ISO 10137:1992
(Main)Bases for design of structures — Serviceability of buildings against vibration
Bases for design of structures — Serviceability of buildings against vibration
Gives recommendations and covers three recipients of vibrations: a) human occupancy in buildings and on pedestrian bridges, b) the contents of the building, c) the structure of the building. Applies to buildings, pedestrian bridges and walkways found within buildings or connecting them.
Bases du calcul des constructions — Aptitude au service des bâtiments sous vibrations
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
1992-04-l 5
Bases for design of structures - Serviceability
of buildings against vibration
Bases du calcul des constructions - Aptitude au service des b6timents
sous vibrations
Reference number
IS0 10137:1992(E)
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
Normative references
........................................ 2
Description of the vibration problem
Dynamic actions .
Analysis of serviceability
Vibration criteria
........................................................................ 11
Vibration control
Vibration isolation
Dynamic actions
............................................... 17
Examples of vibration analysis
Examples of vibration criteria
.......................... 28
Examples of methods of vibration isolation
0 IS0 1992
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International Organization for Standardization
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Printed in Switzerland
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of etectrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter-
national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member
bodies casting a vote.
Internationa! Standard IS0 10137 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 98, Bases for design of structures, Sub-Committee SC 2, Re-
liability of structures.
Annexes A, B, C, D and E of this International Standard are for infor-
mation only.
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
Economic use of high-strength and lightweight materials has resulted in
a trend towards more dynamically responsive structures. This trend is
exacerbated by the emergence of new sources of vibration acting on
buildings, and is compounded by an increasing demand for “vibration-
free” environments for proper functioning of industrial and laboratory
processes and instruments, and for work efficiency and personal com-
fort. In the past, vibrations in buildings have largely been controlled by
specified loads or limitation of static deflections, or they have simply not
occurred because of the massive nature of buildings. A number of un-
satisfactory vibration levels in buildings have been observed, however,
and this seems to indicate that the indirect criteria are no longer ad-
equate. Hence, this International Standard was developed with the ob-
jective of presenting the principles for predicting vibrations at the design
stage, in addition to assessing the acceptability of vibrations in existing
The recommendations presented here are for serviceability and not for
safety. It is, however, possible that some vibrations (usually associated
with resonance) can become a safety hazard. Therefore, for severe dy-
namic loading, a check on the possible occurrence of resonance and
associated limit stresses, deflections and fatigue effects should be car-
ried out. The vibration effects discussed here represent a serviceability
limit state in accordance with IS0 2394.
The serviceability limit state for vibrations is described by constraints,
generally consisting of vibration amplitudes (displacement, velocity or
acceleration), usually in combination with frequency or a frequency
range and possibly with other parameters. The constraints can also be
connected to stress, strain, cracking occurrence and duration. The con-
straints can be determined statistically, but are generally prescribed in
codes deterministically.
The design or evaluation criteria employed for achieving satisfactory
vibration behaviour of buildings in the serviceability limit state should
consider, among others, the following aspects:
variability of tolerance of human occupants due to cultural, regional
or economic factors;
b) sensitivity of building contents to vibrations and changing use and
c) emergence of new dynamic loadings which are not explicitly ad-
dressed by this International Standard;
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
d) use of materials whose dynamic characteristics may change with
e) impracticality of analysis due to complexity of the structure or com-
plexity of the loading;
f) social or economic consequences of unsatisfactory performance.
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- Serviceability of buildings
Bases for design of structures
against vibration
IS0 2394:1986, General principles on reliability for
I Scope
This International Standard gives recommendations
IS0 263%1:1985, Evaluation of human exposure to
on the serviceability of buildings against vibrations.
whole-body vibration - Part 1: General require-
It covers three recipients of vibrations:
IS0 2631-2:1989, Evaluation of human exposure to
a) human occupancy in buildings and on pedestrian
whole-body vibration - Part 2: Continuous and
shock-induced vibrations in buildings (1 to 80 Hz).
b) the contents of the building;
IS0 3898:1987, Bases for design of structures - No-
ta tions - General symbols.
c) the structure of the building.
This International Standard applies to buildings,
IS0 3945:1985, Mechanical vibration of large rotating
pedestrian bridges and walkways found within
machines with speed range from IO to 200 r/s -
buildings or connecting them. It does not include
Measurement and evaluation of vibration severity in
bridges that carry vehicular traffic, even in conjunc-
tion with pedestrian traffic, nor the design of foun-
dations or supporting structures of machinery.
IS0 4866:1990, Mechanical vibration and shock -
Vibration of buildings - Guidelines for the measure-
NOTE 1 For the purposes of this international Standard,
ment of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on
it is assumed that the building structure responds linearly
to the applied loads. This means that the structure does
not yield or fail, nor is it subject to significant non-linear
IS0 6897:1984, Guidelines for the evaluation of the
response of occupants of fixed structures, especially
buildings and off-shore structures, to low-frequency
horizontal motion (0,063 to 1 Hz).
2 Normative references
IS0 8569:1989, Mechanical vibration - Shock-and-
The following standards contain provisions which,
vibration-sensitive electronic equipment - Methods
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of measurement and reporting data of shock and vi-
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
bration effects in buildings.
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-
dards are subject to revision, and parties to
IS0 8930:1987, General principles on reliability for
agreements based on this International Standard
structures - List of equivalent terms.
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
plying the most recent editions of the standards in-
dicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
3 Definitions
IS0 2041:1990, Vibration and shock - Vocabulary.
IS0 2372: 1974, Mechanical vibration of machines For the purposes of this International Standard, the
with operating speeds from 10 to 200 rev/s - Basis definitions given in IS0 2041 and IS0 8930 and the
for specifying evaluation standards. following definitions apply. See also IS0 3898.
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
rson , stru cture or equipment sub-
3.1 amplification: Increase of vibration amplitudes. 3.16 receiver: Pe
jecte d to vi bration S.
3.2 attenuati Loss of energy along a trans-
3.17 response spectrum: Maximum responses of a
miss ion path.
series of a single-degree-of-freedom systems sub-
jected to a given dynamic base motion, plotted as a
3.3 broad-band spectrum: Spectrum with the vi-
function of natural frequencies for specific values of
bration distributed over broad frequency bands (e.g.
octave-band spectrum, one-third-octave band spec-
3.18 shock: Dynamic action with a duration that is
short compared to the natural period of the receiver.
3,4 damping: Dissipation of energy in a vibrating
spectrum : Re spon se sp ectru m for a
3.19 shock
shock motion
3.5 dynamic actions: Actions varying so quickly
that they give rise to vibrations.
3.20 single pulse: Dynamic force of short duration
compared with a natural period and not having re-
3.6 dynamic forces: Forces varying so quickly that
peated values in any direction.
they give rise to vibrations.
3.21 source: Origin of the vibration.
3.7 Fourier transformation: Mathematical pro-
cedure that transforms a time record into a complex
3.22 spectrum: Plot of a time-varying function
frequency spectrum (Fourier spectrum) without loss
transformed into the frequency domain.
of information.
3.23 sustained vibration: Vibration having a dur-
3.8 frequency components: The centre frequencies
ation of many periods.
of narrow bands, in which the energy of a spectrum
is concentrated.
3.24 sustainable vibration: Vibration that is accept-
able in accordance with applicable criteria or long-
3.9 frequency response function: The frequency term experience.
spectrum function of the output signal divided by the
frequency spectrum function of the input signal. The
3.25 third-octave-band spectrum: Spectrum deter-
frequency response is usually given graphically by
mined by means of a filter cutting off frequencies
curves showing the amplitude relationship and,
outside a band, where the maximum frequency in
where applicable, phase shift or phase angle, as a
each band is equal to the minimum frequency
function of frequency. Alternatively, it is the Fourier
multiplied by 2113.
transformation of the response of the structure to an
3.26 transfer function: For a system, a mathemat-
ical relation in the frequency domain between the
output and the input to the system.
3.27 transmission path: Path from the source to the
3.11 impulsive source: Source which gives a dy-
na,mic action of a short duration compared with the
3.28 unbalanced force: Force originating from un-
natural period of the structure under consideration.
balance of a rotating mass at the source.
3.12 mode of vibration: Deflected shape at a par-
4 Description of the vibration problem
ticular natural frequency of a system undergoing
free vibration.
4.1 General
3,13 narrow-band spectrum: Spectrum with the vi-
bration concentrated in narrow frequency bands.
Vibrations arise from the interaction between time-
varying disturbances and the inertia properties of
3A4 natural frequency: Frequency at which a mode
the affected medium. The disturbance can be in the
of vibration will oscillate under free vibrations.
form of forces or displacement functions; the af-
fected media can be solids, liquids or gases. The
vibration process can be described mathematically
3.15 octave-band spectrum: Spectrum determined
by employing Newton’s laws of motion and incor-
by means of a filter cutting off frequencies outside
porating the appropriate deformational properties
a band, where the maximum frequency in each band
of the affected medium.
is equal to the minimum frequency multiplied by 2.
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
The evaluation of vibrations in buildings has to take
account of the characteristics of the vibration
- ground, air, or water;
source, the transmission path and the receiver. The
- structural components (foundations, floors, col-
vibration source produces the dynamic forces or
umns, walls, etc.);
actions. The medium or the structure between
- non-structural components (pipes, partitions,
source and receiver constitutes the transmission
path, and the resulting vibrations at the receiver are
then subject to the applicable criteria of the speci-
4.4 The receiver
fied serviceability limit state. The dynamic actions
are, in general, a function of time and space and are
The receiver of the vibrations is the object or person
described in clause 5. Clause 6 deals with methods
of response analysis and clause 7 with applicable for which the vibration effects are to be assessed.
vibration criteria. The values of actions, effects and This can encompass the building structure (or com-
criteria presented in this International Standard are ponents such as beams, slabs, walls, windows, etc.),
some of the other representative values given in the contents of the building (instruments, machines,
etc.), or the human occupants of the building.
IS0 2394:1986, 6.2.1. Whenever data are available,
the method of partial coefficients, in accordance with
IS0 2394, should be employed for verification of the
5 Dynamic actions
5.1 General
4.2 Vibration source
The dynamic actions are the forces, displacements,
velocities, accelerations or energy associated with
The vibration source can be inside or outside the
the vibration source. In many cases the dynamic
actions cannot be predicted in a deterministic
sense, in which case it may be appropriate to con-
sider the actions as random.
a) Inside sources of vibration:
5.2 Machinery
- human excitation;
52.1 Rotating machinery
rotating and reciprocating machinery;
impact machinery (punches, presses, etc.);
Values for the unbalanced forces of rotating ma-
- moving machinery (trolleys, lift trucks,
chinery should be supplied by the manufacturers. In
elevators, conveyors, overhead cranes, etc.);
such data, the maximum acceptable
- the absence of
construction or demolition activity in adjoin-
unbalanced forces for the respective category of
ing parts of the building;
machines can be taken from IS0 2372 for electrical
machines, or IS0 3945 for large rotating machines,
b) Outside sources of vibration can be found on the
or from other applicable standards. The forces
ground surface, underground, in the air, or in
produced by unbalance change with the flexibility of
water, such as:
support conditions and whether the operating fre-
- quency is above or below the mounted resonance
construction, mining or quarry blasting;
- frequency of the machine. There is also a trend for
construction activity (pile driving, compaction,
unbalanced forces to increase as machines age, and
excavation, etc.);
- allowance for this effect should be made. Machines
road and rail traffic;
- and their components can induce large forces dur-
sonic boom or air blast;
ing breakdowns or rapid stoppages. These actions
- fluid flow (wind or water);
should be considered in assessing the serviceability
- punching presses or other machinery in
limit state. Unbalanced forces from attachments to
nearby buildings;
machines (transmissions, rotors, etc.) also need to
impact of ships on nearby wharves.
be considered.
Start-up and run-down conditions need to be con-
sidered when the operating frequency is above any
4.3 Transmission path
of the resonance frequencies of the mounted ma-
chine or any of the support elements or structures.
The transmission path has the effect of modifying
the vibrations from the source to the receiver due to
discontinuities, attenuation due to geometric 52.2 Reciprocating machinery
spreading and material damping, and possible am-
The actions of reciprocat .ing ma #chine
plification or attenuation in certain frequency ry depend on
the type and construction
ranges. of the math ine, the oper-
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
ating conditions such as rotational speed and load, - ballast and subgrade conditions.
mounting details, and the age and state of mainten-
The effects of these factors are interrelated and
ante of the machine. The quantitative descriptions
cannot be described by simple formulae.
of actions should be available from the manufac-
turer, but can be measured or calculated in the form
of time histories of forces or displacement functions
(accelerations, velocities or displacements) or the 5.4 Impulsive sources
spectra of these quantities.
5.4.1 General
52.3 Impacting machinery
The characteristics of the vibration source are de-
This includes machines such as forge hammers,
scribed in terms of time variation of force, pressure
stamping presses and pile drivers. The forces gen-
or displacement function (including velocity and ac-
erated are usually very large. The action can be
celeration). Approximate descriptions include
described in terms of a displacement (or velocity or
acceleration)-time history or energy per impact.
- peak values and duration for impulsive sources;
These values should be provided by the manufac- -
root-mean-square (r.m.s.), or peak and frequency
turer but can be derived by measurements or cal-
content for sustained vibrations;
culations. -
statistical descriptions such as r.m.s., third-
octave, octave and narrow-band spectra;
response (or shock) spectra.
52.4 Other machinery
When r.m.s. quantities are used, attention should be
Certain machinery (e.g. grinding mills) combine
paid to the method of averaging. It is assumed that
random-type excitations with other types of exci-
there are only a few occurrences per day and that
tation such as rotational or, possibly, impact.
the total duration of the activity is of a temporary
nature (e.g. construction).
5.3 Vehicular traffic (road and rail)
NOTE 2 Further details will be given in IS0 4865 [ll.
53.1 General
5.4.2 Impulsive sources in the ground
Motor vehicles with pneumatic tyres and trains on
rails are two major sources of vibrations. The action
The main characteristic of the source is the energy
can be described by force-time functions, displace-
released (blasting, pile driving). For blasting, the
ment functions, or by a source spectrum. Stationary
ground motion parameters for an explosive charge
point source, line source, area source, or moving
at a given distance can be obtained by empirical
sources should be considered as applicable. Be-
methods based on measurements resulting in
cause of the complexity of the problem, empirical
ground motion bounds and estimated response
methods based upon measurements are often re-
5.4.3 Controlled intermittent and impulsive sources
53.2 Motor vehicles
within a structure
Vibrations induced by motor vehicles depend on
Vibrations can be induced by controlled demolition
suspension characteristics, mass, speed, traffic
operations and also by particular production pro-
density, type and roughness of the road (including
cesses which are not regular in time and intensity.
discrete irregularities), and subgrade properties.
These actions include
The effects of these factors are interrelated and
use of heavy equipment (vehicles, vibratory rol-
cannot be described by simple formulae.
lers or breakers, wrecking tools, etc.);
controlled blasting within the structure;
5.3.3 Railway trains
- falling of heavy objects.
Major factors that affect vibrations induced by rail-
Cranes and lifts (elevators) can also induce
way trains are
impulsive forces during starting and stopping oper-
type of train (high speed, ordinary, subway, etc.);
NOTE 3 Accidental explosions or other types of acci-
dent which produce vibrations are not considered in this
type of track, or type of rail (continuous rails,
International Standard. They will be covered in IS0
10252 [*J.
jointed rails, surface irregularities, etc.);
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
5.4.4 Airborne or waterborne impulsive sources
6 Analysis of serviceability
For explosive charges, the action is described in
6.1 General
terms of the energy release or the overpressure-
time variation. Sonic boom resulting from super-
Although vibration analysis procedures are avail-
sonic aircraft can be described in the form of
able that follow established principles of structural
pressure-time variations.
certain simplifications and approxi-
mations are necessary in order to make the meth-
5.5 Human activity
ods suitable for purposes of design. Sometimes two
or more rational methods of analysis can be used
or developed to achieve essentially the same re-
5.5.1 Repetitive coordinated activities over a fixed
sults, namely a quantitative evaluation of the vi-
bration levels for the structure. The analysis may
concern existing structures or may be a part of the
For many repetitive coordinated human activities,
design of new structures.
the dynamic action is distributed more or less uni-
formly over a major portion of the structure. The
Vibrations in existing building structures should be
active participants do not change their position, or
evaluated by measurements whenever possible in
the entire group of people moves so as to maintain
order to complete and to check eventual calcu-
a more or less uniform loading. This includes gym-
nastic exercises, dancing, coordinated jumping,
running of a group of people, spectator action in
Approximate metho ds for predicting vibrations may
halls or stadiums, or similar activities. The actions
be employed where
can be described by force-time histories or their
spectral components.
a) the approximating assumptions correspond
closely to known reality;
NOTE 4 Some descriptions of dynamic actions are
given in annex A.
b) the overall effect has been verified by field ex-
perience and/or more refined calculations.
5.5.2 Persons walking or running
The values of actions, effects and criteria presented
The actions of one or more person(s) walking or
in this International Standard are representative
running can be presented as force-time histories or
values (see IS0 2394).
as their corresponding frequency components. This
action varies with time and position as the person
6.2 Methods of analysis
or persons traverse the supporting structure.
6.2.1 General
5.5.3 Single pulses
Vibration problems can be classified in many ways,
Single pulses result from
for example by amplitude, duration and frequency
- content. The analysis required is, in turn, dictated
persons jumping off objects;
- by the type of vibration source and the transmission
persons jumping off steps on staircases or in
path. If the dynamic actions are random, it may be
- appropriate to use random vibration theory.
accidental or deliberate dropping of objects onto
floors; or
Two broad classes of vibration problems can be
a single coordinated action such as spectators
jumping to their feet (for example at a sports
Class A: the actions of the vibration source
change in time and space.
The action can be described in terms of force-time
variations (or their Fourier transformation) or the
Class B: the actions of the vibration source
impulse of the event.
change in time but either are, or can be con-
sidered to be, stationary in space.
6 Other actions
Empirical methods are employed when the analyti-
The actions induced in buildings by wind are the cal solution of a problem is too complicated. Empir-
subject of IS0 4354 [31. The actions by earthquakes ical methods can be used when they have been
are presented in IS0 3010 141. For serviceability derived from a large number of experimental or
problems, the return period for wind and earth- theoretical results and where bounds of applicability
quakes is generally shorter than that used in the have been established. When empirical methods
design of the building for the ultimate limit state. and criteria are used for problems other than those
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IS0 10137:1992(E)
for which t hey were derived, the applicability to the 6.3.2 Damping for the serviceability limit state
new situa ti on needs to be verified.
Damping is an important property that governs the
response at or near resonances. Damping depends
on the materials employed, construction details, and
Class ,: a vehicle along a street; a per-
A moving
the presence of non-structural components such as
king across a floor.
son w al
floor coverings, ceilings, mechanical equipment and
partitions. Also, people will add to the overall level
Class B: vibrations from a mounted pie ce of ma-
of damping. In general, damping cannot be calcu-
chinery; people jumping in unison 0 na floor.
lated or predicted reliably, and experience with
similar types of construction provides a likely source
Empirical methods: prediction of blasting vi-
of appropriate damping data. Whenever possible,
brations; prediction of floor vibrations using the
the damping data should be established by meas-
heel impact criterion; prediction of traffic vi-
urements. It should be noted that damping in
buildings and building components is often ampli-
tude dependent, and this should be taken into ac-
count when measured data is employed for
6.2.2 Actions that vary with time and space
calculating dynamic response at various amplitudes.
A number of damping mechanisms can be identified
When the action varies both in time and space,
(e.g. viscous, frictional, hysteretic and a combination
these problems become very difficult to solve, re-
thereof), and are modelled mathematically in differ-
quiring step-by-step numerical techniques such as
ent ways. Care should be taken in designating the
dynamic finite element methods or solutions to
damping mechanism and the limits associated with
complicated differential equations. For this reason,
suitable simplifications are often sought in order to
efiminate or uncouple the space variable. The com-
NOTE 6 Specific examples of damping values can be
plexity of these problems is one reason why many
found in annex B. Values of damping for various service-
of them have been treated by empirical methods, or ability limit states need to be chosen to reflect, among
other things, the level of response (e.g. earthquake versus
by extensive use of measurements on similar exist-
traffic vibrations; cracked versus untracked state for
ing structures.
6.2.3 Actions that vary with time
6.3.3 Vibrations propagating in continuous media
When the vibration source does not move in space,
Continuous media (or continua) are those physical
many analysis methods can be employed to solve
systems for which the wavelength of the action is
vibration problems. Common solution techniques
substantially shorter than the physical dimensions
involve the derivation of an equivalent single-
of the medium. For such cases, the calculation of
degree-of-freedom system or modal analysis for
transmission of vibrations needs to employ prin-
both continuous and discrete systems.
ciples of wave propagation theory.
Calculations of vibrations propagating in continua
6.3 Evaluation of serviceability by calculation
need to consider the following:
a) coupling effects at source
6.3.1 General
b) material properties of transmitting medium
For the determination of the vibration levels at the
receiver, in general a two-step procedure is
- mass (density)
- degree of saturation
a) mathematical modelling of the dynamic charac-
- damping
teristics of the structure or component;
c) geometric spreading of transmitting medium
b) calculation of the response at the receiver, taking
account of the vibration source characteristics.
- layering
discontinuities and shielding
The mathematical model can either be based on
geometric attenuation with distance from
continuous mass distribution or discrete mass dis-
tribution (multi-degree-of-freedom system).
d) effects of soil; structure or fluid/structure inter-
Some examples of mathematical modelling and
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