ISO/IEC 18031:2025
(Main)Information technology — Security techniques — Random bit generation
Information technology — Security techniques — Random bit generation
This document specifies a conceptual model for a random bit generator for cryptographic purposes, together with the elements of this model. This document specifies the characteristics of the main elements required for both non-deterministic and deterministic random bit generators. It also establishes the security requirements for both non-deterministic and deterministic random bit generators. Techniques for statistical testing of random bit generators for the purposes of independent verification or validation and detailed designs for such generators are outside the scope of this document.
Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Génération de bits aléatoires
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC 18031
Third edition
Information technology —
Security techniques — Random bit
Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité —
Génération de bits aléatoires
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2025
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© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols . 7
5 Properties and requirements of a random bit generator . 8
5.1 Properties of arandom bit generator .8
5.2 Requirements of an RBG .9
5.3 Additional information for an RBG . .10
6 RBG model . 10
6.1 Conceptual functional model for random bit generation .10
6.2 RBG basic components .11
6.2.1 Introduction to the RBG basic components .11
6.2.2 Randomness source .11
6.2.3 Additional inputs . . 12
6.2.4 Internal state . 12
6.2.5 Internal state transition functions . 13
6.2.6 Output generation function .14
6.2.7 Health test . 15
7 Types of RBGs .15
7.1 Introduction to the types of RBGs . . 15
7.2 Non-deterministic random bit generators .16
7.3 Deterministic random bit generators .17
7.4 The RBG spectrum .17
8 Overview and requirements for an NRBG . 17
8.1 NRBG overview .17
8.2 Functional model of an NRBG .18
8.3 NRBG entropy sources . 20
8.3.1 General . 20
8.3.2 Primary entropy source for an NRBG . 20
8.3.3 Physical entropy sources for an NRBG . 22
8.3.4 NRBG non-physical entropy sources . 22
8.3.5 NRBG additional entropy sources . 23
8.3.6 Hybrid NRBGs .24
8.4 NRBG additional inputs .24
8.4.1 NRBG additional inputs overview.24
8.4.2 Requirements for NRBG additional inputs.24
8.5 NRBG internal state . 25
8.5.1 NRBG internal state overview. 25
8.5.2 Requirements for the NRBG internal state . 25
8.5.3 Additional information for the NRBG internal state . 26
8.6 NRBG internal state transition functions . 26
8.6.1 NRBG internal state transition functions overview . 26
8.6.2 Requirements for the NRBG internal state transition functions .27
8.6.3 Recommendations for the NRBG internal state transition functions .27
8.7 NRBG output generation function .27
8.7.1 NRBG output generation function overview .27
8.7.2 Requirements for the NRBG output generation function . 28
8.8 NRBG health tests . 28
8.8.1 NRBG health tests overview . 28
8.8.2 General NRBG health test requirements. 29
© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
8.8.3 NRBG health test on deterministic components . 29
8.8.4 NRBG health tests within entropy sources . 30
8.8.5 NRBG health tests on random output .31
8.9 NRBG component interaction .32
8.9.1 NRBG component interaction overview .32
8.9.2 Requirements for NRBG component interaction .32
8.9.3 Recommendations for NRBG component interaction . 33
9 Overview and requirements for a DRBG .33
9.1 DRBG overview . 33
9.2 Functional model of a DRBG . 33
9.3 DRBG randomness source . 36
9.3.1 Primary randomness source for a DRBG . 36
9.3.2 Generating seed values for a DRBG .37
9.3.3 Additional randomness sources for a DRBG . 38
9.3.4 Hybrid DRBGs . 38
9.4 Additional inputs for a DRBG . 38
9.5 Internal state for a DRBG . 39
9.6 Internal state transition function for a DRBG . 39
9.7 Output generation function for a DRBG . 40
9.8 Health tests for a DRBG . 40
9.8.1 DRBG health tests overview . 40
9.8.2 DRBG health test .41
9.8.3 DRBG deterministic algorithm test .
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