Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements

2022-02-21: This prAA covers common mods to prEN IEC 62368-1 - PR=74334

Einrichtungen für Audio/Video-, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik – Teil 1: Sicherheitsanforderungen

Équipements des technologies de l'audio/vidéo, de l'information et de la communication - Partie 1: Exigences de sécurité

No scope available

Oprema za avdio/video, informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnologijo - 1. del: Varnostne zahteve - Dopolnilo AA

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oSIST prEN IEC 62368-1:2022/oprAA:2022
Oprema za avdio/video, informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnologijo - 1. del:
Varnostne zahteve - Dopolnilo AA
Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment - Part 1: Safety

Einrichtungen für Audio/Video-, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik – Teil 1:


Équipements des technologies de l'audio/vidéo, de l'information et de la communication -

Partie 1: Exigences de sécurité
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 62368-1:2022/prAA:2022
33.160.01 Avdio, video in avdiovizualni Audio, video and audiovisual
sistemi na splošno systems in general
35.020 Informacijska tehnika in Information technology (IT) in
tehnologija na splošno general
oSIST prEN IEC 62368- en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN IEC 62368-1:2022/oprAA:2022
prEN IEC 62368-1:2022
February 2022
ICS 33.160.01; 35.020
English Version
Audio/video, information and communication technology
equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements

Équipements des technologies de l'audio/vidéo, de Einrichtungen für Audio/Video-, Informations- und

l'information et de la communication - Partie 1: Exigences Kommunikationstechnik - Teil 1: Sicherheitsanforderungen

de sécurité

This draft amendment prAA, if approved, will modify the European Standard prEN IEC 62368-1:2022; it is submitted to CENELEC members

for enquiry.
Deadline for CENELEC: 2022-05-20.
It has been drawn up by CLC/TC 108X.

If this draft becomes an amendment, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which

stipulate the conditions for giving this amendment the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft amendment was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German).

A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to

the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,

Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the

Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,

Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to

provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and

shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2022 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.

Project: 75763 Ref. No. prEN IEC 62368-1:2022/prAA:2022 E
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1 Contents

2 European foreword ................................................................................................................. 3

3 1 Modification to the whole document ................................................................................. 4

4 2 Modification to Clause 1 .................................................................................................. 4

5 3 Modification to Clause 4 .................................................................................................. 4

6 4 Modification to 4.1.9 ........................................................................................................ 5

7 5 Modification to ..................................................................................................... 5

8 6 Modification to ............................................................................................... 5

9 7 Modification to ..................................................................................................... 5

10 8 Modification to 9.3.1 ........................................................................................................ 5

11 9 Modification to 10.2.1 ...................................................................................................... 5

12 10 Modification to 10.4.1 ...................................................................................................... 5

13 11 Modification to 10.4.4 ...................................................................................................... 6

14 12 Modification to 10.5.1 ...................................................................................................... 6

15 13 Modification to 10.5.3 ...................................................................................................... 6

16 14 Modification to Clause 10 ................................................................................................ 7

17 15 Modification to G.3.1.2 .................................................................................................. 12

18 16 Modification to G.7.1 ..................................................................................................... 12

19 17 Modification to M.2 ........................................................................................................ 12

20 18 Addition of annexes ....................................................................................................... 12

21 Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their

22 corresponding European publications ............................................................................ 13

Annex ZB (normative) Special National Conditions .............................................................. 32

24 Annex ZC (informative) A-deviations ................................................................................... 37

Annex ZD (informative) IEC and CENELEC code designations for flexible cords ................. 38

26 Annex ZZA (informative) Relationship between this European standard and the safety

27 objectives of Directive 2014/35/EU [2014 OJ L96] aimed to be covered......................... 39

28 Annex ZZB (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential

29 requirements of Directive 2014/53/EU [2014 OJ L153] aimed to be covered .................. 40

30 Annex ZZC (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the safety

requirements of Directive 2001/95/EC aimed to be covered ........................................... 41

32 19 Modification to Bibliography .......................................................................................... 42

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34 European foreword

35 This document (prEN IEC 62368-1:2022/prAA:2022) has been prepared by CLC/TC 108X “Safety of

36 electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication

37 Technology”.
38 This document is currently submitted to the Enquiry.
39 The following dates are proposed:
• latest date by which the existence of this (doa) dor + 6 months
document has to be announced at national
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) dor + 12 months
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) dor + 36 months
conflicting with this document have to be (to be confirmed or
withdrawn modified when voting)
40 This document is read in conjunction with prEN IEC 62368-1:2022.

41 This document has been prepared under a Standardization Request given to CENELEC by the European

42 Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU

43 Directive(s) / Regulation(s).

44 For relationship with EU Directive(s) / Regulation(s), see informative Annexes ZZA, ZZB and ZZC which

45 are integral parts of this document.

46 Clauses, subclauses, notes, tables, figures and annexes which are additional to those in

47 IEC 62368-1:202x are prefixed “Z”.
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48 1 Modification to the whole document

49 Delete all the “country” notes in the reference document according to the following list:

0.2.1 Note 1 and 1 Note 4 and Note 2
Note 2 Note 5 Note 1 4.1.15 Note 4.7.3 Note 1 and
Note 2 Note c Note 1 and Note 2
Table 12 Note 3 Table 13 Note 2 Note Note Note Note Note 5.5.6 Note Note 2 and
Note 3 and
Note 4
5.6.8 Note 2 Note 1 and Note
Note 2
10.2.1 Note 3 and 10.5.3 Note 2 10.6.1 Note 3
Table 39 Note 4 and
Note 5
F.3.3.6 Note 3 Y.4.1 Note Y.4.5 Note
50 2 Modification to Clause 1
51 Add the following note at the end of the Clause 1:

52 NOTE Z1 The use of certain substances in electrical and electronic equipment is restricted within the EU: see

53 Directive 2011/65/EU.
54 Add the following paragraph and note after NOTE 5:
55 This document is a type test standard.

56 NOTE Z2 Routine tests of complete equipment, sub-assemblies or components are covered by EN 62911.

57 3 Modification to Clause 4
58 Add the following new subclause 4.Z1 after subclause 4.9:

59 For compliance with B.3 and B.4 in circuits connected to an AC mains, protective devices shall be

60 provided, subject to the following:

61 — for pluggable equipment type A, the protective devices shall be included as parts of the

62 equipment, with the exception of components in series with the mains input to the equipment such

63 as the supply cord, appliance coupler, r.f.i. filter and switch, for which the building installation shall be

64 regarded as providing protection in accordance with the rating of the wall socket outlet;

65 — for pluggable equipment type B or permanently connected equipment, the protection may be the

66 dedicated overcurrent and short-circuit protection in the building installation, provided that the means

67 of protection, for example a fuse or circuit breaker, is fully specified in the installation instructions.

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68 Where protective devices are required within the equipment, the protective devices within the equipment

69 shall operate before or at the same time the expected building installation protection will operate.

70 For earth faults in single-phase equipment, it is not necessary to provide 2 protective devices. It is

71 expected that the building installation will protect against earth faults. This applies also in countries where

72 an IT power distribution system is used.
73 4 Modification to 4.1.9
74 Add the following paragraph to the end of this subclause:

75 Products shall comply with the requirements of this document with appropriate measurement uncertainty.

76 NOTE Z1 See also the RED Adco position on ‘Measurement uncertainty in published harmonized standards’.

77 5 Modification to
78 Add the following note after the 5th paragraph:

79 NOTE Z1 For guidance on the use of high voltage source, see EN 60060-1, Clause 8 of EN 60243-1 and EN 61180.

80 6 Modification to
81 Add the following to the end of this subclause:

82 The requirement for interconnection with external circuit in a HBES/BACS network is in addition given in

83 EN IEC 63044-3:2018.
84 7 Modification to
85 Replace item d) with the following:

86 d) For equipment powered from a DC mains, if the protective current rating of the circuit under test

87 exceeds 25 A, the test current shall be minimum as required in item a), unless the manufacturer specifies

88 a higher value.
89 8 Modification to 9.3.1
90 Replace the second paragraph with the following:

91 An accessible part that, while in contact with the body, is likely to drop in temperature upon touch can be

92 evaluated under the limits of Annex A in IEC Guide 117:2010 using the test method of 4.5 of IEC Guide

93 117.
94 9 Modification to 10.2.1
c) d)
95 Add the following to and in Table 38:
96 For additional requirements, see 10.5.1.
97 10 Modification to 10.4.1
98 Replace the second paragraph of 10.4.1 with:

99 Electronic light effect equipment does not have to comply with the requirements of 10.4. However, IEC

100 TR 62471-2 shall be considered and proper installation instructions shall be provided.

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101 Replace the ninth paragraph of 10.4.1 with:

102 The following information shall be provided in the user manual for safe operation and installation. This

103 information shall also be provided for safe operation by a skilled person who may be exposed to Risk

104 Group 3 energy levels.

105 — Adequate instructions for proper assembly, installation, maintenance and safe use, including clear

106 warnings concerning precautions to avoid possible exposure to hazardous optical radiation; and

107 — Advice on safe operating procedures and warnings concerning reasonably foreseeable misuse,

108 malfunctions and hazardous failure modes. Where servicing and maintenance procedures are

109 detailed, they shall include explicit instructions on safe procedures to be followed; and

110 — The marking on the equipment shall be reproduced in the user manual. A yellow background is not

111 required in the user manual.
112 11 Modification to 10.4.4
113 Replace the last paragraph of 10.4.4 with:

114 Compliance against material degradation from UV radiation is checked by the applicable tests of

115 Annex C.
116 12 Modification to 10.5.1
117 Add the following after the first paragraph:
118 For RS1 compliance is checked by measurement under the following conditions:

119 In addition to the normal operating conditions, all controls adjustable from the outside by hand, by any

120 object such as a tool or a coin, and those internal adjustments or pre-sets which are not locked in a

121 reliable manner, are adjusted so as to give maximum radiation whilst maintaining an intelligible picture for

122 1 h, at the end of which the measurement is made.
123 NOTE Z1 Soldered joints and paint lockings are examples of adequate locking.

124 The dose-rate is determined by means of a radiation monitor with an effective area of 10 cm , at any point

125 10 cm from the outer surface of the apparatus.

126 Moreover, the measurement shall be made under fault conditions causing an increase of the high-

127 voltage, provided an intelligible picture is maintained for 1 h, at the end of which the measurement is

128 made.

129 For RS1, the dose-rate shall not exceed 1 μSv/h taking account of the background level.

130 NOTE Z2 These values appear in Directive 2013/59/Euratom of 5th December 2013.

131 13 Modification to 10.5.3
132 Replace the second paragraph of 10.5.3 with:

133 The amount of radiation is determined by means of a radiation monitor of the ionizing chamber type with

2 2

134 an effective area of 1 000 mm ± 10 mm or by measuring equipment of other types giving equivalent

135 results.
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136 14 Modification to Clause 10
137 Replace 10.6 of EN IEC 62368-1 with the following:
138 10.6 Safeguards against acoustic energy sources
139 10.6.1 General

140 Safeguard requirements for protection against long-term exposure to excessive sound pressure levels

141 from personal music players closely coupled to the ear are specified below. Requirements for earphones

142 and headphones intended for use with personal music players are also covered.

143 A personal music player is a portable equipment intended for use by an ordinary person, that:

144 — is designed to allow the user to listen to audio or audiovisual content / material; and

145 — uses a listening device, such as headphones or earphones that can be worn in or on or around the

146 ears; and

147 — has a player that can be body worn (of a size suitable to be carried in a clothing pocket) and is

148 intended for the user to walk around with while in continuous use (for example, on a street, in a

149 subway, at an airport, etc.).

150 EXAMPLES Portable CD players, MP3 audio players, mobile phones with MP3 type features, PDAs or similar

151 equipment.

152 Personal music players shall comply with the requirements of either 10.6.2 or 10.6.3.

153 NOTE 1 Protection against acoustic energy sources from telecom applications is referenced to ITU-T P.360.

154 NOTE 2 It is the intention of the Committee to allow the alternative methods for now, but to only use the dose

155 measurement method as given in 10.6.5 in future. Therefore, manufacturers are encouraged to implement 10.6.5 as

156 soon as possible.

157 Listening devices sold separately shall comply with the requirements of 10.6.6.

158 These requirements are valid for music or video mode only.
159 The requirements do not apply to:
160 — professional equipment;

161 NOTE 3 Professional equipment is equipment sold through special sales channels. All products sold through

162 normal electronics stores are considered not to be professional equipment.
163 — hearing aid equipment and other devices for assistive listening;
164 — the following type of analogue personal music players:

165 • long distance radio receiver (for example, a multiband radio receiver or world band radio

166 receiver, an AM radio receiver), and
167 • cassette player/recorder;

168 NOTE 4 This exemption has been allowed because this technology is falling out of use and it is expected that

169 within a few years it will no longer exist. This exemption will not be extended to other technologies.

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170 — a player while connected to an external amplifier that does not allow the user to walk around while in

171 use.

172 For equipment that is clearly designed or intended primarily for use by children, the limits of the relevant

173 toy standards may apply.

174 The relevant requirements are given in EN 71-1:2014+A11:2018, 4.20 and the related tests methods and

175 measurement distances apply.
176 10.6.2 Classification of devices without the capacity to estimate sound dose
177 General

178 This standard is transitioning from short-term based (30 s) requirements to long-term based (40 h)

179 requirements. These clauses remain in effect only for devices that do not comply with sound dose

180 estimation as stipulated in EN 50332-3.

181 For classifying the acoustic output L , , measurements are based on the A-weighted equivalent sound

Aeq T
182 pressure level over a 30 s period.

183 For music where the average sound pressure (long term L , ) measured over the duration of the song is

Aeq T

184 lower than the average produced by the programme simulation noise, measurements may be done over

185 the duration of the complete song. In this case, T becomes the duration of the song.

186 NOTE Classical music, acoustic music and broadcast typically has an average sound pressure (long term LAeq,T)

187 which is much lower than the average programme simulation noise. Therefore, if the player is capable to analyse the

188 content and compare it with the programme simulation noise, the warning does not need to be given as long as the

189 average sound pressure of the song does not exceed the required limit.

190 For example, if the player is set with the programme simulation noise to 85 dB, but the average music

191 level of the song is only 65 dB, there is no need to give a warning or ask an acknowledgement as long as

192 the average sound level of the song is not above the basic limit of 85 dB.
193 RS1 limits (to be superseded, see
194 RS1 is a class 1 acoustic energy source that does not exceed the following:

195 — for equipment provided as a package (player with its listening device), and with a proprietary

196 connector between the player and its listening device, or where the combination of player and

197 listening device is known by other means such as setting or automatic detection, the L , acoustic

Aeq T

198 output shall be ≤ 85 dB when playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in

199 EN 50332-1.

200 — for equipment provided with a standardized connector (for example, a 3,5 phone jack) that allows

201 connection to a listening device for general use, the unweighted r.m.s. output voltage shall

202 be ≤ 27 mV (analogue interface) or −25 dBFS (digital interface) when playing the fixed “programme

203 simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1.
204 — The RS1 limits will be updated for all devices as per
205 RS2 limits (to be superseded, see
206 RS2 is a class 2 acoustic energy source that does not exceed the following:

207 — for equipment provided as a package (player with its listening device), and with a proprietary

208 connector between the player and its listening device, or when the combination of player and

209 listening device is known by other means such as setting or automatic detection, the L , acoustic

Aeq T

210 output shall be ≤ 100 dB(A) when playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” as described in

211 EN 50332-1.
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212 — for equipment provided with a standardized connector (for example, a 3,5 phone jack) that allows

213 connection to a listening device for general use, the unweighted r.m.s. output voltage shall

214 be ≤ 150 mV (analogue interface) or −10 dBFS (digital interface) when playing the fixed “programme

215 simulation noise” as described in EN 50332-1.
216 RS3 limits
217 RS3 is a class 3 acoustic energy source that exceeds RS2 limits.
218 10.6.3 Classification of devices (new)
219 General

220 Previous limits (10.6.2) created abundant false negative and false positive PMP sound level warnings.

221 New limits, compliant with The Commission Decision of 23 June 2009, are given below.

222 RS1 limits (new)
223 RS1 is a class 1 acoustic energy source that does not exceed the following:

224 — for equipment provided as a package (player with its listening device), and with a proprietary

225 connector between the player and its listening device, or where the combination of player and

226 listening device is known by other means such as setting or automatic detection, the L , acoustic

Aeq T

227 output shall be ≤ 80 dB when playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in

228 EN 50332-1.

229 — for equipment provided with a standardized connector (for example, a 3,5 phone jack) that allows

230 connection to a listening device for general use, the unweighted r.m.s. output voltage shall

231 be ≤ 15 mV (analogue interface) or −30 dBFS (digital interface) when playing the fixed “programme

232 simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1.
233 RS2 limits (new)
234 RS2 is a class 2 acoustic energy source that does not exceed the following:

235 — for equipment provided as a package (player with its listening device), and with a proprietary

236 connector between the player and its listening device, or where the combination of player and

237 listening device is known by other means such as setting or automatic detection, the weekly sound

238 exposure level, as described in EN 50332-3, shall be ≤ 80 dB when playing the fixed “programme

239 simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1.

240 — for equipment provided with a standardized connector (for example, a 3,5 phone jack) that allows

241 connection to a listening device for general use, the unweighted r.m.s. output level, integrated over

242 one week, as described in EN 50332-3, shall be ≤ 15 mV (analogue interface) or −30 dBFS (digital

243 interface) when playing the fixed “programme simulation noise” described in EN 50332-1.

244 10.6.4 Requirements for maximum sound exposure
245 Measurement methods
246 All volume controls shall be turned to maximum during tests.

247 Measurements shall be made in accordance with EN 50332-1 or EN 50332-2 as applicable.

248 Protection of persons

249 Except as given below, protection requirements for parts accessible to ordinary persons, instructed

250 persons and skilled persons are given in 4.3.
251 NOTE 1 Volume control is not considered a safeguard.
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252 Between RS2 and an ordinary person, the basic safeguard may be replaced by an instructional

253 safeguard in accordance with Clause F.5, except that the instructional safeguard shall be placed on

254 the equipment, or on the packaging, or in the instruction manual. Alternatively, the instructional

255 safeguard may be given through the equipment display during use.
256 The elements of the instructional safeguard shall be as follows:
257 — element 1a: the symbol , IEC 60417-6044 (2011-01)
258 — element 2: “High sound pressure” or equivalent wording
259 — element 3: “Hearing damage risk” or equivalent wording

260 — element 4: “Do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.” or equivalent wording

261 An equipment safeguard shall prevent exposure of an ordinary person to an RS2 source without

262 intentional physical action from the ordinary person and shall automatically return to an output level not

263 exceeding what is specified for an RS1 source when the power is switched off.

264 The equipment shall provide a means to actively inform the user of the increased sound level when the

265 equipment is operated with an output exceeding RS1. Any means used shall be acknowledged by the

266 user before activating a mode of operation which allows for an output exceeding RS1. The

267 acknowledgement does not need to be repeated more than once every 20 h of cumulative listening time.

268 NOTE 2 Examples of means include visual or audible signals. Action from the user is always needed.

269 NOTE 3 The 20 h listening time is the accumulative listening time, independent of how often and how long the

270 personal music player has been switched off.
271 A skilled person shall not be unintentionally exposed to RS3.
272 10.6.5 Requirements for dose-based systems
273 General requirements

274 Personal music players shall give the warnings as provided below when tested according to EN 50332-3,

275 using the limits from this clause.

276 The manufacturer may offer optional settings to allow the users to modify when and how they wish to

277 receive the notifications and warnings to promote a better user experience without defeating the

278 safeguards. This allows the users to be informed in a method that best meets their physical capabilities

279 and device usage needs. If such optional settings are offered, an administrator (for example, parental

280 restrictions, business/educational administrators, etc.) shall be able to lock any optional settings into a

281 specific configuration.

282 The personal music player shall be supplied with easy to understand explanation to the user of the dose

283 management system, the risks involved, and how to use the system safely. The user shall be made

284 aware that other sources may significantly contribute to their sound exposure, for example work,

285 transportation, concerts, clubs, cinema, car races, etc.
286 Dose-based warning and requirements

287 When a dose of 100 % CSD is reached, and at least at every 100 % further increase of CSD, the device

288 shall warn the user and require an acknowledgement. In case the user does not acknowledge, the output

289 level shall automatically decrease to compliance with class RS1.

290 The warning shall at least clearly indicate that listening above 100 % CSD leads to the risk of hearing

291 damage or loss.
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292 Exposure-based requirements

293 With only dose-based requirements, cause and effect could be far separated in time, defying the purpose

294 of educating users about safe listening practice. In addition to dose-based requirements, a PMP shall

295 therefore also put a limit to the short-term sound level a user can listen at.

296 The exposure-based limiter (EL) shall automatically reduce the sound level not to exceed 100 dB(A) or

297 150 mV integrated over the past 180 s

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