Plastics — Determination of burning behaviour of thin flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small flame ignition source

This document specifies a small-scale laboratory screening procedure for comparing the relative burning behaviour of vertically oriented thin and relatively flexible plastics specimens exposed to a low-energy-level flame ignition source. NOTE These specimens cannot be tested using method B of IEC 60695-11-10:2013 since they distort or shrink away from the applied flame source without igniting. This test method determines the afterflame and afterglow times of specimens. The classification system described in Annex A is intended for quality control and the preselection of component materials for products. The classification established by this method of test is applicable only to the material used for the specimens. NOTE Test results are influenced by material components, e.g. pigments, fillers, concentrations of fire retardants.

Plastiques — Détermination du comportement au feu d'éprouvettes minces verticales souples au contact d'une petite flamme comme source d'allumage

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ISO 9773:2024 - Plastics — Determination of burning behaviour of thin flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small flame ignition source Released:13. 09. 2024
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ISO 9773
Third edition
Plastics — Determination of
burning behaviour of thin flexible
vertical specimens in contact with a
small flame ignition source
Plastiques — Détermination du comportement au feu
d'éprouvettes minces verticales souples au contact d'une petite
flamme comme source d'allumage
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
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CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Principle . 2
5 Significance of test . 2
6 Apparatus and materials . 3
7 Test specimens . 4
8 Conditioning . 6
9 Test procedures . 6
10 Expression of results . 8
11 Precision . 9
12 Test report . 9
Annex A (informative) Classification system for determining the combustibility of vertical
flexible test specimens using a 20 mm flame source .11
Bibliography .12

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee SC 4, Burning
behaviour, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee
CEN/TC 249, Plastics, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN
(Vienna Agreement).
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 9773:1998), which has been technically
revised. It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 9773:1998/Amd. 1:2003.
The main changes are as follows:
— the required light level in the chamber has been added;
— informations on conditioning, laboratory and timing have been amended;
— conditioning of cotton prior to testing has been added;
— information on specimen thickness has been amended;
— information on retesting has been amended;
— mandatory information is provided throughout the document;
— normative references clause has been updated.
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International Standard ISO 9773:2024(en)
Plastics — Determination of burning behaviour of thin
flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small flame
ignition source
1 Scope
1.1 This document specifies a small-scale laboratory screening procedure for comparing the relative
burning behaviour of vertically oriented thin and relatively flexible plastics specimens exposed to a low-
energy-level flame ignition source.
NOTE These specimens cannot be tested using method B of IEC 60695-11-10:2013 since they distort or shrink
away from the applied flame source without igniting.
1.2 This test method determines the afterflame and afterglow times of specimens.
1.3 The classification system described in Annex A is intended for quality control and the preselection of
component materials for products. The classification established by this method of test is applicable only to
the material used for the specimens.
NOTE Test results are influenced by material components, e.g. pigments, fillers, concentrations of fire retardants.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 845:2006, Cellular plastics and rubbers — Determination of apparent density
ISO 10093:2020, Plastics — Fire tests — Standard ignition sources
ISO 13943:2023, Fire safety — Vocabulary
IEC 60695-11-4:2011, Fire hazard testing — Part 11-4: Test flames — 50 W flame — Apparatus and
confirmational test method
IEC 60695-11-5:2016, Fire hazard testing — Part 11-5: Test flames — Needle-flame test method — Apparatus,
confirmatory test arrangement and guidance
IEC 69695-11-10:2013, Fire hazard testing — Part 11-10: Test flames — 50 W horizontal and vertical flame
test methods
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 13943 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/

flame that persists after the ignition source has been removed
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2023, 3.12]
afterflame time
length of time for which an afterflame (3.1)persists under specified conditions
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2023, 3.13]
persistence of glowing combustion after both removal of the ignition source and the cessation of any flaming
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2023, 3.14]
afterglow time
length of time for which an afterglow (3.3) persists under specified conditions
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2023, 3.15]
4 Principle
A test specimen having a nearly cylindrical form is supported vertically by one end and the free end is
exposed to two successive applications of a specified gas flame. The burning behaviour of the test specimen
is assessed by measuring the afterflame and/or afterglow time,
5 Significance of test
5.1 Tests made on a material under the conditions specified in this document can be of considerable value
when comparing the relative burning behaviour of different materials, controlling manufacturing processes
or assessing any change in burning characteristics prior to, or during, use. The results obtained from this
method are dependent upon the shape, orientation and insulation of the test specimen and the conditions of
ignition. Correlation with performance under actual service conditions is not implied.
5.2 Results obtained in accordance with this document shall not be used to describe or appraise the fire
hazard presented by a particular material or shape under actual fire conditions. Assessment for fire hazard
requires consideration of factors, such as fuel contribution, intensity of burning (rate of heat release),
products of combustion and environmental factors such as the intensity of source, orientation of exposed
material and ventilation conditions.
5.3 Burning behaviour as measured by this test method is affected by factors, such as density, colour and
anisotropy of the material and thickness of the test specimen.
5.4 The effects on the burning behaviour of additives, deterioration, and possible loss of volatile
components are measurable using this method. It is acceptable to use results obtained using this method for
comparing the relative performance of materials and, potentially, in material assessment.
5.5 The burning behaviour of some plastic materials has the potential to change with time. It is accordingly
advisable to make tests before and after oven conditioning by an appropriate procedure that is described in
the test report. The preferred oven conditioning conditions shall be 7 days at 70 °C. However, it is acceptable
to use other oven conditioning times and temperatures if agreed to by all parties.

6 Apparatus and materials
6.1 Test chamber. An enclosure or a laboratory fume hood (cupboard) having an internal volume of
at least 0,5 m , shall be used when testing the test specimens. The test chamber shall permit observation
and shall be draught free while permitting normal thermal circulation of air past the test specimen during
burning. This enclosure shall be fitted with an evacuation device, such as an exhaust fan, to remove products
of combustion which are toxic. However, it is important to turn off the device during the actual test and to
start it again immediately after the test to remove the products of combustion.
WARNING — Toxic products are produced during combustion.
6.1.1 The inside surfaces of the chamber shall be of a dark colour. When a light meter, facing towards the
rear of the chamber, is positioned in place of the test specimen, the recorded light level shall be less than 20 lux.
6.2 Laboratory burner. The burner shall be a laboratory burner, as described in ISO 10093:2020, 11.3,
(as well as in IEC 60695-11-4:2011 and IEC 60695-11-10:2013 for a 50 W flame) as a 50 W diffusion burner
ignition source, having a barrel length of 100 mm ± 10 mm and an inside diameter of 9,5 mm ± 0,3 mm. The
barrel shall not be equipped with an end attachment such as a stabilizer. The burner shall be calibrated in
accordance with IEC 60695-11-5:2016 and IEC 60695-11-10:2013.
6.3 Ring stand. An adjustable ring stand, with clamps, or the equivalent, shall be used for positioning of
the test specimen.
6.4 Timing d

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