ASTM D5608-01(2006)
(Practice)Standard Practices for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites
Standard Practices for Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level Radioactive Waste Sites
The primary objectives of work at low-level radioactive waste sites are the protection of personnel, prevention of the spread of contamination, minimization of additional wastes, protection of sample data quality, and the unconditional release of equipment used.
Preventing the contamination of equipment used at low-level radioactive waste sites and the decontamination of contaminated equipment are key aspects of achieving these goals.
This practice provides guidance in the planning of work to prevent contamination and when necessary, for the decontamination of equipment that has become contaminated. The benefits include:
5.3.1 Minimizing the spread of contamination within a site and preventing the spread outside of the work area.
5.3.2 Reducing the potential exposure of workers during the work and the subsequent decontamination of equipment.
5.3.3 Minimizing the amounts of additional wastes generated during the work, including liquid, or mixed wastes, including separation of the waste types, such as protective clothing, cleaning equipment, cleaning solutions, and protective wraps and drapes.
5.3.4 Improving the quality of sample data and reliability.
This practice may not be applicable to all low-level radioactive waste sites, such as sites containing low-level radioactive wastes mixed with chemical or reactive wastes. Field personnel, with assistance from trained radiological control professionals, should have the flexibility to modify the decontamination procedures with due consideration for the sampling objectives, or if past experience supports alternative procedures for contamination protection or decontamination.
This practice does not address the monitoring, protection, or decontamination of personnel working with low-level radioactive wastes.
This practice does not address regulatory requirements that may control or restrict work, the need for permits or regulatory approvals, or the accumulation or handling of generated wastes.
1.1 This practice covers the decontamination of field equipment used in the sampling of soils, soil gas, sludges, surface water, and ground water at waste sites known or suspected of containing low level radioactive wastes.
1.2 This practice is applicable at sites where low level radioactive wastes are known or suspected to exist. This practice may also be applicable for the decontamination of equipment used in known or suspected transuranic, or mixed wastes when used by itself or in conjunction with Practice D 5088.
1.3 Procedures are contained in this practice for the decontamination of equipment that comes into contact with the sample matrix (sample contacting equipment), and for ancillary equipment that has not contacted the sample, but may have become contaminated during use (non-contacting equipment).
1.4 This practice is applicable to most conventional sampling equipment constructed of metallic and hard, smooth synthetic materials. Materials with rough or porous surfaces, or having a high sorption rate should not be used in radioactive waste sampling due to the difficulties with decontamination.
1.5 In those cases where sampling will be periodically performed, such as sampling of wells, consideration should be given to the use of dedicated sampling equipment if legitimate concerns exist for the production of undesirable or unmanageable waste byproducts, or both, during the decontamination of tools and equipment.
1.6 This practice does not address regulatory requirements for personnel protection or decontamination, or for the handling, labeling, shipping or storing of wastes, or samples. Specific radiological release requirements and limits must be determined by users in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
1.7 For additional information see DOE Publication DOE/EH-0256T, DOE Order 5480.5, DOE Order 5480.11, and 10CFR, Part 835.
1.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.9 This ...
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:D5608–01 (Reapproved 2006)
Standard Practices for
Decontamination of Field Equipment Used at Low Level
Radioactive Waste Sites
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5608; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope* 1.8 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
1.1 This practice covers the decontamination of field equip-
1.9 This practice offers an organized collection of informa-
ment used in the sampling of soils, soil gas, sludges, surface
tion or a series of options and does not recommend a specific
water, and ground water at waste sites known or suspected of
course of action. This document can replace education or
containing low level radioactive wastes.
experience and should be used in conjunction with professional
1.2 This practice is applicable at sites where low level
judgement. Not all aspects of this practice may be applicable in
radioactive wastes are known or suspected to exist. This
all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to
practice may also be applicable for the decontamination of
represent or replace the standard of care by which the
equipment used in known or suspected transuranic, or mixed
adequacy of a given professional service must be judged nor
wastes when used by itself or in conjunction with Practice
should this document be applied without consideration of a
project’s many unique aspects. The word “standard” in the
1.3 Procedures are contained in this practice for the decon-
title of this document means only that the document has been
tamination of equipment that comes into contact with the
approved through the ASTM consensus process.
sample matrix (sample contacting equipment), and for ancil-
1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
become contaminated during use (non-contacting equipment).
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.4 This practice is applicable to most conventional sam-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
pling equipment constructed of metallic and hard, smooth
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau-
tionary statements are given in Section 6.
having a high sorption rate should not be used in radioactive
waste sampling due to the difficulties with decontamination.
2. Referenced Documents
1.5 In those cases where sampling will be periodically
2.1 ASTM Standards:
performed, such as sampling of wells, consideration should be
D5088 Practice for Decontamination of Field Equipment
given to the use of dedicated sampling equipment if legitimate
Used at Waste Sites
concerns exist for the production of undesirable or unmanage-
2.2 United States Department of Energy Standards:
able waste byproducts, or both, during the decontamination of
DOE Publication DOE/EH-0256T Radiological Control
tools and equipment.
1.6 This practice does not address regulatory requirements
DOE Order 5480.5 Radiation Protection of the Public and
for personnel protection or decontamination, or for the han-
the Environment
dling, labeling, shipping or storing of wastes, or samples.
DOE Order 5480.11 Radiological Protection for Occupa-
Specific radiological release requirements and limits must be
tional Workers
determined by users in accordance with local, state and federal
2.3 United States Code of Federal Regulations:
10CFR, Part 835, “Radiological Protection for Occupa-
1.7 For additional information see DOE Publication DOE/
tional Workers”
EH-0256T, DOE Order 5480.5, DOE Order 5480.11, and
10CFR, Part 835.
1 2
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on GroundWater and contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Vadose Zone Investigations. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2006. Published November 2006. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as D5608–01. DOI: Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
10.1520/D5608-01R06. Office, Washington, DC 20402.
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D5608–01 (2006)
3. Terminology and thorium bearing sludges from water purification plants,
high grade uranium ores, and petroleum pipeline sludges.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: mid level (transuranic) wastes—wastes containing
3.1.1 as low as reasonable achievable (ALARA)—an ap-
contamination with radioactive man-made elements having
atomic weights greater than uranium (hence the name trans (or
beyond) uranic). Examples of mid level wastes include liquids,
taking into account social, technical, economic, practical and
sludges, resins, or soils and equipment contaminated or mixed
public policy. ALARA has the objective of maintaining doses
with plutonium or other man-made alpha emitting radionu-
at a level far below applicable controlling limits.
clides with half-lives of greater than 20 years and concentra-
3.1.2 barrier—a physical separation, such as a fence, wall,
tions greater than 100 nCi/g at the time of assay.
or temporary enclosure to prevent uncontrolled access and high level wastes—wastes of highly concentrated
release from an area.
radionuclides with long half-lives. Examples of high level
3.1.3 contamination—either fixed or removable radioactive
wastes include spent nuclear fuels, nuclear fuel reprocessing
materials in or on an item.
wastes, syrups, and resins.
3.1.4 contamination reduction corridor—a defined pathway
3.1.13 removable contamination—radioactive material that
through a hazardous waste site where decontamination occurs.
can be removed from surfaces by nondestructive means, such
3.1.5 decontamination—the process of removing or reduc-
as brushing, wiping, or washing.
ing to a known level undesirable physical, chemical, or
3.1.14 rinse water—water having a known chemistry.
radiological constituents from equipment. Decontamination of
sample contacting equipment maximizes the representative-
are required. When large quantities are required, potable water
ness of the physical, chemical, or radioactive analyses pro-
of a chemistry known to be free (below detection levels) of
posed for a given sample.
radioactive or chemical constituents can be used.
3.1.6 fixed contamination—radioactive material that cannot
3.1.15 sample contacting equipment—equipment and tools
be readily removed from surfaces by nondestructive means,
that physically come in contact with a sample and that could
such as casual contact, wiping, brushing, or washing.
allow cross-contamination from one sample to another. Ex-
3.1.7 inorganic desorbing agents—acid rinse solutions,
amples include drive cylinders, bailers, sample handling,
typically of 10 % nitric or hydrochloric acid solutions made
equipment, pumps, and sampling tubes.
from reagent grade nitric or hydrochloric acid and deionized
3.1.16 survey—a radiation measurement with instrumenta-
water (1 % should be applied to low-carbon steel equipment).
3.1.8 mixed wastes—wastes containing both radioactivity
or other sources of radiation under a specific set of conditions,
(as defined by the Atomic Energy Act) and quantities of
(also known as frisking).
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) listed
3.1.17 unrestricted release limit—the maximum contamina-
tion that an item may exhibit to be released for uncontrolled
3.1.9 non-contacting equipment—equipment used in and
use by the public. Release limits differ, based on the type of
around the sampling that may become contaminated, but that
radioactive materials and the amount and type of emissions
does not contact the sample at anytime. Examples would
(gamma, alpha, beta).
include drilling rigs, hand tools, drill rods, excavation equip-
3.1.18 wipe test—a radiation detection test performed to
ment, or barrier materials.
determine the amount of removable radioactive material per
3.1.10 organic desorbing agents—solvent rinse solutions of
100 cm surface area by wiping with a dry filter or soft
isopropanol, acetone, hexane, or methanol; pesticide grade.
absorbent paper with moderate pressure and then assessing the
3.1.11 QC water (control rinse water)—water having a
amount of radioactivity with an instrument of appropriate
known chemistry, free (below detection levels) of organic or
efficiency. A radiological survey and a wipe test is generally
radiological constituents. Deionized water of reagent grade is
required for release of any equipment from a radiological area
normally sufficient.
to an uncontrolled area or for unrestricted use, (also known as
3.1.12 radioactive waste—waste containing radioactive el-
swipe test).
ements or activation regulated under the Atomic Energy Act,
and is of negligible economic value, considering the cost of
4. Summary of Practice
recovery. Waste is classified into three levels, all of which are
harmful. The classifications are: 4.1 This practice provides guidance and details for the
development of a site and sampling event specific decontami- low level waste—wastes usually containing small
amounts of radioactivity in a large amount of material. Typi- nation plan for use in the decontamination of field equipment
used during sampling or other activities in areas known, or
cally the radioactivity dissipates in a relatively short period of
time,anywherebetween500and600years,althoughsomelow suspected of containing low-level radioactive wastes. Four
techniques or methods are provided, with the selection and use
level wastes may remain radioactive for longer periods. Ex-
amples of Low Level Wastes are Uranium mining and mill based on the type of contamination and the difficulty of
tailings, soils, equipment, sludges, or liquids contaminated
with or mixed with radioactive materials. Naturally Occurring 4.2 Approaches and procedures are provided for decontami-
RadioactiveMaterials(NORM)alsofallintothisclassification. nation of two classifications of equipment, sample-contacting
Typical examples of NORM low level wastes include uranium and non-contacting.
D5608–01 (2006)
4.3 This practice includes the principles of ALARA and equipment, or samples to prevent unnecessary exposure, un-
waste minimization as well as the protection of sample data controlled releases of contaminated equipment or personnel,
quality. and unnecessary contamination of equipment. The controls
will include barriers, such as fences, temporary building, or
5. Significance and Use
other enclosures to prevent access or egress without proper
5.1 The primary objectives of work at low-level radioactive
monitoring and decontamination.
waste sites are the protection of personnel, prevention of the
6.5 Personnelworkinginaradiologicallycontaminatedarea
spread of contamination, minimization of additional wastes,
have the potential for receiving radiation exposure as well as
internal and external contamination. Personnel shall be trained
of equipment used.
to the Site Specific Health and Safety Plan which specifies the
5.2 Preventing the contamination of equipment used at
required training, personnel protection, and dosimetry equip-
low-level radioactive waste sites and the decontamination of
ment required.
contaminated equipment are key aspects of achieving these
6.6 Some decontamination solutions may be hazardous to
humans, or may be incompatible with personnel protective
5.3 This practice provides guidance in the planning of work
to prevent contamination and when necessary, for the decon-
may permeate or degrade protective clothing or equipment.
tamination of equipment that has become contaminated. The
Protective clothing worn during decontamination should be
benefits include:
selected for wet work involving the specific chemicals and
5.3.1 Minimizing the spread of contamination within a site
solutions to be used.
and preventing the spread outside of the work area.
6.7 Chemicals and solutions used during decontamination
5.3.2 Reducing the potential exposure of workers during the
may be hazardous. Personnel involved should be properly
work and the subsequent decontamination of equipment.
trained and provided with Material Safety Data Sheets (MS-
5.3.3 Minimizing the amounts of additional wastes gener-
DSs), and the appropriate emergency equipment.
ated during the work, including liquid, or mixed wastes,
6.8 Some equipment will degrade or produce deleterious
including separation of the waste types, such as protective
reactions when in contact with decontamination solutions.
clothing, cleaning equipment, cleaning solutions, and protec-
Equipment and decontamination solution compatibility and
tive wraps and drapes.
resistance should be considered when selecting equipment and
5.3.4 Improving the quality of sample data and reliability.
the decontamination method.
5.4 This practice may not be applicable to all low-level
6.9 Decontamination methods may be incompatible with
radioactive waste sites, such as sites containing low-level
hazardous substances being removed and cause reactions that
radioactive wastes mixed with chemical or reactive wastes.
produce heat, toxic fumes, or explosions. The potential for
Field personnel, with assistance from trained radiological
control professionals, should have the flexibility to modify the
the decontamination process selection.
decontamination procedures with due consideration for the
sampling objectives, or if past experience supports alternative
7. General Procedures
procedures for contamination protection or decontamination.
5.5 This practice does not address the monitoring, protec-
7.1 Adequate planning
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