Plastics - Unsaturated-polyester resins (UP-R) - Part 1: Designation system (ISO 3672-1:2000)

Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): Changing of track further to TA (MG) requests - BP (970404) ++ new Tc forecast in Bp Bli 991026

Kunststoffe - Ungesättigte Polyesterharze (UP-R) - Teil 1: Bezeichnungssystem (ISO 3672-1:2000)

Der vorliegende Teil von ISO 3672 legt ein Daten-Blocksystem für die Bezeichnung von ungesättigten Polyesterharzen (UP-R) fest.
1.2   Die verschiedenen UP-R-Typen werden voneinander mit einem Klassifizierungssystem abgegrenzt, das auf Angaben über Parameter des Basispolymers, möglicherweise vorhandene Füll-/Verstärkungsstoffe (Art und Gehalt), das vorgesehene Verarbeitungsverfahren, mögliche festgelegte Eigenschaften und jenen der festgelegten Eigenschaften beruht, die besonders für Bezeichnungen (kennzeichnende Eigenschaften) verwendet werden.
1.3   Dieser Teil von ISO 3672 gilt für alle Typen von ungesättigten Polyesterharzen in flüssiger oder fester Form zum normalen Gebrauch.
1.4   Das bedeutet nicht, dass Materialien mit der gleichen Bezeichnung notwendigerweise das gleiche Leistungsvermögen haben. Dieser Teil von ISO 3672 liefert keine technischen Daten, Leistungskennwerte oder Daten zu Verarbeitungsbedingungen, die erforderlich sein können, um ein Material für eine bestimmte Anwendung und/oder bestimmtes Verarbeitungsverfahren festzulegen. Falls derartige zusätzliche Eigen-schaften erforderlich sind, müssen sie nach den Prüfverfahren bestimmt werden, die, falls zutreffend, in Teil 2 dieser Internationalen Norm festgelegt sind.
1.5   Damit sichergestellt ist, dass Code-Buchstaben und Code-Nummern eindeutig bleiben und Wider-sprüche innerhalb des Systems vermieden werden, müssen sämtliche neuen Code-Buchstaben und Code-Nummern für Anwendungen in den Daten-Blöcken 1, 2 oder 3 vor Gebrauch von den Sekretariaten von ISO/TC 61/SC 1, SC 12 und SC 13 anerkannt werden.

Plastiques - Résines de polyesters non saturés (UP-R) - Partie 1: Systeme de désignation (ISO 3672-1:2000)

La présente partie de l'ISO 3672 établit une système de blocs de données pour la désignation des résines de polyesters non saturés (UP-R).  Les types d'UP-R sont différenciés les uns des autres par un système de classification basé sur des informations relatives à la résine de base, à d'éventuels charges/matériaux de renforcement (type et teneur), à la méthode de mise en oeuvre prévue, aux propriétés spécifiées en général et à celles utilisées spécifiquement pour les besoins de la désignation (propriétés de désignation).  La présente partie de l'ISO 3672 est applicable à tous les types de résines de polyesters non saturés dans leur usage courant qu'elles soient à l'état liquide ou à l'état solide.  Le fait que deux résines aient la même désignation n'implique pas qu'elles présentent nécessairement les mêmes performances. La présente partie de l'ISO 3672 ne comporte pas de données sur la conception, les performances ou les conditions de mise en ceuvre qui peuvent être exigées pour spécifier un matériau pour une application et/ou une méthode de mise en ceuvre particulière. Si de telles caractéristiques supplémentaires sont nécessaires, elles doivent être déterminées conformément aux méthodes d'essai spécifiées dans l'ISO 3672-2, le cas échéant.  Pour garantir que la signification des lettres-codes, nombres-codes et chiffres-codes demeure non ambiguë et pour éviter toute contradiction au sein du système, les nouveaux lettres-codes, nombres-codes et chiffres-codes à utiliser dans les blocs de données 1, 2 et 3 doivent être approuvés par les secrétariats de l'ISO/TC 61/SC 1, SC 12 et SC 13 avant utilisation.

Polimerni materiali - Nenasičene poliestrske smole (UP-R) - 1. del: Sistem označevanja (ISO 3672-1:2000)

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EN ISO 3672-1:2002
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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
Plastics - Unsaturated-polyester resins (UP-R) - Part 1: Designation system (ISO 3672-
Kunststoffe - Ungesättigte Polyesterharze (UP-R) - Teil 1: Bezeichnungssystem (ISO
Plastiques - Résines de polyesters non saturés (UP-R) - Partie 1: Systeme de
désignation (ISO 3672-1:2000)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 3672-1:2001
83.080.10 Duromeri Thermosetting materials
SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
EN ISO 3672-1
August 2001
ICS 83.080.10
English version
Plastics - Unsaturated-polyester resins (UP-R) - Part 1:
Designation system (ISO 3672-1:2000)
Plastiques - Résines de polyesters non saturés (UP-R) - Kunststoffe - Ungesättigte Polyesterharze (UP-R) - Teil 1:
Partie 1: Système de désignation (ISO 3672-1:2000) Bezeichnungssystem (ISO 3672-1:2000)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 17 June 2001.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2001 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 3672-1:2001 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
EN ISO 3672-1:2001 (E)
CORRECTED  2002-04-17
The text of the International Standard from Technical Committee ISO/TC 61 "Plastics" of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been taken over as a European
Standard by Technical Committee CEN/TC 249 "Plastics", the secretariat of which is held by
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of
an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2002, and conflicting national
standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 2002.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of
the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard ISO 3672-1:2000 has been approved by CEN as a
European Standard without any modifications.
NOTE Normative references to International Standards are listed in annex ZA (normative).

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
EN ISO 3672-1:2001 (E)
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their relevant European publications
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of
any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by
amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to
applies (including amendments).
NOTE Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated
by (mod.), the relevant EN/HD applies.
Publication Year Title EN Year
ISO 472 1999 Plastics - Vocabulary EN ISO 472 2001
ISO 1043-1 1997 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated EN ISO 1043-1 1999
terms - Part 1: Basic polymers and
their special characteristics
ISO 1043-2 1997 Plastics — Symbols and EN ISO 1043-2 2001
abbreviated terms — Part 2: Fillers
and reinforcing materials
ISO 2535 1997 Plastics - Unsaturated polyester EN ISO 2535 1998
resins - Measurement of gel time at
25 °C
ISO 3219 1993 Plastics - Polymers/resins in the EN ISO 3219 1994
liquid state or as emulsions or
dispersions - Determination of
viscosity using a rotational
viscometer with defined shear rate
ISO 3672-2 2000 Plastics — Unsaturated-polyester EN ISO 3672-2 2001
resins (UP-R) — Part 2: Preparation
of test specimens and determination
of properties

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
Second edition
Plastics — Unsaturated-polyester resins
(UP-R) —
Part 1:
Designation system
Plastiques — Résines de polyesters non saturés (UP-R) —
Partie 1: Système de désignation
Reference number
ISO 3672-1:2000(E)
ISO 2000

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
ISO 3672-1:2000(E)
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ii © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
ISO 3672-1:2000(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Designation system.2
5 Examples of designations .7
© ISO 2000 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
ISO 3672-1:2000(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this part of ISO 3672 may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 3672-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 61, Plastics, Subcommittee
SC 12, Thermosetting materials.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 3672:1979), which has been technically revised.
ISO 3672 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plastics — Unsaturated-polyester resins (UP-R):
� Part 1: Designation system
� Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

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SIST EN ISO 3672-1:2002
Plastics — Unsaturated-polyester resins (UP-R) —
Part 1:
Designation system
1 Scope
1.1 This part of ISO 3672 establishes a data block system for the designation of unsaturated-polyester resins
1.2 The various types of UP-R are differentiated from each other by a classification system based on information
about the basic polymer parameters, the possible fillers/reinforcements (type and content), the intended method of
processing, any specified properties and those of the specified properties used specifically for designation
purposes (designatory properties).
1.3 This part of ISO 3672 is applicable to all types of unsaturated-polyester resin for normal use in a liquid state
and in a solid state.
1.4 It is not intended to imply that materials having the same designation necessarily give the same
performance. This part of ISO 3672 does not provide engineering data, performance data or data on processing
conditions which may be required to specify a material for a particular application and/or method of processing. If
such additional properties are required, they shall be determined in accordance with the test methods specified in
part 2 of this International Standard, if suitable.
1.5 To ensure that code-letters and code-numbers remain unambiguous and to avoid conflicts within the system,
any new code-letters or code-numbers for use in data block 1, 2 or 3 shall be approved before use by the
secretariats of ISO/TC 61/SC 1, SC 12 and SC 13.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of ISO 3672. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications
do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 3672 are encouraged to investigat

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