Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 14001:2004)

ISO 14001:2004 specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about significant environmental aspects. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria.
ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system, to assure itself of conformity with its stated environmental policy, and to demonstrate conformity with ISO 14001:2004 by
a) making a self-determination and self-declaration, or
b) seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or
c) seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or
d) seeking certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization.
All the requirements in ISO 14001:2004 are intended to be incorporated into any environmental management system. The extent of the application will depend on factors such as the environmental policy of the organization, the nature of its activities, products and services and the location where and the conditions in which it functions.
ISO 14001:2004 also provides, in Annex A, informative guidance on its use.

Umweltmanagementsysteme - Anforderungen mit Anleitung zur Anwendung (ISO 14001:2004)

Diese Internationale Norm legt Anforderungen an ein Umweltmanagementsystem fest, die es einer Organisation ermöglichen, eine Umweltpolitik und entsprechende Zielsetzungen unter Berücksichtigung von der rechtlichen Verpflichtungen und anderen Anforderungen zu entwickeln und zu verwirklichen, zu denen sich die Organisation verpflichtet hat ist, sowie der Informationen über bedeutende wesentliche Umweltaspekte zu entwickeln und zu verwirklichen. Sie gilt für jene Umweltaspekte, welche die Organisation als solche identifiziert, die sie kontrollieren beziehungsweise beeinflussen kann. Sie legt jedoch keine spezifischen Kriterien für Umweltleistungen fest.
Diese Internationale Norm ist auf jede Organisation anwendbar, die beabsichtigt:
a)   ein Umweltmanagementsystem einzuführen, zu verwirklichen, aufrechtzuerhalten und zu verbessern;
b)   sich der Konformität mit der festgelegten Umweltpolitik zu vergewissern;
c)   die Konformität mit dieser Internationalen Norm nachzuweisen durch
1)   eigene Ermittlungen und Abgabe einer Selbsterklärung; oder
2)   Bestätigung ihrer Konformität durch Dritte, die ein Interesse an der Organisation haben, wie z. B. Kunden; oder
3)   Bestätigung der Selbsterklärung durch einen Externen; oder
4)   Zertifizierung/Registrierung ihres Umweltmanagementsystems durch eine externe Organisation.
Alle Anforderungen in dieser Internationalen Norm sollten in jedem Umweltmanagementsystem Berücksichtigung finden. Der Umfang ihrer Anwendung hängt von Faktoren ab, wie z. B. der Umweltpolitik der Organisation, der Art ihrer Tätigkeiten, Produkte und Dienstleistungen und dem Ort, an dem und den Bedingungen, unter denen sie tätig ist. Diese Internationale Norm enthält in Anhang A eine informative Anleitung für ihre Anwendung.

Systemes de management environnemental - Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisation (ISO 14001:2004)

L'ISO 14001:2004 spécifie les exigences relatives à un système de management environnemental permettant à un organisme de développer et de mettre en oeuvre une politique et des objectifs, qui prennent en compte les exigences légales et les autres exigences auxquelles l'organisme a souscrit et les informations relatives aux aspects environnementaux significatifs. Elle s'applique aux aspects environnementaux que l'organisme a identifiés comme étant ceux qu'il a les moyens de maîtriser et ceux sur lesquels il a les moyens d'avoir une influence. Elle n'instaure pas en elle-même de critères spécifiques de performance environnementale.
L'ISO 14001:2004 est applicable à tout organisme qui souhaite établir, mettre en oeuvre, tenir à jour et améliorer un système de management environnemental; s'assurer de sa conformité avec sa politique environnementale établie; et démontrer sa conformité à l'ISO 14001:2004 en
a) réalisant une auto-évaluation et une autodéclaration, ou
b) recherchant la confirmation de sa conformité par des parties ayant un intérêt pour l'organisme, telles que les clients, ou
c) recherchant la confirmation de son autodéclaration par une partie externe à l'organisme, ou
d) recherchant la certification/enregistrement de son système de management environnemental par un organisme externe.
Toutes les exigences de l'ISO 14001:2004 sont destinées à être intégrées dans n'importe quel système de management environnemental. Le degré d'application dépendra de divers facteurs, tels que la politique environnementale de l'organisme, la nature de ses activités, produits et services, et sa localisation et les conditions dans lesquelles il fonctionne.
L'ISO 14001:2004 fournit également, dans l'Annexe A, des lignes directrices informatives pour son utilisation.

Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Zahteve z navodili za uporabo (ISO 14001:2004)

Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za sistem ravnanja z okoljem, ki omogoča organizaciji razviti in izvajati politiko in cilje, ki upoštevajo zakonske zahteve in druge zahteve, na katere je organizacija pristala, ter informacije o pomembnih okoljskih vidikih. Nanaša se na tiste prepoznane okoljske vidike, ki jih organizacija lahko obvladuje in na katere lahko vpliva. Sam po sebi pa ta standard ne postavlja meril za učinek ravnanja z okoljem. Ta mednarodni standard lahko uporabi vsaka organizacija, ki želi:
a) vzpostaviti, izvajati, vzdrževati in izboljševati sistem ravnanja z okoljem;
b) dokazati sama sebi, da izpolnjuje okoljsko politiko, za katero se je opredelila;
c) prikazati izpolnjevanje zahtev tega mednarodnega standarda, tako da:
1) sprejme lastno odločitev in izda lastno izjavo ali
2) pridobi pri strankah, ki se zanimajo za organizacijo, kot na primer odjemalec, potrditev, da izpolnjuje zahteve, ali
3) pridobi pri zunanji stranki potrditev, da izpolnjuje lastno izjavo, ali
4) pridobi pri zunanji stranki certifikacijo/ registracijo za svoj sistem ravnanja z okoljem.
Vse zahteve tega mednarodnega standarda je mogoče vključiti v katerikoli sistem ravnanja z okoljem. Obseg uporabe je odvisen od takih dejavnikov, kot so okoljska politika organizacije, narava njenih dejavnosti, proizvodov in storitev, lokacija, na kateri deluje, in razmere, v katerih deluje. V dodatku A tega mednarodnega standarda so tudi informativna navodila za njegovo uporabo.

General Information

Publication Date
Withdrawal Date
Technical Committee
Current Stage
9900 - Withdrawal (Adopted Project)
Start Date
Due Date
Completion Date


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maj 2005
Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Zahteve z navodili za uporabo (ISO 14001:2004)
Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO
ICS 13.020.10 Referenčna številka
SIST EN ISO 14001:2005(en)
©  Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega dokumenta ni dovoljeno

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EN ISO 14001


November 2004
ICS 13.020.10 Supersedes EN ISO 14001:1996
English version
Environmental management systems - Requirements with
guidance for use (ISO 14001:2004)
Systèmes de management environnemental - Exigences et Umweltmanagementsysteme - Anforderungen mit
lignes directrices pour son utilisation (ISO 14001:2004) Anleitung zur Anwendung (ISO 14001:2004)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 13 November 2004.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 14001:2004: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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EN ISO 14001:2004 (E)


This document (EN ISO 14001:2004) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 207
"Environmental management" in collaboration with CMC.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of
an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2005, and conflicting national standards
shall be withdrawn at the latest by May 2005.

This document supersedes EN ISO 14001:1996.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of
the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Endorsement notice

The text of ISO 14001:2004 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 14001:2004 without any


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Second edition
Environmental management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Systèmes de management environnemental — Exigences et lignes
directrices pour son utilisation

Reference number
ISO 14001:2004(E)
ISO 2004

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ISO 14001:2004(E)
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Environmental management system requirements . 4
4.1 General requirements . 4
4.2 Environmental policy . 4
4.3 Planning . 4
4.4 Implementation and operation . 5
4.5 Checking . 7
4.6 Management review . 9
Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this International Standard . 10
Annex B (informative) Correspondence between ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 . 19
Bibliography . 23
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 14001 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management, Subcommittee
SC 1, Environmental management systems.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 14001:1996), which has been technically
iv ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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ISO 14001:2004(E)
Organizations of all kinds are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating sound environmental
performance by controlling the impacts of their activities, products and services on the environment, consistent
with their environmental policy and objectives. They do so in the context of increasingly stringent legislation, the
development of economic policies and other measures that foster environmental protection, and increased
concern expressed by interested parties about environmental matters and sustainable development.
Many organizations have undertaken environmental “reviews” or “audits” to assess their environmental
performance. On their own, however, these “reviews” and “audits” may not be sufficient to provide an
organization with the assurance that its performance not only meets, but will continue to meet, its legal and
policy requirements. To be effective, they need to be conducted within a structured management system that is
integrated within the organization.
International Standards covering environmental management are intended to provide organizations with the
elements of an effective environmental management system (EMS) that can be integrated with other
management requirements and help organizations achieve environmental and economic goals. These
standards, like other International Standards, are not intended to be used to create non-tariff trade barriers or to
increase or change an organization's legal obligations.
This International Standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an
organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and
information about significant environmental aspects. It is intended to apply to all types and sizes of organization
and to accommodate diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions. The basis of the approach is shown
in Figure1. The success of the system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the
organization, and especially from top management. A system of this kind enables an organization to develop an
environmental policy, establish objectives and processes to achieve the policy commitments, take action as
needed to improve its performance and demonstrate the conformity of the system to the requirements of this
International Standard. The overall aim of this International Standard is to support environmental protection and
prevention of pollution in balance with socio-economic needs. It should be noted that many of the requirements
can be addressed concurrently or revisited at any time.
The second edition of this International Standard is focused on clarification of the first edition, and has taken
due consideration of the provisions of ISO 9001 to enhance the compatibility of the two standards for the benefit
of the user community.
For ease of use, the subclause numbers in Clause 4 of the body of this International Standard and in Annex A
have been related. For example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with objectives, targets and programme(s), and 4.5.5
and A.5.5 both deal with internal audit. In addition, Annex B identifies broad technical correspondences
between ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2000 and vice versa.
There is an important distinction between this International Standard, which describes the requirements for an
organization's environmental management system and can be used for certification/registration and/or self-
declaration of an organization's environmental management system, and a non-certifiable guideline intended to
provide generic assistance to an organization for establishing, implementing or improving an environmental
management system. Environmental management encompasses a full range of issues, including those with
strategic and competitive implications. Demonstration of successful implementation of this International
Standard can be used by an organization to assure interested parties that an appropriate environmental
management system is in place.
Guidance on supporting environmental management techniques is contained in other International Standards,
particularly those on environmental management in the documents established by ISO/TC 207. Any reference
to other International Standards is for information only.
ISO 2004 – All rights reserved v

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ISO 14001:2004(E)
NOTE This International Standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can be
briefly described as follows.
— Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization's
environmental policy.
— Do: implement the processes.
— Check: monitor and measure processes against environmental policy, objectives, targets, legal and other
requirements, and report the results.
— Act: take actions to continually improve performance of the environmental management system.
Many organizations manage their operations via the application of a system of processes and their interactions, which can
be referred to as the “process approach”. ISO 9001 promotes the use of the process approach. Since PDCA can be
applied to all processes, the two methodologies are considered to be compatible.
Figure 1 — Environmental management system model for this International Standard
This International Standard contains only those requirements that can be objectively audited. Those
organizations requiring more general guidance on a broad range of environmental management system issues
are referred to ISO 14004.
This International Standard does not establish absolute requirements for environmental performance beyond
the commitments, in the environmental policy, to comply with applicable legal requirements and with other
requirements to which the organization subscribes, to prevention of pollution and to continual improvement.
Thus, two organizations carrying out similar operations but having different environmental performance can
both conform to its requirements.
The adoption and implementation of a range of environmental management techniques in a systematic manner
can contribute to optimal outcomes for all interested parties. However, adoption of this International Standard
will not in itself guarantee optimal environmental outcomes. In order to achieve environmental objectives, the
environmental management system can encourage organizations to consider implementation of the best
vi ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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ISO 14001:2004(E)
available techniques, where appropriate and where economically viable, and fully take into account the cost-
effectiveness of such techniques.
This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as
those for quality, occupational health and safety, financial or risk management, though its elements can be
aligned or integrated with those of other management systems. It is possible for an organization to adapt its
existing management system(s) in order to establish an environmental management system that conforms to
the requirements of this International Standard. It is pointed out, however, that the application of various
elements of the management system might differ depending on the intended purpose and the interested parties
The level of detail and complexity of the environmental management system, the extent of documentation and
the resources devoted to it depend on a number of factors, such as the scope of the system, the size of an
organization and the nature of its activities, products and services. This may be the case in particular for small
and medium-sized enterprises.
ISO 2004 – All rights reserved vii

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Environmental management systems — Requirements with
guidance for use
This International Standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an
organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and
other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about significant environmental
aspects. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization identifies as those which it can control
and those which it can influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria.
This International Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to
a) establish, implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system,
b) assure itself of conformity with its stated environmental policy,
c) demonstrate conformity with this International Standard by
1) making a self-determination and self-declaration, or
2) seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as
customers, or
3) seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or
4) seeking certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization.
All the requirements in this International Standard are intended to be incorporated into any environmental
management system. The extent of the application depends on factors such as the environmental policy of the
organization, the nature of its activities, products and services and the location where and the conditions in
which it functions. This International Standard also provides, in Annex A, informative guidance on its use.
2 Normative references
No normative references are cited. This clause is included in order to retain clause numbering identical with the
previous edition (ISO 14001:1996).
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
person with the competence to conduct an audit
[ISO 9000:2000, 3.9.9]
continual improvement
recurring process of enhancing the environmental management system (3.8) in order to achieve
improvements in overall environmental performance (3.10) consistent with the organization's (3.16)
environmental policy (3.11)
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
NOTE The process need not take place in all areas of activity simultaneously.
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity (3.15)
information and its supporting medium
NOTE 1 The medium can be paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample, or a
combination thereof.
NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 9000:2000, 3.7.2.
surroundings in which an organization (3.16) operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora,
fauna, humans, and their interrelation
NOTE Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization (3.16) to the global system.
environmental aspect
element of an organization's (3.16) activities or products or services that can interact with the environment
NOTE A significant environmental aspect has or can have a significant environmental impact (3.7).
environmental impact
any change to the environment (3.5), whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an
organization's (3.16) environmental aspects (3.6)
environmental management system
part of an organization's (3.16) management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy
(3.11) and manage its environmental aspects (3.6)
NOTE 1 A management system is a set of interrelated elements used to establish policy and objectives and to achieve
those objectives.
NOTE2 A management system includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices,
procedures (3.19), processes and resources.
environmental objective
overall environmental goal, consistent with the environmental policy (3.11), that an organization (3.16) sets
itself to achieve
environmental performance
measurable results of an organization's (3.16) management of its environmental aspects (3.6)
NOTE In the context of environmental management systems (3.8), results can be measured against the organization's
(3.16) environmental policy (3.11), environmental objectives (3.9), environmental targets (3.12) and other
environmental performance requirements.
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
environmental policy
overall intentions and direction of an organization (3.16) related to its environmental performance (3.10) as
formally expressed by top management
NOTE The environmental policy provides a framework for action and for the setting of environmental objectives (3.9) and
environmental targets (3.12).
environmental target
detailed performance requirement, applicable to the organization (3.16) or parts thereof, that arises from the
environmental objectives (3.9) and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives
interested party
person or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance (3.10) of an organization
internal audit
systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which the environmental management system audit criteria set by the organization
(3.16) are fulfilled
NOTE In many cases, particularly in smaller organizations, independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from
responsibility for the activity being audited.
non-fulfilment of a requirement
[ISO 9000:2000, 3.6.2]
company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether
incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration
NOTE For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization.
preventive action
action to eliminate the cause of a potential nonconformity (3.15)
prevention of pollution
use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or control
(separately or in combination) the creation, emission or discharge of any type of pollutant or waste, in order to
reduce adverse environmental impacts (3.7)
NOTE Prevention of pollution can include source reduction or elimination, process, product or service changes, efficient
use of resources, material and energy substitution, reuse, recovery, recycling, reclamation and treatment.
specified way to carry out an activity or a process
NOTE 1 Procedures can be documented or not.
NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 9000:2000, 3.4.5.
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
document (3.4) stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed
NOTE Adapted from ISO 9000:2000, 3.7.6.
4 Environmental management system requirements
4.1 General requirements
The organization shall establish, document, implement, maintain and continually improve an environmental
management system in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard and determine how it
will fulfil these requirements.
The organization shall define and document the scope of its environmental management system.
4.2 Environmental policy
Top management shall define the organization's environmental policy and ensure that, within the defined scope
of its environmental management system, it
a) is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services,
b) includes a commitment to continual improvement and prevention of pollution,
c) includes a commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which
the organization subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects,
d) provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets,
e) is documented, implemented and maintained,
f) is communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization, and
g) is available to the public.
4.3 Planning
4.3.1 Environmental aspects
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s)
a) to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services within the defined scope of the
environmental management system that it can control and those that it can influence taking into account
planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services, and
b) to determine those aspects that have or can have significant impact(s) on the environment (i.e. significant
environmental aspects).
The organization shall document this information and keep it up to date.
The organization shall ensure that the significant environmental aspects are taken into account in establishing,
implementing and maintaining its environmental management system.
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
4.3.2 Legal and other requirements
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s)
a) to identify and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the
organization subscribes related to its environmental aspects, and
b) to determine how these requirements apply to its environmental aspects.
The organization shall ensure that these applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the
organization subscribes are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining its environmental
management system.
4.3.3 Objectives, targets and programme(s)
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain documented environmental objectives and targets, at
relevant functions and levels within the organization.
The objectives and targets shall be measurable, where practicable, and consistent with the environmental
policy, including the commitments to prevention of pollution, to compliance with applicable legal requirements
and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and to continual improvement.
When establishing and reviewing its objectives and targets, an organization shall take into account the legal
requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and its significant environmental
aspects. It shall also consider its technological options, its financial, operational and business requirements,
and the views of interested parties.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a programme(s) for achieving its objectives and
targets. Programme(s) shall include
a) designation of responsibility for achieving objectives and targets at relevant functions and levels of the
organization, and
b) the means and time-frame by which they are to be achieved.
4.4 Implementation and operation
4.4.1 Resources, roles, responsibility and authority
Management shall ensure the availability of resources essential to establish, implement, maintain and improve
the environmental management system. Resources include human resources and specialized skills,
organizational infrastructure, technology and financial resources.
Roles, responsibilities and authorities shall be defined, documented and communicated in order to facilitate
effective environmental management.
The organization's top management shall appoint a specific management representative(s) who, irrespective of
other responsibilities, shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for
a) ensuring that an environmental management system is established, implemented and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of this International Standard,
b) reporting to top management on the performance of the environmental management system for review,
including recommendations for improvement.
4.4.2 Competence, training and awareness
The organization shall ensure that any person(s) performing tasks for it or on its behalf that have the potential to
cause a significant environmental impact(s) identified by the organization is (are) competent on the basis of
appropriate education, training or experience, and shall retain associated records.
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ISO 14001:2004(E)
The organization shall identify training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its environmental
management system. It shall provide training or take other action to meet these needs, and shall retain
associated records.
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to make persons working for it or on its
behalf aware of
a) the importance of conformity with the environmental policy and procedures and with the requirements of the
environmental ma


julij 2005

Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Zahteve z navodili za uporabo

(ISO 14001:2004)

Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use
(ISO 14001:2004)

Systèmes de management environnemental – Exigences et lignes directrices
pour son utilisation (ISO 14001:2004)

Umweltmanagementsysteme – Anforderungen mit Anleitung zur Anwendung
(ISO 14001:2004)

Referenčna oznaka
ICS 13.020.10 SIST EN ISO 14001:2005 (sl, en)

Nadaljevanje na strani II in od 2 do 45

© 2005-07. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISO 14001: 2005

Standard SIST EN ISO 14001 (sl), Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Zahteve z navodili za uporabo, 2005,
ima status slovenskega standarda in je istoveten evropskemu standardu EN ISO 14001 (en),
Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 14001:2004), 2004.


Evropski standard EN ISO 14001:2004 je pripravil mednarodni tehnični odbor ISO TC 207 Ravnanje z
okoljem v sodelovanju s CMC (CEN Management Center). Slovensko-angleško izdajo standarda je
pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC UZO Upravljanje z okoljem.

Ta slovenski standard je dne 2005-05-01 sprejel SIST/TC UZO.


SIST EN ISO 14001:1997.


– Privzem standarda EN ISO 14001:2004.


– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz »mednarodni standard«, v
SIST EN ISO 14001:2005 to pomeni »slovenski standard«.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
– Slovenski standard SIST EN ISO 14001:2005 je istoveten tudi standardu ISO 14001:2004.
– Ta nacionalni dokument je istoveten EN ISO 14001:2004 in je objavljen z dovoljenjem
Rue de Stassart 35
1050 Bruselj
This national document is identical with EN ISO 14001:2004 and is published with the permission of
Rue de Stassart, 35
1050 Bruxelles


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NORME EUROPÉENNE november 2004

ICS 13.020.10 Nadomešča EN ISO 14001:1996

Slovenska izdaja

Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Zahteve z navodili za uporabo (ISO 14001:2004)

Environmental management Systèmes de management Umweltmanagementsysteme –
systems – Requirements environnemental – Exigences Anforderungen mit Anleitung
with guidance for use et lignes directrices pour son zur Anwendung
(ISO 14001:2004) utilisation (ISO 14001:2004) (ISO 14001:2004)

Ta evropski standard je CEN sprejel dne 2004-11-13.

Članice CEN morajo izpolnjevati notranje predpise CEN/CENELEC, s katerimi je predpisano, da mora
biti ta standard brez kakršnihkoli sprememb sprejet kot nacionalni standard. Seznami najnovejših izdaj
teh nacionalnih standardov in njihovi bibliografski podatki so na voljo pri centralnem sekretariatu ali
članicah CEN.

Ta evropski standard obstaja v treh izvirnih izdajah (nemški, angleški in francoski). Izdaje v drugih
jezikih, ki jih članice CEN na lastno odgovornost prevedejo in izdajo ter prijavijo pri centralnem
sekretariatu CEN, veljajo kot uradne izdaje.

Članice CEN so nacionalni organi za standarde Avstrije, Belgije, Cipra, Češke republike, Danske,
Estonije, Finske, Francije, Grčije, Irske, Islandije, Italije, Latvije, Litve, Luksemburga, Madžarske,
Malte, Nemčije, Nizozemske, Norveške, Poljske, Portugalske, Slovaške, Slovenije, Španije, Švedske,
Švice in Združenega kraljestva.

Evropski komite za standardizacijo
European Committee for Standardisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
Comité Européen de Normalisation

Centralni sekretariat: Rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Bruselj

© 2004 Lastnice avtorskih pravic so vse države članice CEN Ref. oznaka EN ISO 14001:2004 E

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SIST EN ISO 14001: 2005
Ta standard EN ISO 14001:2004 je pripravil tehnični odbor ISO/TC 207 Ravnanje z okoljem v
sodelovanju s CMC (CEN Management Center).
Ta evropski standard mora dobiti status nacionalnega standarda z objavo istovetnega besedila ali z
razglasitvijo najpozneje do maja 2005. Do istega roka je treba umakniti tudi nacionalne standarde, ki
so v nasprotju s tem standardom.
Ta evropski standard nadomešča EN ISO 14001:1996.
V skladu z notranjimi predpisi CEN/CENELEC morajo ta evropski standard obvezno uvesti nacionalne
organizacije za standarde naslednjih držav: Avstrije, Belgije, Cipra, Češke republike, Danske,
Estonije, Finske, Francije, Grčije, Irske, Islandije, Italije, Latvije, Litve, Luksemburga, Madžarske,
Malte, Nemčije, Nizozemske, Norveške, Poljske, Portugalske, Slovaške, Slovenije, Španije, Švedske,
Švice in Združenega kraljestva.

Razglasitvena objava

Besedilo ISO 14001:2004 je CEN odobril kot EN ISO 14001:2004 brez sprememb.

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SIST EN ISO 14001 : 2005

1 Predmet standarda. 9 1 Scope .9
2 Zveza z drugimi standardi . 9 2 Normative references.9
3 Izrazi in definicije . 10 3 Terms and definitions.10
4 Zahteve za sistem ravnanja 4 Environmental management system
z okoljem . 13 requirements .13
4.1 Splošne zahteve. 13 4.1 General requirements .13
4.2 Okoljska politika. 13 4.2 Environmental policy.13
4.3 Planiranje. 13 4.3 Planning .13
4.4 Izvajanje in delovanje . 15 4.4 Implementation and operation .15
4.5 Preverjanje . 18 4.5 Checking .18
4.6 Vodstveni pregled. 20 4.6 Management review.20
Dodatek A (informativni): Navodila za Annex A (informative): Guidance on the
uporabo tega standarda. . 22 use of this International Standard. .22
Dodatek B (informativni): Primerjava med Annex B (informative): Correspondence
ISO 14001:2004 in ISO 9001:2000 . 36 between ISO 14001:2004 and
ISO 9001:2000.37

Literatura . 44 Bibliography.45


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SIST EN ISO 14001: 2005

Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Environmental management systems
Zahteve z navodili za uporabo – Requirements with guidance for use

Predgovor Foreword
ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za ISO (the International Organization for

standardizacijo) je svetovna zveza nacionalnih Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
organov za standarde (članic ISO). Mednarodne national standards bodies (ISO member bodies).
standarde ponavadi pripravljajo tehnični odbori The work of preparing International Standards is
ISO. Vsaka članica, ki želi delovati na normally carried out, through ISO technical
določenem področju, za katero je bil ustanovljen committees. Each member body interested in a
tehnični odbor, ima pravico biti zastopana v tem subject for which a technical committee has been
odboru. Pri delu sodelujejo tudi mednarodne established has the right to be represented on
vladne in nevladne organizacije, povezane z that committee. International organizations,
ISO. V vseh zadevah, ki so povezane s governmental and non-governmental, in liaison
standardizacijo na področju elektrotehnike, ISO with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
tesno sodeluje z Mednarodno elektrotehniško collaborates closely with the International
komisijo (IEC). Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters
of electrotechnical standardization.

Osnutki mednarodnih standardov so International Standards are drafted in
pripravljeni v skladu s pravili, podanimi v 2. accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC
delu Direktiv ISO/IEC. Directives, Part 2.

Glavna naloga tehničnih odborov je priprava The main task of technical committees is to

mednarodnih standardov. Osnutki prepare International Standards. Draft
mednarodnih standardov, ki jih sprejemajo International Standards adopted by the technical
tehnični odbori, se pošljejo vsem članicam v committees are circulated to the member bodies
glasovanje. Za izdajo mednarodnega for voting. Publication as an International
standarda je treba pridobiti soglasje najmanj 75 Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of
odstotkov članic, ki se udeležijo glasovanja. the member bodies casting a vote.

Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da so lahko Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of

nekateri elementi tega dokumenta predmet the elements of this document may be the
patentnih pravic. ISO ne prevzema subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held
odgovornosti za identifikacijo katerihkoli ali responsible for identifying any or all such patent
vseh takih patentnih pravic. rights.

ISO 14001 je pripravil tehnični odbor ISO/TC ISO 14001 was prepared by Technical Committee
207 Ravnanje z okoljem, pododbor SC1 ISO/TC 207, Environmental management,
Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem. Subcommittee SC 1, Environmental management

Ta druga izdaja razveljavlja in nadomešča prvo This second edition cancels and replaces the
izdajo (ISO 14001:1996), ki je bila strokovno first edition (ISO 14001:1996), which has been
popravljena. technically revised.

Uvod Introduction
Organizacije vseh vrst si čedalje bolj Organizations of all kinds are increasingly
prizadevajo doseči in izkazovati ustrezen odnos concerned with achieving and demonstrating
do okolja, tako da obvladujejo vplive svojih sound environmental performance by controlling
dejavnosti, proizvodov in storitev na okolje the impacts of their activities, products and
skladno s svojo okoljsko politiko in okvirnimi cilji. services on the environment, consistent with their
To izvajajo v skladu s čedalje ostrejšo environmental policy and objectives. They do so
zakonodajo, razvojem gospodarske politike in in the context of increasingly stringent legislation,
drugimi ukrepi, ki spodbujajo varstvo okolja, in the development of economic policies and other

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SIST EN ISO 14001 : 2005
tudi zaradi čedalje večjega zanimanja in measures that foster environmental protection,
zaskrbljenosti zainteresiranih strank za and increased concern expressed by interested
vprašanja okolja in trajnostnega razvoja. parties about environmental matters and
sustainable development.
Mnoge organizacije so že izvedle okoljske Many organizations have undertaken
"preglede" ali "presoje", s katerimi so ocenile environmental "reviews" or "audits" to assess
svoj način ravnanja z okoljem. Ti "pregledi" ali their environmental performance. On their own,
"presoje" same po sebi ne dajejo zadostnega however, these "reviews" and "audits" may not
be sufficient to provide an organization with the
zagotovila, da način organizacije ne le
izpolnjuje zahteve, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje in assurance that its performance not only meets,
but will continue to meet, its legal and policy
njene politike, ampak da bo organizacija te
zahteve tudi stalno izpolnjevala. Presoje requirements. To be effective, they need to be
conducted within a structured management
oziroma pregledi so lahko učinkoviti le, če jih
organizacija opravlja v sklopu strukturiranega system that is integrated within the organization.

sistema vodenja, ki je vključen v organizacijo.

Mednarodni standardi ravnanja z okoljem naj bi International Standards covering environmental
organizacijam priskrbeli elemente učinkovitega management are intended to provide organizations
sistema ravnanja z okoljem (EMS), ki jih je with the elements of an effective environmental
mogoče povezati z drugimi zahtevami vodenja, management system (EMS) that can be integrated
tako da organizacijam pomagajo doseči tako with other management requirements and help
okoljske kot tudi ekonomske cilje. Namen teh organizations achieve environmental and economic
standardov tako kot tudi drugih mednarodnih goals. These standards, like other International
standardov ni ustvarjati netarifne trgovske ovire Standards, are not intended to be used to create
ali povečati ali spreminjati zakonske obveznosti non-tariff trade barriers or to increase or change an
organizacije. organization's legal obligations.

Ta mednarodni standard podrobno določa This International Standard specifies requirements
zahteve za sistem ravnanja z okoljem, ki for an environmental management system to
omogoča organizaciji razviti in izvajati politiko in enable an organization to develop and implement a
cilje, ki upoštevajo zakonske zahteve in policy and objectives which take into account legal
informacije o pomembnih okoljskih vidikih. requirements and information about significant
Uporabiti naj bi ga bilo mogoče v organizacijah environmental aspects. It is intended to apply to all
vseh vrst in velikosti ter prilagoditi različnim types and sizes of organization and to
zemljepisnim, kulturnim in družbenim razmeram. accommodate diverse geographical, cultural and
Zasnova pristopa je prikazana na sliki 1. Uspeh social conditions. The basis of the approach is
sistema je odvisen od zavezanosti na vseh shown in Figure 1. The success of the system
ravneh in funkcijah ter še posebej najvišjega depends on commitment from all levels and
vodstva. Sistem te vrste omogoča organizaciji functions of the organization, and especially from
razviti okoljsko politiko, vzpostaviti cilje in top management. A system of this kind enables an
procese, da izpolni zaveze v politiki, sproži organization to develop an environmental policy,
potrebne ukrepe za izboljšanje učinka ravnanja establish objectives and processes to achieve the
in dokaže, da sistem izpolnjuje zahteve tega policy commitments, take action as needed to
mednarodnega standarda. Končni cilj tega improve its performance and demonstrate the
mednarodnega standarda je podpreti varstvo conformity of the system to the requirements of this
okolja ter preprečevati onesnaževanje v International Standard. The overall aim of this
ravnovesju z družbeno-ekonomskimi potrebami. International Standard is to support environmental
Poudariti bi bilo treba, da je mogoče obdelati več protection and prevention of pollution in balance
zahtev hkrati ali pa jih kadarkoli ponovno with socio-economic needs. It should be noted that
obravnavati. many of the requirements can be addressed
concurrently or revisited at any time.

Druga izdaja tega mednarodnega standarda je The second edition of this International Standard
osredotočena na razjasnitev prve izdaje in je is focused on clarification of the first edition, and
tehtno upoštevala zahteve ISO 9001, da bi v has taken due consideration of the provisions of
korist skupnosti uporabnikov povečala ISO 9001 to enhance the compatibility of the two
združljivost obeh standardov. standards for the benefit of the user community.

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SIST EN ISO 14001: 2005
Zaradi lažje uporabe so podtočke točke 4 v For ease of use, the subclause numbers in
glavnem delu tega mednarodnega standarda Clause 4 of the body of this International
sorodne podtočkam v dodatku A. Na primer, Standard and in Annex A have been related.
4.3.3 in A.3.3 obravnavata okvirne in For example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with
izvedbene cilje ter programe, 4.5.5 in A.5.5 pa objectives, targets and programme(s), and
notranjo presojo. Dodatno pa dodatek B 4.5.5 and A.5.5 both deal with internal audit. In
prikazuje široko tehnično povezavo med ISO addition, Annex B identifies broad technical
14001:2004 in ISO 9001:2000 in obratno. correspondences between ISO 14001:2004
and ISO 9001:2000 and vice versa.

Obstaja pomembna razlika med tem There is an important distinction between this
mednarodnim standardom, ki opisuje zahteve International Standard, which describes the
za sistem ravnanja z okoljem organizacije in se requirements for an organization's
lahko uporabi za certifikacijo/registracijo environmental management system and can be
oziroma za izdajo lastne izjave o sistemu used for certification/registration and/or
ravnanja z okoljem v organizaciji, in vodilom, selfdeclaration of an organization's
po katerem certifikacija ni mogoča in ki naj environmental management system, and a non-
organizaciji zagotavlja splošno pomoč pri certifiable guideline intended to provide generic
vzpostavljanju, izvajanju ali izboljševanju assistance to an organization for establishing,
sistema ravnanja z okoljem. Ravnanje z implementing or improving an environmental
okoljem zajema celo vrsto vprašanj, ki management system. Environmental
vključujejo tudi strateške in konkurenčne management encompasses a full range of
učinke. Dokaz uspešnega izvajanja tega issues, including those with strategic and
mednarodnega standarda lahko organizacija competitive implications. Demonstration of
successful implementation of this International
uporabi kot zagotovilo zainteresiranim
strankam, da ima vzpostavljen primeren sistem Standard can be used by an organization to
ravnanja z okoljem. assure interested parties that an appropriate
environmental management system is in place.

Navodila o podpornih tehnikah ravnanja z Guidance on supporting environmental
okoljem so vključena v druge mednarodne management techniques is contained in other
standarde, še posebej v tiste dokumente o International Standards, particularly those on
ravnanju z okoljem, ki jih je vzpostavil ISO/TC environmental management in the documents
207. Vsako sklicevanje na druge mednarodne established by ISO/TC 207. Any reference to
standarde je samo informativno. other International Standards is for information


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SIST EN ISO 14001 : 2005

Nenehno izboljševanje
Continual improvement
Okoljska politika
Environmental policy
Vodstveni pregled
Management review
in delovanje
and operation

OPOMBA: Ta mednarodni standard temelji na NOTE This International Standard is based on the

metodologiji, poznani kot »Planiraj-Izvedi- methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act
Preveri-Ukrepaj« (PDCA). PDCA se lahko (PDCA). PDCA can be briefly described as
na kratko opiše kot: follows.
- Planiraj: Vzpostavi cilje in procese, ki so - Plan: establish the objectives and processes
potrebni za doseganje rezultatov, v necessary to deliver results in accordance
skladu z okoljsko politiko organizacije. with the organization's environmental policy.
- Izvedi: Izvajaj procese. - Do: implement the processes.
- Preveri: Nadzoruj in meri procese glede - Check: monitor and measure processes
na okoljsko politiko, okvirne in izvedbene against environmental policy, objectives,
cilje, zakonske in druge zahteve ter targets, legal and other requirements, and
poročaj o rezultatih. report the results.
- Ukrepaj: Ukrepaj tako, da se učinek - Act: take actions to continually improve
sistema ravnanja z okoljem nenehno performance of the environmental
izboljšuje. management system.
Veliko organizacij vodi svoje delovanje z uporabo sistema Many organizations manage their operations via the

procesov in njihovih medsebojnih povezav, ki se lahko application of a system of processes and their interactions,
imenuje »procesni pristop«. ISO 9001 podpira uporabo which can be referred to as the "process approach". ISO
procesnega pristopa. Ker je PDCA mogoče uporabiti pri 9001 promotes the use of the process approach. Since
vseh procesih, se šteje, da sta obe metodologiji združljivi. PDCA can be applied to all processes, the two
methodologies are considered to be compatible.

Slika 1: Model sistema ravnanja z okoljem v tem mednarodnem standardu
Figure 1 – Environmental management system model for this International Standard
Ta mednarodni standard vsebuje samo tiste This International Standard contains only those
zahteve, ki jih je mogoče objektivno presojati. requirements that can be objectively audited.
Organizacije, ki potrebujejo splošnejšo pomoč Those organizations requiring more general
pri vprašanjih sistema ravnanja z okoljem, naj guidance on a broad range of environmental
uporabijo standard ISO 14004. management system issues are referred to ISO
Ta mednarodni standard ne postavlja This International Standard does not establish
absolutnih zahtev za učinek ravnanja z absolute requirements for environmental

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SIST EN ISO 14001: 2005
okoljem, ki bi presegale zahteve po performance beyond the commitments, in the
zavezanosti za izpolnjevanje ustreznih environmental policy, to comply with applicable
zakonskih zahtev in drugih zahtev, na katere je legal requirements and with other requirements to
organizacija pristala, za preprečevanje which the organization subscribes, to prevention
onesnaževanja ter nenehno izboljševanje, of pollution and to continual improvement. Thus,
izraženih v okoljski politiki. To pomeni, da sta two organizations carrying out similar operations
organizaciji s podobno dejavnostjo, toda but having different environmental performance
različnim učinkom ravnanja z okoljem v skladu can both conform to its requirements.
z zahtevami standarda.

Prevzem in izvajanje več vrst tehnik ravnanja z The adoption and implementation of a range of
okoljem na sistematičen način lahko environmental management techniques in a
pripomoreta k najugodnejšemu izidu za vse systematic manner can contribute to optimal
zainteresirane stranke. Vendar pa prevzem outcomes for all interested parties. However,
tega mednarodnega standarda sam po sebi ne adoption of this International Standard will not
zagotavlja najugodnejšega izida za okolje. Da in itself guarantee optimal environmental
bi organizacije dosegle okoljske cilje, jih sistem outcomes. In order to achieve environmental
ravnanja z okoljem lahko spodbuja, da objectives, the environmental management
pretehtajo uvedbo najboljših tehnik, ki so na system can encourage organizations to
voljo, če je to primerno in gospodarno, ter consider implementation of the best available
popolnoma upoštevajo stroškovno učinkovitost techniques, where appropriate and where
takih tehnik. economically viable, and fully take into account
the costeffectiveness of such techniques.

Ta mednarodni standard ne vključuje zahtev, This International Standard does not include

specifičnih za druge sisteme vodenja, kot so na requirements specific to other management
primer za kakovost, varnost in zdravje pri delu, systems, such as those for quality, occupational
finančno vodenje ali obvladovanje tveganj, health and safety, financial or risk management,
čeprav se ti elementi lahko uskladijo ali though its elements can be aligned or
vključijo v elemente drugih sistemov vodenja. integrated with those of other management
Da bi organizacija vzpostavila sistem ravnanja systems. It is possible for an organization to
z okoljem, ki izpolnjuje zahteve tega adapt its existing management system(s) in
mednarodnega standarda, lahko svoj(-e) order to establish an environmental
obstoječi(-e) sistem(-e) vodenja prilagodi. management system that conforms to the
Poudarjeno pa je, da se lahko različni elementi requirements of this International Standard. It is
sistema ravnanja z okoljem, odvisno od pointed out, however, that the application of
namena in vpletenih zainteresiranih strank, various elements of the management system
različno uporabijo. might differ depending on the intended purpose
and the interested parties involved.

Raven podrobnosti in celovitost sistema The level of detail and complexity of the
ravnanja z okoljem, obseg dokumentacije ter environmental management system, the extent
odrejeni viri so odvisni od takšnih dejavnikov, kot of documentation and the resources devoted to
so obseg sistema, velikost organizacije ter it depend on a number of factors, such as the
narava njenih dejavnosti, proizvodov in storitev. scope of the system, the size of an organization
To še posebej velja za majhna in srednje velika and the nature of its activities, products and
podjetja. services. This may be the case in particular for
small and medium-sized enterprises.


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SIST EN ISO 14001 : 2005

Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem – Environmental management systems
Zahteve z navodili za uporabo – Requirements with guidance for use

1 Predmet standarda 1 Scope
Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za This International Standard specifies
sistem ravnanja z okoljem, ki omogoča requirements for an environmental management
organizaciji razviti in izvajati politiko in cilje, ki system to enable an organization to develop and
upoštevajo zakonske zahteve in druge implement a policy and objectives which take into
zahteve, na katere je organizacija pristala, ter account legal requirements and other
informacije o pomembnih okoljskih vidikih. requirements to which the organization
Nanaša se na tiste prepoznane okoljske vidike, subscribes, and information about significant
ki jih organizacija lahko obvladuje in na katere environmental aspects. It applies to those
lahko vpliva. Sam po sebi pa ta standard ne environmental aspects that the organization
postavlja meril za učinek ravnanja z okoljem. identifies as those which it can control and those
which it can influence. It does not itself state
specific environmental performance criteria.

Ta mednarodni standard lahko uporabi vsaka This International Standard is applicable to any
organizacija, ki želi: organization that wishes to
a) vzpostaviti, izvajati, vzdrževati in izboljševati
a) establish, implement, maintain and improve
sistem ravnanja z okoljem;
an environmental management system,
b) dokazati sama sebi, da izpolnjuje okoljsko
b) assure itself of conformity with its stated
politiko, za katero se je opredelila;
environmental policy,
c) prikazati izpolnjevanje zahtev tega
c) demonstrate conformity with this
mednarodnega standarda, tako da:
International Standard by
1) sprejme lastno odločitev in izda lastno
1) making a self-determination and self-
izjavo ali
declaration, or
2) pridobi pri strankah, ki se zanimajo za
2) seeking confirmation of its conformance
organizacijo, kot na primer odjemalec,
by parties having an interest in the
potrditev, da izpolnjuje zahteve, ali
organization, such as customers, or
3) pridobi pri zunanji stranki potrditev, da
3) seeking confirmation of its self-declaration
izpolnjuje lastno izjavo, ali
by a party external to the organization, or
4) pridobi pri zunanji stranki certifikacijo/
4) seeking certification/registration of its
registracijo za svoj sistem ravnanja z
environmental management system by
an external organization.

Vse zahteve tega mednarodnega standarda je All the requirements in this International
mogoče vključiti v katerikoli sistem ravnanja z Standard are intended to be incorporated into
okoljem. Obseg uporabe je odvisen od takih any environmental management system. The
dejavnikov, kot so okoljska politika organizacije, extent of the application depends on factors
narava njenih dejavnosti, proizvodov in storitev, such as the environmental policy of the
lokacija, na kateri deluje, in razmere, v katerih organization, the nature of its activities,
deluje. V dodatku A tega mednarodnega products and services and the location where
standarda so tudi informativna navodila za and the conditions in which it functions. This
njegovo uporabo. International Standard also provides, in Annex A,
informative guidance on its use.

2 Zveza z drugimi standardi 2 Normative references
Navedene ni nobene povezave z drugimi No normative references are cited. This clause

standardi. Ta točka je vključena zato, da se is included in order to retain clause numbering
ohrani enako označevanje poglavij kot v identical with the previous edition
prejšnji izdaji (ISO 14001:1996). (ISO 14001:1996).

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3 Izrazi in definicije 3 Terms and definitions
V tem dokumentu se uporabljajo naslednji For the purposes of this document, the
izrazi in definicije. following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Presojevalec 3.1 auditor
Oseba, kompetentna za izvedbo presoje  person with the competence to conduct an audit

[ISO 9000:2000, 3.9.9]
[ISO 9000:2000, 3.9.9].

3.2 Nenehno izboljševanje 3.2 continual improvement
recurring process of enhancing the
Ponavljajoč proces stopnjevanja sistema
ravnanja z okoljem (3.8), tako da se celoten environmental management system (3.8) in
učinek ravnanja z okoljem (3.10) izboljšuje v order to achieve improvements in overall

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