CEN/TC 294/WG 4 - Data exchange for meters on bus-systems and interface
Prepare, maintain and evolve standards for the lower layers for bidirectional wired data exchange and for the upper layers for uni- and bidirectional data exchange of metering systems, taking into account: - the scope of CEN/TC 294; - the nominal service life of the devices in the market. Maintain part 3 of the EN 1434 series hosted at CEN/TC 176.
Data exchange for meters on bus-systems and interface
Prepare, maintain and evolve standards for the lower layers for bidirectional wired data exchange and for the upper layers for uni- and bidirectional data exchange of metering systems, taking into account: - the scope of CEN/TC 294; - the nominal service life of the devices in the market. Maintain part 3 of the EN 1434 series hosted at CEN/TC 176.
General Information
This draft European standard is applicable to the physical and link layer parameters of baseband communication over twisted pair (M Bus) for meter communication systems. It is especially applicable to thermal energy meters, heat cost allocators, water meters and gas meters.
NOTE It is usable also for other meters (like electricity meters) and for sensors and actuators. For generic descriptions concerning communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters see EN 13757-1.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report contains additional information to the requirements determined in EN 13757-2, EN 13757-3 and EN 13757-7, in particular examples for the implementation, Datagram examples secured by security mechanism of part 7 and additional non-normative requirements beyond meter communication itself.
- Technical report90 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This draft European Standard specifies Transport and Security Services for communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters.
This draft European Standard specifies secure communication capabilities by design and supports the building of a secure system architecture.
This draft European standard is applicable to the protection of consumer data to ensure privacy.
This draft European Standard is intended to be used with the lower layer specifications determined in EN 13757-2, EN 13757-3, EN 13757-4, EN 13757-5 and EN 13757-6.
- Standard91 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the general requirements and applies to heat meters. Heat meters are instruments intended for measuring the energy which in a heat-exchange circuit is absorbed (cooling) or given up (heating) by a liquid called the heat-conveying liquid. The meter indicates heat in legal units.
Part 3 specifies the data exchange between a meter and a readout device (POINT / POINT communication). For these applications using the optical readout head, the EN 62056-21 protocol is recommended.
For direct or remote local readout of a single or a few meters via a battery driven readout device, the physical layer of EN 13757-6 (local bus) is recommended.
For bigger networks with up to 250 meters, a master unit with AC mains supply according to EN 13757-2 is necessary to control the M-Bus. For these applications the physical and link layer of EN 13757-2 and the application layer of EN 13757-3 is required.
For wireless meter communications, EN 13757-4 describes several alternatives of walk/drive-by readout via a mobile station or by using stationary receivers or a network. Both unidirectionally and bidirectionally transmitting meters are supported by this standard.
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the general requirements of data exchange and interfaces for thermal energy meters.
This document is applicable to unidirectionally and bidirectionally transmitting thermal energy meters.
This document applies also to networks with up to 250 meters, for which a master unit with AC mains supply is necessary to control the M-Bus. In these cases, the document is only applicable in conjunction with EN 13757 2 (physical and link layer) and EN 13757 3 (application layer).
For wireless thermal energy meter communications, this document is only applicable in conjunction with EN 13757 4, which describes several alternatives of walk/drive-by readout via a mobile station or by using stationary receivers or a network.
NOTE Thermal energy meters are instruments intended for measuring the energy which in a heat-exchange circuit is absorbed (cooling) or given up (heating) by a liquid called the heat-conveying liquid. The meter indicates thermal energy in legal units.
- Draft18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies transport and security services for communication systems for meters, sensors, and actuators, used to provide metering services.
This document specifies secure communication capabilities by design and supports the building of a secure system architecture.
This document is applicable to the protection of consumer data to ensure privacy.
This document is intended to be used with the lower layer specifications determined in the relevant parts of the EN 13757-series.
- Draft92 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies application services for communication systems for meters, sensors, and actuators, used to provide metering services.
This document specifies application protocols, especially the M-Bus application protocol.
This document is intended to be used with the lower layer specifications determined in the relevant parts of the EN 13757 series.
- Draft121 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This draft European standard is applicable to the physical and link layer parameters of baseband communication over twisted pair (M Bus) for meter communication systems. It is especially applicable to thermal energy meters, heat cost allocators, water meters and gas meters.
NOTE It is usable also for other meters (like electricity meters) and for sensors and actuators. For generic descriptions concerning communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters see EN 13757-1.
- Draft12 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This draft European standard is applicable to the physical and link layer parameters of baseband communication over twisted pair (M Bus) for meter communication systems. It is especially applicable to thermal energy meters, heat cost allocators, water meters and gas meters.
NOTE It is usable also for other meters (like electricity meters) and for sensors and actuators. For generic descriptions concerning communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters see EN 13757-1.
- Standard30 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report contains additional information to the requirements determined in EN 13757-2, EN 13757-3 and EN 13757-7, in particular examples for the implementation, Datagram examples secured by security mechanism of part 7 and additional non-normative requirements beyond meter communication itself.
- Technical report87 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the physical layer parameters of a local meter readout system (Local Bus) for the communication with and the readout of a single meter or a small cluster of meters via a single battery powered readout device (master) which can be connected temporarily or stationary for the communication directly to a meter (i.e. local readout) or via a fixed wiring or a small bus (i.e. remote readout).
For generic descriptions concerning communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters, refer to EN 13757-1.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard covers the physical and link layer parameters of baseband communication over twisted pair (M Bus) for meter communication systems. It is especially applicable to heat meters, heat cost allocators, water meters and gas meters.
NOTE It is usable also for other meters (like electricity meters) and for sensors and actuators.
For generic descriptions concerning communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters see EN 13757-1.
- Standard28 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies the physical layer parameters of a local meter readout system (Local Bus) for the communication with and the readout of a single meter or a small cluster of meters (max. 5) via a single battery powered readout device (master) which can be connected temporarily or stationary for the communication directly to a meter (i.e. local readout) or via a fixed wiring or a small bus (total cable length max. 50 m, i.e. local remote readout).
For generic descriptions concerning communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters, refer to EN 13757-1.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard applies to heat meters, that is to instruments intended for measuring the heat which, in a heat-exchange circuit, is absorbed or given up by a liquid called the energy-conveying liquid. The meter indicates heat in legal units.
Electrical safety requirements are not covered by this standard.
Part 3 specifies the data exchange between a meter and a readout device (POINT / POINT communication). For these applications using the optical readout head, the EN 62056-21 protocol is recommended.
For direct or remote local readout of a single or a few meters via a battery driven readout device, the physical layer of EN 13757-6 (local bus) is recommended.
For bigger networks with up to 250 meters, a master unit with AC mains supply according to EN 13757-2 is necessary to control the M-Bus. For these applications the physical and link layer of EN 13757-2 and the application layer of EN 13757-3 is required.
For wireless meter communications, EN 13757-4 describes several alternatives of walk/drive-by readout via a mobile station or by using stationary receivers or a network. Both unidirectionally and bidirectionally transmitting meters are supported by this standard.
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document applies to communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters.
- Standard55 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day