Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Infiltration Rate Using a Double-Ring Infiltrometer with a Sealed-Inner Ring

1.1 This test method describes a procedure for measuring the infiltration rate of water through in-place soils using a double-ring infiltrometer with a sealed inner ring.
1.2 This test method is useful for soils with infiltration rates in the range of 1 X 10 -7  m/s to 1 X 10 -10  m/s. When infiltration rates [>=]1 X 10 -7  m/s are to be measured Test Method D3385 shall be used.
1.3 This test method provides a direct measurement of infiltration rate, not hydraulic conductivity. Although the units of infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity are similar, there is a distinct difference between these two quantities. They cannot be directly related unless the hydraulic boundary conditions, such as hydraulic gradient and the extent of lateral flow of water are known or can be reliably estimated.
1.4 This test method can be used for natural soil deposits, recompacted soil layers, and amended soils such as soil bentonite and soil lime mixtures.
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values in parentheses are for information only.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D5093-90(1997) - Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Infiltration Rate Using a Double-Ring Infiltrometer with a Sealed-Inner Ring
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or
withdrawn. Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: D 5093 – 90 (Reapproved 1997)
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Test Method for
Field Measurement of Infiltration Rate Using a Double-Ring
Infiltrometer with a Sealed-Inner Ring
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5093; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope expressed in units of m/s.
3.1.3 infiltrometer—a device used to pond liquid on a
1.1 This test method describes a procedure for measuring
porous body and to allow for the measurement of the rate at
the infiltration rate of water through in-place soils using a
which liquid enters the porous body.
double-ring infiltrometer with a sealed inner ring.
3.1.4 For definitions of other terms used in this test method,
1.2 This test method is useful for soils with infiltration rates
−7 −10
see Terminology D 653.
in the range of 1 3 10 m/s to 1 3 10 m/s. When infiltra-
tion rates $1 3 10 m/s are to be measured Test Method
4. Summary of Test Method
D 3385 shall be used.
4.1 The infiltration rate of water through soil is measured
1.3 This test method provides a direct measurement of
using a double-ring infiltrometer with a sealed or covered inner
infiltration rate, not hydraulic conductivity. Although the units
ring (Fig. 1). The infiltrometer consists of an open outer and a
of infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity are similar, there
sealed inner ring. The rings are embedded and sealed in
is a distinct difference between these two quantities. They
trenches excavated in the soil. Both rings are filled with water
cannot be directly related unless the hydraulic boundary
such that the inner ring is submerged.
conditions, such as hydraulic gradient and the extent of lateral
4.2 The rate of flow is measured by connecting a flexible
flow of water are known or can be reliably estimated.
bag filled with a known weight of water to a port on the inner
1.4 This test method can be used for natural soil deposits,
ring. As water infiltrates into the ground from the inner ring, an
recompacted soil layers, and amended soils such as soil
equal amount of water flows into the inner ring from the
bentonite and soil lime mixtures.
flexible bag. After a known interval of time, the flexible bag is
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
removed and weighed. The weight loss, converted to a volume,
standard. The values in parentheses are for information only.
is equal to the amount of water that has infiltrated into the
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
ground. An infiltration rate is then determined from this
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
volume of water, the area of the inner ring, and the interval of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
time. This process is repeated and a plot of infiltration rate
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
versus time is constructed. The test is continued until the
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
infiltration rate becomes steady or until it becomes equal to or
2. Referenced Documents less than a specified value.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
5. Significance and Use
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
2 5.1 This test method provides a means to measure low
infiltration rates associated with fine-grained, clayey soils, and
D 3385 Test Method for Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field
−7 −9
2 are in the range of 1 3 10 m/s to 1 3 10 m/s.
Using Double Ring Infiltrometers
5.2 This test method is particularly useful for measuring
3. Terminology liquid flow through soil moisture barriers such as compacted
clay liner or covers used at waste disposal facilities, for canal
3.1 Definitions:
and reservoir liners, for seepage blankets, and for amended soil
3.1.1 infiltration—downward entry of liquid into a porous
liners such as those used for retention ponds or storage tanks.
5.3 The purpose of the sealed inner ring is to: (1) provide a
3.1.2 infiltration rate, I—quantity of liquid entering a po-
3 2
means to measure the actual amount of flow rather than a drop
rous material (m ) per unit area (m ) per unit time (s),
in water elevation which is the flow measurement procedure
used in Test Method D 3385 and (2) to eliminate evaporation
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil
and Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.04 on Hydrologic
5.4 The purpose of the outer ring is to promote one-
Properties of Soil and Rocks.
Current edition approved June 29, 1990. Published August 1990.
dimensional, vertical flow beneath the inner ring. The use of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08.
D 5093
FIG. 1 Schematic Of A Double-Ring Infiltrometer With A Sealed
Inner Ring
FIG. 2 Panel For Outer Ring
large diameter rings and large depths of embedments helps to
in the center of the top edge. One edge of each sheet is bent
ensure that flow is essentially one-dimensional.
90°. Holes are drilled along each side edge so that the sheets
5.5 This test method provides a means to measure infiltra-
can be bolted at the corners. A flat rubber gasket provides a seal
tion rate over a relatively large area of soil. Tests on large
at each corner. A wire cable approximately 15 m long with a
volumes of soil can be more representative than tests on small
clamp may be needed to tie the top edges together.
volumes of soil.
6.1.2 Inner Ring—A square ring (Fig. 3), 1.52 m (5 ft) on a
5.6 The data obtained from this test method are most useful
side, made of fiberglass provided with two ports. The top is
when the soil layer being tested has a uniform distribution of
shaped in such a way as to vent air from the ring as it is filled.
pore space, and when the density and degree of saturation and
A port is provided at the highest point so that any air that
the hydraulic conductivity of the material underlying the soil
accumulates in the ring during the test can be flushed out. One
layer are known.
port must be located at the top of the ring. The other port must
5.7 Changes in water temperature can introduce significant
be located beneath the top port. A150 mm (6 in.) skirt, that is
error in the volume change measurements. Temperature
embedded into the soil, is provided along the edge of the ring.
changes will cause water to flow in or out of the inner ring due
to expansion or contraction of the inner ring and the water
contained within the inner ring.
5.8 The problem of temperature changes can be minimized
by insulating the rings, by allowing enough flow to occur so
that the amount of flow resulting from a temperature change is
not significant compared to that due to infiltration, or by
connecting and disconnecting the bag from the inner ring when
the water in the inner ring is at the same temperature.
5.9 If the soil being tested will later be subjected to
increased overburden stress, then the infiltration rate can be
expected to decrease as the overburden stress increases. Labo-
ratory hydraulic conductivity tests are recommended for stud-
ies of the influence of level of stress on the hydraulic properties
of the soil.
6. Apparatus
6.1 Infiltrometer Rings—The rings shall be constructed of a
stiff, corrosion-resistant material such as metal, plastic, or
fiberglass. The shape of the rings can be circular or square.
However, square rings are recommended because it is easier to
excavate straight trenches in the soil. The rings can be of any
size provided: (1) the minimum width or diameter of the inner
ring is 610 mm (24 in.); and (2) a minimum distance of 610
mm is maintained between the inner and outer ring. The
following is a description of a set of rings that can be
constructed from commonly available materials, incorporates
the requirements described above, and has worked well in the
6.1.1 Outer Ring—A square ring (Fig. 2) comprised of four
sheets of aluminum approximately 3.6 m by 910 mm by 2 mm
(12 ft by 36 in. by 0.080 in.) The top edge of the aluminum
sheet is bent 90° in order to provide rigidity. A hole is provided FIG. 3 Inner Ring
D 5093
Barbed fittings that accept flexible tubing are attached to the 8. Procedure
ports. Handles are provided at each corner of the inner ring.
8.1 Assembly of Outer Ring—Wipe off gaskets and side
6.2 Flexible Bag—Two clear flexible bags with a capacity
edges of the outer ring. Align gasket between the edges and
of 1000 to 3000 mL. Intravenous bags available from medical
bolt edges together.
supply stores work well. A means for attaching a shut-off valve
8.2 Excavation of Trenches:
to the bag shall be provided. The shut-off valve shall be
8.2.1 Place both rings on the area to be tested. Center the
provided with a barbed fitting that will connect to the inlet tube
inner ring within the outer ring. Make sure that the outer ring
on the inner ring.
is square by using the tape measure to check that the length of
6.3 Tubing—Clear, flexible tubing approximately 4.5 m (15
the diagonals are equal.
ft) long with a minimum ID of 6 mm ( ⁄4 in.)
8.2.2 If plastic is covering the test area, cut out thin strips
6.4 Scissors or Knife.
along the edge of each ring so that the trenches can be
6.5 Excavation Tools.
excavated. Leave as much of the plastic on as possible in order
6.5.1 Mason’s Hammer—Hammer with a blade approxi-
to keep the soil from drying.
mately 120 mm long and 40 mm wide.
8.2.3 Use the bottom edge of each ring to scribe a line on the
6.5.2 Trenching Machine—Capable of excavating a trench
ground to use as a guide for excavating the trenches.
with a maximum width of 150 mm (6 in.) and a depth of 460
8.2.4 Note the orientation of the rings and set them aside.
mm (18 in.)
8.2.5 Use the surveyor’s level and check the ground eleva-
6.5.3 Chain Saw—(Optional—see Note 1) Equipped with a
tion where the corners of each ring will be. Note the high spots
carbide-tipped chain and bar.
and excavate deeper in these areas so that the rings will be
6.5.4 Hand Shovel, garden type.
6.6 Levels—A surveyor’s level and rod and a carpenter’s
8.2.6 Use the trenching machine and excavate a trench for
the outer ring. The trench should be about 146 mm (18 in.)
6.7 Buckets—Five buckets with a capacity of approximately
deep. Excavate deeper at high spots.
20 L (5 gal.)
8.2.7 Use a small hand shovel to remove any loose material
6.8 Blocks—Cinder blocks to serve as a platform for the
in the trenches.
flexible bag.
8.2.8 Place the outer ring in the trench and use the carpen-
6.9 Cover—An opaque cover to place on top of the outer
ter’s level to check that the top of the ring is reasonably level
ring. The cover can be a tarp or plywood supported by wooden
(630 mm). Also check that the outer ring is square. Remove
the ring and excavate any areas keeping the ring from being
6.10 Grout—A bentonite grout for filling the trenches and
level and square.
sealing the rings in place.
8.2.9 Set the outer ring aside and cover the trenches to
6.11 Mixing Equipment—A large (four bag) grout mixer for
prevent the soil from drying.
mixing the bentonite grout.
8.2.10 Use the mason’s hammer and excavate a trench 50 by
6.12 Trowel.
110 mm (2 by 4.5 in.) for the inner ring. Excavate deeper in
6.13 Thermometer—Readable to 0.5°C with a range of 0 to
high spots so that the inner ring will sit level in the trench.
Excavate the trench carefully so that the surrounding soil is
6.14 Scale—Capacity of 4000 g and an accuracy of 1 g.
disturbed as little as possible. When using the mason’s ham-
6.15 Watch—Readable to 1 s.
mer, it is best to start by digging down several inches in one
6.16 Water Supply—Preferably water of the same quality as
spot and then advancing the trench forward by chopping down
that involved in the problem being examined. Approximately
on the soil. Do not pry the soil up as this tends to lift up large
5600 L (1400 gal) are needed for this test.
wedges of soil, opens cracks, and causes the trench to be
6.17 Splash Guard—Plywood, rubber sheet, or burlap 600
by 600 mm (2 by 2 ft).
8.2.11 Place the inner ring in the trench to check the fit.
Excavate any areas where the ring does not fit. Use a
7. Test Site
surveyor’s level to check the elevation of the corners of the
ring. The inner ring needs to be level or slightly tilted so that
7.1 The test requires an area of approximately 7.3 by 7.3 m
the back end is slightly lower than the front end.
(24 by 24 ft).
8.2.12 Set the ring aside and cover the trenches.
7.2 The slope to the test area should be no greater than
approximately 3 %.
NOTE 1—A chain saw that is equipped with a carbide-tipped chain and
7.3 The test may be set up in a pit if infiltration rates are
a bar may be used to excavate the trenches. Use of a chain saw will not
desired at depth rather than at the surface.
only reduce the time needed to excavate the trench but will also greatly
decrease the amount of grout needed to fill the trenches. If a chain saw is
7.4 The test area shall be covered with a sheet of plastic to
used, the trenches need only be 25 mm (1 in.) wide. A chain saw will not
keep the surface from drying.
work well in some soils. A trial trench should be made to determine if it
7.5 Representative samples of the soil to be tested shall be
will work.
taken before and after the test to determine its moisture
content, density, and specific gravity. The thickness of the layer 8.3 Installation of Rings:
being tested shall be determined as well as the approximate 8.3.1 Use the grout mixer to prepare enough grout to fill the
hydraulic conductivity of the layer beneath it. trenches. The hydraulic conductivity of the grout should be less
D 5093
than approximately 1 3 10 m/s. 8.4.5 Remove the buckets from the top of the inner ring.
8.3.2 Fill the trenches to within 2.5 mm (1 in.) of the top of 8.5 Installation of Fittings and Tubing:
the trench. Rod or tamp

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