Recreational diving services — Requirements for the conduct of snorkelling excursions

ISO 13289:2011 specifies minimum requirements for service providers offering supervised recreational snorkelling excursions. ISO 13289:2011 applies to activities that will include participants being taken into an open water environment. It does not apply to activities that are exclusively conducted in a confined water environment, e.g. pools. ISO 13289:2011 also specifies particular conditions under which the service is provided, in addition to the general requirements for recreational diving service provision specified in ISO 24803.

Services relatifs à la plongée de loisirs — Exigences pour la conduite d'excursions de plongée avec tuba

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ISO 13289:2011 - Recreational diving services -- Requirements for the conduct of snorkelling excursions
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First edition
Recreational diving services —
Requirements for the conduct of
snorkelling excursions
Services relatifs à la plongée de loisirs — Exigences pour la conduite
d'excursions de plongée avec tuba

Reference number
ISO 2011
©  ISO 2011
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
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ISO 13289 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 228, Tourism and related services.

This International Standard provides minimum service requirements for the conduct of snorkel excursions.
These requirements do not constitute in any way a standard for the training and qualification of snorkellers,
but instead are intended to introduce a participant to recreational snorkelling via a supervised, controlled
experience, and to encourage the participant to seek further training.
In view of the fact that the snorkel excursion does not result in qualification, but is experiential in nature, in-
depth knowledge of snorkelling skills is not necessary. Participants are taught only what is necessary for them
to experience snorkelling under direct supervision.

iv © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved


Recreational diving services — Requirements for the conduct
of snorkelling excursions
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies minimum requirements for service providers offering supervised
recreational snorkelling excursions.
This International Standard applies to activities that will include participants being taken into an open water
environment. It does not apply to activities that are exclusively conducted in a confined water environment, e.g.
This International Standard also specifies particular conditions under which the service is provided, in addition
to the general requirements for recreational diving service provision specified in ISO 24803.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 13970, Recreational diving services — Requirements for the training of recreational snorkelling guides
ISO 24801-3, Recreational diving services — Safety related minimum requirements for the training of
recreational scuba divers — Part 3: Level 3 — Dive leader
ISO 24802-1, Recreational diving services — Safety related minimum requirements for the training of
recreational scuba instructors — Part 1: Level 1
ISO 24802-2, Recreational diving services — Safety related minimum requirements for the training of
recreational scuba instructors — Part 2: Level 2
ISO 24803, Recreational diving services — Requirements for recreational scuba diving service providers
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
activity of swimming while typically using a mask, a snorkel and fins, where participants remain at the surface
or make occasional breath hold dives, and where buoyancy devices can be used to provide surface support,
depending on the environmental conditions and participants' abilities
service provider
entity, including any individual acting on behalf of such an entity, which offers snorkelling excursions
NOTE The entity can be an individual or an organization.
snorkelling guide
individual qualified in accordance with ISO 13970, ISO 24801-3, ISO 24802-1 or ISO 24802-2
individual who takes part in a snorkelling excursion in open water
base station
position where support and/or emergency equipment is located
EXAMPLE A vehicle on shore; a boat; a floating platform.
confined water
swimming pool with a depth appropriate to the activity or body of water, offering similar conditions with regard
to visibility, depth, water movement and access
open water
body of water significantly larger than a swimming pool, offering conditions typical of a natural body of water
direct supervision
supervision of a group of snorkellers by a snorkelling guide who is in a position that allows rapid intervention
on behalf of the snorkellers
snorkelling equipment
equipment consisting of fins, a mask, a snorkel, a personal flotation device (if appropriate), a quick release
weight system (if appropriate) and an exposure suit (if appropriate)
NOTE An example of a personal flotation device is a snorkelling vest.
4 Prerequisites for participation
4.1 Minors
The service provider shall ensure that documented parental or legal guardian consent is obtained when the
participant is a minor.
4.2 Health and fitness requirements
The service providers shall inform the participants of the health and fitness considerations associated with
snorkelling activities. In particular, they shall be advised about risk factors, including those associated with
cardiac diseases, pulmonary diseases and conditions that may lead to a rapid loss of consciousness.
Attention shall be drawn to the risks associated with increased age or decreased fitness levels during physical
Advice given to the participants about controlling these risks shall include the importance of the following:
a) informing the service provider of any adverse medical conditions;
b) using flotation devices;
2 © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved

c) snorkelling with a fit buddy;
d) remaining within the immediate vicinity of the snorkelling guide;
e) ending or limiting the activity before becoming tired, cold or unduly stressed.
NOTE 1 It is advisable to include this advice in a documented format to participants, and in their own language. An
example document is provided in Annex A.
In any case of doubt, or at the service provider's discretion, the service provider shall refer participants to
proper medical resources.
NOTE 2 An example form for medical screening is provided in Annex B.
5 Introductory information
The service provider shall make available to the participants relevant information in accordance with
ISO 24803, prior to the conduct of the snorkelling excursion.
In addition, participants shall be informed that the completion of a snorkelling excursion in accordance with
this International Standard does not qualify the participants to snorkel unsupervised.
6 Briefing of participants
6.1 General
The service provider shall provide information on equipment, excursion conduct and safety considerations to
participants, as specified in 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4.
6.2 Equipment
The service provider shall ensure that participants have appropriate introductory knowledge of the selection
(e.g. correct fit), use and, where relevant, sanitization of the following equipment items:
a) fins;
b) mask;
c) snorkel;
d) personal flotation device (if appropriate);
e) quick release weight system (if appropriate);
f) exposure suit (if appropriate).
6.3 Excursion conduct
The service provider shall ensure that participants have appropriate introductory knowledge on snorkelling
and the snorkelling environment, as follows:
 snorkelling techniques (e.g. equalization of ears and mask, clearing of snorkel);
 emergency and routine hand signals and communications (including emergency recall signal);
 snorkelling buddy system;
 points of interest and environmental considerations;
 behaviour and techniques to avoid disturbing marine life.
6.4 Safety considerations
The service provider shall advise participants how to minimize the risk of harm from any of the following
hazards that are relevant:
 sunburn;
 heat exhaustion/heat stroke;
 hypothermia;
 dangers associated with surface traffic (e.g. collision, propellers);
 harmful aquatic life;
 getting separated from the snorkelling guide or base station;
 boarding the wrong boat after the excursion;
 exhaustion;
 breath holding hazards (e.g. shallow water blackout, hyperventilation);
 currents;
 wave action.
7 Requirements for in-water activities
7.1 During the actual conduct of the excursion, the safe supervision of participants is the responsibility of
the snorkelling guide.
7.2 The service provider shall limit the number of participants per snorkelling guide where environmental

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