ASTM F2218-02
(Guide)Standard Guide for Hardware Implementation for Computerized Systems
Standard Guide for Hardware Implementation for Computerized Systems
1.1 This guide provides assistance in the choice of computing hardware resources for ship and marine environments and describes:
1.1.1 The core characteristics of interoperable systems that can be incorporated into accepted concepts such as the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model;
1.1.2 Process-based models, such as the Technical Reference Model (TRM), that rely on interoperable computing hardware resources to provide the connection between the operator, network, application, and information; and,
1.1.3 The integrated architecture that can be used to meet minimum information processing requirements for ship and marine environments.
1.2 The use of models such as OSI and TRM provide a structured method for design and implementation of practical shipboard information processing systems and provides planners and architects with a roadmap that can be easily understood and conveyed to implementers. The use of such models permit functional capabilities to be embodied within concrete systems and equipment.
1.3 The information provided in this guide is understood to represent a set of concepts and technologies that have, over time, evolved into accepted standards that are proven in various functional applications. However, the one universal notion that still remains from the earliest days of information processing is that technological change is inevitable. Accordingly, the user of this guide must understand that such progress may rapidly invalidate or supersede the information contained herein. Nonetheless, the concept of implementing ship and marine computing systems based on these functional principles allows for logical and rational development and provides a sound process for eventual upgrade and improvement.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
An American National Standard
Designation: F 2218 – 02
Standard Guide for
Hardware Implementation for Computerized Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2218; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Computerized Systems
2.2 ANSI Standards:
1.1 This guide provides assistance in the choice of comput-
X3.131 Information Systems—Small Computer Systems
ing hardware resources for ship and marine environments and
Interface-2 (SCSI-2)
X3.172 American National Standard Dictionary for Infor-
1.1.1 The core characteristics of interoperable systems that
mation Systems
can be incorporated into accepted concepts such as the Open
X3.230 Information Systems—Fibre Channel—Physical
System Interconnection (OSI) model;
and Signaling Interface (FC-PH)
1.1.2 Process-based models, such as the Technical Refer-
X3.232 Information Technology—SCSI-2 CommonAccess
ence Model (TRM), that rely on interoperable computing
Method Transport and SCSI Interface Module
hardware resources to provide the connection between the
X3.253 Information Systems—SCSI-3 Parallel Interface
operator, network, application, and information; and,
1.1.3 The integrated architecture that can be used to meet
X3.269 Information Technology—Fibre Channel Protocol
minimum information processing requirements for ship and
for SCSI
marine environments.
X3.270 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Architecture
1.2 The use of models such as OSI and TRM provide a
Model (SAM)
structured method for design and implementation of practical
X3.276 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Controller Com-
shipboard information processing systems and provides plan-
mands (SCC)
ners and architects with a roadmap that can be easily under-
X3.277 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Fast-20
stood and conveyed to implementers. The use of such models
X3.292 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Interlocked Pro-
permit functional capabilities to be embodied within concrete
tocol (SIP)
systems and equipment.
X3.294 Information Technology—Serial Storage
1.3 The information provided in this guide is understood to
Architecture—SCSI-2 Protocol (SSA-S2P)
represent a set of concepts and technologies that have, over
X3.297 Information Systems—Fibre Channel—Physical
time, evolved into accepted standards that are proven in
and Signaling Interface-2 (FC-PH2)
various functional applications. However, the one universal
X3.301 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Primary Com-
notion that still remains from the earliest days of information
mands (SPC)
processing is that technological change is inevitable. Accord-
X3.304 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Multimedia
ingly, the user of this guide must understand that such progress
Commands (MMC)
may rapidly invalidate or supersede the information contained
MS58 Information Technology—Standard Recommended
herein. Nonetheless, the concept of implementing ship and
Practice for Implementation of Small Computer Systems
Interface (SCSI-2), (X3.131.1994) for Scanners
allows for logical and rational development and provides a
NCITS 306 Information Technology—Serial Storage
sound process for eventual upgrade and improvement.
Architecture—SCSI-3 Protocol (SSA-S3P)
2. Referenced Documents
NCITS 309 Information Technology—SCSI-3 Block Com-
mands (SBC)
2.1 ASTM Standards:
2.3 IEEE Standards:
E 1013 Terminology Relating to Computerized Systems
100 StandardDictionaryforElectricalandElectronicTerms
F 1757 Guide for Digital Communications Protocols for
488 Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation
1 3
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships and Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.07.
Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.05 on Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
Computer Applications. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2002. Published March 2003. Available from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE),
Discontinued 2000. See 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.01. 445 Hoes Ln., P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
610.7 Standard Glossary for Computer Networking Termi- izationinordertoinhabitaparticularenvironment,buttheyare
nology in no way different from equipment used in shore-based
796 Microcomputer System Bus situations. Ship and marine computer system configurations,
802.11 Wireless LAN MediumAccess Control and Physical interconnections, and support services are essentially the same
Layer Specifications as those found in a land-based network environment and as a
1003.2d POSIX—Part 2 Shell and Utilities—Amendment: result, the skill sets of ship and marine information processing
Batch Environment system users, administrators, and support personnel are inter-
1003.5 Binding for System Application Program Interface changeable with those of shore-based activities.
1003.b Binding for SystemApplication Programming Inter- 4. Standards Profiles
face (API)—Amendment 1: Real-time Extensions
4.1 Standards profiles are sets of specifications bundled
1014 Versatile Backplane Bus: VMEbus
together to describe the technical standard for a function or a
1101.10 Additional Mechanical Specifications for Micro-
service (such as operating systems, network, and data inter-
computers using the IEEE Std 1101.1 Equipment Practice
change services), and will include minimum criteria for the
1155 VMEbus Extensions for Instrumentation: VXIbus
information and technology that support specific functional
1212.1 Communicating Among Processors and Peripherals
requirements. Profiles equate to the lowest level process, and
Using Shared Memory (Direct Memory Access DMA)
document agreed-to implementation requirements used in
1394 High Performance Serial Bus
building and operating systems. Systems using the same
1496 Chip and Module Interconnect Bus: Sbus
standards, but different options, will probably not interface
1394 32-bit Microprocessor Architecture
correctly. The Technical Reference Model (TRM) is useful for
2.4 ISO Standards:
assembling standards profiles across technology categories of
1155 Portable Operating System Interface for Computer
Computing Resources, Information Management, and Appli-
Environments (POSIX)
9945-1 System Application Program Interface (API) [C
4.1.1 The TRM identifies and specifies the support services
(multimedia, communications, and so forth) and interfaces that
9945-2 Shell and Utilities
provide a common operating environment and support the flow
2.5 TIA/EIA Standard:
of information among enterprise and common support appli-
568-A Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling
cations. This model represents the computer resources, infor-
with the communication and networking technology categories
3. Significance and Use
that are appropriately represented by the ISO Open System
3.1 This guide is aimed at providing a general understand-
Interconnect model. The TRM addresses standard profiles that
ing of the various types of hardware devices that form the core
provide seamless application support over widely distributed
of information processing systems for ship and marine use.
computing resources and attendant interfaces between the
Ship and marine information processing systems require spe-
computing resources and other technologies.
cific devices in order to perform automated tasks in a special-
4.2 Computing hardware resources represent generally con-
ized environment. In addition to providing information ser-
sists of Central Processing Unit(s) (CPU), Input and Output
vices for each individual installation, these devices are often
(I/O) interfaces, main memory, buses, and peripherals. The
networked and are capable of supplementary functions that
external environment considerations that affect computing
benefits ship and marine operations.
hardware resource selection are security, communications,
3.2 A variety of choices exists for deployment of informa-
real-time, and high availability. The computing hardware
tion processing devices and greatly increases the complexity of
resource provides the environment necessary to support appli-
the selection task for ship and marine systems. The choice of a
cation software. From the perspective of the application
particular device or system cannot be made solely on the
software, services are provided by the computing resource,
singular requirements of one application or function. Modern
information processing systems are usually installed in a
as part of a distributed system.
complex environment where systems must be made to interact
4.3 The architecture needed to support a typical application
with each other. Ship and marine installations add an even
consists of computers that perform as clients and servers. The
further layer of complexity to the process of choosing adequate
servers host the primary application software and contain the
computerized systems.This guide aims to alleviate this task by
processing power necessary to support multiple users. Servers
giving users specific choices that are proven technologies that
also host the data needed to support the application. The
perform in a complex environment.
standard 3-tiered application architecture consists of (1)an
3.3 Hardware resources used in ship and marine installa-
tions are a result of careful consideration of utility and
(see Fig. 1).
function. These resources may require some physical special-
4.4 In the future, most application processing software will
be hosted on the server computers. Clients will use presenta-
tion software that connects to the servers using a common
Available from TIA, 2500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300, Arlington, VA
22201-3834. interface. At that time, client computers will likely be less
FIG. 1 Three-Tiered Application Architecture
expensive and tailored to the user’s individual preference advantages that homogeneous clients enjoy can be achieved if
because application interoperability will not be a significant
servers are homogeneous as well. Independent of whether or
not the server suite employed is heterogeneous or homoge-
4.5 Today, however, most application software is hosted on
neous, it is important that they perform their function trans-
the client and interoperability among clients is a critical factor.
parently to the user (that is, the user neither knows nor cares
Even within the client-server application architecture, applica-
tion specific software resident on the client is still prevalent.
Requiring servers to be homogeneous would restrict the
This demands consistency of client workstations across an
introduction of new server technology, choking innovation and
entire installation to achieve seamless interoperability. Table 1
preventing the installation from taking advantage of advances
outlines a rationale for the client-server deployment strategy.
in computing such as massively parallel processors.
4.6 Driven by the current state of client-server technology,
the general philosophy for implementing computing resources
5. Computing Hardware
is the concept of homogeneous clients and heterogeneous
5.1 Computing Resources—Computing resources consist of
servers. Homogeneous clients facilitate providing a consistent
many computing hardware components and configurations of
interface between the user and the system and make system
these components. This section covers the various hardware
support and maintenance less complex. Heterogeneous servers
support the various computing requirements of applications components that make up a computing resource system and
needed to support ship and marine operations. The same examines how these components are commonly configured.
TABLE 1 Client-Server Deployment Rationale
Rationale for Heterogeneous Servers The server must be tailored to the specific application that may not
be supportable by computers most prevalent in the marketplace.
Many applications work well in their current computing environment
and it is not cost effective to change.
It is not practical to have all applications on a common server for
multiple reasons including the need to maintain competition
between computer developers and vendors.
Encourages innovation by not restricting the type of computer used
for the development of applications.
Rationale for Homogeneous Clients Allows for a common, consistent user interface.
Maximizes interoperability.
Minimizes re-training required as users transfer to different
organizations within the enterprise.
Maximizes the ability to use common support and maintenance
skills, parts and labor; thereby minimizing cost.
Maximizes portability of support for applications across the
enterprise as well as portability of user skills.
Allows for economies of scale in both procurement (volume
discounts) and support (more focused skill set for help desk
TABLE 3 Sample Bus Implementations
5.2 Component Technologies—The major hardware compo-
nents of Computing Resources are the Central Processing Unit PCI
(CPU), one or more backplane buses, main memory (both
RAM and cache), Input/Output (I/O) interfaces, and peripher-
als. This section will examine each of these areas and provide CardBus
guidance on the selection of these component technologies as
part a computing resource system.
5.2.1 CPU—The CPU is the “engine” of the computer
NOTE 1—Peripheral Connect Interface (PCI) bus is quickly gaining
system and, combined with the OS (operating system), forms
favor as a low-cost preferred system bus architecture. PCI provides the
the core of the computing resource. Since the OS drives many necessary throughput to support the high-end data rates required by many
of today’s applications. Most commercially available computers come
decisions concerning the computer resource, a CPU that is
with a PCI bus.
compatible with the OS becomes an overriding factor in
NOTE 2—EISA bus should be used only to accommodate legacy
determining the type of CPU. Other
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