SIST ISO 24138:2024
(Main)Information and documentation — International Standard Content Code (ISCC)
Information and documentation — International Standard Content Code (ISCC)
This document specifies the syntax and structure of the International Standard Content Code (ISCC), as an identification system for digital assets (including encodings of text, images, audio, video or other content across all media sectors). It also describes ISCC metadata and the use of ISCC in conjunction with other schemes, such as DOI, ISAN, ISBN, ISRC, ISSN and ISWC.
An ISCC applies to a specific digital asset and is a data-descriptor deterministically constructed from multiple hash digests using the algorithms and rules in this document. This document does not provide information on registration of ISCCs.
Information et documentation — Code international normalisé de contenu (ISCC)
Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna standardna koda digitalne vsebine (ISCC)
Ta dokument določa sintakso in strukturo mednarodne standardne kode digitalne vsebine (ISCC) kot sistema za označevanje digitalnih sredstev (vključno s kodiranjem besedila, slik, zvoka, videa ali druge vsebine na vseh področjih medijev). Opisuje tudi metapodatke mednarodne standardne kode digitalne vsebine in njeno uporabo v povezavi z drugimi shemami, kot so DOI, ISAN, ISBN, ISRC, ISSN in ISWC.
Mednarodna standardna koda digitalne vsebine se uporablja za določeno digitalno sredstvo in je podatkovni deskriptor, deterministično sestavljen iz več zgoščenih izvlečkov z uporabo algoritmov in pravil v tem dokumentu. Ta dokument ne vsebuje informacij o registraciji mednarodne standardne kode digitalne vsebine.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna standardna koda digitalne vsebine
Information and documentation — International Standard Content Code (ISCC)
Information et documentation — Code international normalisé de contenu (ISCC)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 24138:2024
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
ISO 24138
First edition
Information and documentation —
International Standard Content
Code (ISCC)
Information et documentation — Code international normalisé
de contenu (ISCC)
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Structure and format of the ISCC . 4
4.1 General structure .4
4.2 ISCC-HEADER . .5
4.2.1 General .5
4.2.2 MainTypes .6
4.2.3 SubTypes .7
4.2.4 Version .7
4.2.5 Length .7
4.4 Encoding .8
4.4.1 Canonical form .8
4.4.2 URI encoding .9
4.4.3 Multiformats encoding.9
4.4.4 Readable encoding .9
5 ISCC-UNITs .10
5.1 Meta-Code .10
5.1.1 General .10
5.1.2 Purpose .10
5.1.3 Format.10
5.1.4 Inputs .10
5.1.5 Outputs . 12
5.1.6 Seed metadata processing . 12
5.1.7 Metadata embedding . 13
5.1.8 Metadata extraction . 13
5.2 Content-Codes .14
5.2.1 General .14
5.2.2 Purpose .14
5.3 Content-Code Subtype Text .14
5.3.1 General .14
5.3.2 Format.14
5.3.3 Inputs . 15
5.3.4 Outputs . 15
5.3.5 Processing . 15
5.3.6 Conformance . 15
5.4 Content-Code Subtype Image .16
5.4.1 General .16
5.4.2 Format.16
5.4.3 Inputs .16
5.4.4 Outputs .16
5.4.5 Processing .16
5.4.6 Conformance .17
5.5 Content-Code Subtype Audio .17
5.5.1 General .17
5.5.2 Format.17
5.5.3 Inputs .17
5.5.4 Outputs .18
5.5.5 Processing .18
5.5.6 Conformance .18
5.6 Content-Code Subtype Video.18
5.6.1 General .18
5.6.2 Format.18
5.6.3 Inputs .19
5.6.4 Outputs .19
5.6.5 Processing .19
5.6.6 Conformance .19
5.7 Content-Code Subtype Mixed .19
5.7.1 General .
ISO 24138
First edition
Information and documentation —
International Standard Content
Code (ISCC)
Information et documentation — Code international normalisé
de contenu (ISCC)
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Structure and format of the ISCC . 4
4.1 General structure .4
4.2 ISCC-HEADER . .5
4.2.1 General .5
4.2.2 MainTypes .6
4.2.3 SubTypes .7
4.2.4 Version .7
4.2.5 Length .7
4.4 Encoding .8
4.4.1 Canonical form .8
4.4.2 URI encoding .9
4.4.3 Multiformats encoding.9
4.4.4 Readable encoding .9
5 ISCC-UNITs .10
5.1 Meta-Code .10
5.1.1 General .10
5.1.2 Purpose .10
5.1.3 Format.10
5.1.4 Inputs .10
5.1.5 Outputs . 12
5.1.6 Seed metadata processing . 12
5.1.7 Metadata embedding . 13
5.1.8 Metadata extraction . 13
5.2 Content-Codes .14
5.2.1 General .14
5.2.2 Purpose .14
5.3 Content-Code Subtype Text .14
5.3.1 General .14
5.3.2 Format.14
5.3.3 Inputs . 15
5.3.4 Outputs . 15
5.3.5 Processing . 15
5.3.6 Conformance . 15
5.4 Content-Code Subtype Image .16
5.4.1 General .16
5.4.2 Format.16
5.4.3 Inputs .16
5.4.4 Outputs .16
5.4.5 Processing .16
5.4.6 Conformance .17
5.5 Content-Code Subtype Audio .17
5.5.1 General .17
5.5.2 Format.17
5.5.3 Inputs .17
5.5.4 Outputs .18
5.5.5 Processing .18
5.5.6 Conformance .18
5.6 Content-Code Subtype Video.18
5.6.1 General .18
5.6.2 Format.18
5.6.3 Inputs .19
5.6.4 Outputs .19
5.6.5 Processing .19
5.6.6 Conformance .19
5.7 Content-Code Subtype Mixed .19
5.7.1 General .19
5.7.2 Format. 20
5.7.3 Inputs . 20
5.7.4 Outputs . 20
5.7.5 Processing .
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