ISO 23230:2023
(Main)Space systems — Paints and varnishes — Processes, procedures, and requirements for coating materials and coatings
Space systems — Paints and varnishes — Processes, procedures, and requirements for coating materials and coatings
This document establishes the main requirements for: — a choice of coating materials and coatings for space applications; — processes and procedures for the verification of coating materials; — processes of preparation and quality control of the painted surface; — the quality control of the applied coatings. This document also describes the causes of possible defects in coatings. This document is applicable to coating materials and coatings based on them; it is intended for use by manufacturers of space systems products for various surfaces of spacecraft’s and its constitutive parts (on-board systems, facilities, tools, electronic component base products) with long active lifetimes.
Systèmes spatiaux — Peintures et vernis — Procédés, modes opératoires et exigences concernant les produits de peinture et les revêtements
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Space systems — Paints and varnishes
— Processes, procedures, and
requirements for coating materials
and coatings
Systèmes spatiaux — Peintures et vernis — Procédés, modes
opératoires et exigences concernant les produits de peinture et les
Reference number
ISO 23230:2023(E)
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ISO 23230:2023(E)
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ISO 23230:2023(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 General provisions .4
4.1 General requirements for coating materials and coatings. 4
4.2 Main processes and procedures to manufacture coatings . 5
5 Verification of coating materials . 6
6 Preparation of surfaces before painting . 7
6.1 General conditions for the preparation of surfaces before painting . 7
6.2 Preparation of metal surfaces . 7
6.3 Preparation of non-metallic surfaces . 8
7 Preparation of coating material . 8
8 Application and drying of coating materials . 9
8.1 Basic parameters for the coating material application . 9
8.2 Control during the coating process (operational inspection) . 10
8.3 Safety requirements and quality assurance . 10
8.4 Curing of coating . 11
9 Quality control of an applied coating .11
Annex A (informative) Test methods for the quality evaluation of the applied coating .13
Annex B (informative) Defective types of coatings and their causes .14
Bibliography .16
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ISO 23230:2023(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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ISO 23230:2023(E)
Nowadays, there are a large number of paints and varnishes (coating materials), on the basis of which
coatings for space systems products can be developed and manufactured.
For the use of coating materials, requirements are additionally imposed on the selection processes and
procedures for verifying coating materials, surface preparation before painting, application conditions
and quality control of coatings.
The main purpose of this document is to harmonize the requirements of existing international and
national standards in this area.
Manufacturers of space systems products usually prepare coating materials for application and form
coatings under the required operating conditions; therefore, this document aims to optimize the
processes of verification, preparation and application of coating materials to improve the quality of
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Space systems — Paints and varnishes — Processes,
procedures, and requirements for coating materials and
1 Scope
This document establishes the main requirements for:
— a choice of coating materials and coatings for space applications;
— processes and procedures for the verification of coating materials;
— processes of preparation and quality control of the painted surface;
— the quality control of the applied coatings.
This document also describes the causes of possible defects in coatings.
This document is applicable to coating materials and coatings based on them; it is intended for use by
manufacturers of space systems products for various surfaces of spacecraft’s and its constitutive parts
(on-board systems, facilities, tools, electronic component base products) with long active lifetimes.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 1514, Paints and varnishes — Standard panels for testing
ISO 4628-8, Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity
and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 8: Assessment of degree of
delamination and corrosion around a scribe or other artificial defect
ISO 9000, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary
ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres — Salt spray tests
ISO 10794, Space systems — Programme management — Material, mechanical parts and processes
ISO 16691, Space systems — Thermal control coatings for spacecraft — General requirements
ECSS-Q-ST-70-71C, Space product assurance. Materials, processes and their data selection
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
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layer of a coating material (3.3) resulting from a single application
Note 1 to entry: For fillers the word “coat” is used instead of “film”.
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.49]
layer formed from a single or multiple application of a coating material (3.3) to a substrate (3.12)
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.50.1]
coating material
product, in liquid, paste or powder form, that, when applied to a substrate (3.12), forms a layer
possessing protective, decorative or other specific properties
Note 1 to entry: The term “specific properties” means insulating, anti-corrosive, thermal control and other
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.51, modified — Note 1 to entry has been replaced by a new one.]
coating process
method of application of a coating material (3.3) to a substrate (3.12)
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.53]
coating system
combination of all coats (3.1) of coating materials (3.3) which are to be applied or which have been
applied to a substrate (3.12)
Note 1 to entry: The actual system can be characterized by the number of coats involved.
Note 2 to entry: See also coating (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.54]
flow time
relative viscosity
time that elapses from the moment when the material under test starts to flow from the orifice of the
filled flow cup to the moment when the flow stream of material first breaks off close to the orifice
[SOURCE: ISO 2431:2019, 3.1, modified — The symbol "t" has been removed; the alternative term
"relative viscosity" has been added.]
functional coat
coat (3.1) of coating system (3.5) with specific properties, designed to perform additional functions
Note 1 to entry: Additional functions may include: corrosion protection, protect from UV radiation and from
other types of radiation, low and high temperatures and also from other factors of space environment.
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ISO 23230:2023(E)
normative documentation
specifications, standards, rules or instructions, to which adherence is required through citation in
the design documentation or the construction, fabrication, manufacture, purchase or production
documentation for the manufacture and operation of the facility, system or equipment
Note 1 to entry: In this document, the term is applied to the documentation for a specific coating material (3.3) or
coating (3.2).
[SOURCE: ISO 16159:2012, 2.11, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
pigmented coating material (3.3) which, when applied to a substrate (3.12), forms an opaque dried film
having protective, decorative or specific properties
Note 1 to entry: For coating materials with protective and specific properties in normative documentation (3.8),
the term "enamel" may be used for a liquid or paste-like pigmented coating material in which the coating medium
is a solution of the film-forming substance of the coating material in organic solvents.
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.184, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
priming coat
first coat (3.1) of a coating system (3.5)
Note 1 to entry: Priming ensures better adhesion of coating material (3.3) to the surface, increases paint (3.9)
durability, and provides additional protection for the material being painted.
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014 2.207, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
ready-to-apply coating material
coating material (3.3) or coating material after mixing of its certain components (multicomponent
coating material) and after dilution if it is necessary with certain solvents and/or with certain dilutants
according to normative documentation (3.8) and that is ready to apply by certain painting methods
surface to which a coating material (3.3) is applied or is to be applied
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.244]
surface preparation
physical and/or chemical treatment of the surface to be painted in order to clean it and improve the
adhesion of the coating material (3.3) to the surface to be painted
thermal control coating
coating (3.2) that is used to maintain certain temperature conditions of an object by way of establishing
the balance between the heat absorbed from an environment and/or emitted by internal heat sources
and the energy radiated by object’s surface in an environment
Note 1 to entry: In this document, the term refers to TCC based on coating materials (3.3).
[SOURCE: ISO 16691:2014, 3.1.15, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added.]
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ISO 23230:2023(E)
transparent coating material (3.3)
Note 1 to entry: See also clear coating material (ISO 4618:2014, 2.47).
[SOURCE: ISO 4618:2014, 2.266, modified — Note 1 to entry has been replaced by a new one.]
4 General provisions
4.1 General requirements for coating materials and coatings
4.1.1 To apply coatings for products of space systems, coating materials shall be selected that meet
the requirements for their operation in space environment conditions.
4.1.2 For products of space systems, coatings with the following specific properties are used:
a) thermal control;
b) electrically conductive;
c) electrically insulating;
d) thermal resistant;
e) anticorrosive;
f) chemically resistant;
g) resistant to space environment factors.
4.1.3 Coating materials shall meet the requirements of the normative documentation, be
manufactured according to technological documentation for each material, and be delivered to the
customer with quality document according to the delivery documentation, taking into consideration
specific national and local requirements.
4.1.4 The delivery documentation for a particular material specifies the scope of the coating material,
specification and conditions for coatings’ formation.
4.1.5 A warranty period of storage shall be established for the coating materials.
4.1.6 To confirm the durability (service life) of coatings as part of the product, the following tests
shall be carried out:
— accelerated aging tests to simulate storage in land conditions (accelerated climatic tests) according
to ISO 4628-8 and ISO 9227;
— accelerated simulation tests of space environment factors (atomic oxygen, electron, proton,
ultraviolet radiation, thermal cycling);
— tests to determine the outgassing. In the process of testing, the parameters given in Table A.1 are controlled in accordance with
the established requirements for a specific coating.
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ISO 23230:2023(E) Test methods, their scope and sufficiency shall be selected depending on the operating
conditions of the coatings in the composition of the product and depending on the requirements of the
normative documentation.
4.1.7 The main outgassing characteristics of coatings for space applications are as follows:
— total mass loss (TML);
— recovered mass loss (RML);
— collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM).
Materials having TML of less than 1,0 %, RML of less than 1,0 % and CVCM of less than 0,1 % are
generally considered as low-outgassing materials.
The outgassing requirements shall be based on the quantity of material concerned and the specific
environmental conditions.
When contamination-sensitive products are involved or for materials in the vicinity of cryogenic
surfaces, more stringent requirements shall apply in order to compensate the missing details.
4.1.8 Coating materials used for space systems products shall be subjected to the procedures of
verification and validation in ISO 10794 and ECSS-Q-ST-70-71C.
4.1.9 To obtain coatings with specified characteristics, coating materials shall meet the requirement
of the normative documentation for coatings; for example, thermal control coatings shall meet the
requirements of ISO 16691.
4.1.10 For particular coatings, additional requirements for coating materials apply according to the
normative documentation and ECSS-Q-ST-70-31C.
4.2 Main processes and procedures to manufacture coatings
4.2.1 For the production of coatings, the main processes and procedures are:
a) verification of coating materials in accordance with the normative documentation;
b) preparation of the surface before painting;
c) preparation of coating materials for the application of a coating;
d) filling layer applying (if the coating’s system includes this layer):
1) drying;
2) operational inspection;
e) priming coat applying (if the coating system includes this coat):
1) drying or curing (depending on the physico-chemical properties of coating materials);
2) operational inspection;
f) functional coat applying;
1) drying or curing (depending on the physico-chemical properties of coating materials);
2) operational inspection;
NOTE The coating system may consist of several functional coats.
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g) quality control applied coating.
4.2.2 In violation of the integrity of the coating in cases provided by the normative documentation for
a specific coating, repair work may be performed with a subsequent reinspection. If the area to be restored is less than 10 % of the total surface, localized repairs may be
performed. If the area to be restored is more than 10 % of the total surface, the coating layer (coating) is
removed from the total surface and reapplied according to 4.2.1.
4.2.3 The following requirements shall be established for the processes performed:
a) requirements for production facilities;
b) requirements for production equipment;
c) requirements for application process;
d) requirements for storage and transportation;
e) requirements for personnel;
f) requirements for measurement tools and for test equipment;
g) requirements for personal protective gear;
h) requirements for industrial wastes disposal.
Specific requirements related to the specifics of production shall be reflected in the normative
5 Verification of coating materials
5.1 Verification of coating materials (purchased products) is carried out to check the conformity
of the product quality with the normative documentation, the period and method of storage for the
material and to prevent the product launch of non-conforming products.
5.2 Verification of coating materials shall include the following procedures:
a) a check-up during the acceptance test (determination of the main coating material properties
according to the normative documentation and to the document of quality);
b) a check-up at the end of the maintenance storage period (if it is allowable according to the normative
documentation for the material).
5.3 Indicators being monitored and coating materials properties, type, and volume of inspection shall
be determined in each case by the customer on the basis of the importance of each indicator.
5.4 Verification of coating materials, depending on their purchase volume, should be carried out
by continuous or selective inspection of a batch. Each of these types of control (tests) shall include
quantitative measurement and visual inspection methods, depending on the means of obtaining
information, its reliability, and sufficiency.
5.5 Measuring or visual verification methods of purchased products shall be used in accordance with
the normative documentation for coating materials. Measuring results and visual identification results
shall be consistent with estimated normative documentation parameters.
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5.6 Measuring verification methods shall be used in those cases when higher reliability of the
obtained information is required. Measurement results shall be consistent with the parameters stated
in the normative documentation.
5.7 Non-conforming products shall be identified by a non-conformance label and placed in a
segregated place to prevent unintentional use thereof until a further decision is taken.
5.8 Non-conforming products shall be issued a claim or complaint.
5.9 Coating materials after the expiration of the storage period may be used only after rechecking for
compliance with all the main indicators established in the normative documentation, provided that this
indication is contained in the normative documentation for a specific coating material.
6 Preparation of surfaces before painting
6.1 General conditions for the preparation of surfaces before painting
The quality of a coating shall be ensured by proper and thorough surface preparation. The surface
preparation methods depend on the properties of the material to be painted and on the specific design
features of the product.
6.2 Preparation of metal surfaces
6.2.1 The main purpose of metallic surface preparation before painting is to remove substances that
interfere with colouring and accelerate corrosion processes.
6.2.2 The main factors affecting these characteristics are the presence of rust, dross, greasy stains
and hard to get off pollutions, soluble oils mixed with metal chips and dust, carbon deposits, grinding
and polishing pastes, and conversion coatings.
6.2.3 The prime objective of the preparation is to obtain a surface that provides the required adhesion
to the metal substrate of the coating.
6.2.4 Surface preparation consists of a series of operations:
a) cleaning from contaminants: the cleaning may be performed using mechanical and chemical
(aqueous washing solutions, alkaline rinses, acid solutions, emulsion cleaners and emulsions,
solvents) methods;
b) mechanical processing: mechanical processing of products’ surfaces is performed to improve
adhesion properties of coatings by using hand-guided, mechanical hand tools, special equipment,
and also by abrasive-jet machining.
6.2.5 When choosing the surface preparation method, the initial condition of the surface, material
properties, and product characteristics shall be taken into account.
6.2.6 Surface areas inaccessible to power tools are prepared manually. The treatment shall be carried
out in such a way that no damages or surface defects like scratches, dents, etc. will be on the surface.
6.2.7 A special chemical treatment like phosphating, chromating and oxidation is performed after
cleaning to impart additional corrosion resistance to the surface. As a result of such a surface treatment,
inorganic non-metallic coatings are formed. They improve the adhesion and durability of the coating
applied above.
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6.2.8 No burrs, sharp edges, welding splashes, soldering flows, thermal damages, flux residue are
allowed on the surface to be coated. The burrs, sharp edges, welding splashes, and soldering flows may
exist on surfaces of product details (without specific requirements for appearance) if it is stated in the
corresponding normative documentation.
6.2.9 Roughness, waviness parameters and parameters of the substrate are stated in each case
separately depending on specific requirements for the product surface.
6.2.10 After the preparation of the surfaces, the products shall be painted immediately or within time
as indicated in the coating material datasheet (normative documentation) including margins.
6.2.11 Conditions which exclude the appearance of any type of pollution and corrosion shall be
performed during and after the surface preparation. The shelf period after the surface preparation and
before the coating process is limited and should be regulated by the normative documentation.
6.3 Preparation of non-metallic surfaces
6.3.1 Preparation processes of non-metallic surfaces depend on material properties, specific design
features of the product and are performed according to the manufacturer’s documentation and include
the following main procedures:
a) processing with abrasive materials (grinding skins), in exceptional cases by abrasive-jet machining;
b) dust removal;
c) degreasing;
d) drying.
6.3.2 On the prepared non-metallic surface after treatment and degreasing, there should be no glossy
areas, white bloom, resign deposits, and residues of separating layers, grease, moisture, mineral oils,
and other contamination.
7 Preparation of coating material
7.1 It is presupposed that the preparation of the coating material, the conditions and modes of
application are controlled for compliance with the normative documentation for a specific coating
7.2 The preparation of coating material, reaching the working viscosity, filtering, and implementation
of hardeners shall be performed after the material temperature is the same as the facility temperature
in accordance with the normative documentation.
7.3 The container with a coating material shall be tightly sealed to avoid solvent evaporating and also
water, dust, dirt entries since it can lead to the paint material degradation.
The container with a coating material before the opening thereof shall be cleaned from dust with a
cotton cloth to avoid contamination of the material.
7.4 Before usage, the coating material shall be thoroughly mixed until the pigment is evenly
distributed and the sediment disappears.
7.5 Before applying two–component (multicomponent) coating materials, a hardener or
polymerization initiator shall be added into a semi-finished product of the material in the requested
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quantity and mixed thoroughly; if necessary, dilute and hold in accordance with the requirements for
the material.
Ready-to-apply coating material shall be applied during a limited period of time in accordance with the
material requirements.
7.6 Before usage, the coating material is brought to the working viscosity in accordance with the
requirements for the material and filtered through the filter material.
8 Application and drying of coating materials
8.1 Basic parameters for the coating material application
8.1.1 The coating materials shall be applied after all of the surface preparations have been performed.
8.1.2 The following methods are used for applying coating materials:
— pneumatic spraying;
— hydraulic spraying;
— electrostatic spraying;
— dipping;
— brush coating.
8.1.3 The painting method of coating materials shall be chosen according to the normative
documentation and also in accordance with the appearance, dimensions, the purpose of the product,
and in accordance with the coating requirements.
8.1.4 Paint coating parameters shall be recorded in the process control log. The process control log
shall include, but not limited to, the following:
— paint mate
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