ASTM E1857-97(2004)
(Guide)Standard Guide for Selection of Cleaning Techniques for Masonry, Concrete, and Stucco Surfaces
Standard Guide for Selection of Cleaning Techniques for Masonry, Concrete, and Stucco Surfaces
Cleaning of masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces is undertaken for a variety of reasons including aesthetic improvement, removal of contaminants, maintenance, and surface preparation. This guide provides for selecting, testing, and evaluating cleaning techniques for removal of soiling and staining.
Cleaning systems may adversely affect both building materials being cleaned as well as other materials, mechanical, electrical, and other building systems, and building exterior, interior, and site features.
In some situations, it may be prudent to spot clean or to not clean.
It should be noted that, in some cases, cleaning may be inconsistent with the goals of historic preservation.
1.1 This guide outlines procedures for the selection and assessment of cleaning techniques for removing soiling and staining from masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces. Removal of paints, coatings, and graffiti may require measures beyond the scope of this guide. New construction is excluded from the scope of this guide.
1.2 This guide does not purport to address the causes of soiling or staining or to propose remedies for recurring soiling or staining.
1.3 Where work on surfaces of artistic, architectural, cultural, or historic significance is being considered, guidance from specialists should be sought.
1.4 This guide does not purport to address removal and replacement of prior repairs, repair of damaged surfaces, or other irregularities that contribute to the uneven or discolored appearance of masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: E1857 − 97 (Reapproved2004)
Standard Guide for
Selection of Cleaning Techniques for Masonry, Concrete,
and Stucco Surfaces
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1857; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E631 Terminology of Building Constructions
1.1 This guide covers procedures for the selection and
3. Terminology
assessment of cleaning techniques for removing soiling and
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this guide,
staining from masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces. Removal
see Terminology C43, C119,or E631.
of paints, coatings, and graffiti may require measures beyond
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
the scope of this guide. New construction is excluded from the
3.2.1 coating—clear or pigmented surface treatment applied
scope of this guide.
for aesthetic improvement, enhanced durability, or other pur-
1.2 This guide does not purport to address the causes of
soiling or staining or to propose remedies for recurring soiling
3.2.2 contaminant—a foreign substance not intentionally
or staining.
introduced to a surface.
1.3 Where work on surfaces of artistic, architectural,
3.2.3 muriatic acid—commercial grades of hydrochloric
cultural, or historic significance is being considered, guidance
acid that often contain iron impurities.
from specialists should be sought.
3.2.4 nebulized water spray—cleaning with a mist of water
1.4 This guide does not purport to address removal and
from fine nozzles.
replacement of prior repairs, repair of damaged surfaces, or
3.2.5 poultice—cleaning systems composed of one or more
other irregularities that contribute to the uneven or discolored
liquids mixed with powder to form a paste.
appearance of masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces.
3.2.6 soiling—a deposit of finely divided particulate matter
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
or other contaminants adhered to the surface.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.2.7 soiling crust—accumulation of soiling into a hardened
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- layeratthesurface.Partialorcompletedetachmentofthecrust
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. may damage the substrate.
3.2.8 staining—a contaminant that has penetrated the sur-
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.2.9 surface—the exposed face of masonry, concrete, or
C43 Terminology of Structural Clay Products (Withdrawn
C119 Terminology Relating to Dimension Stone
4. Significance and Use
D4262 TestMethodforpHofChemicallyCleanedorEtched
4.1 Cleaning of masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces is
Concrete Surfaces
undertaken for a variety of reasons including aesthetic
improvement, removal of contaminants, maintenance, and
surface preparation. This guide provides for selecting, testing,
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Performance
of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.24 on Building
and evaluating cleaning techniques for removal of soiling and
Preservation and Rehabilitation Technology.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2004. Published December 2004. Originally
approved in 1997. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as E1857 – 97. DOI:
4.2 Cleaning systems may adversely affect both building
materials being cleaned as well as other materials, mechanical,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
electrical, and other building systems, and building exterior,
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on interior, and site features.
the ASTM website.
4.3 In some situations, it may be prudent to spot clean or to
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on not clean.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E1857 − 97 (2004)
4.4 It should be noted that, in some cases, cleaning may be Pressure Rating, refers to the gauge pressure mea-
inconsistent with the goals of historic preservation. sured at the nozzle of the cleaning equipment. Equipment
capable of generating a pressure of 100 to 3000 psi (0.7 to 20
5. Identification and Characterization of Substrate
MPa) is commonly used. Surfaces and substrates can be
NOTE 1—The substrate should be identified and characterized before a
damaged by abrasion. Testing should determine the minimum
cleaning method is selected. Building records and any other relevant
effective pressure.The location of the pump with respect to the
historic sources should be reviewed for information about the substrate
nozzle can affect the pressure rating.
and any previous treatments that might affect the proposed cleaning Water Flow Rate—Water supplied by the pump to
the rinsing apparatus measured in gallons per minute (gpm) or
5.1 Substrate samples should be analyzed to describe the
litres per minute (L/min). Pumps delivering 1.5 gpm (3.8
following characteristics:
L/min) may be used effectively in cleaning operations that
5.1.1 Mineralogical composition of major constituents,
require containment or control of effluent. More efficient
5.1.2 Microtexture,
5.1.3 Water solubility,
rate of 4 to 8 gpm (15 to 30 L/min).
5.1.4 Acid solubility, Spray Tip, determines the size and configuration of
5.1.5 Water absorption, and
the water spray delivered to the substrate. Fan-type spray tips
5.1.6 Soluble salt content.
producing 15 to 40° fan spray patterns have proven most
NOTE 2—ASTM describes specific test methods for each masonry type.
effective for cleaning masonry, concrete, and stucco surfaces.
Judgment should be used to select the current test method appropriate to
Laser tips, 0° tips, or fan spray tips with less than 15° spray
the proposed cleaning project.Tests may be modified to accommodate the
patterns produce a concentrated stream of water that may
number and size of available samples.
damage surfaces. Rotating spray heads that produce a scouring
6. Identification of Soiling and Staining action may also damage surfaces. Care must be taken to keep
the spray tip as far from the surface as possible to provide
6.1 Identification of the composition of soiling or staining
present on surfaces to be cleaned will assist in determining
appropriate cleaning techniques for testing. This may be
remove the surface of the substrate when held 6 in. (150 mm)
accomplished through laboratory testing. Cleaning techniques
from the wall.
should always be further evaluated in test areas.
8.1.2 Water Cleaning Methods: Nebulized Water Spray—Effective for removal of
7. Selection Criteria
soiling or other deposits from surfaces that could not withstand
7.1 Performance goals for cleaning masonry, concrete, or
high pressure water or abrasive cleaning techniques.
stucco surfaces should be established prior to selection of the Pressure Water Spray—Effective for removal of
cleaning technique.
loosely adhered soiling.
7.2 Selection of cleaning techniques shall be based on the
8.1.3 Limitations—Problems associated with water cleaning
following factors:
include intrusion of water into interior spaces, brown staining
7.2.1 The level of cleanness desired,
when iron-containing minerals are present, and the encourage-
7.2.2 The effectiveness of the cleaning system,
ment of biological growth. When water pressures are
7.2.3 Adverse effects to the surfaces, substrates and related
excessive, the surface can be abraded. Metal tools should not
components, and adjacent surfaces,
be used as scrubbing implements.
7.2.4 Environmental concerns, such as human exposure and
8.2 Chemical Cleaning, relies on chemical reaction to
the collection, neutralization, and disposal of cleaning residue
dissolve, capture, or mobilize soiling or staining. Chemical
and run-off, and
cleaning utilizies detergents, organic solvents, acids, and alka-
7.2.5 Other practical considerations such as time and cost
are available as water-thin liquids and as thickened gels.
Poultices can be used for removal of stains. Use of a chemical
8. Cleaning Techniques
in conjunction with water washing reduces both the chemical
order of aggressiveness. It is the responsibility of the user of this guide to concentrations and the water volume required. In most cases,
determine the advantages and disadvantages of the various cleaning
chemical cleaning should be preceded and followed by thor-
procedures as they relate to the surfaces being cleaned. Whenever
ough water rinsing. Poultices enhance removal when staining
possible, contact the masonry, concrete, or stucco manufacturers and
is deeply deposited.
manufacturers to determine compatibility. Specialists may also be con-
NOTE 4—Application frequently involves use of proprietary chemical
cleaning compounds. Products should be used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations for suitability, protection, dilution,
8.1 Water Cleaning, relies on the ability of water to
application, surface contact times, and rinsing procedures.
dissolve, swell, and loosen soiling and staining, enabling their
8.2.1 Chemical Types:
removal from the surface. Mechanical scrubbing may enhance
removal when staining is deeply deposited. Detergents—Suitableforremovalofdust,dirt,water
8.1.1 The effectiveness of water cleaning is influenced by soluble surface contaminants, oil, grease, and other emulsifi-
the following factors: able staining materials. Water-detergent solutions can be
E1857 − 97 (2004)
acidic, alkaline, or pH neutral. Neutral pH detergents are difficult to remove and may adversely affect the surface. Such
sometimes referred to as nonionic. an application may result in an unintended dispersion of
chemicals. Organic Solvents—Suitable for removal of caulking Metal tools should not be used as scrubbing imple-
compound residues, oils, grease, bituminous materials, and
other stains that are not soluble in water.
8.3 Abrasive Cleaning, relies on the mechanical application
NOTE 5—Organic solvents are frequently flammable and combustible.
of a material to remove soiling or stains from a substrate.
They must be used in accordance with all applicable safety and environ-
mental regulations concerning flammable, toxic, and combustible materi-
8.3.1 Types of Abrasive Cleaning:
als. Mechanical Scrubbing, is effective for removal of Acids—Suitable for removal of dust, dirt, water surface dust and debris deposited on or loosely adhered to
soluble surface contaminants, oil, grease, soot, fly ash, hydro-
carbon residues, biological growth, and stains due to polluted Wet Abrasion, is effective for removal of a variety of
environments. When using acidic cleaners, care must be taken types of soiling. Wet abrasion combines the dirt softening and
to ensure complete removal or neutralization of acidic residues rinsingpropertiesofwaterwiththeabilityofabrasivematerials
after the cleaning process. This is done by measuring the to erode soiling from the surface. Wet abrasion reduces
surface pH in accordance with Test Method D4262. When airborne matter, allows greater control of abrasive materials
evaluating surface pH, the pH of the substrate prior to cleaning during the cleaning process, and may reduce the time required
and that of the rinse water must be considered. Alkaline to achieve the desired level of cleaning.
neutralizing rinses are sometimes used in conjunction with DryAbrasion,iseffectiveforremovalofavarietyof
acidic cleaners. The resulting salts should be removed by
types of soiling. Abrasive grit is applied with air pressure to
rinsing with water. In addition to surface pH, the ion content of erode soiling matter from treated surfaces. Select the least
the rinse water can be monitored.
damaging abrasive materials and lowest air pressure sufficient
for cleaning. Alkalis—Suitable for removal of dust, dirt, water Sanding/grinding, is effective for removal of a
soluble surface contaminants, oil, grease, soot, fly ash, hydro-
carbon residues, grease, biological growth, and stains due to variety of surface soiling.
polluted environments. When using alkaline chemicals, care 8.3.2 Limitations—If the surface is to be retained, abrasive
must be taken to ensure complete removal or neutralization of cleaning may not be appropriate. Care must be taken to avoid
alkaline residues after the cleaning process. This is done by damage by airborne dust depositing on or entering into treated
measuring surface pH in accordance with Test Method D4262. and adjacent properties or mechanical systems and to avoid
When evaluating surface pH, the pH of the substrate prior to
excessive erosion of surfaces. Abrasive cleaning should never
cleaning and of the rinse water must be considered. Acidic be performed on masonry units with sand or slurry finishes.
neutralizing rinses are sometimes used in conjunction with
With both wet and dry abrasion, hard or sharp edged abrasives
alkaline cleaners. The resulting salts should be removed by can irreparably damage soft substrates.All cautions associated
rinsing with water. In addition to surface pH, the ion content of
with water washing and pressure washing equipment should be
the rinse water can be monitored. considered. With sanding and grinding, care must be taken to
avoid surface variations created by uneven application of
8.2.2 Limitations:
abrasionmaterial.Sanding/grindingmaynotbesuitableforuse All limitations associated with the use of water
on carved or molded surfaces.
cleaning should be considered for chemical cleaning. When pressure rinsing equipment is used in con-
9. Test Areas
junction with chemical cleaning compounds, attention must be
given to selecting appropriate equipment. Care must be taken
9.1 Test areas should be used to evaluate the appropriate-
to use sufficient water to remove all c
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