ASTM F859-95
(Specification)Standard Specification for Heat-Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines, Multiple Tank, Conveyor Rack Type
Standard Specification for Heat-Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines, Multiple Tank, Conveyor Rack Type
1.1 This specification covers multiple tank automatic rack- type commercial dishwashing machines.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: F 859 – 95
Standard Specification for
Heat-Sanitizing Commercial Dishwashing Machines, Multiple
Tank, Conveyor Rack Type
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 859; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
1.1 This specification covers multiple tank automatic rack-
3. Terminology
type commercial dishwashing machines.
3.1 Definition:
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.1 commercial dishwashing machines—machines that
uniformly wash, rinse, and heat sanitize eating and drinking
2.1 ASTM Standards:
utensils. The machines shall be capable of removing physical
B 127 Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS NO
soil from properly racked and pre-scrapped items, and sanitiz-
4400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
3 ing multiple-use eating and drinking utensils. These machines
F 760 Specification for Food Service Equipment Manuals
shall automatically convey racks of soiled dishes through the
F 861 Specification for Commercial Dishwashing Racks
treatment stages of the machine, conveying them out at the
2.2 Federal Regulation:
clean end of the machine. The dishwashing machines shall
OSHA Title 29
consist of the following principal parts: legs, wash chamber,
2.3 National Sanitation Foundation Standards:
rinse chamber, tanks, doors, spray assemblies, pumps, motors,
NSF No. 3 Spray Type Dishwashing Machine
controls, piping, valves, conveying mechanisms, heating
NSF No. 14 Plastic Piping System Components and Related
equipment, and accessories.
NSF No. 29 Detergent/Chemical Feeders for Commercial
4. Classification
Spray-Type Dishwashing Machines
5 4.1 General—Dishwashing machines shall be of the follow-
NSF Criteria C-2 Special Equipment and/or Devices
5 ing types, styles, classes, sizes, and capacity groups, as
NSF Listing Food Service Equipment Listing
2.4 Underwriters Laboratories Standard:
6 4.2 Types:
UL 921 Commercial Electric Dishwashers
4.2.1 Type I—This machine shall be designed and supplied
2.5 American Society of Sanitary Engineering Standards:
7 to accept the feeding of soiled tableware from the right side,
ASSE 1004 Dishwashers
when facing the front of the machine.
2.6 Military Standard:
4.2.2 Type II—This machine shall be designed and supplied
to accept the feeding of soiled tableware from the left side,
when facing the front of the machine.
4.3 Styles and Classes:
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-26 on Food 4.3.1 Style 1 (Steam Heated)—Low-pressure steam (20 to
Service Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.01 on
35-psi) (137.9 to 241.3-kPa) flowing pressure at point of
Cleaning and Sanitation Equipment.
machine connection.
Current edition approved Jan. 15, 1995. Published March 1995. Originally Class A—Injectors.
published as F 859 – 84. Last previous edition F 859 – 94.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.04. Class B—Heat exchange coils.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.07.
4.3.2 Style 2 (Electrically heated)
Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter XVII, Part 1910 available from
4.3.3 Style 3 (Gas-heated)
Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Class C—Natural Gas.
Available from NSF International, P.O. Box 130140, Ann Arbor, MI 48113-
Available from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, North-
brook, IL 60062.
7 8
Available from American Society of Sanitary Engineering, P.O. Box 9712, Bay Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Village, OH 44140. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 859 Class D—LP Gas. 6.1.4 Nickel-Copper Alloy—Nickel-copper alloys shall con-
4.4 Style 4 (Pre-Wash Unit)—The dishwashing machine form to the requirements of Specification B 127.
shall have a pump recirculated prewash unit. The automatic 6.1.5 Plastics—All plastic materials and components used
prewash unit shall be fitted to, or be a part of the dishwashing in the dishwashing machine rinse system shall conform to NSF
machine. No. 14.
4.5 Size and Capacity,
7. Construction Requirements
3 3
4.5.1 Group A—19 ⁄4 by 19 ⁄4-in. (nominal) racks at 100 per
7.1 The dishwashing machine shall be complete so that
hour minimum.
3 3 when connected to the specified source of power, water supply,
4.5.2 Group B—19 ⁄4 by 19 ⁄4-in. (nominal) racks at 234 per
heating means (steam, electric, or gas), and drainage, detergent
hour minimum.
3 3 and rinse agent feeder as applicable, the unit can be used for its
4.5.3 Group C—19 ⁄4 by 19 ⁄4-in. (nominal) racks at 330 per
intended function. Dishwashers shall be rigid, quiet in opera-
hour minimum.
tion, free from objectionable splashing of water to the outside
4.6 All dishwashing machines of the same classification,
of the machine. The machine shall be equipped with splash
model, or material list designation furnished with similar
curtains to prevent excessive splash and spray carryover. Parts
options under a specific purchase order shall be identical to the
requiring adjustment or service, or both, shall be readily
extent necessary to ensure interchangeability of component
accessible from the front and side of the machine. The machine
parts, assemblies, accessories, and spare parts.
shall wash dishes by means of a water and detergent solution
pumped from a tank and shall pump rinse the dishes under
5. Ordering Information
pump pressure prior to the final rinse of fresh water from an
5.1 Purchasers should select the preferred options permitted
outside source. Provisions shall be made to fill the wash and
in this specification and include the following information in
rinse tank either directly from the regular hot water supply with
the procurement document:
a hand valve or through the booster or solenoid, or both. The
5.1.1 Title, number, and date of this specification,
dishwashing machine shall have a conveyor for handling 19 ⁄4
5.1.2 Type, style, class, and group machine required (see
by 19 ⁄4-in. (nominal) racks. The conveyor shall be protected
by an adjustable slip clutch or other device. Means shall be
5.1.3 Noise level requirements, if other than specified (see
provided for releasing or disconnecting the drive power, or the
drive in case of jamming. The conveyor shall be driven by a
5.1.4 When a service-supply valve is required (see 7.5),
separate motordriven gear reduction unit. The final rinse spray
5.1.5 When a standard 40°F (22°C) temperature rise steam,
control shall have a positive return to the OFF position when
electric, or gas booster is required, or stipulate if the required
there are no racks in process to ensure the conservation of final
temperature rise is more than 40°F (22°C) (see 7.14),
rinse water. The machine shall be provided with tracks of
5.1.6 Electrical power supply characteristic (current, volt-
corrosion-resistant steel or other corrosion-resisting material
age, phase, frequency) (see Section 8),
not less than 0.070 in. or equivalent die-formed material of
5.1.7 When a detergent feeder is required (see 7.15),
0.059 in. Dishwashers shall have an inside working height of
5.1.8 When a rinse agent feeder is required (see 7.16),
not less than 17 ⁄2 in. (444.5 mm) above the track.
5.1.9 Accessory equipment, such as end cowls with vent
7.2 Conveyor—The conveyor shall be of heavy-duty con-
opening, or spare and maintenance parts required, as suggested
struction, and of a suitable corrosion-resisting material. It shall
by the manufacturer,
be designed to convey racks through the dishwasher automati-
5.1.10 Treatment and painting if other than specified (see
cally. See Specification F 861.
Section 10),
7.3 Piping, Tubing, Fittings, and Valves (Installation)—
5.1.11 When energy consumption profiles, water consump-
Connections shall be readily accessible to facilitate installation
tion profiles, or productivity profiles are desired (see 12.3), and
and maintenance. Piping, tubing, and valves shall be located,
5.1.12 Manufacturer’s certification, when required (see Sec-
whenever possible, on the exterior of the machine.
tion 13).
7.4 Piping and Fittings—Water and steam piping and fit-
tings shall be of corrosion-resisting material. Fresh water
6. Materials and Design
supply to the tank shall be discharged not lower than 2 in. (50.8
6.1 All materials shall be specified as follows:
mm) above the maximum flood level rim, or an effective air
6.1.1 Materials used shall be free from defects which would gap or vacuum breaker shall be installed to prevent backflow.
adversely affect the performance or maintainability of indi-
Backflow protection shall be in accordance with ASSE No.
vidual component of the overall assembly. The dishwashing 1004. The drain and other plumbing connections shall be
machines shall meet the material design and construction
standard pipe or tubing connections. Drainage piping shall be
requirements of NSF No. 3, and Criteria C-2, where applicable. corrosion-resisting material, or suitable heat-resisting plastic
6.1.2 Corrosion-Resistant Steel—Corrosion resistant steel tubing with fittings. Drains may be joined into a single trunk
shall conform to the requirements of any 300 series stainless line requiring only one connection or arranged to permit
steel specified in 2.1.
individual connections to the waste line.
6.1.3 Corrosion-Resisting Material—Corrosion-resisting 7.5 Valves—Steam valves shall be corrosion-resisting ma-
material is other than corrosion-resistant steel that is equivalent terial designed for steam applications and for a saturated steam
in the dishwasher application. working pressure of 50 psi (345 kPa). When specified, a
F 859
separately packed service supply valve shall be provided for bearings shall be provided for the motor and pump. The pump
closing the supply of water to the dishwasher. The drain valve suction intake shall be provided with a corrosion-resistant
shall be permanently marked to show “open” and “closed” strainer or shroud.
position and shall be lever-operated or wheel-operated, rug-
7.13 Heating—Style 1, 2, and 3 machines shall be capable
gedly designed for foot or hand operation except when drain
of maintaining required temperature levels in the tanks.
valve closure is automatic. Fresh water rinse valves shall be
7.13.1 Style 1—Style 1 machines shall be suitable for
reliable and fully automatic and suitable for 210°F (98.9°C)
operation with a steam supply flow pressure of from 20 to 35
water. The manually operated valves, when used, shall be
psi (68.9 to 103.4 kPa). Temperature regulators (thermostats)
shall be provided for maintaining the proper water temperature
7.6 Spray Assemblies—All spray nozzles and spray arm
in the tanks. Low water protection shall be provided. Steam
manifolds shall be corrosion-resisting materials. All spray
heat will be provided by tube type heat exchangers or steam
assemblies shall be removable without the use of tools and
injectors, or a combination of both. Check valves or vacuum
shall be easy to clean.
breakers must be used on all injector-type heating units to
7.7 Tank—The tank shall be constructed of not less than prevent back siphoning. The minimum operating pressure shall
0.0500 in., corrosion-resistant steel, or other corrosion-
be specified by the manufacturer and the maximum operating
resisting material. pressure shall not exceed 15 psi (103.4 kPa).
7.8 Overflow—The dishwashers shall have a readily acces-
7.13.2 Style 2—Style 2 machines shall be equipped with
sible overflow drain in the tank. The overflow unit, or cover,
electric heater elements and sheaths of 300 series corrosionre-
when provided, shall be readily removable for cleaning.
sistant steel or other corrosion-resisting material. They shall be
7.9 Scrap Trays (Strainers)—Scrap trays of corrosion- provided with temperature regulators (thermostats) for main-
resistant steel, not less than 0.044 in. thick, or other corrosion- taining the proper water temperature in the tanks. Low water
protection shall be provided.
resistant material shall be provided to prevent insoluble matter
and large pieces of food residue from passing into the tank. The
7.13.3 Style 3—Style 3 machines shall be equipped with a
ledges on which the scrap trays rest shall be so designed that
gas burner assembly including safety pilots, shut-off valves,
surfaces beneath the ledges are easily accessible for cleaning
and flue suitable for operation with type of gas specified. They
when the trays are removed. Any opening around or between
shall be provided with temperature regulators (thermostats) for
scrap trays shall be held to a minimum, and as close as
maintaining the proper water temperature in the tanks. Low
practical to the size of the scrap tray opening.
water protection shall be provided.
7.10 Access Door(s)—Access door(s) shall be provided for
7.14 Final Rinse Booster—Final rinse booster heater will
ease of machine clean-out. The door(s) shall be constructed of
not be furnished as a part of the machine unless specified.
not less than 0.044-in. corrosion-resistant steel or other
7.14.1 Steam Booster—When specified, the dishwasher
corrosion-resisting material, shall be rigid and stiffened as
shall be provided with an adjustable, automatic steam booster
necessary. Door safety catch(s) shall be provided for maximum
to raise the temperature of the final rinse water from 140°F
operator safety, the door handles shall be of insulated handle
(60°C) to at least 180°F (82.22°C). The steam booster shall
design. Doors shall be splashproof and their exposed edges
automatically maintain the required final rinse water tempera-
shall be smooth and formed to prevent canting or warping. One
ture without producing steam within either the steam booster or
door assembly shall be furnished for each tank.
the water supply piping from the steam booster to the machine.
7.11 Legs (Feet)—The machine shall be rigidly constructed
The steam booster shall be securely mounted as an integral part
and have four or more legs (feet) made of corrosion-resistant
of the machine in a position that does not interfere with
steel, or other corrosion-resisting material. Legs shall be
operation and permits attachment of tables or counters. Other-
adjustable, so that the height of the track
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