Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled, General Requirements for

1.1 This specification covers the general requirements for hot-rolled steel strip in coils and cut lengths. It applies to carbon steel and high-strength, low-alloy steel furnished as hot-rolled.  
1.2 This specification is not applicable to hot-rolled heavy-thickness carbon sheet and strip coils (ASTM Specification A635/A635M), cold-rolled carbon steel strip (ASTM Specification A109 or A109M), high-strength, low-alloy cold-rolled steel (ASTM Specifications A606 and A607) or cold-rolled carbon spring steel (ASTM Specification A682 or A682M).  
1.3 In case of any conflict in requirements, the requirements of the individual material specification shall prevail over those of this general specification.
1.4 For the purposes of determining conformance with this and the appropriate product specification referenced under 2.1, values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the right hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting values in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29.
1.5 Annex A1 lists permissible variations in dimensions and mass (Note 1) in S.I. [metric] units. The values listed are not exact conversions of the values listed in the inch-pound tables, but instead are rounded or rationalized values. Conformance to Annex A1 is mandatory when the "M" specification is used. Note 1-The term "weight" is used when inch-pound units are the standard; however, under S.I., the preferred term is "mass."
1.6 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specification.
1.7 This specification and the applicable material specifications are expressed in both inch-pound units and SI units. However, unless the order specifies the applicable "M" specification designation (SI units), the material shall be furnished to inch-pound units.

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ASTM A749/A749M-97 - Standard Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled, General Requirements for
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: A 749/A749M – 97
Standard Specification for
Steel, Strip, Carbon and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-
Rolled, General Requirements for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 749/A749M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope fication designation (SI units), the material shall be furnished
to inch-pound units.
1.1 This specification covers the general requirements for
hot-rolled steel strip in coils and cut lengths. It applies to
2. Referenced Documents
carbon steel and high-strength, low-alloy steel furnished as
2.1 ASTM Standards:
A 109 Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon, Cold-Rolled
1.2 This specification is not applicable to hot-rolled heavy-
A 109M Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon, Cold-
thickness carbon sheet and strip coils (ASTM Specification
Rolled (Metric)
A 635/A 635M), cold-rolled carbon steel strip (ASTM Speci-
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
fication A 109 or A 109M), high-strength, low-alloy cold-
of Steel Products
rolled steel (ASTM Specifications A 606 and A 607) or cold-
A 606 Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-
rolled carbon spring steel (ASTM Specification A 682 or
Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, with
A 682M).
Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance
1.3 In case of any conflict in requirements, the requirements
A 607 Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-
of the individual material specification shall prevail over those
Strength, Low-Alloy, Columbium or Vanadium, or Both,
of this general specification.
Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled
1.4 For the purposes of determining conformance with this
A 635/A635M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,
and the appropriate product specification referenced under 2.1,
Heavy-Thickness Coils, Carbon, Hot-Rolled
values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the right hand
A 682 Specification for Steel, Strip, High-Carbon, Cold-
place of figures used in expressing the limiting values in
Rolled, Spring Quality, General Requirements For
accordance with the rounding method of Practice E 29.
A 682M Specification for Steel, Strip, High-Carbon, Cold-
1.5 Annex A1 lists permissible variations in dimensions and
Rolled, Spring Quality, General Requirements For (Met-
mass (Note 1) in S.I.[metric] units. The values listed are not
exact conversions of the values listed in the inch-pound tables,
A 700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading
but instead are rounded or rationalized values. Conformance to
Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment
Annex A1 is mandatory when the “M” specification is used.
A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chem
NOTE 1—The term “weight” is used when inch-pound units are the
ical Analysis of Steel Products
standard; however, under S.I., the preferred term is “mass.”
E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Pur-
1.6 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units
are to be regarded as standard. Within the text, the SI units are
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not
Determine Conformance with Specifications
exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used inde-
E 290 Test Method for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductil-
pendently of the other. Combining values from the two systems
ity of Metallic Materials
may result in nonconformance with the specification.
2.2 Military Standards:
1.7 This specification and the applicable material specifica-
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
tions are expressed in both inch-pound units and SI units.
MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products, Preparation for Ship-
However, unless the order specifies the applicable “M” speci-
ment and Storage
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
1 3
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05.
Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys, and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
A01.19 on Steel Sheet and Strip. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Current edition approved March 10, 1997. Published November 1997. Originally Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
published as A 749 – 81. Last previous edition A 749 – 95. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
A 749/A749M
2.3 Federal Standards: 5. Chemical Composition
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies)
5.1 Limits:
Fed. Std. No. 183 Continuous Identification Marking of Iron 5.1.1 The chemical composition shall be in accordance with
and Steel Products the applicable product specification. However, if other compo-
sitions are required for carbon steel, they shall be prepared in
3. Terminology
accordance with Appendix X1.
5.1.2 Where the material is used for fabrication by welding,
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: Descrip-
care must be exercised in the selection of chemical composi-
tions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
tion or mechanical properties to ensure compatibility with the
3.1.1 Steel Types:
welding process and its effect on altering the properties.
3.1.2 carbon steel—the designation for steel when no mini-
5.2 Cast or Heat (Formerly Ladle) Analysis:
mum content is specified or required for aluminum, chromium,
5.2.1 An analysis of each cast or heat of steel shall be made
cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten,
by the manufacturer to determine the percentage of elements
vanadium, zirconium, or any element added to obtain a desired
specified or restricted by the applicable specification.
alloying effect; when the specified minimum for copper does
5.2.2 When requested, cast or heat analysis for elements
not exceed 0.40 %; or when the maximum content specified for
listed or required shall be reported to the purchaser or to his
any of the following elements does not exceed the percentages
noted; manganese 1.65, silicon 0.60, or copper 0.60.
5.3 Product, Check, or Verification Analysis:
Discussion—In all carbon steels small quantities of certain
5.3.1 Nonkilled steels (such as capped or rimmed) are not
residual elements unavoidably retained from raw materials are
technologically suited to product analysis due to the nonuni-
sometimes found which are not specified or required, such as
form character of their chemical composition and therefore, the
copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, etc. These elements
tolerances in Table 1 do not apply. Product analysis is appro-
are considered as incidental and are not normally determined or
priate on these types of steel only when misapplication is
apparent or for copper when copper steel is specified.
3.1.3 high-strength, low-alloy steel—a specific group of
5.3.2 For steels other than nonkilled (capped or rimmed),
steels in which higher strength, and in some cases additional
product analysis may be made by the purchaser. The chemical
resistance to atmospheric corrosion, are obtained by moderate
analysis shall not vary from the limits specified by more than
amounts of one or more alloying elements.
the amounts in Table 1. The several determinations of any
3.1.4 Product Types:
element in a cast shall not vary both above and below the
3.1.5 hot-rolled strip—manufactured by hot rolling billets specified range.
or slabs to the required thickness. It may be produced single
5.4 Sampling for Product Analysis:
width or by rolling multiple width and slitting to the desired 5.4.1 To indicate adequately the representative composition
width. It can be supplied in coils or cut lengths as specified.
of a cast by product analysis, it is general practice to select
samples to represent the steel, as fairly as possible, from a
Width, in. Thickness, in.
Over Through Over Through
minimum number of pieces as follows: 3 pieces for lots up to
15 tons inclusive, and 6 pieces for lots over 15 tons [15 Mg].
... 3½ 0.044 0.203
3½ 6 0.044 0.203 5.4.2 When the steel is subject to tension test requirements,
6 12 0.044 0.230 excl
samples for product analysis may be taken either by drilling
Width, mm Thickness, mm
entirely through the used tension test specimens themselves or
Over Through Over Through
in accordance with 5.4.3.
... 100 1.2 5.0 5.4.3 When the steel is not subject to tension test require-
100 200 1.2 5.0
ments, the samples for analysis must be taken by milling or
200 300 1.2 6.0, excl
Hot-rolled, high-strength, low-alloy strip is commonly avail-
TABLE 1 Tolerances for Product Analysis
able by size as follows:
Width, in. Thickness, in.
Element Limit, or Maximum of Tolerances
Over Through From Through
Under Minimum Over Maximum
Element, %
Limit Limit
Coils & Cut Coils
Lengths Only
Carbon to 0.15, incl 0.02 0.03
... 6 0.054 0.203 0.230 excl
over 0.15 to 0.40, incl 0.03 0.04
6 12 0.054 0.230 0.230 excl
over 0.40 to 0.80, incl 0.03 0.05
Width, mm Thickness, mm
over 0.80 0.03 0.06
Over Through Over Through
Manganese to 0.60, incl 0.03 0.03
over 0.60 to 1.15, incl 0.04 0.04
... 200 1.8 5.0
over 1.15 to 1.65, incl 0.05 0.05
200 300 1.8 6.0, excl
Phosphorus . . . 0.01
Sulfur . . . 0.01
Silicon to 0.30, incl 0.02 0.03
4. Materials and Manufacture
over 0.30 to 0.60, incl 0.05 0.05
Copper 0.02 . . .
4.1 Unless otherwise specified, hot-rolled material shall be
furnished hot-rolled, not annealed or pickled. See 6.3.1.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
A 749/A749M
drilling entirely through the strip in a sufficient number of 7. Dimensions, Tolerances, and Allowances
places so that the samples are representative of the entire strip.
7.1 Dimensions, tolerances, and allowances applicable to
The sampling may be facilitated by folding the strip both ways,
products covered by this specification are contained in Tables
so that several samples may be taken at one drilling. Steel
2-9 [Annex A1, Tables A1.1-A1.7]. The appropriate tolerance
subjected to certain heating operations by the purchaser may
tables shall be identified in each individual specification.
not give chemical analysis results that properly represent its
8. Workmanship
original composition. Therefore, users must analyze chips
taken from the steel in the condition in which it is received
8.1 Cut lengths shall have a workmanlike appearance and
from the steel manufacturer.
shall not have imperfections of a nature or degree for the
5.5 Specimen Preparation—Drillings or chips must be product, the grade, and the quality ordered that will be
taken without the application of water, oil, or other lubricant,
detrimental to the fabrication of the finished part.
and must be free of scale, grease, dirt, or other foreign 8.2 Coils may contain some abnormal imperfections that
substances. They must not be overheated during cutting to the
render a portion of the coil unusable since the inspection of
extent of causing decarburization. Chips must be well mixed, coils does not afford the producer the same opportunity to
and those too coarse to pass a No. 10 (2.00-mm) sieve or too
remove portions containing imperfections as in the case with
fine to remain on a No. 30 (600-μm) sieve are not suitable for
cut lengths.
proper analysis. Sieve size numbers are in accordance with
9. Finish and Condition
Specification E 11.
9.1 Hot-rolled strip has a surface with an oxide or scale
5.6 Test Methods—In case a referee analysis is required and
resulting from the hot-rolling operation. The oxide or scale can
agreed upon to resolve a dispute concerning the results of a
be removed by pickling or blast cleaning when required for
chemical analysis, the procedure for performing the referee
press-work operations or welding. Hot-rolled and hot-rolled
analysis must be in accordance with the latest issue of Test
descaled strip are not generally used for exposed parts where
Methods, Practices, and Terminology A 751, unless otherwise
surface is of prime importance. However, hot-rolled surface
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
might be of importance, as in the case of weathering steels for
exposed parts.
6. Mechanical Properties
9.1.1 Hot-rolled strip can be supplied with mill edges,
6.1 The mechanical property requirements, number of
square edges, or cut (slit) edges as specified.
specimens, test locations, and specimen orientation shall be in Mill edges are the natural edges resulting from the
accordance with the applicable product specification.
hot-rolling operation and are generally round and smooth
6.2 Unless otherwise specified in the applicable product
without any definite contour.
specification, test specimens must be prepared in accordance Square edges are the edges resulting from rolling
with Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
through vertical edging rolls during the hot-rolling operations.
6.3 Mechanical tests shall be conducted in accordance with
These edges are square and smooth, with the corners slightly
Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
6.4 Bend tests, where required, shall be conducted in Cut (slit) edges are the normal edges that result from
compliance with Test Methods E 290.
the shearing, slitting, or trimming of mill edges.
6.5 To determine conformance with the product specifica-
9.1.2 The ends of plain hot-rolled mill-edge coils are
tion, a calculated value should be rounded to the nearest 1 ksi
irregular in shape and are referred to as uncropped ends. Where
[7 MPa] tensile strength and yield point or yield strength, and
such ends are not acceptable, the purchaser’s order should so
to the nearest unit in the right hand place of figures used in
specify. Processed coils such as pickled or blast cleaned are
expressing the limiting value for other values in accordance
supplied with square-cut ends.
with the rounding off method given in Practice E 29.
9.2 Oiling:
6.6 Structural steels are commonly fabricated by cold bend-
9.2.1 Plain hot-rolled strip is customarily furnished not
ing. There are many interrelated factors that aff

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