Industrial valves - Testing of metallic valves - Part 2: Tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria - Supplementary requirements

This standard specifies requirements for supplementary tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria. The specified tests may be used as type tests, production tests or acceptance tests. The application of these tests will be specified in the appropriate product or performance standards. Where requirements in a product or performance standard differ from those given in this standard, then the requirements of the product or performance apply.

Industriearmaturen - Prüfung von Armaturen aus Metall - Teil 2: Prüfungen, Prüfverfahren und Annahmekriterien - Ergänzende Anforderungen

Diese Europäische Norm legt zusätzliche Anforderungen an Prüfungen, Prüfverfahren und Annahmekriterien für Industriearmaturen fest.
Die festgelegten Prüfungen können als Typ , fertigungsbegleitende oder Annahmeprüfungen angewendet werden. Die Anwendung dieser Prüfungen ist in den entsprechenden Produkt- oder Gebrauchstauglich¬keits-normen festgelegt.
Wenn diese Europäische Norm als normative Verweisung in einer Produkt- oder Gebrauchstauglichkeitsnorm für Armaturen aufgeführt ist, muss sie im Zusammenhang mit den festgelegten Anforderungen dieser Produkt- oder Ge¬brauchs¬tauglichkeitsnorm betrachtet werden. Wenn sich die Anforderungen in einer Produkt- oder Gebrauchs¬tauglichkeits¬norm von den in dieser Norm festgelegten Anforderungen unterscheiden, dann gelten die Anforderungen der Produkt- oder Gebrauchstauglichkeitsnorm.
ANMERKUNG   Für die Prüfung von Industriearmaturen aus Kunststoffen gelten ISO 9393-1 und ISO 9393-2.

Robinetterie industrielle - Essais des appareils de robinetterie métalliques - Partie 2: Essais, modes opératoires d'essai et critères d'acceptation - Prescriptions complémentaires

La présente Norme européenne spécifie les prescriptions complémentaires pour des essais, des modes opératoires d’essai et des critères d’acceptation pour la robinetterie industrielle faite de matériaux métalliques.
Les essais prescrits peuvent être effectués en production, en tant qu’essais de type ou essais de réception. L’application de ces essais est prescrite par les normes de produit ou de performance appropriées.
Lorsque la présente Norme européenne est spécifiée en tant que référence normative dans une norme de produit ou de performance, elle doit être considérée conjointement aux prescriptions données de cette norme de produit ou de performance. Lorsque des prescriptions d’une norme de produit ou de performance diffèrent de celles données dans la présente Norme européenne, alors les prescriptions de la norme de produit ou de performance s’appliquent.
NOTE   Pour les essais d'appareils de robinetterie industriels en matériaux thermoplastiques, l'ISO 9393-1 et l'ISO 9393-2 s'appliquent.

Industrijski ventili - Preskušanje kovinskih ventilov - 2. del: Preskusi, postopki preskušanja in prevzemni pogoji - Dodatne zahteve

Ta evropski standard določa dodatne zahteve za preskuse, postopke preskušanja in prevzemne pogoje za industrijske ventile, izdelane iz kovinskih materialov. Predpisani preskusi se lahko uporabijo kot tipski preskusi, proizvodni preskusi ali prevzemni preskusi. Uporaba teh preskusov je opredeljena v ustreznih standardih za izdelek ali lastnosti. Kadar je ta evropski standard v standardu za izdelek ali lastnosti ventila naveden v okviru zvez z drugimi standardi, ga je treba upoštevati skupaj z danimi posebnimi zahtevami standarda za izdelek ali lastnosti ventila. Kadar se zahteve v standardu za izdelek ali lastnosti razlikujejo od zahtev iz tega evropskega standarda, se uporabljajo zahteve standarda za izdelek ali lastnosti.

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EN 12266-2:2012
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Industrijski ventili - Preskušanje kovinskih ventilov - 2. del: Preskusi, postopki preskušanja in prevzemni pogoji - Dodatne zahteveIndustriearmaturen - Prüfung von Armaturen aus Metall - Teil 2: Prüfungen, Prüfverfahren und Annahmekriterien - Ergänzende AnforderungenRobinetterie industrielle - Essais des appareils de robinetterie métalliques - Partie 2: Essais, modes opératoires d'essai et critères d'acceptation - Prescriptions complémentairesIndustrial valves - Testing of metallic valves - Part 2: Tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria - Supplementary requirements23.060.01Ventili na splošnoValves in generalICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 12266-2:2012SIST EN 12266-2:2012en,fr,de01-maj-2012SIST EN 12266-2:2012SLOVENSKI

EN 12266-2
February 2012 ICS 23.060.01 Supersedes EN 12266-2:2002English Version
Industrial valves - Testing of metallic valves - Part 2: Tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria - Supplementary requirements
Robinetterie industrielle - Essais des appareils de robinetterie métalliques - Partie 2: Essais, modes opératoires d'essai et critères d'acceptation - Prescriptions complémentaires
Industriearmaturen - Prüfung von Armaturen aus Metall - Teil 2: Prüfungen, Prüfverfahren und Annahmekriterien - Ergänzende Anforderungen This European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 December 2011.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 12266-2:2012: ESIST EN 12266-2:2012

Pressure tests – Test procedures and acceptance criteria . 7A.1 General requirements . 7A.2 Obturator strength, Test reference P20 . 9A.3 Back seat tightness, Test reference P21 . 12Annex B (normative)
Functional tests — Test procedures and acceptance criteria . 15B.1 Operability, Test reference F20 . 15B.2 Anti-static design, Test reference F21 and reference F22 . 15B.3 Acceptance criteria . 16Bibliography . 17 SIST EN 12266-2:2012

a) Introduction was changed; b) Normative references were updated; c) Clause 4 Test requirements was updated; d) Sub-clauses A.1.4 and A.1.5 were changed; e) Sub-clause A.1.6 Test pressure was deleted; f) Clause A.2 Obturator strength, Test reference P20 was changed; g) Clause A.3 Back seat tightness, Test reference P21 was changed editorially; h) Clause B.1 was changed; i) Sub-clause B.2.3 was editorially changed into Clause B.3. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. SIST EN 12266-2:2012

Industrial valves — Test of flow resistance using water as test fluid EN ISO 10497, Testing of valves — Fire type-testing requirements (ISO 10497) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 736-1, EN 736-2 and EN 736-3 apply. 4 Test requirements The product or performance standard specifies which tests or inspections shall be applied to the valve listed in Table 1. Test procedures and acceptance criteria shall be as given in Annex A for pressure tests, in Annex B for functional tests or in other specified standards, see Table 1. SIST EN 12266-2:2012

To confirm the specified flow coefficient or flow resistance coefficient EN 1267 a F24 test does not apply to control valves.
5 Designation Tests in accordance with this European Standard shall be designated by the following elements:  title of test and test reference;  EN 12266-2. EXAMPLE Operability Test F20 — EN 12266-2 SIST EN 12266-2:2012

Pressure tests – Test procedures and acceptance criteria A.1 General requirements A.1.1 Purpose These general requirements shall be applied to all the test procedures defined in Annex A. Safety aspects of valve testing are not covered in this European Standard. NOTE Users of this European Standard should analyse the hazard resulting from the pressure and take proper safety precautions. A.1.2 Test equipment The test equipment shall be of such a design that it does not subject the valve to externally applied loads which may affect the results of the test. NOTE The test equipment can apply external loads sufficient to react to the forces resulting from the test pressure. When using test equipment and procedures different to that detailed in this European Standard, the manufacturer shall be able to demonstrate the equivalence of such test procedures and acceptance criteria with the requirements of this European Standard. A.1.3 Measuring equipment The measuring equipment shall be capable of measuring fluid pressure with an accuracy of ± 5 % of the required test pressure. A.1.4 Painted, coated or lined valves Valves with liners, internal linings or internal coatings forming a design feature of the valve may be tested with the liner, after lining or coating. Attention shall be given that the internal linings or internal coatings are not damaged by the test procedure. NOTE If tests in the presence of a representative of the purchaser are specified, painted or coated valves from stock may be retested without removal of painting or coating. A.1.5 Test fluid The test fluid to be used shall be:  either a liquid (water which may contain a corrosion inhibitor, or any other suitable liquid having a viscosity not greater than water);  or a gas (air or other suitable gas). Relevant detailed test procedures are specified in A.2.2.1 and A.3.2.1. The test fluid temperature shall be between 5 °C and 40 °C. SIST EN 12266-2:2012

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