Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Fans and Blowers

1.1 This specification covers centrifugal and axial fans and blowers with airstream components fabricated of fiber-reinforced thermoset plastics (FRP) for corrosion resistance. Internal structures may include encapsulated metal fastening devices, hubs, and shafts.
1.2 Reinforcing materials other than fibrous glass may be used in the fabrication, provided the fans and blowers produced meet all the requirements of this specification.
1.3 The term "fans" as used in this specification includes fans and blowers, both centrifugal and axial.
1.4 The purpose of this specification is to provide users, system designers, specifiers, and manufacturers of FRP fans with minimum standards for fan construction and a common basis for determining safe operating speeds.
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided for information only.
Note 1—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.
Note 2—Appendix X2 contains a list of documents that may be of interest to designers of fan systems.
1.6 This standard does not puport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and helath practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D4167-97(2002) - Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Fans and Blowers
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: D 4167 – 97 (Reapproved 2002)
Standard Specification for
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Fans and Blowers
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4167; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope * Reinforced Plastic Laminate Parts
2.2 Other Standards:
1.1 This specification covers centrifugal and axial fans and
AMCA Bulletin 210 Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans
blowers with airstream components fabricated of fiber-
for Rating Purposes
reinforced thermoset plastics (FRP) for corrosion resistance.
ANSI S2.19 Balance Quality of Rotating Rigid Bodies
Internal structures may include encapsulated metal fastening
devices, hubs, and shafts.
3. Terminology
1.2 Reinforcing materials other than fibrous glass may be
3.1 Definitions—The definitions of terms used in this speci-
fication are the same as those found in Terminology D 883.
meet all the requirements of this specification.
1.3 The term “fans” as used in this specification includes
4. Construction of Fan Housings
fans and blowers, both centrifugal and axial.
4.1 Laminate Construction shall conform to Specification
1.4 The purpose of this specification is to provide users,
C 582. The same resin shall be used throughout a housing
system designers, specifiers, and manufacturers of FRP fans
unless the user and manufacturer agree to use a different resin
with minimum standards for fan construction and a common
for the inner surface and interior layer than for the structural
basis for determining safe operating speeds.
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
4.1.1 The inner surface exposed to the chemical environ-
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are provided
ment shall be a resin-rich layer 0.010 to 0.020 in. (0.25 to 0.5
for information only.
mm) thick reinforced with a suitable chemical-resistant glass-
NOTE 1—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.
fiber surface mat or with an organic-fiber surface mat.
NOTE 2—Appendix X2 contains a list of documents that may be of
4.1.2 The inner surface layer shall be followed with an
interest to designers of fan systems.
interior layer composed of resin reinforced only with noncon-
1.6 This standard does not puport to address all of the safety
tinuous glass-fiber strands applied in a minimum of two plies
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of chopped-strand mat equivalent to a total of 3 oz/ft (0.92
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
kg/m ).Asanalternative,aminimumoftwopassesofchopped
helath practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
roving of minimum length of 0.5 in. (13 mm) to a maximum
limitations prior to use.
length of 2.0 in. (50.8 mm) shall be applied uniformly to an
2 2
equivalent weight of 3 oz/ft (0.92 kg/m ). Each ply of mat or
2. Referenced Documents
pass of chopped roving shall be well rolled prior to the
2.1 ASTM Standards:
application of additional reinforcement. The combined thick-
C 582 Specification for Contact-Molded Reinforced, Ther-
mosetting Plastic (RTP) Laminates for Corrosion Resistant
0.10 in. (2.5 mm).
4.1.3 The structural layer comprises the balance of the
D 883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
housing laminate.
D 2563 Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass-
NOTE 3—Although fan housings are subject to vibrational stresses, the
design considerations regarding construction of the laminate are similar to
those used for static FRP process system components.
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on
Plastics, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.23 on Reinforced
Plastic Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 2002. Published March 2003. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
approved in 1982. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as D 4167 –97. AvailablefromAirMovementandControlAssociation,30WestUniversityDr.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04. Arlington Heights, IL 60004.
3 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. Available from American National Standards Institute, 25 W. 43rd St., 4th
Floor, New York, NY 10036.
*ASummary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 4167 – 97 (2002)
4.2 Fastening Devices, such as bolts, shall be made of conductive (Note 4). To be considered acceptably conductive,
material the user and manufacturer agree is at least as the surface resistivity between all points of the airstream
corrosion-resistant to the specified corrosive environment as is surface and ground must be no more than 1 MV when tested
the laminate construction, or shall be embedded in a laminate with an insulation resistance tester.
in such a way that the laminate covering the device is
NOTE 4—The user must electrically ground all fan parts in order to
2 2
reinforced with at least two layers of 1 ⁄2 oz/ft (4.57 g/m )
maintain spark resistance.
7. Shaft-Hole Closures
in the housing laminate.
4.3 Gasketing, used where housings are constructed so that
7.1 Gas flow may be into or out of the shaft holes of the fan
sections or inspection panels are removable, shall be of
housing, depending on pressure distribution in the system and
elastomeric material sufficiently resilient to seal the sections.
type of fan wheel. The shaft-hole closure shall be one of the
The gasketing shall be of material the user and manufacturer
following types, as specified by the user:
agree is suitable for the corrosive environment.
NOTE 5—The user should determine the importance of restricting gas
4.4 Housings, shall have minimum inside corner radii of 0.6
flow through the shaft holes before selecting the type of closure required.
in. (15 mm).
7.1.1 Shaft encapsulated with an FRP sleeve to at least 0.4
4.5 Suitable housing construction design shall be deter-
in. (10 mm) outside the fan housing, with the shaft hole no
mined by running the fan at maximum-rated speed with the
larger than the sleeve diameter plus 0.08 in. (2 mm). (An
inlet blocked tight and with an open outlet. The design will be
acceptable alternative is to mount a membrane onto the
deemed acceptable if the test does not cause any part of the
1 housing to maintain the 0.08-in. maximum space).
housing to move more than a distance equal to ⁄2 of 1 % of the
7.1.2 Lubricated lip seals or stuffing boxes must ride on
wheel diameter from the position with the fan not running.
smooth metal shafts or shaft sleeves, necessitating the use of
4.6 Where the user determines that system design is such
shafts or shaft sleeves made of material selected to withstand
that liquid may collect in housings, the fan housings shall be
the corrosive environment.
specified with drains.
8. Balancing and Test Running
5. Construction of Fan Wheels
8.1 Thefanmanufacturershallperformoneofthefollowing
5.1 Where a history of service acceptable to the manufac-
methods of checking balance of wheel/shaft assemblies and
turer and the user shows that resin systems and joint designs
complete fans:
selected for use in the construction of fan wheels are accept-
8.1.1 Dynamically balance the wheel/shaft assembly as a
able, destruction tests need not be run. Where acceptable
unit in accordance with ANSI S2.19, Grade 6.3. For example:
history does not exist, destruction tests shall be performed in
At 1000 rpm the maximum total residual unbalance of both
accordance with Section 10.
5.2 Defects visible in fan wheels shall be limited to those
assembly weight.
showninTable1(takenfromPracticeD 2563andmodifiedfor
8.1.2 Run the assembled fan and balance in such a way that
specific use with fan wheels).
the peak-to-peak vibration measured horizontally at the pillow
5.3 Metal hubs, fasteners, and shafts shall be made of
blocks perpendicular to the axis of the shaft will not exceed the
1 2.5 mils (0.06 mm) up to 600 rpm,
with a laminate reinforced with at least two layers of 1 ⁄2oz/
2 2 2.0 mils (0.05 mm) up to 900 rpm,
ft (45.7 g/m ) chopped-strand mat with the same surface 1.5 mils (0.04 mm) up to 1200 rpm,
finish that is used in the laminate. 1.0 mils (0.025 mm) up to 1800 rpm,
5.4 Shafts not made of corrosion-resistant alloy shall be 0.6 mils (0.015 mm) up to 3000 rpm, and
protected by a sleeve of FRP extending out through the fan 0.5 mils (0.013 mm) above 3000 rpm.
housing a minimum of 0.4 in. (10 mm) (see Section 7).
8.2 Balance correction shall be accomplished by one or
5.5 Additives that obscure visual inspection shall be used
more of the following methods:
only in the final surface coat(s) for the purpose of enhancing
8.2.1 Removal of FRPbuilt onto the wheel for this purpose.
corrosion resistance or preventing the buildup of static elec-
8.2.2 AdditionofFRPsothatitbecomeshomogeneouswith
tricity, or both.
the wheel by proper surface preparation (normally by grinding
5.6 Acceptable surface treatments include the following:
away the surface to expose structural fibers) and laminating the
resin coating without reinforcement; resin coating with rein-
necessary weight on so that it blends into the wheel without
forcement, such as glass flakes, graphite, or surface veil; or
abrupt changes of contour.
resin coating reinforced with other materials agreed upon by
8.2.3 Application of metal weights, where the weights and
the fabricator and user. Resins that exhibit air inhibition shall
necessary fasteners are compatible with the corrosive environ-
be paraffinated for use in the final coat.
6. Spark-Resistant Construction
6.1 Fan

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