This document specifies methods for determining temperature-time profiles during composting and anaerobic digestion for the production of compost and digestate.
The process monitoring is an organized check and recording of the temperature during a specific time of the composting and anaerobic digestion process.
This document only applies to composting and anaerobic digestion.
This document is intended to be used by manufacturers and enforcement agencies for the purpose of manufacturing control.
The requirements of this document can differ from national legal requirements for the production process of compost and digestate.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This document describes a method to determine the aerobic biological activity of growing media and soil improvers or constituents thereof by measuring the oxygen uptake rate (OUR). The oxygen uptake rate is an indicator of the extent to which biodegradable organic matter is being broken down within a specified time period. The method is not suitable for material with a content of particle sizes > 10 mm exceeding 20 %.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This European Standard specifies a routine method for determining the organic matter and the ash content of soil improvers and growing media.
This method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard describes a method for the routine determination of the effect of soil improvers and growing media or constituents thereof on the growth of Chinese cabbage (and in certain cases spring barley).
NOTE 1   This test may not be suitable for all growing media since the formulated nutrient content will vary according to target use and the product is not tested in accordance with the specified use and pack recommendations.
NOTE 2   This test is not appropriate for the detection of nitrogen immobilization.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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This European Standard specifies an instrumental method for the routine determination of electrical conductivity in a water extract of a soil improver or growing medium. The determination is carried out to obtain an indication of the content of water soluble electrolytes in either soil improvers or growing media.
This method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

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    9 pages
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This European Standard describes a method for the routine determination of the effect of soil improvers and growing media or constituents thereof on the germination and early root development of cress.

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This European Standard describes an instrumental method for the routine determination of the physical properties, dry bulk density, water volume, air volume, shrinkage value and total pore space of soil improvers or growing media.
This European Standard is not suitable for those materials which are very coarse, which do not make proper capillary contact or those which are pre-formed and non-particulate and have closed porosity. It is applicable to materials with particles 25 mm and/or flexible fibres 80 mm.
This method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This European Standard specifies an instrumental method for the routine determination of pH in a suspension of soil improvers or growing media.
This method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This European Standard describes a method to determine the aerobic biological activity using a self-heating test. This method is only applicable to composted material.

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This European Standard specifies a routine method for preparing a sample of soil improver or growing media prior to chemical analysis and physical testing. The procedures described herein apply only to those samples that are supplied to a laboratory in the form in which they will be used for their intended purpose.
NOTE 1   This method is not applicable to liming materials and is not suitable for materials like rockwool and foam slabs.
NOTE 2   The determination of the laboratory compacted bulk density is given in Annex A.
NOTE 3   The results of an interlaboratory trial to determine moisture content are given in Annex B.
NOTE 4   The results of an interlaboratory trial to determine compacted laboratory bulk density are given in Annex B.
NOTE 5   Attention is drawn to the possible existence of national legislation for the declaration of specific products, which could differ from the general requirements of this European Standard.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This document specifies a method of determination of particle size distribution in soil improvers and growing media.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies an extraction method for the routine determination of calcium
chloride/DTPA (CAT-method) extractable nutrients and elements (as listed in annex B) in soil improvers or growing media.
The method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the routine extraction of water-soluble extractable nutrients and elements (as listed in annex B) in soil improvers or growing media.
The method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the routine extraction of aqua regia soluble elements (as listed in annex B) from soil improvers or growing media. Materials containing more than about 28 % (m/m) organic matter will require treatment with additional nitric acid. With high solute concentrations in extract solutions, spectral interference's and background enhancement should be expected.
The method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE 1   Aqua regia will not totally dissolve most soil improvers or growing media, and the efficiency of extraction for particular elements differs from element to element. Such efficiency might also differ for the same element in different matrices.  Elements extractable in aqua regia cannot therefore, be described as "Totals"; conversely they cannot be regarded as the "bio-available" fraction, as the extraction procedure is too vigorous to represent any biological process.
NOTE 2      The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen in soil improvers and growing media. The Kjeldahl method determines ammonium-N, nitrate-N, nitrite-N and organic N content of soil improvers and growing media. Nitrogen in N-N-linkages, N-O-linkages and some heterocyclics (especially pyridine) is only partially determined. [6], [7], [8]
The method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen in soil improvers and growing media. The dry combustion method was developed originally as a manual method by Dumas [5]. Its application is improved greatly due to the use of modern automated equipment and is applicable to all forms of nitrogen.
The method is not applicable to liming materials and preformed materials such as mineral wool slabs and foam slabs.
NOTE   The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    8 pages
    English language
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This European Standard describes a method to determine the aerobic biological activity of growing media and soil improvers or constituents thereof by measuring the oxygen uptake rate (OUR). The oxygen uptake rate is an indicator of the extent to which biodegradable organic matter is being broken down within a specified time period. The method is not suitable for material with a content of particle sizes > 10 mm exceeding 20 %.

  • Standard
    12 pages
    English language
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This European standard specifies a routine method for determining the organic matter and the ash content of soil improvers and growing media. Note 1: This method is not applicable to liming materials or sewage sludges and is not suitable for materials like rockwool and foam slabs. Note 2: The requirements for the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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The amendment to EN 13041 covers the change in ring diameter and the results of the precision data for extra tensions.

  • Amendment
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  • Amendment
    17 pages
    English language
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This European standard describes an instrumental method for the routine determination of the physical properties, dry bulk density, water volume, air volume, shrinkage value and total pore space of soil improvers or growing media. This European standard is not suitable for those materials which are very coarse, which do not make proper capillary contact or those which are pre-formed and non-particulate and are of closed porosity. It is applicable to materials with particles not less than 25 mm and/or flexible fibres not less than 80 mm.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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    1 day

This European standard specifies an instrumental method for the routine determination of pH in suspension of soil improvers or growing media. Note 1: This method is not applicable to liming materials or sewage sludges and is not suitable for materials like rockwool and foam slabs. Note 2: The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies an instrumental method for the routine determination of electrical conductivity in a water extract of a soil improver or growing medium. The determination is carried out to obtain an indication of the content of water soluble electrolytes in either soil improvers or growing media. Note 1: This method is not applicable to liming materials or sewage sludges and is not suitable for materials like rockwool and foam slabs. Note 2: The requirements of the standard may differ from the national legal requirements for the declaration of the products concerned.

  • Standard
    9 pages
    English language
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This European standard specifies a routine method for preparing a sample of a soil improver or a growing media prior to chemical analysis and physical testing. The procedures described herein apply only to those samples that are supplied to the laboratory in the form in which they shall be used for their intended purpose. Note 1: This method is not applicable to liming materials or sewage sludges and is not suitable for materials like rockwool and foam slabs. Note 2: The determination of the laboratory compacted bulk density is given in Annex A.

  • Standard
    14 pages
    English language
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    1 day