ISO 4355:2013
(Main)Bases for design of structures — Determination of snow loads on roofs
Bases for design of structures — Determination of snow loads on roofs
ISO 4355:2013 specifies methods for the determination of snow load on roofs. It can serve as a basis for the development of national codes for the determination of snow load on roofs. National codes should supply statistical data of the snow load on ground in the form of zone maps, tables, or formulae. The shape coefficients presented in ISO 4355:2013 are prepared for design application, and can thus be directly adopted for use in national codes, unless justification for other values is available. For determining the snow loads on roofs of unusual shapes or shapes not covered by ISO 4355:2013 or in national standards, it is advised that special studies be undertaken. These can include testing of scale models in a wind tunnel or water flume, especially equipped for reproducing accumulation phenomena, and should include methods of accounting for the local meteorological statistics. Examples of numerical methods, scale model studies, and accompanying statistical analysis methods are described in ISO 4355:2013 (Annex G). The annexes of ISO 4355:2013 describing methods for determining the characteristic snow load on the ground, exposure coefficient, thermal coefficient, and loads on snow fences are for information only as a consequence of the limited amount of documentation and available scientific results. In some regions, single winters with unusual weather conditions can cause severe load conditions not taken into account by ISO 4355:2013. Specification of standard procedures and instrumentation for measurements is not dealt with in ISo 4355:2013.
Bases du calcul des constructions — Détermination de la charge de neige sur les toitures
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Third edition
Bases for design of structures —
Determination of snow loads on roofs
Bases du calcul des constructions — Détermination de la charge de
neige sur les toitures
Reference number
ISO 2013
© ISO 2013
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Snow loads on roofs . 3
4.1 General function describing intensity and distribution of the snow load on roofs . 3
4.2 Approximate formats for the determination of the snow load on roofs . 3
4.3 Partial loading due to melting, sliding, snow redistribution, and snow removal . 4
4.4 Ponding instability . 4
5 Characteristic snow load on the ground . 4
6 Snow load coefficients . 4
6.1 Exposure coefficient . 4
6.2 Thermal coefficient . 6
6.3 Surface material coefficient . 6
6.4 Shape coefficients . 6
Annex A (informative) Background on the determination of some snow parameters .8
Annex B (normative) Snow load distribution on selected types of roof .13
Annex C (informative) Determination of the exposure coefficient for small roofs .28
Annex D (informative) Determination of thermal coefficient .31
Annex E (informative) Roof snow retention devices .34
Annex F (informative) Snow loads on roof with snow control .36
Annex G (informative) Alternative methods to determine snow loads on roofs not covered by the
prescriptive methods in this International Standard .38
Bibliography .39
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 98, Bases for design of structures, Subcommittee
SC 3, Loads, forces and other actions.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 4355: 1998), which has been technically
iv © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved
The intensity and distribution of snow load on roofs can be described as functions of climate, topography,
shape of building, roof surface material, heat flow through the roof, and time. Only limited and local data
describing some of these functions are available. Consequently, for this International Standard it was
decided to treat the problem in a semi-probabilistic way.
The characteristic snow load on a roof area, or any other area above ground which is subject to snow
accumulation, is in this International Standard defined as a function of the characteristic snow load on
the ground, s , specified for the region considered, and a shape coefficient which is defined as a product
function, in which the various physical parameters are introduced as nominal coefficients.
The shape coefficients will depend on climate, especially the duration of the snow season, wind, local
topography, geometry of the building and surrounding buildings, roof surface material, building
insulation, etc. The snow can be redistributed as a result of wind action; melted water can flow into
local areas and refreeze; snow can slide or can be removed.
In order to apply this International Standard, each country will have to establish maps and/or other
information concerning the geographical distribution of snow load on ground in that country. Procedures
for a statistical treatment of meteorological data are described in Annex A.
Bases for design of structures — Determination of snow
loads on roofs
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies methods for the determination of snow load on roofs.
It can serve as a basis for the development of national codes for the determination of snow load on roofs.
National codes should supply statistical data of the snow load on ground in the form of zone maps,
tables, or formulae.
The shape coefficients presented in this International Standard are prepared for design application, and
can thus be directly adopted for use in national codes, unless justification for other values is available.
For determining the snow loads on roofs of unusual shapes or shapes not covered by this International
Standard or in national standards, it is advised that special studies be undertaken. These can include
testing of scale models in a wind tunnel or water flume, especially equipped for reproducing accumulation
phenomena, and should include methods of accounting for the local meteorological statistics. Examples
of numerical methods, scale model studies, and accompanying statistical analysis methods are described
in Annex G.
The annexes describing methods for determining the characteristic snow load on the ground, exposure
coefficient, thermal coefficient, and loads on snow fences are for information only as a consequence of
the limited amount of documentation and available scientific results.
In some regions, single winters with unusual weather conditions can cause severe load conditions not
taken into account by this International Standard.
Specification of standard procedures and instrumentation for measurements is not dealt with in this
International Standard.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2394 , General principles on reliability for structures
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
characteristic value of snow load on the ground
load with a specified annual exceedance probability
Note 1 to entry: It is expressed in kilonewton per square metre (kN/m ).
Note 2 to entry: In meteorology, the term “weight of the ground snow cover” is also used.
1) In process of revision.
shape coefficient
coefficient which defines the amount and distribution of the snow load on the roof over a cross section
of the building complex and primarily depends on the geometrical properties of the roof
value of snow load on roofs
function of the characteristic snow load on the ground, s , and appropriate shape coefficients
Note 1 to entry: The value of s is also dependent on the exposure of the roof and the thermal conditions of the
Note 2 to entry: It refers to a horizontal projection of the area of the roof.
Note 3 to entry: It is expressed in kilonewton per square metre (kN/m ).
basic load coefficient
coefficient defining the reduction of the snow load on the roof due to a slope of the roof, β, and the
surface material coefficient, C
drift load coefficient
coefficient which defines the amount and redistribution of additional load on a leeward side or part of
a roof, depending on the exposure of the roof to wind, C , and the geometrical configurations of the roof
slide load coefficient
coefficient defining the amount and distribution of the slide load on a lower part of a roof, or a lower
level roof
exposure coefficient
coefficient which accounts for the effects of the roof’s exposure to wind
exposure coefficient for small roofs
exposure coefficient for small roofs with effective roof length shorter than 50 m
effective roof length
length of the roof influenced by exposure coefficient given as a function of roof dimensions
thermal coefficient
coefficient defining the change in snow load on the roof as a function of the heat flux through the roof
Note 1 to entry: C , in some cases, can be greater than 1,0. Further guidance is given in 6.2 and Annex D.
2 © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved
surface material coefficient
coefficient defining a reduction of the snow load on sloped roofs made of surface materials with low
surface roughness
equivalent snow density
density for calculating the annual maximum snow load from annual maximum snow depth
snow density
ratio between snow load and snow depth
4 Snow loads on roofs
4.1 General function describing intensity and distribution of the snow load on roofs
Formally, the snow load on roofs can be defined as a function, F, of several parameters:
sF= sC,,CC,, μμ,, μ
0 et mb ds
where the symbols are as defined in Clause 3.
While C , C , and C are assumed constant for a roof or a roof surface, µ , µ , and µ generally vary
e t m b d s
throughout the roof.
4.2 Approximate formats for the determination of the snow load on roofs
This International Standard defines the snow load on the roof as a combination of a basic load part, s ,
a drift load part, s , and a slide load part, s . Thus, for the most unfavourable condition (lower roof on
d s
leeward side):
ss=+"" ss""+
bd s
where “+” implies “to be
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