ASTM E2032-99e1
(Guide)Standard Guide for Extension of Data From Fire Endurance Tests
Standard Guide for Extension of Data From Fire Endurance Tests
1.1 This guide covers the extension of fire endurance results obtained from fire tests performed in accordance with Test Method E 119 to constructions that have not been tested. Test Method E 119 evaluates the duration for which test specimens will contain a fire, retain their standard integrity, or both during a predetermined test exposure.
1.2 This guide is based on principles involving the extension of test data using simple considerations. The acceptance of these principles and their application is based substantially on an analogous worst case proposition.
1.3 These principles are only applicable to temperature conditions represented by the standard time-temperature curve described in Test Method E 119. Test Method E 119 is a fire-test-response standard.
1.4 The types of building constructions which are the subject of this guide are categorized as follows: beams; floor and roof assemblies; columns; and walls and partitions. Floor and roof assemblies include such assemblies with ceiling protective membranes.
1.5 The extension of test data using numerical calculations based on empirical data or theoretical models is not covered in this guide.
1.6 This guide does not cover the substitution of one proprietary material for another proprietary material, or materials for which fire test data are not presently available.
1.7 This guide does not purport to be comprehensive in its treatment of non-proprietary modifications of tested constructions. Engineering evaluation or tests are recommended for assessing modifications not specifically covered in this guide.
1.8 The values given in SI units are regarded as standard.
1.9 This guide is used to measure and describe the response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
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An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Extension of Data From Fire Endurance Tests
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2032; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
e NOTE—Editorial changes were made throughout in August 2000.
1. Scope responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 This guide covers the extension of fire endurance results
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
obtained from fire tests performed in accordance with Test
Method E 119 to constructions that have not been tested. Test
2. Referenced Documents
Method E 119 evaluates the duration for which test specimens
2.1 ASTM Standards:
will contain a fire, retain their standard integrity, or both during
C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulating Materi-
a predetermined test exposure.
1.2 This guide is based on principles involving the exten-
C 553 Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal
Insulation for Commercial and Industrial Applications
these principles and their application is based substantially on
C 612 Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board
an analogous worst case proposition.
Thermal Insulation
1.3 These principles are only applicable to temperature
E 119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction
conditions represented by the standard time-temperature curve
and Materials
described in Test Method E 119. Test Method E 119 is a
E 176 Terminology Relating to Fire Standards
fire-test-response standard.
E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions
1.4 The types of building constructions which are the
E 1264 Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products
subject of this guide are categorized as follows: beams; floor
E 1513 Practice for Application of Sprayed Fire-Resistive
and roof assemblies; columns; and walls and partitions. Floor
Materials (SFRMs)
and roof assemblies include such assemblies with ceiling
protective membranes.
3. Terminology
1.5 The extension of test data using numerical calculations
3.1 Definitions:
based on empirical data or theoretical models is not covered in
3.1.1 For definitions used in this guide, refer to Terminolo-
this guide.
gies E 176, C 168, and E 631.
1.6 This guide does not cover the substitution of one
3.1.2 fire endurance, n—a measure of the elapsed time
proprietary material for another proprietary material, or mate-
during which a material or assemblage continues to exhibit fire
rials for which fire test data are not presently available.
1.7 This guide does not purport to be comprehensive in its
3.1.3 fire resistance, n—the property of a material or assem-
treatment of non-proprietary modifications of tested construc-
blage to withstand fire or give protection from it.
tions. Engineering evaluation or tests are recommended for Discussion—In this guide, it is characterized by the
assessing modifications not specifically covered in this guide.
ability to confine a fire and continue to perform a given
1.8 The values given in SI units are regarded as standard.
structural function.
1.9 This guide is used to measure and describe the response
3.1.4 mineralfiberinsulation,n—insulationcomposedprin-
of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and flame under
cipally of fibers manufactured from rock, slag, or glass
controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all
processed from molten state into fibrous form to comprise
factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the
materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions.
or loose fill insulations, with or without binder.
1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the Discussion—Mineral fiber blanket thermal insula-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
tions and mineral fiber block and board thermal insulations are
This standard guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire
Standards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on Building Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
Construction. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
Current edition approved Aug. 10, 1999. Published September 1999. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
classified into various types based upon the maximum use 3.2.14 sand-lightweight concrete, n—concrete made with a
temperature, which can range from 204°C (400°F) to 982°C combination of expanded clay, shale, slag, or slate or sintered
(1800°F), and the apparent thermal conductivity (See Specifi- fly ash and natural sand and generally weighing between 1680
cations C 553 and C 612). and 1920 kg/m (105 to 120 pcf).
3.2.15 specified load, n—as applied to loadbearing ele-
3.1.5 unit weight, n—as applied to concrete, weight per unit
ments, the test load applied to the element in a Test Method
E 119 test.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: Discussion—In Test Method E 119 testing, the
3.2.1 acoustical ceiling panel, n—a form of a prefabricated
specified load is generally the design load (see 3.2.6).
sound absorbing ceiling element used with exposed suspension
3.2.16 test specimen, n—the specific construction assembly
systems (see Specification E 1264).
that was tested in accordance with Test Method E 119.
3.2.2 acoustical ceiling tile, n—a form of a prefabricated
3.2.17 transfer, n—the process of substituting a loadbearing
sound absorbing ceiling element used with concealed or
element from one test specimen for the loadbearing element in
semi-exposed suspension systems, stapling, or adhesive bond-
another test specimen, or utilizing a loadbearing element from
ing (see Specification E 1264).
3.2.3 beams, n—all horizontally oriented structural mem-
include a loadbearing element.
3.2.18 ultimate capacity, n—as applied to loadbearing ele-
beams, joists, or girders.
ments, the actual maximum load carrying capacity of an
3.2.4 ceiling protective membrane, n—a ceiling membrane
element based on properties specific to the material constitut-
attached to or suspended from the structural members of the
ing the element.
floor or ceiling assembly, usually by hanger wire or threaded
rods, consisting of a grid suspension system with lay-in ceiling
4. Significance and Use
panels or a grid of steel furring channels to which the ceiling
4.1 Themethodsandproceduressetforthinthisguiderelate
membrane is directly attached, intended to provide fire protec-
to the extension of the fire endurance results obtained from
tion, acoustical and or aesthetic enhancements, or both.
particular fire tested specimens to constructions that have not
3.2.5 composite, n—as applied to loadbearing elements, an
been tested.
interaction between structural components which is to be taken
4.2 Users of this guide must have knowledge and under-
into account in the evaluation of load capacity.
standing of the provisions of Test Method E 119 including
3.2.6 design load, n—the intended maximum design load
those pertaining to conditions of acceptance.
condition allowed by design under appropriate nationally
4.3 In order to apply some of the principles described in this
recognized structural design criteria.
3.2.7 directly applied fire resistive coating, n—materials
4.4 In Test Method E 119, the specimens are subjected to
that are normally sprayed onto substrates to provide fire-
resistive protection of the substrates.
different test conditions or changes in the end use conditions Discussion—These coatings are called sprayed fire-
have the ability to change the measured fire-test-response
resistive materials in Standard Practice E 1513 and related
characteristics. Therefore, the extensions of data are valid only
for the fire test exposure conditions described in Test Method
3.2.8 equivalent thickness, n—the calculated solid thickness
E 119,.
of concrete or masonry for purposes of determining fire
resistance ratings of barrier elements on the basis of heat
5. General Principles
transmission end-point criteria.
5.1 The same criteria or conditions of acceptance as set out
3.2.9 insulation, n—a material that is normally added to an
in the Test Method E 119 and followed in the establishment of
assembly to provide resistance to heat flow for purpose of
the fire endurance classification of the original test specimen
energy conservation.
shall be used in the evaluation of the effect of the modification Discussion—Insulation materials are also used to
or substitution of components in a test specimen.
improve sound control or improve fire resistance.
5.1.1 The criteria or conditions of acceptance for the evalu-
3.2.10 lightweight aggregate concrete, n—concrete made
ation of modified test specimens shall likewise be in accor-
with aggregates of expanded clay, shale, slag, or slate or
dance with the appropriate sections of Test Method E 119.
sintered fly ash, and weighing 1360 to 1840 kg/m (85 to 115
5.2 Statements in this guide only indicate whether a change
3.2.11 material, generic, n—is one for which a nationally
recognized Standard Specification exists.
5.3 Limitations:
3.2.12 material proprietary, n—is one whose fire perfor-
5.3.1 The extension of fire endurance data is valid only for
mance characteristics are determined in consideration of a
changes to the tested specimen that fall within normal and
formulation or process of production that is proprietary.
reasonable limits of standard construction practices.
3.2.13 non-composite, n—as applied to loadbearing ele- 5.3.2 Statements are valid only if the identified changes are
ments, structural interaction between contiguous elements is the only changes in the construction or properties of the
assumed not to exist in the evaluation of load capacity. components.
5.3.3 It is possible that multiple changes have a different 6. Principles Pertaining to Heat Transfer Characteristics
cumulative effect than that of individual changes applied of Concrete
6.1 Theprovisionsinthissectionareapplicableonlyasthey
5.3.4 Unless otherwise indicated, statements are only valid
affect the transfer of heat through concrete. Considerations
if the change identified does not change the specified load.
involving structural fire endurance are addressed in other Provisions in this guide involving the ratio of
6.2 For concrete test specimens where temperature rise on
of ultimate capacity to design load) inherent in the design
the unexposed surface of a concrete slab (wall, floor, or roof)
procedure is constant.
is the governing criterion, the following modifications do not Increasing the ratio of the maximum applied load reduce the fire endurance of the assembly:
(specified load, dead plus live load) to the design load of an
6.2.1 Decrease in concrete unit weight;
element beyond that realized in the test specimen can reduce
6.2.2 Substitutionofsandedlight-weightaggregateconcrete
the fire endurance.
or light-weight aggregate concrete for normal weight concrete;
5.3.5 Provisions in this guide pertaining to concrete only also, substitution of carbonate aggregate for siliceous aggre-
apply to concrete with a compressive strength of 55.1 MPa gate for either the coarse or the fine aggregate used in the
(8000 psi) or less. concrete;
6.2.3 Decrease in the nominal maximum size of coarse
5.4 Restrained/Unrestrained Specimens:
aggregate within a given concrete aggregate type;
5.4.1 The fire endurance of a beam, floor, or roof test
6.2.4 Increaseordecreaseinthecompressivestrengthofthe
specimen is related to either a restrained or unrestrained
condition, or both. A restrained condition in a fire test is
considered to be one in which the displacement or rotation due 6.2.5 Change in the type of portland cement, flyash or
admixtures used in the concrete;
to fire induced thermal expansion of a load bearing element is
resisted by forces external to the element. An unrestrained 6.2.6 Changes in the type or amount of reinforcement;
condition in a fire test is one in which the load bearing element 6.2.7 Increase in the equivalent thickness of the slab for a
is free to expand and rotate at its supports or is not subject to
given type of aggregate concrete; and
substantial thermal expansion and its resulting restraining
6.2.8 Changeinslabdesignorrestraintconditions,provided
the equivalent thickness of slab does not decrease.
5.4.2 Ratings of restrained beam, floor, or roof test speci-
6.2.9 In slabs or constructions incorporating joints other
mens are intended for application to elements which are
than construction joints, changes in joint design provided that
considered to be suitable for use in restrained building con-
the substituted joint design has been tested in a Test Method
struction where the surrounding or supporting structure is
E 119 test and met the required fire endurance.
capable of resisting substantial thermal expansion throughout
6.2.10 For slabs containing hollow cores or air cavities,
the range of anticipated elevated fire conditions.
filling of cores or voids with non-combustible insulation
5.4.3 Ratings of unrestrained beam, floor or roof test speci- material;
mens are intended for application to elements which are 6.3 For temperature rise to be the governing criteria, it is
considered to be suitable for use in unrestrained and restrained
assumed that the structural design requirements of the slab are
building construction where the surrounding or supporting met and adequate cover protection is provided to the steel
structure is or is not capable of resisting substantial thermal
reinforcement (prestressing and reinforcing bars).
expansion throughout the range of anticipated elevated fire
7. Principles Pertaining to Protective Finish Systems The application of unrestrained classified beams,
7.1 Directly Applied Fire Resistive Coatings:
floors or roofs for use in building construction
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