CEN/TC 132/WG 18 - Terminology
Glossary with all terms which are defined in aluminium standards with their translation into French and German in alphabetic order.
Glossary with all terms which are defined in aluminium standards with their translation into French and German in alphabetic order.
General Information
This European Standard contains definitions of terms which are helpful for the communication within the aluminium industry, authorities and subcontractors dealing with the shipment, recovery or disposal of residues. It only contains residues which are specific for the aluminium industry. Residues which generally occur with identical inherent properties in other industries and private households are defined in prEN 13965-1.
This European Standard does not contain terms and definitions related to aluminium scrap; such terms and de-finitions can be found in prEN 12258-3.
The inclusion of a material in this standard does not mean that the material is a waste.
Definitions of general terms which are helpful for the communication within the aluminium industry are laid down in EN 12258-1.
A glossary (clause 8) comprises all terms in alphabetical order which are defined in this standard.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish, French and German languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines general terms which are helpful for the communication within the aluminium industry and its customers relating to the chemical analysis.
A glossary (annex A) comprises all terms in alphabetical order which are defined in this standard.
NOTE Most of the definitions are taken from or closely adapted to ISO standards and/or VIM.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard contains definitions of terms related to scrap of aluminium and aluminium alloys which are helpful for the communication within the aluminium industry and between the industry and the authorities.
Definitions of general terms which are helpful for the communication within the aluminium industry are laid down in EN 12258-1.
NOTE 1 In some terms and definitions "aluminium" is used for "aluminium and aluminium alloys".
NOTE 2 Definitions of other standards or regulations applying to a broader field of application which includes the field of application of this Standard can be more general than the definitions of identical terms in this standard; they can be found in the relevant documents.
NOTE 3 The definitions of terms indicating different types of scrap do not contain requirements, e. g. on metal yield or chemical composition related to the scrap category to which this type of scrap belongs.
A glossary (Clause 10) comprises all terms which are defined in this Standard and their translations in alphabetical order.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish, French and German languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines general terms which are helpful for the communication within the aluminium industry and its customers relating to products of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Note: In some terms and definitions "metal" is used for aluminium and aluminium alloys". Definitions in other standards applying to a particular field of application can be more specific than the definitions of identical terms in this standard; these can be found in the relevant standards.
- Standard147 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day