SIST EN IEC 61084-2-2:2024
(Main)Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor (IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor (IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
This part 2-2 of the EN IEC 61084 series specifies particular requirements and tests for cable trunking systems (CTS) and cable ducting systems (CDS) intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor or onfloor.
Elektroinstallationskanalsysteme für elektrische Installationen - Teil 2-2: Besondere Anforderungen für Elektroinstallationskanalsysteme für die Montage unterboden, bodenbündig, oder aufboden (IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de conduits-profilés pour installations électriques - Partie 2-2: Exigences particulières - Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de conduits-profilés prévus pour être montés en sous-sol, encastrés dans le sol, ou sur le sol (IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
IEC 61084-2-2:2017 spécifie les exigences et les essais pour les systèmes de goulottes (SG) et les systèmes de conduits-profilés (SCP) destinés au logement de conducteurs isolés, câbles et éventuels autres équipements électriques et, si nécessaire, à leur séparation de protection électrique, dans des installations électriques et/ou de systèmes de communication. La tension maximale de ces installations est de 1 000 V en courant alternatif et 1 500 V en courant continu.
Ces systèmes sont destinés à être montés sous le sol, encastrés dans le sol, ou sur le sol.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux SG/SCP prévus pour être fixés à un mur et soutenus par le sol.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux systèmes de conduits, systèmes de chemins de câble, systèmes d’échelles à câble, systèmes de canalisations préfabriquées ou aux équipements couverts par d’autres normes.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition parue en 2003. Cette édition constitue une révision technique.
Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente:
- classification;
- construction;
- propriétés mécaniques et électriques.
Cette Norme internationale doit être utilisée conjointement avec l’IEC 61084-1:2017.
Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi za električne inštalacije - 2-2. del: Posebne zahteve - Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi, namenjenih za montažo pod tlemi, po golih tleh ali po tleh (IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi za električne inštalacije - 2-2. del:
Posebne zahteve - Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi, namenjenih za
montažo pod tlemi, po golih tleh ali po tleh
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-2:
Particular requirements - Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for
mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor
Elektroinstallationskanalsysteme für elektrische Installationen - Teil 2-2: Besondere
Anforderungen für Elektroinstallationskanalsysteme für die Montage unterboden,
bodenbündig, oder aufboden
Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de conduits-profilés pour installations électriques -
Partie 2-2: Exigences particulières - Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de conduits-
profilés prévus pour être montés en sous-sol, encastrés dans le sol, ou sur le sol
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2022
29.120.10 Inštalacijske cevi za Conduits for electrical
električne namene purposes
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
prEN IEC 61084-2-2
December 2022
ICS 29.060.01; 29.120.10 Will supersede EN 50085-2-2:2008
English Version
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical
installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Cable trunking
systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting
underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor
(IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de conduits-profilés Elektroinstallationskanalsysteme für elektrische
pour installations électriques - Partie 2-2: Exigences Installationen - Teil 2-2: Besondere Anforderungen für
particulières - Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de Elektroinstallationskanalsysteme für die Montage
conduits-profilés prévus pour être montés en sous-sol, unterboden, bodenbündig, oder aufboden
encastrés dans le sol, ou sur le sol (IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
(IEC 61084-2-2:2017)
This draft European Standard is submitted to CENELEC members for enquiry.
Deadline for CENELEC: 2023-03-03.
The text of this draft consists of the text of IEC 61084-2-2:2017.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to
the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Project: 72101 Ref. No. prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2022 E
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2022 (E)
European foreword
This document (prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2022) consists of the text of document IEC 61084-2-2:2017,
prepared by SC 23A "Cable management systems" of IEC/TC 23 "Electrical accessories".
This document is currently submitted to the Enquiry.
The following dates are proposed:
• latest date by which the existence of this document (doa) dor + 6 months
has to be announced at national level
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) dor + 12 months
implemented at national level by publication of an
identical national standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) dor + 60 months
conflicting with this document have to be withdrawn (to be confirmed or
modified when voting)
This document will supersede EN 50085-2-2:2008 and all of its amendments and corrigenda (if any).
This document has been prepared under a Standardization Request given to CENELEC by the
European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements
of EU Directive(s) / Regulation(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s) / Regulation(s), see informative Annex ZZ, which is an integral part
of prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2022/prAA:2022.
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
IEC 61084-2-2 ®
Edition 2.0 2017-03
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations –
Part 2-2: Particular requirements – Cable trunking systems and cable ducting
systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor
Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de conduits-profilés pour installations
électriques –
Partie 2-2: Exigences particulières – Systèmes de goulottes et systèmes de
conduits-profilés prévus pour être montés en sous-sol, encastrés dans le sol,
ou sur le sol
ICS 29.060.01; 29.120.10 ISBN 978-2-8322-4119-6
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
– 2 – IEC 61084-2-2:2017 © IEC 2017
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 General requirements . 6
5 General conditions for tests . 7
6 Classification . 7
7 Marking and documentation . 7
8 Dimensions. 8
9 Construction . 8
10 Mechanical properties. 9
11 Electrical properties . 14
12 Thermal properties . 14
13 Fire hazard . 14
14 External influences . 14
15 Electromagnetic compatibility . 15
Annex A (informative) Types of cable trunking systems (CTS) and cable ducting
systems (CDS) . 27
Annex B (normative) CTS/CDS IK code . 28
Annex AA (normative) Mechanical load tests . 29
Bibliography . 31
Figure 101 – Types and application of CTS/CDS for underfloor, flushfloor or onfloor
installations . 16
Figure 102 – Examples of trunking and ducting installations . 17
Figure 103 – Example of underfloor embedded CDS according to 3.101 . 18
Figure 104 – Example of flushfloor CTS according to 3.102 . 19
Figure 105 – Example of onfloor CTS according to 3.103 . 20
Figure 106 – Principles for arrangement . 21
Figure 107 – Examples for arrangement . 22
Figure 108 – Load test set-up for CTS/CDS in accordance with 10.5.103 . 24
Figure 109 – Load test set-up for CTS/CDS in accordance with 10.5.104 . 26
Table A.2 – Types of CTS and CDS for floor installation . 27
Table AA.1 – Mechanical load tests . 29
oSIST prEN IEC 61084-2-2:2023
IEC 61084-2-2:2017 © IEC 2017 – 3 –
Part 2-2: Particular requirements – Cable trunking systems and cable
ducting systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
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International Standard IEC 61084-2-2 has been prepared by subcommittee 23A: Cable
management systems, of IEC technical committee 23: Electrical accessories.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition publis
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