This standard applies to new bedding articles, e.g. quilts, of all kinds and sizes, which are solely filled with feathers and/or down.
This standard does not apply to:
¾    sleeping bags;
¾    clothing;
¾    furniture, cushions.
It lays down definitions (see also EN 1885), tolerances for sizes, materials, performance requirements, sampling, reference to test methods, marking and labelling.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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Modify the table on filling of the test cushion.

  • Amendment
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics for new semi-finished products, i.e. cushions and other upholstered elements solely filled with feathers and/or down, to their primary tick and their filling.
It does not apply to their cover nor to support they are meant for.
Characteristics to be agreed upon by the  purchaser and the converter are given in annex A (informative).

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This part 1 specifies a test method by rotation to evaluate the durability of cushions solely filled with feathers and/or down.
This standard applies to:
¾ back cushions;
¾ seating cushions;
¾ armrest cushions.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This part 2 defines a method for testing the behaviour to durability of a cushion solely filled with feather and/or down, considered in its primary tick.

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This European standard specifies a method to determine the compressibility index of clothing filled solely with feathers and/or downs.

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This European standard describes a method to determine the absorption of water of a filling of feathers and downs. The absorption of water is defined by the capacity and the time of absorption.

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This standard specifies the characteristics for textile fabrics (outer shell, filling shell, lining) and filling of clothing (light use purposes) solely filled with feather and/or down.

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This European standard provides the requirements necessary to satisfy the hygiene and cleanliness of feather and/or down filling materials. This European standard applies to finished feather and/or down materials used as a filling of a manufactured article.

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This European standard specifies a method for determining and calculating the comercial mass of a lot of feather and down, in order to control the invoice mass.

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This method describes the dip slide procedures, that uses two types of agar to test the presence of commensal bacteria and coliforms (gram negative). This procedure is suitable when a manufacturer requires a simple test to screen finished filling material hygiene. This method cannot be used to test the presence of sulphito-reducing clostrides (gram positive) and salmonella (gram negative).

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method to check one of the cleanliness aspects of feather and down ready to be used through the determination of the amount of undissolved and solved matter present in the aqueous extract.

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This standard describes a method for the determination of down and/or feather penetration through the primary tick fabric of a specimen containing feather and/or down filling using a rubbing apparatus.

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This standard describes a method for the determination of down and feather penetration through the primary tick fabric of a specimen containing feather and/or down filling using an impact apparatus.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the oxygen index number of feathers and down by means of a titration method.

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This European Standard specifies a procedure to determine the moisture content of an individual sample of feather and down.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the water-soluble chloride content of feathers and down. The techniques involved are not adequate for determining significant differences where the water-soluble chlorides found by this method are below 50 mg/kg.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the amount of solvent soluble matter in dichloromethane.

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This European Standard describes a method for the determination of all sizes of ready-made quilts filled with feather and/or down. The method does not apply to quilts with rounded edges of greater radius.

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This standard establishes provisions for the labelling of the composition of the components of the plumage for use as fillings and of the fowl species from which such components are derived (waterfowl or landfowl). It is applicable to finished feather and down materials, used as filling of manufactured articles, at each stage in their commercial distribution. This standard is not applicable for fillings totally containing more than 0,5% of foreign matter (3.6).

  • Standard
    11 pages
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Informative annex to EN 1885 including the morphological characteristics that differentiate the elements of the plumage between waterfowl and landfowl used as filling material of finished articles.

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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This European standard defines the principal terms used in the field of feather and down.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the composition of feather and/or down fit for or constituting filled manufactured articles in order to label it or to verify the denominations reported on the label.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining a filled product's total mass, and the mass of the filling material.

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This European Standard specifies the procedure for determining the filling power (massic volume). This method is applicable to finished down and/or feather, fit for or constituting filled manufactured articles (e.g. anoraks, quilts, etc.).

  • Standard
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This European standard specifies a method for obtaining a representative laboratory bulk sample of a lot of feather materials and of feather materials in a manufactured product or of a manufactured product.

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This European prestandard describes the procedure for determining the permanent deformation of filling material after dynamic fatigue stress under constant load. This method is applicable to finished feathers and/or mixtures, fit for or constituting filled manufactured articles, which, when used, are submitted to repeated compression cycles.

  • Standardization document
    9 pages
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