The concept of Cooperation with European Organizations and other stakeholders

In May 2017, this Guide was updated to include the specific rights given by CEN and CENELEC to Societal “Partner” Organizations representing consumers and environmental and social interests in European standardization activities, and which are covered by Annex III of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European standardization. In November 2021, this Guide was further updated following recommendations from the CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards and the CEN and CENELEC Advisory groups to the Boards on Policy matters, as well as to align with the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030 goals, to further clarify the criteria defining the different categories of cooperation and overall wording of the concepts. This is a step towards strengthening the participation of European stakeholders for an inclusive European Standardization System.

Koncept sodelovanja z evropskimi organizacijami in drugimi zainteresiranimi stranmi

Ta smernica je bila posodobljena maja 2017, da vključuje posebne pravice, ki sta ju odbora CEN in CENELEC podelila organizacijam družbenih »partnerjev«, ki zastopajo potrošnike ter okoljske in družbene interese evropskih dejavnosti standardizacije, in ki so zajete v dodatku III Uredbe (EU) 1025/2012 o evropski standardizaciji. Novembra 2021 je bila ta smernica nadalje posodobljena po priporočilih tehničnih odborov CEN in CENELEC in svetovalnih skupin CEN in CENELEC za odbore o vprašanjih politike ter za uskladitev s cilji strategije 2030 odborov CEN in CENELEC za dodatno pojasnitev meril, ki določajo različne kategorije sodelovanja in sistematiko konceptov. Gre za korak v smeri krepitve sodelovanja evropskih deležnikov za vključujoč evropski standardizacijski sistem.

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Koncept sodelovanja z evropskimi organizacijami in drugimi zainteresiranimi
The concept of Cooperation with European Organizations and other stakeholders
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/CLC Guide 25:2024
01.120 Standardizacija. Splošna Standardization. General
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

The concept of Cooperation
with European Organizations
and other stakeholders
Edition 3, November 2021
(Updated version, January 2024)

CEN and CENELEC decided to adopt this version of CEN-CENELEC Guide 25 with CEN/AG Resolution C25/2021
and CLC/AG Decision AG 63/C03 respectively.

European Committee for Standardization

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization

Rue de la Science, 23
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CEN-CENELEC Guide 25:2021 (E)
Contents Page
Foreword . 4
1 Partner Organization . 6
1.1 Why enter into agreement for Partner Organization status? . 6
1.2 Benefit for the Partner Organization at the level of corporate bodies, their working/advisory groups
and of the technical work . 6
1.2.1 Participation at the level of corporate bodies and their working or advisory groups . 6
1.2.2 Participation at the level of technical work . 7
1.3 What are the conditions to become a Partner Organization?. 8
1.4 Obligations for the Partner Organization . 9
1.5 Annual fees . 9
1.6 Procedural aspects . 9
2 Liaison Organization . 10
2.1 Why enter into agreement for Liaison Organization status? . 10
2.2 Benefit for Liaison Organizations at the level of technical work . 10
2.3 What are the conditions to become Liaison Organization? . 11
2.4 Obligations for Liaison Organizations at the level of technical work . 12
2.5 Annual fees . 12
2.6 Procedural aspects . 12
3 Associated Body . 13
3.1 Why enter into agreement for Associated Body status? . 13
3.2 Benefits, rights and obligations for Associated Body . 13
3.3 Fees . 13
3.4 Procedural aspects . 13
4 European Counsellor . 14
4.1 The status of European Counsellor . 14
5 European Institutional Stakeholder . 15
5.1 Why enter into agreement for European Institutional Stakeholder status . 15
5.2 Benefits, rights and obligations for European Institutional Stakeholder . 15
5.3 Fees . 16
5.4 Procedural aspects . 16
6 Other Cooperating Organizations not covered by previous categories described in this Guide 17
6.1 Procedural aspects . 17
ANNEX 1: Annual Fees to be decided every year by the CEN and CENELEC General Assemblies . 18

CEN-CENELEC Guide 25:2021 (E)
In May 2017, this Guide was updated to include the specific rights given by CEN and CENELEC to Societal
“Partner” Organizations representing consumers and environmental and social interests in European
standardization activities, and which are covered by Annex III of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European
In November 2021, this Guide was further updated following recommendations from the CEN and CENELEC
Technical Boards and the CEN and CENELEC Advisory groups to the Boards on Policy matters, as well as to
align with the CEN and CENELEC Strategy 2030 goals, to further clarify the criteria defining the different
categories of cooperation and overall wording of the concepts. This is a step towards strengthening the
participation of European stakeholders for an inclusive European Standardization System.

CEN and CENELEC share the goal to develop European standards and other technical specifications to
respond to the needs of European industry while meeting consumer, environmental and other societal
expectations. CEN and CENELEC, through their active cooperation with all main stakeholders, are actively
engaged in removing trade barriers for European industry and consumers and contribute to the consolidation
of the European Single Market.

In this context, CEN, CENELEC and their members are fully committed to cooperating with key
organizations for the development of sound cooperative relations aimed at meeting the scopes and missions
of both CEN and CENELEC.
These cooperations are developed taking into account the complementary roles of each party and are
respectful of the different levels at which such cooperation may take place, be it at national or European
level. Therefore, partnerships developed under this Guide do not remove the need for the members of the
cooperating organization to participate in the work of their National Standard Bodies and National
Electrotechnical Committees, where national opinions are formed, votes are decided, and consensus has to
be reached.
This document provides the guidelines of CEN and CENELEC’s policy towards building partnerships with
European organizations, associations and other recognized stakeholders who have an interest in European
standardization and are willing and able to provide added-value knowledge and to actively contribute with
inputs and proposals to CEN and/or CENELEC corporate and technical bodies.

The six categories for Cooperation with CEN and CENELEC are:

— Partner Organization;
— Liaison Organization;
— Associated Body;
— European Counsellor;
— European Institutional Stakeholder;

— Other Cooperating Organizations not covered by this Guide.

All European cooperating organizations collaborating with CEN and CENELEC fall into one of the above
categories depending on their private/public nature, representativeness, area of interest, as well as their
corresponding financial support to the system.

CEN and CENELEC offer European organizations, associations, and stakeholders two main areas in which
to build active cooperations:
CEN-CENELEC Guide 25:2021 (E)
Cooperation at the level of corporate bodies and their working or advisory groups

Within the context of the European standardization system, CEN and CENELEC share with their cooperating
organizations the major goals of contributing to the increase of the competitiveness of the European
industry, as well as contributing to the welfare of European society. In order to achieve these ambitious
goals, CEN and CENELEC seek to ensure valuable high-level cooperations with the European Union and
EFTA, as well as with sectoral and pan-sectoral organizations representing at European level the interest of
industry, SMEs and societal groups.

CEN and CENELEC will therefore seek cooperation with – and active contribution of – European institutions
and organizations in the activities of their corporate bodies, such as the General Assemblies, Presidential
Committee, their working/advisory groups, as well as the CEN and/or CENELEC Technical Boards.

Cooperation at the level of Technical Committees and other technical bodies

Standards making is the core business of CEN and CENELEC. Therefore, when necessary to ensure high
quality and consensus-based technical deliverables, CEN and CENELEC will engage in cooperations at the
level of their respective technical bodies, such as Technical Committees, sub-committees, working groups
and other technical groups, as defined in the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, with:

a) European organizations and consortia having specific technical knowledge with added value for the
relevant technical bodies and work; or

b) European sectoral and pan-sectoral organizations, representing specific interest groups, including
SMEs and societal groups.
In seeking efficient and effective cooperation with the identified organizations, CEN and CENELEC will
ensure that the cooperating organizations demonstrate at all times, as a minimum requirement, a dedicated
interest in the relevant technical bodies’ activities and a readiness to provide technical input into their work.

CEN-CENELEC Guide 25:2021 (E)
1 Partner Organization
1.1 Why enter into agreement for Partner Organization status?

The status of Partner Organization is addressed to those organizations having an interest in cooperation at
overall corporate and technical level with CEN and/or CENELEC.

This concept is likely to be of most interest to the organizations covered by Annex III of Regulation EC
1025/2012 on European standardization, as they have an overall - or very broad - interest in CEN and
CENELEC work. In addition, business-related organizations with major standardization interests in multiple
sectors may also find this level of partnership valuable.

The Partner Organization is expected to:

a) have an interest in both 1) European standardization matters having policy impact and 2) the CEN
and/or CENELEC technical activities; and

b) be willing to actively contribute to the achievement of the CEN and/or CENELEC strategies, as well
as to the technical work related to the development of European standards and other technical
1.2 Benefit for the Partner Organization at the level of corporate bodies, their
working/advisory groups, and of the technical work

The Partner Organization is entitled to benefit from partnership at the level of corporate bodies and their
working or advisory groups at the conditions as set hereunder, as well as to participate - upon request and
payment of associated fees - in specific technical activities of CEN and/or CENELEC Technical Committees
and other technical groups.
1.2.1 Participation at the level of corporate bodies and their working or advisory groups

Corporate bodies encompass the CEN and/or CENELEC General Assemblies, Administrative Boards,
Technical Boards and the Presidential Committee. These corporate bodies may establish working or
advisory groups.
General Assemblies
The Partner Organization regularly receives invitations to participate in General Assemblies and high-level
open meetings organized by CEN and/or CENELEC. This allows the Partner Organization to receive
information on the main policy and strategic matters affecting the CEN and/or CENELEC standardization
communities and to contribute actively to the debate held during these meetings. Participation in these
meetings is as observers and without voting rights.

CEN-CENELEC Presidential Committee

The Partner Organization may identify the need to have a dialogue on a matter of policy and strategic
relevance. In such a case, they can send a request in writing to the Director General with a short description
of the topic they would like to discuss with the Presidential Committee. Following confirmation by the Chair
of the Presidential Committee, the concerned Partner Organization will be invited to present their views to
the Presidential Committee and contribute to the debate on this matter.

Other working or advisory groups

The Partner Organization can also participate as an observer in CEN, CENELEC or CEN-CENELEC
Working Groups, Advisory Groups, Task Forces, Platforms, etc., dealing with issues having policy and
corporate relevance, where such participation is envisaged in the relevant Group’s Terms of Reference or
upon the Chair’s invitation. Participation in these meetings is without voting rights.


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