critères de performance supplémentaires
(y compris les caractéristiques de libération de la boucle, la largeur de la ceinture de retenue, la hauteur
du dossier, la mise en place et l’ajustement du système de retenue) de ces produits dont il a été démontré
qu’ils offrent un niveau de protection supérieur pour des occupants de plus petite taille.
Le système de sangles d’attache à quatre points repose sur l’intervention d’une seconde personne et ne
peut pas être fixé par l’occupant du fauteuil roulant. Par conséquent, il est recommandé d’opter pour
une méthode de fixation qui peut être utilisée de manière indépendante par le passager assis dans le
fauteuil roulant, celui-ci pouvant alors utiliser différents transports publics et véhicules privés. Afin
de se rapprocher de cet objectif, l’Annexe F définit la géométrie d’interface d’arrimage universelle
(UDIG) pour les points de fixation sur les fauteuils roulants lorsque le fauteuil roulant doit être sécurisé
au moyen de systèmes de fixation par arrimage dans les transports publics et/ou véhicules privés
Il est reconnu qu’un seul essai d’échantillon ne signifie pas que toutes les variations d’un modèle de
fauteuil roulant spécifique afficheront exactement les mêmes performances. Toutefois, il est reconnu
qu’il n’est pas faisable pour les fabricants de soumettre à essai indépendamment toutes les variations
d’un modèle de fauteuil roulant spécifique. C’est pourquoi il est attendu que les fabricants de fauteuils
roulants soumettent à essai un échantillon (ou plusieurs échantillons) représentatif qui reflète de
manière appropriée la gamme des variations de modèles pour laquelle la conformité est revendiquée à
partir d’une évaluation technique. De plus, il convient que les fabricants mettent, s’il leur est demandé,
à la disposition des fournisseurs et/ou des acheteurs les détails de la configuration du fauteuil roulant
utilisé pour l’essai et qu’ils spécifient les options disponibles sur celui-ci lorsqu’il est utilisé comme
siège dans un véhicule à moteur.
Enfin, il convient que le présent document soit considéré dans la totalité des utilisations quotidiennes de
fauteuils roulants et l’ensemble de normes auxquelles tous les fauteuils roulants doivent satisfaire. Les
fauteuils roulants font principalement office de dispositifs de mobilité. Le transport est une seule des
nombreuses activités quotidiennes qui impliquent des circonstances et exigences uniques auxquelles
peuvent être confrontés les fauteuils roulants et les personnes qui les utilisent. Les produits de fauteuils
roulants conformes au présent document offrent des caractéristiques supplémentaires qui assurent
des niveaux accrus de sûreté et de sécurité pour les occupants lorsque ces derniers se trouvent à bord
de véhicules à moteur. Cependant, l’incapacité d’un fauteuil roulant à respecter le présent document ne
peut pas être utilisée pour limiter l’accès et la disponibilité du transport par véhicule à moteur pour les
utilisateurs de fauteuils roulants.
© ISO 2022 – Tous droits réservés
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Fauteuils roulants —
Partie 19:
Fauteuils roulants destinés à être utilisés comme sièges
dans des véhicules à moteur
1 Domaine d’application
Le présent document spécifie des méthodes d’essai, des exigences et des recommandations relatives à
la conception de fauteuils roulants prévus pour être utilisés comme sièges dans des véhicules à moteur,
à leur étiquetage, à la documentation publicitaire, aux instructions d’utilisation et aux avertissements
destinés aux utilisateurs.
Le présent document est applicable à tous les fauteuils roulants, manuels et électriques, notamment les
scooters qui, en plus de leur fonction principale de dispositifs de mobilité montés sur roues, peuvent
également être utilisés comme sièges face à la route dans les véhicules à moteur par les enfants et
adultes d’une masse corporelle supérieure ou égale à 12 kg.
Le présent document est applicable pour compléter les fauteuils roulants, incluant un cadre ou un
châssis électrique et un système de siège. Il est également applicable aux fauteuils roulants équipés
d’accessoires supplémentaires conçus pour faciliter le respect d’une ou de plusieurs exigences du
présent document.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants sont cités dans le texte de sorte qu’ils constituent, pour tout ou partie de leur
contenu, des exigences du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition citée s’applique.
Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s'applique (y compris les
éventuels amendements).
ISO 6487, Véhicules routiers — Techniques de mesurage lors des essais de chocs — Instrumentation
ISO 7176-5, Fauteuils roulants — Partie 5: Détermination des dimensions, de la masse et de l'espace de
ISO 7176-15, Fauteuils roulants — Partie 15: Exigences relatives à la diffusion des informations, à la
documentation et à l'étiquetage
ISO 7176-26, Fauteuils roulants — Partie 26: Vocabulaire
ISO 10542-1, Assistances et aides techniques pour les personnes invalides ou handicapées — Systèmes
d'attache du fauteuil roulant et de retenue de l'occupant — Partie 1: Exigences générales et méthodes
d'essai pour tous les systèmes
ISO 14971, Dispositifs médicaux — Application de la gestion des risques aux dispositifs médicaux
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et les définitions de l’ISO 7176-26 ainsi que les
suivants s’appliquent.
© ISO 2022 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .electropedia .org/
véhicules de transport accessibles pour passagers assis et debout
véhicule à moteur de grande taille utilisé pour des déplacements à vitesse relativement faible qui
permet d’accueillir des passagers assis et debout et de transporter des personnes handicapées qui
restent assises dans leur fauteuil roulant
point d’ancrage
emplacement sur un composant intérieur, le plancher ou la paroi d’un véhicule, sur un fauteuil roulant
ou sur un système de fixation ou d’attache d’un fauteuil roulant, qui représente le centre de transfert
des charges de fixation et/ou d’attache ou des charges de retenue par ceinture au véhicule, au fauteuil
roulant, au système d’attache ou de fixation lorsque le fauteuil roulant et l’occupant sont en position de
Note 1 à l'article: Il s’agit d’un emplacement fondé sur un ancrage particulier et pas nécessairement un composant
physique ou un élément matériel qui comprend l’ancrage.
système d’ancrage
composant ou ensemble de composants et d’accessoires, qui transfèrent les charges directement d’un
système WTORS au véhicule ou au fauteuil roulant
EXEMPLE 1 L’équipement à l’extrémité d’une sangle d’attache de fauteuil roulant qui se fixe sur le plancher
d’un véhicule (par exemple sur un rail ou un autre composant sur le plancher du véhicule).
EXEMPLE 2 Un élément d’équipement, tel qu’un anneau en «D», et sa fixation associée à l’extrémité d’une
ceinture de retenue de l’occupant monté sur un fauteuil roulant qui se fixe au point d’ancrage sur le fauteuil
mannequin d’essai anthropomorphique
mannequin d’essai
mannequin articulé semblable au corps humain utilisé pour représenter un occupant de fauteuil roulant
lors d’un essai
équipement de fixation
moyen mécanique permettant de fixer un système de siège au cadre du fauteuil roulant
rétracteur à verrouillage automatique
dispositif accueillant une ceinture ou une sangle qui permet d’extraire la ceinture ou de la sangle à
la longueur souhaitée et se verrouille ensuite pour empêcher toute extraction supplémentaire de la
ceinture ou de la sangle sans intervention volontaire
système de maintien du dos
dispositif ou système destiné à limiter le mouvement vers l’arrière d’un occupant en cas de choc en
apportant une force de soutien à l’arrière du torse
© ISO 2022 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7176-19:2022(F)
dispositif de maintien postural qui fait partie du système de siège d’un fauteuil roulant et est destiné
à soutenir la surface postérieure des segments sacré, lombaire et/ou thoracique du tronc dans une
posture droite ou partiellement inclinée
longueur de sangle utilisée comme partie d’un système de retenue d’occupant ou d’un système de
maintien postural
système de fixation par bridage
système d’attache par bridage
méthode de fixation de fauteuil roulant qui utilise uniquement des liaisons mécaniques et/ou poignées
nécessitant le positionnement et serrage manuel des pièces d’extrémité de fixation sur le fauteuil
fixation par arrimage
DÉCONSEILLÉ: attache par arrimage
méthode de fixation d’un fauteuil roulant à l’intérieur d’un véhicule qui consiste à aligner et à engager
un ou plusieurs points de fixation attachés au fauteuil roulant avec un dispositif d’arrimage attaché,
quant à lui, au véhicule une
STANDARD 7176-19
ISO/TC 173/SC 1
Wheelchairs —
Secretariat: SABS
Voting begins on:
Part 19:
Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor
Voting terminates on:
Fauteuils roulants —
Partie 19: Fauteuils roulants destinés à être utilisés comme sièges
dans des véhicules à moteur
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Design requirements and recommendations . 9
4.1 General . 9
4.2 Wheelchair securement . . . 9
4.3 Occupant restraints . 9
4.3.1 Accommodation of vehicle-mounted three-point belt restraints . 9
4.3.2 Wheelchair-mounted occupant restraints . 9
4.4 Wheelchair head and back supports for small children . 10
4.5 Risk management in modifying wheelchairs that conform to this document . 10
5 Performance requirements and recommendations .10
5.1 Conformity with this document . 10
5.2 Frontal impact . . 10
5.3 Accessibility of securement points intended for use with strap-type tiedowns .12
5.4 Clear paths for strap-type tiedowns .12
5.5 Accommodation of vehicle-mounted belt restraints . 13
5.6 Wheelchair-mounted belt restraints . 13
6 Identification, labelling, user instructions, warning, and disclosure requirements
and recommendations .13
6.1 General .13
6.2 Identification and labelling .13
6.3 Presale literature . 15
6.4 User and maintenance instructions. 16
7 Documentation of conformance .19
7.1 General . 19
7.2 Frontal impact test . . . 19
7.3 Design, labelling, and literature requirements . 19
Annex A (normative) Method for frontal impact test .21
Annex B (normative) Specifications for securement points on wheelchairs intended for
attachment of four-point strap-type tiedowns .30
Annex C (normative) Method for testing accessibility and tiedown clear paths of wheelchair
securement points intended for attachment of four-point strap-type tiedowns .34
Annex D (normative) Methods for rating wheelchair accommodation of vehicle-mounted
occupant belt restraints . .43
Annex E (normative) Specifications for Surrogate Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant
Restraint System (SWTORS) with four-point strap-type tiedown and three-point
belt restraint .49
Annex F (informative) Specifications for wheelchair Universal Docking Interface Geometry
(UDIG) .62
Annex G (informative) Wheelchair design, performance, and labelling recommendations
for improved protection of occupants seated facing forward in wheelchairs during
rear impacts .67
Annex H (normative) Design and performance requirements for five-point harness
restraints for children less than 23 kg .76
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
Annex I (informative) Performance considerations for five-point harness restraints for
children less than 23 kg .78
Annex J (informative) Design and performance requirements for wheelchair-mounted
occupant restraints for use by people with body mass equal to or greater than 23 kg .79
Annex K (normative) Requirements and recommendations when providing more than four
securement points .85
Annex L (informative) Checklist of requirements for conformity with this document .88
Annex M (informative) Indication of main values in imperial units .90
Bibliography .91
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 173, Assistive products, Subcommittee
SC 1, Wheelchairs.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7176-19:2008), which has been
technically revised. It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 7176-19:2008/Amd.1:2015. The main
changes are as follows:
— scope has been expanded to include wheelchairs for occupants with a mass less than 22 kg;
— clause has been added to address risk management in modification of wheelchairs;
— the conformance label has been revised;
— design and performance requirements have been expanded, for example related to wheelchair
tiedown clear-paths, wheelchair-mounted occupant restraints, and wheelchair securement with
strap-type tiedowns;
— specifications for the surrogate WTORS have been enhanced;
— a checklist of criteria for conformity has been added in Annex L.
A list of all parts in the ISO 7176 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
Transportation safety research has shown that the vehicle seat is an important part of the occupant-
restraint system and therefore plays a key role in reducing the risk of serious injuries to vehicle
occupants in many types of vehicle crashes. In particular, the seat needs to allow and facilitate the
proper positioning of belt restraints on the skeletal regions of the occupant, not add to forces on the
occupant during impact loading, and provide effective support for the occupant so that the belt restraint
will remain in place over skeletal regions throughout a crash. People with physical disabilities often
remain in their wheelchairs whilst travelling in motor vehicles as drivers or passengers. Since many
wheelchairs were not designed for this purpose, wheelchair-seated occupants are often at higher risk of
injury in crashes than are people seated in seats provided by the vehicle manufacturer.
ISO 10542-1 provides design, performance, labelling and manufacturer literature requirements,
and specifies associated test methods, for Wheelchair Tiedown and Occupant-Restraint Systems
(WTORS). This document addresses the seating part of wheelchair-user occupant-protection systems
by establishing design, performance, labelling and manufacturer literature requirements, as well as
associated test methods, for wheelchairs that can be used as seats in motor vehicles.
Whilst wheelchairs can be secured by various types of tiedown and securement systems that were
available throughout the world at the time this document was developed, effective wheelchair
securement in the real world cannot be achieved without compatibility of the wheelchair tiedown
system available in the vehicle and the method of securement provided on the wheelchair. At the time
that this document was developed, the four-point strap-type tiedown was considered to be the most
effective, common, and universally adaptable system for securing a wide range of wheelchair types
and sizes. Therefore the provisions and test methods of this document are based on the use of four-
point strap-type tiedowns to secure the wheelchair in the vehicle. However, wheelchairs can also be
designed for securement in motor vehicles by other methods, such as docking-type devices, which are
commonly used by wheelchair-seated drivers. Manufacturers who wish to evaluate wheelchairs with
other methods of securement can make use of provisions and test methods of this document.
To evaluate the crashworthiness performance of wheelchairs, Annex A specifies procedures for
dynamically testing a wheelchair loaded with an appropriate-size crash-test dummy using a 48 km/h
crash pulse with the wheelchair secured facing forward on the impact sled. This test is based on well-
documented motor vehicle crash and injury statistics, which show that more than 50 % of all serious
injuries to occupants of motor vehicles occur in frontal crashes, and that more than 95 % of frontal
crashes result in a longitudinal change in vehicle speed of less than 48 km/h. Dynamic performance
for forward-facing wheelchairs in rear impacts is addressed in Annex G. Recent research has shown
that some commercial wheelchairs offer significantly less protection in rear-impact than conventional
motor vehicle seats. Manufacturers who wish to test wheelchairs to determine their performance in
rear-impact conditions can use the test methods and performance measures in Annex G.
This document has also been developed with the recognition that the use of a pelvic-belt restraint alone
does not provide the wheelchair occupant with the same level of crash protection in a frontal impact as
does the use of both pelvic-belt and shoulder-belt restraints for adults or five-point harness restraints
for children. Therefore, the provisions and test methods of this document are based on the use of both
pelvic- and shoulder-belt-type restraints or five-point harness restraints.
The first edition of this document only addressed wheelchairs designed for use by people who weigh
22 kg or more because it is best practice to have those under 22 kg transfer to a child safety seat that
meets applicable standards (e.g. FMVSS 213, UN Regulation No. 44). Whilst transfer to a child safety
seat should continue to be the first choice, there is a portion of people who use wheelchairs and weigh
less than 22 kg that cannot safely or practically transfer and these individuals would be safer in a
crashworthy wheelchair. To fill this need, the scope of this document has been expanded (see scope)
to include products designed for people who weigh between 12 kg and 22 kg and includes additional
design features and performance criteria (including buckle release characteristics, restraint belt width,
back-support height, restraint fit and adjustment) for these products that have been shown to provide a
higher level of protection for smaller occupants.
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
The four-point strap-type tiedown system relies on the involvement of a second person and cannot be
implemented by the wheelchair occupant. Accordingly, it is desirable to progress toward a securement
method that can be implemented independently by the wheelchair-seated passenger who might travel
in different public transportation and private vehicles. As a step toward this goal, Annex F establishes
universal docking interface geometry (UDIG) for securement points on wheelchairs when it is intended
for the wheelchair to be secured by docking-type securement devices in public transportation and/or
multiple private vehicles.
It is recognized that single sample testing does not mean that every variation of a given wheelchair
model will exhibit exactly the same performance behaviour. However, it is also recognized that it is
not feasible for manufacturers to independently test every variation of a given wheelchair model. As
such, the expectation is that wheelchair manufacturers will test a suitably representative sample (or
samples) that adequately represents the range of model variation for which conformance is claimed,
based on an engineering assessment. In addition, where requested, manufacturers should make details
of the wheelchair configuration used for testing available to suppliers and/or purchasers, and specify
which options are available on the wheelchair when used as a seat in a motor vehicle.
Finally, this document should be viewed in the totality of daily wheelchair use and the range of
standards to which all wheelchairs are expected to conform. Wheelchairs primarily serve as mobility
devices. Transportation is only one of many daily activities that introduce unique circumstances and
requirements that wheelchairs and people who use wheelchairs can experience. Wheelchair products
that conform with this document will have additional features that provide increased levels of occupant
security and safety whilst their occupants are riding in motor vehicles. However, a wheelchair’s failure
to conform with this document cannot be used to limit access to, and availability of, motor vehicle
transportation for people who use wheelchairs.
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Wheelchairs —
Part 19:
Wheelchairs for use as seats in motor vehicles
1 Scope
This document specifies test methods, requirements and recommendations for wheelchairs intended
for use as seats in motor vehicles related to design, performance, labelling, presale literature, user
instructions and user warnings.
This document is applicable to all manual and powered wheelchairs, including scooters, which, in
addition to their primary function as wheeled mobility devices, are also likely to be used as forward-
facing seats in motor vehicles by children and adults with a body mass equal to or greater than 12 kg.
This document is applicable to complete wheelchairs, including a frame or powerbase and seating
system. It is also applicable to wheelchairs equipped with additional components designed to facilitate
conformity with one or more of the requirements of this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6487, Road vehicles — Measurement techniques in impact tests — Instrumentation
ISO 7176-5, Wheelchairs — Part 5: Determination of dimensions, mass and manoeuvring space
ISO 7176-15, Wheelchairs — Part 15: Requirements for information disclosure, documentation and labelling
ISO 7176-26, Wheelchairs — Part 26: Vocabulary
ISO 10542-1, Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons — Wheelchair tiedown and
occupant-restraint systems — Part 1: Requirements and test methods for all systems
ISO 14971, Medical devices — Application of risk management to medical devices
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions in ISO 7176-26 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
accessible transport vehicles for sitting and standing passengers
large motor vehicle used in relatively slow-speed travel that allows for seated and standing passengers,
and that provides for transporting people with disabilities who remain seated in their wheelchairs
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
anchor point
location on a vehicle interior component, floor or sidewall, on a wheelchair, or on a wheelchair tiedown
assembly or securement system, that represents the centre of where tiedown and/or securement loads
or belt-restraint loads are transferred to the vehicle, wheelchair, tiedown assembly or securement
system when the wheelchair and occupant is in the traveling position
Note 1 to entry: This is a location based on a particular anchorage, and not necessarily any physical components
or hardware that comprise the anchorage.
component, or an assembly of components and fittings, which transfer loads directly from a WTORS
assembly to the vehicle or wheelchair
EXAMPLE 1 The hardware at the end of a wheelchair tiedown strap that attaches to a vehicle floor (e.g. onto a
track or other component on the vehicle floor).
EXAMPLE 2 An item of hardware such as a D-ring, and its associated fastener at the end of a wheelchair-
mounted occupant restraint belt that attaches to the anchor point on the wheelchair.
anthropomorphic test device
crash-test dummy
articulated physical analogue of the human body used to represent a wheelchair occupant in a test
attachment hardware
mechanical means of attaching a seating system to the wheelchair frame
automatic-locking retractor
device to accommodate a belt or strap that allows extraction of the belt or strap to the desired length
and then lock so that further extraction of the belt or strap is prevented without voluntary intervention
back restraint
device or system intended to limit rearward movement of an occupant during an impact by providing
support force to the back of the torso
back support
postural support device that is part of a wheelchair seating system intended to support the posterior
surface of the sacral, lumbar and/or thoracic segments of the trunk in an upright or partially reclined
length of webbing material used as part of an occupant restraint or postural support device
clamp-type securement
clamp-type tiedown
method of wheelchair securement that uses only mechanical linkages and/or grips requiring manual
positioning and tightening of the securement point end fittings to the wheelchair
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docking-type securement
DEPRECATED: docking-type tiedown
method of securing a wheelchair to a vehicle interior in which one or more securement points attached
to the wheelchair align and automatically engage with a docking securement device attached to the
vehicle once the wheelchair is manoeuvred into position in the vehicle
Note 1 to entry: Engagement, securement and disengagement of the wheelchair can be automatic or manual.
docking securement device
DEPRECATED: docking tiedown device
assembly of fixtures and components designed for installation in a motor vehicle for the purpose of
securing a wheelchair by engaging with a wheelchair securement adaptor mounted to the wheelchair
emergency-locking retractor
retractor mechanism used in belt restraints that locks the belt from further spool out when the vehicle
acceleration or deceleration exceeds a threshold value and/or when the rate of belt spool out exceeds a
threshold speed
Note 1 to entry: The vehicle acceleration or deceleration threshold value is usually 0,5 g or less.
Note 2 to entry: During normal driving conditions, the retractor does not restrict the freedom of movement of
the wearer of the occupant restraint.
movement of an anthropomorphic test device or wheelchair during a test relative to its initial position
on an impact sled
device used to physically secure hardware components and parts in place
Note 1 to entry: These include, but are not limited to, bolts, nuts, screws, pins and rivets
five-point harness restraint
occupant restraint for use primarily by child occupants comprised of two shoulder belts, a pelvic-belt,
and a crotch strap that uses five anchor points and/or belt guides, with two located above and behind
the shoulders, two located below and behind the pelvis, and one located below and slightly forward of
the crotch
Note 1 to entry: Care should be taken not to confuse a torso postural support device with a five-point harness
foot/leg strap
length of webbing mounted forward and below the anthropomorphic test device knee to limit upward
movement of the leg after peak forward motion of the anthropomorphic test device knee has occurred
Note 1 to entry: The foot/leg strap minimizes damage to the anthropomorphic test device and provides for more
realistic movement of the lower extremities during frontal-impact loading by limiting extension of the knee joints
and upward movement of the anthropomorphic test device’s lower extremities. It does this in a manner that does
not affect forward excursions of the anthropomorphic test device, but slightly reduces the severity of rearward
rebound of the anthropomorphic test device while making this rebound more controlled and consistent between
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ISO/FDIS 7176-19:2021(E)
orientation in which the wheelchair-seated occupant faces the front of the vehicle with the wheelchair
reference plane within 10° of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle
four-point tiedown
strap-type tiedown attaching to the wheelchair at four separate securement points
four-point strap-type tiedown
wheelchair tiedown system that uses four strap assemblies to secure the wheelchair in the vehicle,
attaching to the wheelchair at four separate securement points and to the vehicle at four separate
anchor points
point located on the left and right sides of the pelvic region of an anthropomorphic test device that
represent the approximate locations of the human hip joint centre in the side views, as specified by the
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