Standard Test Method for Shear Strength Properties of Metal Connector Plates (Withdrawn 2005)

1.1 This test method provides a basic procedure for evaluating the effective shear resistance of the net section of finished metal connector plates.  
1.2 The determination of the tensile properties of metal connector plates is covered in Test Method E489.  
1.3 Test Methods D1761 covers the performance of the teeth and nails in the wood members during the use of metal connector plates.  
1.4 This test method serves as a basis for determining the comparative performance of different types and sizes of metal connector plates resisting shear forces.  
1.5 This test method provides a procedure for quantifying shear strength properties of metal connector plates and is not intended to establish design values for connections fabricated with these plates.  
1.6 This test method does not provide for the corrosion testing of metal connector plates exposed to long-term adverse environmental conditions where plate deterioration occurs as a result of exposure. Under such conditions, special provisions shall be introduced for the testing for corrosion resistance.  
1.7 In the case of dispute, the inch-pound units, shown in parentheses, shall be governing.  
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
This test method provides a basic procedure for evaluating the effective shear resistance of the net section of finished metal connector plates.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings, this test method was withdrawn in March 2005. This test method is being withdrawn due to a lack of support for continued use.

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ASTM E767-96(2001) - Standard Test Method for Shear Strength Properties of Metal Connector Plates (Withdrawn 2005)
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: E 767 – 96 (Reapproved 2001)
Standard Test Method for
Shear Strength Properties of Metal Connector Plates
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 767; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
The use of prepunched metal connector plates with or without integral projecting teeth as well as
solid metal connector plates, usually fabricated from structural quality sheet coils, such as described
in Specification A 653/A 653M, to fasten wood members together is a widely accepted practice. In
many applications, these plates must resist shear forces, in one or two planes.
These plates must resist the force to be transferred from the wood member into the plate at the
interface of the connection and wood members. The plate’s resistance to a shear force in this plane is
shear force is developed as the force per unit area of the plate, or force per tooth or nail. The method
for arriving at the unit plate value is described in Test Methods D 1761.
of the plate. This resistance to shear is a measure of the ability of the connection to transmit forces
within the connection. This test method is to be used for the determination of unit design values for
pairs of plates (one pair on each side of the connection of the three-member specimen) subject to a
shear force through their cross section.
During manufacture and subsequent loading of these plates, stress concentrations develop around
the teeth and nail holes. Because of these stress concentrations and the difficulty of predicting the path
of failure, design values for plates shall be based on tests rather than analytical methods. The shear
resistance of the perforated plate is compared to the theoretical shear resistance of a solid
metal-coupon control specimen to arrive at the effective shear resistance ratio of the perforated plate
in the orientation tested.
If a given section taken through the length of a plate differs in a geometric character from a section
taken in an alternative orientation, the effective shear resistance ratio of the plate, that is, the ratio of
perforated-plate shear stress and matched solid-section shear stress, shall be a function of the
alternative orientation. If this is the case, the test method presented here requires that the net section
of the plate be evaluated at six different orientations.
If the net cross section of the plate is identical for all orientations, testing only along its length shall
be necessary. The resulting effective shear resistance ratio of the plate is then applicable to all
orientations of the plate.
If the effective shear resistance ratio is desired for any specific angle of plate orientation, it shall be
evaluated by this test method.
If the plate is without prepunched (or predrilled) holes immediately prior to assembly of the wood
members and teeth or nails are not to be located along the shear plane, tests on specimens, following
the manufacturer’s recommended minimum edge spacing, shall be used to determine the effective
shear resistance ratio by this test method.
Since shear tests are difficult to perform on the solid metal-coupon control specimens, tension tests
on these control specimens shall be substituted. Such tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test
Methods E 8.
Tensile values are related to shear values by the Von Mises yield theory which indicates that the
of this test evaluation, the ultimate shear stress and ultimate tensile stress are in the same ratio.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 767
The test specimens can be used for the evaluation of metal connector plates with integral teeth
projecting from one plate side or both plate sides. In the former case, the plates are located along the
sides of the test specimen. In the latter case, the plates are located along the interfaces of the test
An example of determining the shear resistance of metal connector plates is presented inAppendix
Alternate static (monotonic) and dynamic (cyclic) compression and tension tests on two-member
test specimens are described inAppendix X2.The selection of the type of test specimen and test setup
depends on the specific requirements for test data.
1. Scope E 489 Test Method for Tensile Strength Properties of Metal
Connector Plates
1.1 This test method provides a basic procedure for evalu-
E 575 Practice for Reporting Data from Structural Tests of
Building Constructions, Elements, Connections, and As-
metal connector plates.
1.2 The determination of the tensile properties of metal
E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions
connector plates is covered in Test Method E 489.
F 680 Test Methods for Nails
1.3 Test Methods D 1761 covers the performance of the
2.2 ANSI Standard:
teeth and nails in the wood members during the use of metal
ANSI/TPI 1—1995 National Design Standard for Metal-
connector plates.
Plate-Connected Wood Truss Construction
1.4 This test method serves as a basis for determining the
2.3 CSA Standard:
comparative performance of different types and sizes of metal
S 347-M-1980 Methods of Test for Evaluation of Truss
connector plates resisting shear forces.
Plates Used in Lumber Joints
1.5 This test method provides a procedure for quantifying
shear strength properties of metal connector plates and is not
3. Terminology
intended to establish design values for connections fabricated
3.1 Definitions—For general definitions of terms used in
with these plates.
this test method, see Terminology E 631. For specific defini-
1.6 This test method does not provide for the corrosion
tions of terms, see the terminology section of Test Method
testing of metal connector plates exposed to long-term adverse
E 489.
environmental conditions where plate deterioration occurs as a
3.2 Symbols Specific to This Standard:
result of exposure. Under such conditions, special provisions
3.2.1 A—base-metal cross-sectional area (width times base-
shall be introduced for the testing for corrosion resistance.
metal thickness) of solid metal-coupon control specimen.
1.7 In the case of dispute, the inch-pound units, shown in
3.2.2 a—angle of placement for plates tested at a specific
parentheses, shall be governing.
orientation (see 8.3 and Figs. 1-4).
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.2.3 F —theoretical ultimate shear stress of the solid
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
metal-coupon control specimen (0.577 F).
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.2.4 F—ultimate tensile stress of solid metal-coupon con-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
trol specimen.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.2.5 F —basic allowable shear stress in metal.
2. Referenced Documents 3.2.6 f —ultimate shear stress of plate at angle a to
lengthwise axis of plate.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.2.7 f—ultimate shear stress of plate at angle a to length-
A 591/A 591M Specification for Steel Sheet, Electrolytic t
wise axis of plate, based on thickness of plate with coating
Zinc-Coated, for Light Coating Mass Applications
thickness deducted.
A 653/A 653M Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated
3.2.8 L—gross length of plate.
(Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed)
3.2.9 l—calculated shear length of plate oriented at anglea
by the Hot-Dip Process
to lengthwise axis of plate.
A 924/A 924M Specification for General Requirements for
3.2.10 P —ultimate shear force resisted by test specimen
Steel Sheet, Metallic-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process
assembled with plates oriented at angle a to lengthwise axis of
D 1761 Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood
E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
3.2.11 R —effective shear resistance ratio at angle a,
E 8 TestMethodsforTensionTestingofMetallicMaterials
f /F .
sa s
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on
Performance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.13 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
on Structural Performance of Connections in Building Constructions. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.08.
Current edition approved March 10, 1996. Published May 1996. Available from theAmerican National Standards Institute, 11W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.06. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
3 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10. Available from the Canadian Standard Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01. Rexdale, ON M9W 1R3, Canada.
E 767
NOTE 1—In Figs. 1-4, outside members of the test specimen must be maintained in a parallel and vertical orientation by suitable means of restraint,
using, for example, horizontal wood slats nailed to the front and back edges at top and bottom of the two legs of the two side members, without applying
any friction to the three connection members.
FIG. 1 Zero Degree Orientation
NOTE 1—See Note 1, Fig. 1.
NOTE 1—See Note 1, Fig. 1.
FIG. 3 Obtuse Angle Orientation
FIG. 2 Acute Angle Orientation
4. Summary of Test Method
3.2.12 T—ultimate tensile force resisted by metal-coupon
4.1 This test method provides procedures for (1) shear tests
control specimen.
of finished metal connector plates, (2) tension tests of solid
3.2.13 t—gross thickness of plate and solid metal-coupon
metal-coupon control specimens of the same material used in
control specimen.
the manufacture of the plates, and (3) a comparison of the
3.2.14 t—base-metal thickness of plate and solid metal-
plates with the solid metal-coupon control specimens in terms
coupon control specimen after deducting coating thickness.
of effectiveness.
3.2.15 V—allowable plate shear design value for single
4.2 When determining the allowable load for a single plate
plate at angle a to lengthwise axis of plate, based on thickness
in shear, multiply the effective shear resistance ratio (for
of plate with coating thickness deducted, in force per unit
applicable orientation) by the basic allowable shear stress for
the plate times the base-metal gross cross-sectional area of the
3.2.16 w—gross width of plate. plate (for applicable orientation), that is,
E 767
assembly shall allow uniform axial loading of the specimen.
The use of a spherical loading seat of appropriate dimensions
is required if uniform axial loading of the connection is not
assured otherwise.
6.4 Displacement Gages—Dial gages, having a smallest
division of not more than 0.02 mm (0.001 in.), or any other
suitable measuring devices or calibrated sensors of at least
comparable accuracy and sensitivity shall be used to measure
displacement relative to the original location prior to load
application. These devices shall have sufficient measurement
capability to indicate the displacement throughout the test
7. Test Material
7.1 Metal Connector Plates—The metal connector plates
shall be typical of production and manufactured in accordance
with the design and of materials specified by the plate
NOTE 1—The centroid of the plate contact area on the outer connection
manufacturer. The coil metal used for production of metal
connector plates shall meet minimum specified grade proper-
connection member to ensure tension shear for orientations with angle a
ties, including the elongation for a 50-mm (2.0-in.) gage length
< 90 deg. To ensure compression shear for orientations with angle a>90
to be at least 16 % for specified Grade C steel with a minimum
deg, the centroid of the plate contact area on the outer connection
275-MPa (40-ksi) yield point and a minimum 380-MPa (55-
members shall be below the centroid of the plate area on the center
connection member. ksi) ultimate tensile stress according to Specification A 653/
FIG. 4 90° Orientation A 653M.
7.2 Solid Metal-Coupon Control Specimens—The solid
metal-coupon control specimens shall originate from the same
Allowable load ~V!at anglea5 R F tl
sa v l
coil from which the metal connector plates were fabricated.
7.3 Nails—Any nails, used for fastening the plates to the
5. Significance and Use
wood members, shall be typical of those used in the field and
5.1 The resistance of a metal connector plate to shear forces fully comply with the applicable design provisions for trans-
is one measure of its ability to fasten wood members together,
ferring the structural forces from member to member. For the
wheretheforcesmustbetransferredthroughtheplatefromone definition of nails, see Terminology E 631, and for testing of
member to another member. Disregarding the effects of any
nails, see Test Methods F 680.
plate projections, separately applied nails, and the wood 7.4 Wood Members—The wood members of the connection
shall be of such density and moisture content to ensure that
of a plate shall be considered when using this test method: failure occurs in the plates and not in the wood, teeth, or nails.
length, width, and thickness of the plate; location, spacing,
orientation, size, and shape of holes in the plate; edge and end dressed surface condition.
distances of holes in the plate; stress concentrations around
8. Sampling
plate metal, and unsupported length of the plate. When using 8.1 Samplingofmetalcoilsandmetalconnectorplatesshall
this test method on nail-on plates, their performance is also provide for selection, on an objective and unbiased basis, of
influenced by the type, size, quantity, and quality of the nails representative test specimens, typical of plate production, and
used for load transfer as well as the method of installing the cover the different widths and configuration of plates to be
plates and their fasteners. tested.
8.2 Testing for each of the six required plate orientations
6. Apparatus
requires at least three replicate test specimens. Each three-
6.1 Testing Machin

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