This document specifies the applicable requirements related to the design and the operation of confinement and ventilation systems for fusion facilities for tritium fuels and tritium fuel handling facilities specific for fusion applications for peaceful purposes using high tritium inventories, as well as for their specialized buildings such as hot cells, examination laboratories, emergency management centres, radioactive waste treatment and storage facilities. In most countries, a tritium quantity is declared as high for tritium inventories higher than a range of 10 g to 100 g. In the tritium fusion facilities in the scope of this document, the tritium inventory is deemed to be higher than this range for the whole site. This document applies especially to confinement and ventilation systems that ensure the safety function of nuclear facilities involved in nuclear fusion with the goal to protect the workers, the public and the environment from the dissemination of radioactive contamination originating from the operation of these installations, and in particular from airborne tritium contamination with adequate confinement systems. The types of confinement systems for other facilities are covered by ISO 26802 for fission nuclear reactors, by ISO 17873 for facilities other than fission nuclear reactors and by ISO 16647 for nuclear worksite and for nuclear installations under decommissioning. The facilities covered by these three standards, notably ISO 17873, include tritium as a radioactive material among the ones to be confined, but tritium is not their driver of the risks for workers and for members of the public. Nevertheless, the tritium quantities and risks from fusion facilities create specificities for a specific standard (e.g. in fusion facilities, tritium is the driver of routine and accident consequences). Therefore, the scope of this document does not cover the other facilities involved in tritium releases (ISO 17873, ISO 16647 and ISO 26802), even though these other facilities create tritium releases (e.g. non-reactor fission facilities, tritium laboratories, tritium removal facilities from fission plants, tritium defence facilities).

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The scope of ISO 16659 series is to provide different test methods aiming at assessing the efficiency of radioactive iodine traps in ventilation systems of nuclear facilities. The ISO 16659 series deals with iodine traps containing a solid sorbent — mainly activated and impregnated charcoal, the most common solid iodine sorbents used in the ventilation systems of nuclear facilities — as well as other sorbents for special conditions (e.g. high temperature zeolites). The scope of this document is to provide general and common requirements for the different test methods for industrial nuclear facilities. The different methods will be described in other specific parts of ISO 16659 series. Nuclear medicine applications are excluded from the scope of ISO 16659 series. In principle, ISO 16659 series is used mainly for filtering radioactive iodine, but other radioactive gases can also be trapped together with iodine. In such a case, some specificity may have to be adapted for these other radioactive gases in specific parts of ISO 16659 series. This document describes the main general requirements in order to check in situ the efficiency of the iodine traps, according to test conditions that are proposed to be as reproducible as possible.

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This document specifies the requirements applicable to the design and use of airborne confinement systems that ensure safety and radioprotection functions in nuclear worksites and in nuclear installations under decommissioning to protect from radioactive contamination produced: aerosol or gas. The purpose of confinement systems is to protect the workers, members of the public and environment against the spread of radioactive contamination resulting from operations in nuclear worksites and from nuclear installations under decommissioning. The confinement of nuclear worksites and of nuclear installations under decommissioning is characterized by the temporary and evolving (dynamic) nature of the operations to be performed. These operations often take place in area not specifically designed for this purpose. This document applies to maintenance or upgrades at worksites which fit the above definition. NOTE The requirements for the design and use of ventilation and confinement systems and for liquid confinement in nuclear reactors or in nuclear installations other than nuclear worksites and nuclear installations under decommissioning are developed in other ISO standards.

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The scope of ISO 18417:2017 covers - iodine sorbents for nuclear power plants, nuclear facilities, research and other nuclear reactors, - iodine sorbents for laboratories, including nuclear medicine, and - iodine sorbents for sampling equipment on sample lines. ISO 18417:2017 applies to iodine sorbents manufacturers and operators in order to measure the actual performance of these sorbents and their sorption capacity for radioiodine. ISO 18417:2017 applies to granulated and crushed iodine sorbents based on activated charcoal (hereinafter referred to as "sorbents") used for trapping gaseous radioiodine and its compounds. This document establishes the method and conditions for defining sorption capacity index in a laboratory.

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