ASTM D7265-12
(Specification)Standard Specification for Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
Standard Specification for Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
1.1 The thermophysical property tables for normal hydrogen are for use in the calculation of the pressure-volume-temperature (PVT), thermodynamic, and transport properties of hydrogen for process design and operations, particularly as they relate to hydrogen fuel cell applications. Tables are provided for gaseous hydrogen at temperatures between 50 K and 500 K at pressures to 50 MPa. These tables were developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology from a Standard Reference Database product REFPROP, version 9.0.
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Designation:D7265 −12
Standard Specification for
Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7265; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope V, molar volume (L ·mol)
H, molar enthalpy (J·mol )
1.1 The thermophysical property tables for normal hydro-
-1 -1
gen are for use in the calculation of the pressure-volume- S, molar entropy (J·K ·mol )
-1 -1
temperature (PVT), thermodynamic, and transport properties
C , constant volume molar heat capacity (J·K ·mol )
of hydrogen for process design and operations, particularly as -1 -1
C , constant pressure molar heat capacity (J·K ·mol )
they relate to hydrogen fuel cell applications. Tables are
c, speed of sound (m·s )
provided for gaseous hydrogen at temperatures between 50 K
η, viscosity (µPa·s)
-1 -1
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology from a λ, thermal conductivity (mW·m ·K )
Standard Reference Database product REFPROP, version 9.0.
3.2 These tables were produced by equations from a com-
2. Applicability puter package, “NIST Standard Reference Database 23; Ref-
erence Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Data-
2.1 These tables apply directly only to pure gaseous hydro-
base (REFPROP): Version 9.0.” A wide selection of units (SI
gen. However, it is expected that they may find substantial use
units, engineering units, chemical units) is available with this
in mathematical models and tables for the thermophysical
properties of mixtures containing hydrogen.
3. Tables
4. Additional Information
3.1 The tabulated thermophysical properties are:
4.1 Acomprehensive equation of state for normal hydrogen
ρ, molar density (mol·L )
is not available at this time. The properties in the table were
calculated from individual equations for normal hydrogen.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D03 on
Gaseous Fuels and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D03.08 on
Thermophysical Properties. 5. Keywords
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2012. Published December 2012. Originally
5.1 hydrogen fuel cell; hydrogen gas tables; thermodynamic
approved in 2006. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D7265 - 06. DOI:
10.1520/D7265-12. properties of hydrogen
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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TABLE 1 Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
T ρ V H S C C c λ η
v p
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
(K) (mol·L ) (L ·mol) (J·mol ) (J·mol ·K ) (J·mol ·K ) (J·mol ·K ) (m·s ) (mW·m ·K ) (µPa·s)
0.1 MPa
50 0.24247 4.1243 1549.8 64.230 12.543 21.131 584.8 38.40 2.4717
55 0.21997 4.5461 1655.4 66.243 12.579 21.113 613.4 41.52 2.6729
60 0.20134 4.9668 1761.0 68.081 12.643 21.137 640.4 44.60 2.8655
65 0.18565 5.3866 1866.8 69.775 12.740 21.204 665.8 47.68 3.0502
70 0.17224 5.8057 1973.1 71.350 12.871 21.312 689.7 50.78 3.2281
75 0.16066 6.2244 2080.0 72.825 13.037 21.460 712.3 53.61 3.3999
80 0.15054 6.6426 2187.7 74.216 13.235 21.643 733.6 56.47 3.5663
85 0.14163 7.0605 2296.5 75.534 13.462 21.858 753.8 59.35 3.7280
90 0.13372 7.4781 2406.4 76.791 13.712 22.098 773.0 62.17 3.8855
95 0.12665 7.8955 2517.5 77.992 13.981 22.359 791.3 65.26 4.0392
100 0.12030 8.3127 2630.0 79.146 14.264 22.635 808.9 68.33 4.1896
105 0.11455 8.7298 2743.9 80.257 14.556 22.921 825.8 71.65 4.3368
110 0.10933 9.1467 2859.2 81.330 14.852 23.212 842.1 74.97 4.4813
115 0.10456 9.5635 2976.0 82.369 15.150 23.506 858.0 78.22 4.6232
120 0.10020 9.9802 3094.2 83.375 15.446 23.798 873.5 81.48 4.7629
125 0.09618 10.3970 3214.0 84.352 15.738 24.086 888.6 84.78 4.9004
130 0.09248 10.8130 3335.1 85.303 16.023 24.368 903.4 88.09 5.0359
135 0.08905 11.2300 3457.6 86.228 16.300 24.643 917.9 91.36 5.1696
140 0.08587 11.6460 3581.5 87.129 16.568 24.908 932.2 94.62 5.3015
145 0.08290 12.0630 3706.7 88.007 16.825 25.164 946.3 97.79 5.4318
150 0.08014 12.4790 3833.1 88.864 17.073 25.410 960.1 100.96 5.5606
155 0.07755 12.8950 3960.8 89.701 17.309 25.645 973.8 104.24 5.6880
160 0.07512 13.3110 4089.6 90.519 17.535 25.869 987.3 107.51 5.8140
165 0.07285 13.7280 4219.4 91.318 17.750 26.082 1000.6 110.74 5.9387
170 0.07070 14.1440 4350.4 92.100 17.954 26.285 1013.8 113.98 6.0622
175 0.06868 14.5600 4482.3 92.865 18.147 26.477 1026.9 117.11 6.1845
180 0.06677 14.9760 4615.1 93.613 18.330 26.659 1039.8 120.25 6.3056
185 0.06497 15.3920 4748.8 94.346 18.503 26.831 1052.6 123.34 6.4257
190 0.06326 1
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation: D7265 − 06 D7265 − 12
Standard Specification for
Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7265; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 The thermophysical property tables for normal hydrogen are for use in the calculation of the pressure-volume-temperature
(PVT), thermodynamic, and transport properties of hydrogen for process design and operations, particularly as they relate to
hydrogen fuel cell applications. Tables are provided for gaseous hydrogen at temperatures between 50 K and 500 K at pressures
to 50 MPa. These tables were developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology from a Standard Reference
Database product REFPROP, version
2. Applicability
2.1 These tables apply directly only to pure gaseous hydrogen. However, it is expected that they may find substantial use in
mathematical models and tables for the thermophysical properties of mixtures containing hydrogen.
3. Tables
3.1 The tabulated thermophysical properties are:
ρ, molar density (mol·l(mol·L )
V, molar volume (L ·mol)
H, molar enthalpy (J·mol )
-1 -1
S, molar entropy (J·K ·mol )
-1 -1
C , constant volume molar heat capacity (J·K ·mol )
-1 -1
C , constant pressure molar heat capacity (J·K ·mol )
c, speed of sound (m·s )
η, viscosity (μPa·s)
-1 -1
λ, thermal conductivity (mW·m ·K )
3.2 These tables were produced by equations from a computer package, “NIST Standard Reference Database 23; Reference
Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database (REFPROP): Version 7.0.”9.0.” A wide selection of units (SI units,
engineering units, chemical units) is available with this program.
4. Additional Information
4.1 A comprehensive equation of state for normal hydrogen is not available at this time. The properties in the table were
calculated from individual equations for normal hydrogen and para-hydrogen. For example, to calculate the heat capacity of normal
hydrogen, an equation for the heat capacity of normal hydrogen at zero pressure was combined with an integration of PVT equation
for para-hydrogen to obtain the heat capacity of normal hydrogen at non-zero pressure. Additional information is available in the
REFPROP package.hydrogen.
5. Keywords
5.1 hydrogen fuel cell; hydrogen gas tables; thermodynamic properties of hydrogen
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D03 on Gaseous Fuels and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D03.08 on Thermophysical
Current edition approved June 1, 2006Nov. 1, 2012. Published July 2006December 2012. Originally approved in 2006. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as
D7265 - 06. DOI: 10.1520/D7265-06.10.1520/D7265-12.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D7265 − 12
TABLE 1 Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
TρH S C C cηλv p
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
K mol·l J·mol J·mol ·K J·mol ·K J·mol ·K m·s μPa·s mW·m ·K
Pressure = 0.1 MPa
50. 0.24255 1545.8 64.246 12.53 21.12 584.7 2.472 38.39
55. 0.22003 1651.3 66.258 12.57 21.11 613.4 2.673 41.52
60. 0.20139 1756.9 68.095 12.64 21.14 640.4 2.865 44.60
65. 0.18568 1862.8 69.789 12.74 21.21 665.8 3.050 47.68
70. 0.17227 1969.1 71.365 12.87 21.32 689.7 3.228 50.78
75. 0.16068 2076.0 72.840 13.04 21.47 712.3 3.400 53.61
80. 0.15056 2183.8 74.231 13.24 21.65 733.6 3.566 56.47
85. 0.14164 2292.6 75.550 13.46 21.86 753.8 3.728 59.35
90. 0.13373 2402.5 76.807 13.71 22.10 773.0 3.886 62.17
95. 0.12666 2513.6 78.009 13.98 22.36 791.3 4.039 65.25
100. 0.12030 2626.1 79.163 14.26 22.64 808.9 4.190 68.33
105. 0.11455 2740.0 80.274 14.55 22.92 825.9 4.337 71.65
110. 0.10933 2855.4 81.347 14.85 23.21 842.2 4.481 74.97
115. 0.10456 2972.1 82.385 15.15 23.50 858.1 4.623 78.22
120. 0.10020 3090.4 83.392 15.44 23.80 873.6 4.763 81.48
125. 0.096180 3210.1 84.369 15.73 24.08 888.7 4.900 84.78
130. 0.092475 3331.2 85.319 16.02 24.37 903.5 5.036 88.09
135. 0.089046 3453.8 86.244 16.30 24.64 918.0 5.170 91.35
140. 0.085862 3577.6 87.145 16.57 24.91 932.3 5.301 94.62
145. 0.082898 3702.8 88.023 16.82 25.16 946.3 5.432 97.79
150. 0.080132 3829.3 88.881 17.07 25.41 960.2 5.561 101.0
155. 0.07754
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