Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidance on managing information security risks (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)

This document provides guidance to assist organizations to:
—    fulfil the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 concerning actions to address information security risks;
—    perform information security risk management activities, specifically information security risk assessment and treatment.
This document is applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size or sector.

Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz - Leitfaden zur Handhabung von Informationssicherheitsrisiken (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)

Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée - Préconisations pour la gestion des risques liés à la sécurité de l'information (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)

Le présent document fournit des recommandations pour aider les organismes à:
—    satisfaire aux exigences de l'ISO/IEC 27001 concernant les actions visant à traiter les risques liés à la sécurité de l'information;
—    réaliser des activités de gestion des risques liés à la sécurité de l'information, en particulier l'appréciation et le traitement de ces risques.
Le présent document est applicable à tous les organismes, quels que soient leur type, leur taille ou leur secteur.

Informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost in varovanje zasebnosti - Navodila za obvladovanje informacijskih varnostnih tveganj (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)

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Technical Committee
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4020 - Public enquire (PE) (Adopted Project)
Start Date
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oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
Informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost in varovanje zasebnosti - Navodila za
obvladovanje informacijskih varnostnih tveganj (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidance on managing
information security risks (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz - Leitfaden zur Handhabung
von Informationssicherheitsrisiken (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée - Préconisations
pour la gestion des risques liés à la sécurité de l'information (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO/IEC 27005
35.030 Informacijska varnost IT Security
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
Fourth edition
Information security, cybersecurity
and privacy protection — Guidance on
managing information security risks
Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie
privée — Préconisations pour la gestion des risques liés à la sécurité
de l'information
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27005:2022(E)
© ISO/IEC 2022

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
ISO/IEC 27005:2022(E)
© ISO/IEC 2022
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
  © ISO/IEC 2022 – All rights reserved

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
ISO/IEC 27005:2022(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 S c op e . 1
2 Nor m at i ve r ef er enc e s . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 T erms related to information security risk . 1
3.2 T erms related to information security risk management . . 5
4 Structure of this document .7
5 I nformation security risk management . 7
5.1 I nformation security risk management process . 7
5.2 I nformation security risk management cycles . 9
6 C ont e x t e s t abl i s h ment .9
6.1 Organizational considerations . 9
6.2 I dentifying basic requirements of interest

oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
Informacijska varnost, kibernetska varnost in varovanje zasebnosti - Navodila za
upravljanje informacijskih varnostnih tveganj (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidance on managing
information security risks (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz - Leitfaden zur Handhabung
von Informationssicherheitsrisiken (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée - Préconisations
pour la gestion des risques liés à la sécurité de l'information (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO/IEC 27005
35.030 Informacijska varnost IT Security
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024 en,fr,de
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
Fourth edition
Information security, cybersecurity
and privacy protection — Guidance on
managing information security risks
Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie
privée — Préconisations pour la gestion des risques liés à la sécurité
de l'information
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27005:2022(E)
© ISO/IEC 2022

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
ISO/IEC 27005:2022(E)
© ISO/IEC 2022
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
  © ISO/IEC 2022 – All rights reserved

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
oSIST prEN ISO/IEC 27005:2024
ISO/IEC 27005:2022(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 S c op e . 1
2 Nor m at i ve r ef er enc e s . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 T erms related to information security risk . 1
3.2 T erms related to information security risk management . . 5
4 Structure of this document .7
5 I nformation security risk management . 7
5.1 I nformation security risk management process . 7
5.2 I nformation security risk management cycles . 9
6 C ont e x t e s t abl i s h ment .9
6.1 Organizational considerations . 9
6.2 I dentifying basic requirements of intereste

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