WG 4 - Interoperability framework
The Working group develops standardization deliverables, with the aim of publishing standards, in the following field: - interoperability (technical, semantic, organisation) - data processing, data exchange protocols and data formats - data storage, archiving, and data persistence - APIs for the DPP lifecycle management and searchability Reference: N 30: Mxxx Annex1 Module 4, 5, 6 and 8
Interoperability framework
The Working group develops standardization deliverables, with the aim of publishing standards, in the following field: - interoperability (technical, semantic, organisation) - data processing, data exchange protocols and data formats - data storage, archiving, and data persistence - APIs for the DPP lifecycle management and searchability Reference: N 30: Mxxx Annex1 Module 4, 5, 6 and 8