Standard Test Methods for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys

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ASTM C760-90 - Standard Test Methods for Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys
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ASTM C7b0 90 a 0759510 0058772 2 a--
Designation: C 760 - 90
1916 Race SI., Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Reprinted from lhe Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyrighl ASTM
If nol Iisled in lhe currenl combined index, will appear in lhe neXl edil¡¡.
Standard Test Methods for
Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade
Si Ive r-l nd i um- Cad mi um Al lo y s
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 760, the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the yearof last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (t) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1, Scope
show whether or not a given material meets the specifica-
tions as given in Specification C 752.
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the chernical
3.1.1 An assay is performed to determine whether the
and spectrochemical analysis of nuclear grade silver-indium-
material has the chemical composition specified.
cadmium (Ag-In-Cd) alloys to determine compliance with
3.1,2 The impurity content is determined to ensure that
the maximum concentration limit of impurities is not
1.2 The analytical procedures appear in the following
4, Purity of Reagents
Silver, Indium, and Cadmium by a Titration Method
7 to 15
4.1 Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in ail tests,
Trace Impurities by Carrier-Distillation Spectro-
16 to 22
Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that ali reagents
chemical Method
shall conform to the specifications of the Committee on
1,3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society,'
where such specifications are available. Other grades may be
.1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials, oper-
used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of
ations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to
sufficiently high purity to permit its use without lessening the
address all of the sqfey problems associated with its use. It is
accuracy of the determination,
the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish
4.2 Purity of Water-Unless otherwise indicated, refer-
appropriate sqfety and health practices and determine the
ences to water shall be understood to mean reagent water
oj regulatory limitations prior to use, For
conforming to Specification D 1193.
specific hazard and precautionary statements, see Section 5
and Practices E 50.
5. Hazards
2. Referenced Documents
5.1 Proper precautions should be taken to prevent inhala-
tion or ingestion of heavy element (silver, indium, or
2.1 ASTM Standards:
cadmium) powder or dust during handling.
C 752 Specification for Nuclear-Grade Silver-Indium-
5.2 Workers should observe precautions as specified in
Cadmium Alloy2
vendorapplied Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Wate?
E 50 Practices for Apparatus, Reagents and Safety Precau-
6, Sampling
tions for Chemical Analysis of Metals4
E 115 Practices for Photographic Processing in Optical
6.1 Suggestions for sampling this alloy are given in
Emission Spectrographic Analysis' Specification C 752.
2,2 Other Document:
NBS Circular 6026
3. Significance and Use
7. Scope
3.1 Silver-indium-cadmium alloy is used as a control
7.1 This test method is applicable to the determination of a
material in nuclear reactors. In order to be suitable for this
silver, indium, and cadmium in alloys of approximately
purpose, the material must meet the specifications for assay
80 % silver, 15 % indium, and 5 % cadmium used in nuclear
and impurity content. These test methods are designed to
reactor control rod applications. The titrimetric methods pre
~nted'*~ will yield results with a bias of the order of 0.1 %.
I These test methods art under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-26 on
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.05 on
Test Methods.
' "Reagenf Chemicals, American Chemical Sodety Spocificationa," Am. Chem-
Current edition approved May 25, 1990. Published July 1990. Originally
ical Soc. Washington, DC, For suggWtions on the testing of reagents not listed by
published as C 760 - 71. Last previous edition C 760 - 79.
the American Chemical Society, see "Reagent Chemicals and Standa&," by
Annual Book o$ASTM Standards, Vol 12.01,
Joseph Rosin, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, NY, and the "United States
Annrial Book of ASTM Siandards, Vol I 1.01.
' Annfral Book o$ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.
K. La, "Complexometric Titration of Indium," Analytical Chemkiry,
Annual Book ofASTM Siandards, Vol 03.06.
Vol 27, 1955, P. 1582.
Available from National Institute ofStandards and Techno

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