Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 2: Definition of impact conditions in relation to accident data

Specifies minimum requirements for the collection and analysis of motor cycle accident data, in order to provide a statistical basis of defining impact test conditions. Contains a standardized and representative set of accident data and a set of impact conditions based on an analysis of these accident data.

Motocycles — Méthodes d'essai et d'analyse de l'évaluation par la recherche des dispositifs, montés sur les motocycles, visant à la protection des motocyclistes contre les collisions — Partie 2: Définition des conditions de choc en fonction des données sur les accidents

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ISO 13232-2:1996 - Motorcycles -- Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles
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STANDARD 13232-2
First edition
Motorcycles - Test and analysis
procedures for research evaluation of rider
crash protective devices fitted to
motorcycles -
Part 2:
Definition of impact conditions in relation to
accident data
MO focycles - Mkthodes d ’essai et d ’analyse de I’&aluation par la
recherche des dispositifs, months sur /es motocycles, visant i la protection
des motocyclistes contre /es collisions -
Parfie 2: Dhfinition des conditions de choc en fonction des don&es sur /es
Reference number
IS0 13232-2: 1996(E)

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
IS0 13232-2: 1996(E)
1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.... ............................ ...............................................................................................
2 Normative references
....... ..............................................................................................
3 Definitions .
.................... ................................... ....................................................................................
4 Requirements
............................ ....................................................................................................
4.1 Impact variables
................................ ...............................................................
4.2 Standardized accident configurations
4.3 Impact configurations for full-scale tests
................................ ....................................
5 Analysis methods .
5.1 Using accident data to determine frequency of occurrence of various impact configurations.
5.2 Using accident data to determine frequency of injury by body region and injury type of various
................................................................. 8
impact configurations .
.................................................................................... 10
6 Documentation and reporting .
A Motor cycle accident report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*.
................. 14
Resulting frequency of occurrence for the combined Los Angeles and Hannover databases
Example accident data .
D Resulting frequency of injury by body region and injury type for the combined Los Angeles and
..,..................a...............*........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.....................................................
Hannover databases
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
E Frequency of occurrence data in non-S1 units
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“. 44
F Rationale for Part 2 of IS0 13232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 IS0 1996
Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
All rights reserved.
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
x.400 c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=centraI
Printed in Switzerland

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
This part of IS0 13232 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOK 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 22,
At the request of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Group for Road Vehicle General Safety
(UN/ECE/TRANS/SCI/VVP29/GRSG), this International Standard has been prepared by ISO/TC 22/SC 22,
Motorcycles, as eight interrelated parts, on the basis of original working documents submitted by the International
Motorcycle Manufacturers Association (IMMA).
This is the first version of the standard.
IS0 13232 consists of the following parts, under the general title Motorcycles - Test and analysis procedures for
research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles:
- Part 1: Definitions, symbols and general considerations
- Part 2: Definition of impact conditions in relation to accident data
Part 3: Anthropometric impact dummy
- Part 4: Variables to be measured, instrumentation and measurement procedures
Part 5: Injury indices and risk/benefit analysis
- Part 6: Full-scale impact-test procedures
- Part 7: Standardized procedures for performing computer simulations of motorcycle impact tests
Part 8: Documentation and reports
Annexes A, B, C and D form an integral part of this part of IS0 13232. Annexes E and F are for information only.

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
This International Standard has been prepared on the basis of existing technology. Its purpose is to define common
research methods and a means for making an overall evaluation of the effect that devices which are fitted to motor
cycles and intended for the crash protection of riders, have on injuries, when assessed over a range of impact
conditions which are based on accident data.
It is intended that all of the methods and recommendations contained in this International Standard should be used
However, researchers should also consider variations in the specified conditions (for
in all basic feasibility research.
example, rider size) when evaluating the overall feasibility of any protective device.
In addition, researchers may
wish to vary or extend elements of the methodology in order to research issues which are of particular interest to
them. in all such cases which go beyond the basic research, if reference is to be made to this International
Standard, a clear explanation of how the procedures used differ from the basic methodology should be provided.
It is recognized that the method of analysis as described in this part of IS0 13232 may be modified at a future date
to reflect the availability of more detailed accident data bases which may be collected with a greater degree of
precision than were the Hannover and Los Angeles accident data.
In order to Intern Iational Standard properly it is strongly ret
apply this I ommen ded that all eight parts be used
together, p articularly if the results are to be publishe d.

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
Motorcycles - Test and analysis procedures for research
evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to
motorcycles -
Part 2:
Definition of impact conditions in relation to accident data
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the minimum requirements for research into the feasibility of protective devices
fitted to motor cycles, which are intended to protect the rider in the event of a collision.
This International Standard is applicable to impact tests involving
- two wheeled motor cycles;
- the specified type of opposing vehicle;
- either a stationary and a moving vehicle or two moving vehicles;
- for any moving vehicle, a steady speed and straight line motion immediately prior to impact;
- one helmeted dummy in a normal seating position on an upright motor cycle;
- the measurement of the potential for specified types of injury by body region;
comparisons between motor cycles fitted and not
- evaluation of the results of paired impact tests (i.e.,
fitted with the proposed devices).
This part of IS0 13232
- specifies minimum requirements for the collection and analysis of motor cycle accident data, in order to
provide a statistical basis for defining impact test conditions;
- provides a standardized and representative set of accident data and a set of impact conditions based on an
analysis of this accident data.
This International Standard does not apply to testing for regulatory or legislative purposes.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of IS0 13232 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards.
IS0 13232-l: 1996, Motor cycles - Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective
devices fitted to motor cycles - Part 1 - Definitions, symbols and general considerations.
IS0 13232-7: 1996, Motor cycles - Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective
devices fitted to motor cycles - Part 7 - Standardized procedures for performing computer simulations of motor cycle
impact tests.

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
IS0 13232-2: 1996(E)
AIS-90: 1990, American Association of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). The abbreviated injury scale. 1990
revision. Des Plaines, IL, U.S.A.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of iSO 13232, the definitions given in IS0 13232-1 apply, of which the following are of
particular relevance to this part of IS0 13232.
- cell;
- cell range;
- centre line of the OV or MC;
- corner of the OV;
- MC front unsprung assembly;
- MC contact point;
- MC impact speed;
- nominal values;
- OV contact point;
- OV impact speed;
- overall length of the OV or MC;
- relative heading angle (rha);
- structural element of the MC.
4 Requirements
4.1 Impact variables
The following impact variables shall define an impact test or impact data for an accident:
- relative heading angle;
- opposing vehicle (OV) impact speed;
- motor cycle (MC) impact speed;
- OV contact point;
- MC contact point.
These variables shall be as defined in 4.3 for impact tests and in annex A for accident reports.
4.2 Standardized accident configurations
Standardized accident configurations shall be used for overall evaluations of rider crash protective devices, for
failure mode and effects analyses of such devices, and for full-scale impact tests intended to verify such analyses.

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
@ IS0
The standardized accident configurations and corresponding frequencies shown in annex B, which are the result of
applying the requirements of and clause 5 to the combined accident data listed in annex C, shall be used for
such purposes.
NOTE - The accident databases listed in annex C were the only ones which met the requirements of this part
of IS0 13232 and which were made available in a timely way to the group preparing this International
42.1 Data collection for future revisions
In future revisions of this International Standard, annex B may be revised to account for different accident databases
which may be included in annex C. In this case, the requirements of 4.2 and clause 5, which are also subject to
revision, shall be applied to the contents of annex C. The results of such revisions to the standardized frequency of
injury data, given in annex D, along with the resulting frequency of occurrence data, given in annex B, should be
considered in potential revisions to the full-scale impact configurations, given in 4.3.
4.22 Accident sampling Defining frequency of occurrence of various impact configurations
The accident database for each region shall include at least 200 MC accidents and shall be uniformly sampled data
from all reporting facilities for a given region (i.e., a randomized sample). The samples shall be the result of in-depth
The subsample used, as determined in 5.1.1,
investigations including on-site measurements and reconstructions.
shall consist only of those accidents involving impacts between motor cycles and passenger cars. The database
shall include all of the impact variables listed in 4.1 and A.1 and shall be available for analysis and potential
publication as part of this International Standard. Defining frequency of injury of various impact configurations
Additionally, for each accident the following injury data for each injury, as defined in A-2, shall be included:
- injury body region;
- injury type;
- injury severity, as defined by the AAAM abbreviated injury scale (AIS).
The database shall also include the variables listed in A.3 and should include the variables listed in A.4.
4.3 Impact configurations for full-scale tests
4.3.1 Required configurations
The impact configurations for full-scale tests shall include those shown in figure 1 and listed in table 1, as a
preliminary assessment of the proposed protective device.
The impact configuration code shall comprise a series of three digits describing the OV contact point, the MC
contact point, and relative heading angle, respectively, as generally defined in figures 2, 3, and 4 and table 2,
followed by a hyphen (-), the OV impact speed, and the MC impact speed.
configuration 225-O/1 3?,4 of figure 1) the reference point on the MC shall be the most
For OV corner contact (e.g.,
outboard structural element on the MC front unsprung assembly.
For testing purposes, the impact geometry may be reflected about the OV centre line (e.g., E45 instead of 225).

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Table 1 - Impact configurations for preliminary assessment
c I 1
- . _.
Helativc e
I ml MC I _ __
-- --_-
contact contact ov MC
Conf:mn m*rr+ifir\ I I
I 3nnln
lyul ClLlUl t
point point speed speed
code code
(table 2
(figure 2) (figure 3)
I & \ I m ’s I m ’S I
figure 41
1 1 4 3 93 0
1 1 4 6,7 13,4
3 4 1
3 6,7 13,4
4 4 1
2 6,7 13,4
5 4 1 4 6,7
6 2 2 5
0 13 ‘4
I 7
I 4 I 1 I 3 I 0 I 13,4 I
4.3.2 Permissible configurations from failure mode and effects analysis
Other impact configurations for which a proposed rider crash protective device might be harmful may be identified
through computer simulation according to IS0 13232-7, or other analysis techniques, by analysing those
These failure mode configurations may be tested in order to verify the results of
configurations listed in annex B.
such analysis.
For full-scale tests and computer simulations, the impact geometries shall be as shown in figures 1 and B. 1, with
the following general rules:
- OV corner contact points shall be the 45’ tangent points, as shown in figure 1;
- OV front and rear contact points shall be at the centre line of the OV;
- OV side front, side middle, and side rear contact points shall be the points corresponding to l/4, l/2 and
3/4 of the overall length of the OV, respectively, as measured from the foremost point on the OV;
- MC front contact point shall be such that the projection of the MC centre line, forward of the foremost part
of the front wheel, at first contact between any portion of the MC or dummy and the OV, intersects a
vertical line through the specified OV contact point;
- MC rear contact point shall be such that the projection of the MC centre line, rearward of the rearmost
part of the rear wheel, at first contact between any portion of the MC or dummy and the OV, intersects a
vertical line through the specified OV contact point;
- MC side contact shall use the conventions given in 4.3.1 and shown in figure 1 (i.e., for OV front or rear
contact use the 143-9.8/O type of geometry; for OV corner contact use the 225-O/1 3,4 type of geometry);
- The relative heading angles shall be at the nominal values defined in table 2 and figure 4.
For testing purposes, the impact geometry may be reflected about the OV centre line (e.g., E45 instead of 225).

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
7L/8 ’
Figure 2 - OV contact point codes
/ -
270 ’-
\ I ///
‘1 ’
/ \ /
Figure 4 - Relative heading angle
Figure 3 * MC contact point codes

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Table 2 - Heading angle of OV relative to MC
Nominal value Code number
Cell range
deg deg
337,5 c rha I 22,5 0 1
22,5 < rha 5 67,5 45
67,5 < rha 5
112,5 90 3
112,5 < rha < 157,5
135 4
157,5 c rha 5
202,5 180 5
< rha 5 247,5 225 6
247,5 < rha 5 2925 270
292,5 c rha 5
337,5 315 8
5 Analysis methods
5.1 Using accident data to determine frequency of occurrence of various impact configurations
Sort the accident data as described below.
5.1 .I Sub-sample definition
Combine the databases listed in annex C. From the combined, overall database, select all of the cases which have
all of these conditions:
- passenger car impact;
- single rider;
- seated rider.
5.1.2 Categorization
For each case selected in 5.1.1, and for each impact variable, determine within which cell range the case lies and
assign code numbers for the OV and MC contact points and relative heading angle, and nominal values for the OV
and MC speeds, based on tables 2 and 3 and figures 2, 3, and 5.
5.1.3 Sorting
Sort all the subsample accident data into a matrix describing the combinations of the above cells. Determine the
number of accidents which lie within the boundaries of each of the cells.
If the OV contact point involves the left side of the OV, then reclassify the OV and MC contact points and relative
reclassify all accidents that occur in the sorted geometry codes to
heading angle according to table 4. In addition,
the reclassified geometry codes as listed in table 5, in order to resolve minor inconsistencies which may be present
in the original accident data.
Remove all accidents in the cells listed in table 6 which, as a result of categorization, correspond to untestable

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Table 3 - OV and MC speed
Cell range Nominal value
m/s . m/s
0 s speed 5 4,0
4,0 < speed s 8,5
8,5 c speed 5 13,3 93
13,3 < speed 5 17,5 13,4
17,5 c speed 20,l
Direction of OV x axis,
relative to MC x axis,
with MC x axis in
direction 1 (a relative
heading angle of “4”
is shown)
Figure 5 - Diagrdm of relative heading angle (angle of OV x axis relative to MC x axis,
regardless of relative positions of OV and MC) with code numbers
5.1.4 Representation
Associate the number of accidents (frequency of occurrence) in each cell with the OV and MC contact point codes,
relative heading angle codes, and OV and MC speed nominal values which will be considered to represent each cell.
5.2 Using accident data to determine frequency of injury by body region and injury type of
various impact configurations
Sort the accident data using the same method as described in 5.1, except determine the number of accidents which
have at least one injury of the selected body region, injury type and severity which lie within the boundaries of each
of the cells. A recommended list of body regions and injury types and severities is included in annex A.
Perform the analysis for the following injuries:
- head concussions, AIS 2 2;
- upper *leg fractures, AIS r 2;
- lower leg fractures, AIS 2 2.
For head concussion injuries, only include in the sorting process accidents where a helmet was worn.

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Table 4 - Reclassification for left side OV contact point codes
OV contact point code
MC contact point code
2 4
4 2
Relative heading angle code
7 3
Table 5 - Reclassification of geometry codes
Sorted Reclassified Sorted Reclassified Sorted Reclassified
113 143 342 312 513
141 131 343 313 544 514
142 132 344 314 642 648
114 442 412 643 623
443 413 644 624
145 115
226 444 414 741 711
512 742 712
245 225 542

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IS0 13232-2: 1996(E)
Table 6 - List of removed configurations
MC contact point Relative heading OV speed MC speed
OV contact point
code code angle code m/s m/s
2 1 3 All All
2 1 4 All All
2 1 5 All All
3 1 1 All All
3 4 1 All All
4 1 1 All All
4 4 1 All All
4 4 5 All All
5 4 1 All All
5 4 5 All All
6 1 1 All All
7 1 3 All All
7 4 3 All All
7 4 4 All All
All All All 0 0
1 2-4 1 All All r OV speed
1 2-4 2 All All > OV speed
2 2-4 1 All All 2 OV speed
6-7 All 1 All All 5 OV speed
6-7 All 2 All All c OV speed
l-2 2, 4 3 0 All
3-5 1 All All 0
6-7 2, 4 3 All > 0 All
6 4 8 All > 0 All
6 Documentation and reporting
All individual motor cycle accidents shall be documented and reported using the motor cycle accident report form
given in annex A. Any aggregations of accident data should use the following column headings:
- reference number;
- OV contact point;
- MC contact point;
- OV impact speed;
- MC impact speed;
- relative heading angle;
- helmet use;
- number of reported injuries;
- maximum AIS;
- injury description, using a three digit code which defines:
- injury body region,
- injury type,
- injury AIS.

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Annex A
Motor cycle accident report
A.1 Impact data (required)
Case identification (or reference number):
Collision category (single vehicle, multi-vehicle, object, pedestrian, etc.):
Motor cycle type (conventional, sport, scooter, moped, etc.):
Motor cycle engine size (cc):
Opposing vehicle type (saloon car, truck, etc.):
A.l.l Contact points (primary damage region) circle one
; +L-
L/8 4 I 4
L/8 I
< 1 II - 1 7L/8
Geometry code:

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0 IS0
IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
(angle of OV x axis relative to MC x axis, regardless of relative positions of OV and
A.l.2 Relative heading angle
Relative heading angle:
A.1.3 Impact speed
OV (m/s):
MC (m/s):
A.2 Injury data (required)
Include data for each injury, up to 42 injuries (attach additional pages if necessary):
Injury type
Injury body region
Injury AIS *
(code from table A.21
(code from table A. 1)
Maximum AIS over all injuries:
A.3 Helmet data (required)
Helmet present (y or n)? , l Retained on head (y or n)?
A.4 Protective clothing data (recommended)
Leather clothing worn, check as many as appropriate:
; Trousers: , l Gloves . ; Boots:
Combination suit: ; Jacket:
*) As defined in AAAM, AIS90.

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Table A.1 - Injury body region codes
Body region
Head 1
Neck 3
Upper extremity 4
Chest 5
Thoracic spine and/or
lumbar spine 7
Pelvis and/or hips
Lower leg
Ankle and/or foot 12
Other injury location 13
Table A.2 - Injury type codes
Injury type Code
Abrasion and/or contusion 1
Other type of injury 10

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Annex B
Resulting frequency of occurrence for the combined
Los Angeles and Hannover databases
The Los Angeles and Hannover databases have been combined and sorted by frequency of occurrence. The impact
The OV and MC speeds and frequencies of occurrence for the
configuration geometries are shown in figure B. 1.
The three digits of the codes used in this annex correspond to the OV contact
geometries are given in table B. 1.
point code, the MC contact point code, and the relative heading angle code, respectively.

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
413 711 414
\ ,
412 115 513 226
514 243 242
312 641 225
512 241
648 624
Figure B.1 - Geometries occurring for 200 combined Los Angeles and Hannover
impact configurations involving 50 1 accidents

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Table B.l - Opposing vehicle and motor cycle speeds and frequencies of occurrence
for 200 combined Los Angeles and Hannover impact configurations
Dimensions in metres per second
114 143 413 414
ovs MCS FO ovs
6,7 0 3 6 0 6,7 3
0 6,7 3 0 6,7
0 9,8 6 687 6,7 13 0 93 3 0 93 2
0 13,4 3 6,7 9,8 3 0 13,4 5 0 13,4 2
0 20,l 1 6,7 13,4 3 0 20,l 0 20,l 3
9,8 0 3 6 6,7 6,7 3
6J 0 2 6,7 6,7
6,7 6,7 11 9,8 6,7 8 8 6,7 9,8 7
6,7 9,a
6,7 9,8 14 9,8 9,8 2 6,7 13,4 4 6,7 13,4 3
6,7 13,4 7 13,4 0 1 6,7 20,l 6,7 20,l 1
6,7 20,l 2 13,4 6,7 8 3 9,8 687 3
9,8 6.7
13,4 9,8 1 4 9,8 93 1
93 0 1 9,a 933
13,4 13,4 1 20,l 3
9,8 6,7 6 9,a 9,8 13,4 2
9,8 9,8 3 20,l 0 2 13,4 6.7
9,8 20,l 2
9,s 13,4 2 20,l 6,7 2 TOTAL = 32
13,4 93
13,4 13,4 3
9,8 20,l 1
20,l 9,8 1
13,4 0 1 TOTAL = 51 20,l 687
13,4 6,7 1 TOTAL 5%
20,l 6,7 2
l-OTAL = 65
412 115 513 226
ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO ovs FO ovs MCS FO ovs MCS
0 687 1 0 6,7 3 0 6,7 6 0 6,7 2 0 687 2
0 9,8 7 0 93 3 0 93 2 0 93 1 0 5
0 13,4 2 0 20,l 2 0 13,4 1 6,7 687 5 0 13,4 2
0 20,l 3 6,7 6,7 4 0 20,l 1 6,7 93 4 2
6,7 687
6,7 93 2 6,7 6,7 1 6,7 13,4 4 4
6,7 6,7 2 6,7 93
6,7 9,8 2 6,7 20,l 1 6,7 93 9 687 20,l 2 13,4 2
6,7 13,4 8 923 0 1 6,7 13,4 3 93 6,7 2 1
93 93
6,7 20,l 2 9,8 9,a 1 6,7 20,l 2 9,8 9,a 3 93 13,4 1
9,8 6,7 1 988 13,4 3 93 13,4 1 13,4
13,4 6,7 1 6,7 1
9,s 13,4 1 93 20,l 3 TOTAL = 24 TOTAL 20
13,4 20,l I.
13,4 6,7 1 13,4 6,7 4 TOTAL = 27
13,4 9,a 2
20,l 6,7 1
TOTAL = 31
13,4 20,l 1
TOTAL = 30
131 514 314 243 242
ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO
6,7 0 5 0 6,7 1 0 6,7 1 6,7 0 1 0 6,7 1
9,s 0 4 0 93 1 0 13,4 1 687 6,7 1 0 93 4
9,8 6,7 1 0 20,l 1 6,7 6,7 3 6,7 93 4 0 13,4 1
13,4 0 1 6,7 6,7 3 6,7 93 4 6,7 13,4 2 6,7 6,7 2
6,7 93 2
13,4 6,7 1 6,7 9,8 6 6,7 13,4 6 9,8 6,7 3
20,l 0 1 6,7 20,l 1 93 6,7 1 93 93 1 6,7 13,4 1
20,l 6,7 1 9,8 6,7 1 13,4 9,a 1 93 6,7 1
93 93 1
9,8 93 3 TOTAL = 17 20,l 6,7 1 9,8 93 1
20,l 9,8 1
93 13 ‘4 1 9,a 13,4 1
20,l 13,4 5 20,i 9,a 1
TOTAL = 19 TOTAL = 18 TOTAL = 15 TOTAL = 14
312 641 132 225 712
ovs MCS FO MCS FO ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO ovs MCS FO
0 6,7 1 0 617 6,7 0 1 0 93 2 0 1
6,7 1 0 13,4 1
0 93 4 0 93 687 0 13,4 1
0 13,4 3 0 20,l 9,8 6,7 1 687 93 1 6,7 93 1
6,7 13,4 2 6,7 93 13,4 0 1 6,7 13,4 2 687 13,4 1
9,8 6,7 1 6,7 20,l 20,l 6,7 2 20,i 9,a 1 617 20,l 1
93 20,l 1 TOTAL = 7 TOTAL = 5
988 13,4 20,l 20,l 1
13,4 6,7 1
TOTAL = 13
648 512 241 623 624
0 6,7 1 0 6,7 1 13,4 93 0 20,l
1 6,7 6,7
1 1
= =
0 9,8 1 6,7 9,8 1 TOTAL 1 TOTAL = 1 TOTAL
0 13 ‘4 1 20,l 20,l 1

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IS0 13232=2:1996(E)
Annex C
Example accident data
Table C.l defines the column headings and units used in tables C.2 and C.3. The Los Angeles example data are
given in table C.2. The Hannover example data are given in table C.3. These are the original data and are
presented in non-% units (miles per hour).

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@ IS0
IS0 13232-2: 1996(E)
Table C.l - Legend for Los Angeles and Hannover databases
Each case has a reference number starting with 1 for each database. Case order is arbitrary.
Ref no Reference -
FO is front
OV cp Opposing -
FC is front corner
FW is front wheel (sorted with SF)
point SF is side front
SM is side middle
SR is side rear
RW is rear wheel (sorted with SR)
RC is rear corner
RO is rear
- F

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