(Main)Véhicules routiers - Sécurité et cybersécurité pour les systèmes de conduite automatisée - Conception, vérification et validation
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
First edition
Road vehicles — Safety and
cybersecurity for automated driving
systems — Design, verification and
Véhicules routiers - Sécurité et cybersécurité pour les systèmes de
conduite automatisée - Conception, vérification et validation
Reference number
ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
ISO 2020
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General approach and overview .......................................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Introduction and motivation ....................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Overview of this document .......................................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Structure and development examples used in this document ....................................................................12
4.4 Safety vision ...........................................................................................................................................................................................13
4.4.1 Background........................................................................................................................................................................13
4.4.2 Positive risk balance and avoidance of unreasonable risk .......................................................14
4.4.3 Principles of safety and cybersecurity for automated driving ..............................................14
5 Systematically developing dependability to support safety by design .....................................................17
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................17
5.2 Deriving capabilities of automated driving from dependability domains ........................................18
5.2.1 Applying the related safety standards ........................................................................................................18
5.2.2 ISO/PAS 21448 - Safety of the intended functionality .................................................................19
5.2.3 ISO 26262 series - Functional safety ...........................................................................................................19
5.2.4 ISO/SAE 21434 - Automotive cybersecurity ........................................................................................20
5.2.5 Capabilities of automated driving ..................................................................................................................21
5.2.6 Minimal risk conditions and minimal risk manoeuvres .............................................................25
5.3 Elements for implementing the capabilities ..............................................................................................................27
5.3.1 Implementing the capabilities ..........................................................................................................................27
5.3.2 Elements ..............................................................................................................................................................................33
5.3.3 Generic logical architecture.................................................................................................................................45
6 Verification and validation .....................................................................................................................................................................48
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................48
6.2 The scope and main steps of verification and validation for automated driving systems..49
6.3 Key challenges for verification and validation of SAE L3 and SAE L4 automated
driving systems ....................................................................................................................................................................................50
6.3.1 Challenge 1: Statistical demonstration of avoidance of unreasonable riskand a positive risk balance without driver interaction ................................................................51
6.3.2 Challenge 2: System safety with driver interaction (especially in takeovermanoeuvres) ........................................................................................................................................... ..........................51
6.3.3 Challenge 3: Consideration of scenarios currently not known............................................51
6.3.4 Challenge 4: Validation of various system configurations and variants ......................51
6.3.5 Challenge 5: Validation of (sub)systems that are based on machine learning ......51
6.4 Verification and validation approach for automated driving systems .................................................51
6.4.1 Defining test goals and objectives (why and how well) ..............................................................52
6.4.2 Test design techniques (how) ............................................................................................................................52
6.4.3 Test platforms (where) ............................................................................................................................................53
6.4.4 Test strategies in response to the key challenges .............................................................................53
6.5 Quantity and quality of testing ...............................................................................................................................................57
6.5.1 Equivalence classes and scenario-based testing ...............................................................................58
6.6 Simulation ................................................................................................................................................................................................58
6.6.1 Types of simulation ....................................................................................................................................................60
6.6.2 Simulation scenario generation .......................................................................................................................61
6.6.3 Validating simulation ................................................................................................................................................61
6.6.4 Further applications of simulation................................................................................................................62
6.7 Verification and validation of elements ..........................................................................................................................62
6.7.1 A-priori information and perception (map) .........................................................................................63
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
6.7.2 Localization (including GNSS) ...........................................................................................................................63
6.7.3 Environment perception sensors, V2X and sensor fusion ........................................................64
6.7.4 Interpretation and prediction, drive planning and traffic rules...........................................64
6.7.5 Motion control ................................................................................................................................................................65
6.7.6 Monitor, ADS mode manager (including the vehicle state) ......................................................65
6.7.7 Human machine interaction and user state monitor ....................................................................65
6.8 Field operation (monitoring, configuration, updates) .......................................................................................65
6.8.1 Testing traceability .....................................................................................................................................................65
6.8.2 Robust configuration and change management process ...........................................................66
6.8.3 Regression prevention .............................................................................................................................................67
6.8.4 Cybersecurity monitoring and updates ....................................................................................................67
6.8.5 Continuous monitoring and corrective enforcement ....................................................................67
Annex A (informative) Development examples ......................................................................................................................................69
Annex B (informative) Using deep neural networks to implement safety-related elements
for automated driving systems ...........................................................................................................................................................80
Annex C (informative) Principles of safety and cybersecurity for automated driving ..................................92
Annex D (informative) List of proposed standards ............................................................................................................................95
Bibliography .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................106
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved PROOF/ÉPREUVE v
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
Automated driving is one of the key modern technologies. In addition to offering broader access to
mobility, it may also help to reduce the number of road traffic related accidents and crashes. When
doing so, the safe operation of automated driving vehicles is one of the most important factors. Designed
to supplement existing standards and publications on various aspects of safety, this document presents
a more technical overview of the recommendations, guidance and methods to achieve a positive risk
balance and to avoid unreasonable risk and cybersecurity related threats, emphasizing the importance
of safety by design. This document closes the loop to provide a discussion with recommendations and
methods on the verification and validation of automated driving systems.Set forth are a proposed framework and guidelines focused on the safety and cybersecurity during the
development, verification, validation, production and operation of automated driving systems for all
stakeholders in the automotive and mobility world – from technology start-ups through to established
OEMs and the tiered suppliers of key PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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Road vehicles — Safety and cybersecurity for automated
driving systems — Design, verification and validation
1 Scope
This document describes steps for developing and validating automated driving systems based on
basic safety principles derived from worldwide applicable publications. It considers safety- and
cybersecurity-by-design, as well as verification and validation methods for automated driving systems
focused on vehicles with level 3 and level 4 features according to SAE J3016: 2018. In addition, it outlines
cybersecurity considerations intersecting with objectives for safety of automated driving systems.
2 Normative referencesThere are no normative references in this document
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
automated driving system
set of elements (3.14) that offer a specific conditional or higher automated driving use case (3.63) in or
for a specific ODD (3.37)3.2
automated vehicle
vehicle equipped with at least one conditional (SAE level 3) or higher (SAE level 4/level 5) automated
driving system (3.1)3.3
capability (3.4) of a product to provide a stated function if demanded, under given conditions over its
defined lifetimeNote 1 to entry: In the context of this document the product is the automated driving system (3.1).
Note 2 to entry: In the context of this document “availability” is defined solely referring to the automated driving
system aspects and does not include human factor aspects.[SOURCE: ISO 26262-1:2018, 3.7]
ability of a product to deliver a function, feature or service
Note 1 to entry: In the context of this document the product is the automated driving system (3.1).
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
conventional driver
driver (3.11) who manually exercises in-vehicle braking, accelerating, steering and transmission gear
selection input devices in order to operate the vehicle[SOURCE: SAE J3016: 2018,]
corner case
scenario (3.53) in which two or more parameter values are each within the capabilities (3.4) of the
system, but together constitute a rare condition that challenges its capabilities
Note 1 to entry: In the context of this document the system is the automated driving system (3.1).
[SOURCE: ISO/PAS 21448:2019, Table 11]3.7
undesirable, unplanned event that leads to an unrecoverable loss due to unfavourable external
conditions (e.g. human error), typically involving material damage, financial loss or human injuries
and/or fatalities3.8
condition in which assets are sufficiently protected against threat scenarios (3.53) to electrical or
electronic components of road vehicles and their functions[SOURCE: ISO/SAE 21434]
state or transition to a state of the item (3.26) or element (3.14) with reduced functionality,
performance, or bothNote 1 to entry: In the context of this document the item is the automated driving system (3.1).
[SOURCE: ISO 26262-1:2018, 3.28, modified — Note 1 to entry added.]3.10
ability of a system to provide a service or function regarding the attributes of reliability (3.44),
availability (3.3), maintainability, safety (3.51) and security (RAMSS)Note 1 to entry: In the context of this document the system is the automated driving system (3.1).
user (3.64) who performs in real-time part or all of the DDT (3.13) and/or DDT fallback for a
particular vehicle[SOURCE: SAE J3016: 2018, 3.29.1, modified — The word "human" was removed from the term and the
note was deleted.]3.12
driver in the loop
execution of the target software on prototype or target hardware in the target vehicle or a mock-up,
in which the environment is modified with virtual stimuli, and the driver’s reaction influences the
vehicle’s behaviourEXAMPLE Driving simulator or vehicle in the loop (ViL) (augmented reality for safety-related manoeuvres
in real vehicles).2 PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TR 4804:2020(E)
dynamic driving task
all of the real-time operational and tactical functions required to operate a vehicle in on-road traffic
Note 1 to entry: This excludes the strategic functions such as trip scheduling and selecting destinations and
waypoints, and includes without limitation:— lateral vehicle motion control via steering (operational);
— longitudinal vehicle motion control via acceleration and deceleration (operational);
— monitoring the driving environment via object and event detection, recognition, classification, and response
preparation (operational and tactical);— object and event response execution (operational and tactical);
— manoeuvre planning (tactical); and
— enhancing conspicuity via lighting, signalling or gesturing, etc. (tactical).
[SOURCE: SAE J3016: 2018, 3.13, modified — Note 1 to entry was previously part of the definition, the
notes, figure and additional information were removed.]3.14
at least first-level decomposition of capabilities (3.4) to a logical system architecture
Note 1 to entry: One or more elements realize one or more capabilities.3.15
equivalence class
class being identified based on the division of inputs and outputs, such that a representative test value
can be selected for each classNote 1 to entry: See ISO 26262-6:2018, Table 8.
property of the item (3.26) to operate with reduced functionality in the presence of a fault (3.20)
Note 1 to entry: This property can be realized as fail-degraded capability (3.4) of fail-degraded mode.
Note 2 to entry: In the context of this document the item is the automated driving system (3.1).
Note 3 to entry: This means that the item is fault-tolerant for a subset of its intended functionality.
Note 4 to entry: The absence of unreasonable risk (3.62) can require the duration of the presence of the fault to be
time limited and/or system maintenance in a limited time frame.Note 5 to entry: The absence of unreasonable risk in the presence of the fault can require limitations of the item
property of the item (3.26) to maintain its full intended functionality in the presence of a fault (3.20)
Note 1 to entry: In the context of this document the item is the automated driving system (see 3.1).
Note 2 to entry: This means that the item is fault-tolerant for its intended functionality.
Note 3 to entry: The absence of unreasonable risk (3.62) can require the duration of the presence of the fault to be
time limited and/or system maintenance in a limited time frame.© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved PROOF/ÉPREUVE 3
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property of an automated driving system (3.1) to achieve a minimal risk condition (3.29) and to achieve a
safe state (3.50) in the event of a failure (3.19)Note 1 to entry: A fail-safe condition is to be reached for example, by means of: demanding the vehicle control to
driver/vehicle operator (3.39) and/or switching off the automated driving function.
termination of an intended behaviour of an element (3.14) or the automated driving systems (3.1) due to
a fault (3.20) manifestation[SOURCE: ISO 26262-1:2018, 3.50, modified – The term "automated driving system" replaces "item" and
Note 1 to entry is not included here.]3.20
abnormal condition that can cause an element (3.14) or the automated driving system (3.1) to fail
[SOURCE: ISO 26262-1:2018, 3.54, modified – The term "automated driving system" replaces "item" and
Notes to entry are not included here.]3.21
field operational testing
use of large-scale testing programs aimed at generating a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency,
quality, robustness and acceptance of transport solutions3.22
high definition map
HD map
maps with high level precision mostly used in the context of automated driving system (3.1) to give the
vehicle precise information about the road environment3.23
hardware in the closed loop
execution of target software on target hardware, whereby the hardware outputs influence the
hardware inputsNote 1 to entry: HiL executes the target software in real time.
EXAMPLE AUTOSAR stack on radar with no frontend.
hardware open loop
execution of target software on target hardware, whereby the hardware outputs do not influence the
hardware inputsEXAMPLE Monitor hardware testbench.
human-machine interaction
interdisciplinary interaction between a human and an automated vehicle (3.2), considering the human-
machine interface (HMI) with the aim to develop a user interface that satisfies requirements regarding
mental, cognitive and manual abilities of the user (3.64)4 PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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system or combination of systems, that implements a function or part of a function at the vehicle level
[SOURCE: ISO 26262-1:2018, 3.84, modified — The phrase “to which ISO 26262 is applied” and the
Note 1 to entry are deleted.]3.27
lagging measure
metrics that are assessed after deployment of an automated driving system (3.1) and provide
confirmation that the positive risk balance (3.42) as well as the conformance with the safety-by-design
techniques have been achievedEXAMPLE Statistics for crashes (3.7) or other safety (3.51) events.
Note 1 to entry: See Reference [1].
leading measure
metrics that are derived from data that is assessed prior to deployment of an automated driving system
(3.1) indicating that the automated driving system conforms with safety-by-design techniques to
achieve a positive risk balance (3.42) and avoidance of unreasonable risk (3.62)EXAMPLE A design verification (3.67) that the HMI guidelines were incorporated into the vehicle’s design.
Note 1 to entry: See Reference [1].3.29
minimal risk condition
condition to which a user (3.64) or an automated driving system (3.1) may bring a vehicle after
performing the minimal risk manoeuvre (3.30) in order to reduce the risk of a crash (3.7) when a given
trip cannot be completedNote 1 to entry: The minimal risk condition integrates the meaning of avoidance of unreasonable risk (3.62),
according to the ISO 26262:2018 series. They can be combined but they never exclude one each other.
[SOURCE: SAE J3016: 2018, 3.17, modified — The term “minimal risk manoeuvre” replaces “DDT
fallback”, the notes and examples were deleted and the Note 1 to entry was added.]
3.30minimal risk manoeuvre
automated driving system’s (3.1) capability (3.4) of transitioning the vehicle between nominal and
minimal risk conditions (3.29)3.31
operating mode awareness
driver’s (3.11) capability (3.4) to identify the current automation mode and his/her driving responsibility
3.32naturalistic driving study
driving study where research subjects are recruited to drive on public roads (not in a simulator or
on a test track), where there is no in-vehicle experimenter or confederate vehicles, and where driving
conditions are not experimentally controlled or manipulatedNote 1 to entry: Subjects are not instructed to drive differently than they normally would and the data collection
instrumentation is unobtrusive.Note 2 to entry: Typically, these studies last a minimum of several weeks for each subject and can go much longer.
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Note 3 to entry: An approach during which the driver becomes unaware of observation as data is collected as
discreetly as possible. This data is then used to examine the relationship between the driver, vehicle and/or
nominal performance
performance of the system free from fault (3.20) and that meets its defined performance criteria
3.34non-vulnerable road user
protected road users (3.46) such as users (3.64) in other vehicles, trucks, construction and agricultural
object under test
item (3.26) or element (3.14) to be tested as planned and specified
Note 1 to entry: Similar usage as ISO 16750 for device under test.
open road testing
execution of target software on target hardware in the target vehicle with a driver (3.11), whereby the
driving environment is real, road infrastructures are public and can be only partially controlled
EXAMPLE Field operational testing (3.21) or naturalistic driving studies (3.32), testing in the development
operational design domain
operating conditions under which a given automated driving system (3.1) or feature thereof is specifically
designed to function, including, but not limited to, environmental, geographical, and time-of-day
restrictions, and/or the requisite presence or absence of certain traffic or roadway characteristics
Note 1 to entry: These limitations, as from constraints as specified in operating conditions, reflect the
technological capability (3.4) of the automated driving system.[SOURCE: SAE J3016: 2018, 3.22, modified — Note 1 to entry is added, and the note and examples are
not included here.]3.38
ODD functional adaptation
operational design domain functional adaptation
property of a system to operate safely with reduced performance in the case of detected functional
insufficiencies inside the ODD (3.37)EXAMPLE Speed adaptation because of low fuel level, or dense fog, or sensor performance insufficiencies.
designated person, appropriately trained and authorized, to operate the vehicle
other road us
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