ASTM E1058-85(1997)
(Test Method)Standard Test Methods for the Toxic Contamination of the Environment in the Operator Enclosure of Self-Propelled Agriculture Vehicles
Standard Test Methods for the Toxic Contamination of the Environment in the Operator Enclosure of Self-Propelled Agriculture Vehicles
1.1 These test methods may be used to determine the level of specific harmful airborne contaminants within a vehicle operator enclosure under standardized test conditions. The air exchange rate, air pressure relative to ambient conditions, air temperature, and relative humidity maintained within the enclosure during the test are also determined. Operator-introduced contaminants are not addressed by these test methods.
1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of whoever uses this standard to consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: E 1058 – 85 (Reapproved 1997)
Standard Test Methods for the
Toxic Contamination of the Environment in the Operator
Enclosure of Self-Propelled Agriculture Vehicles
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1058; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope SKC Guide to NIOSH/OSHA Air Sampling Standards
1.1 These test methods may be used to determine the level
3. Terminology
of specific harmful airborne contaminants within a vehicle
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
operator enclosure under standardized test conditions. The air
3.1.1 aerosols—small droplets of a liquid or particles of
exchange rate, air pressure relative to ambient conditions, air
solid matter suspended in air, for example, a mist, fog, or
temperature, and relative humidity maintained within the
smoke; droplets with D # 50 μm.
enclosure during the test are also determined. Operator-
3.1.2 airborne—carried or suspended by air.
introduced contaminants are not addressed by these test meth-
3.1.3 air conditioning system—a system that controls or
alters the physical condition of air in or entering a specific
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.1.4 air exchange rate—the rate at which the air in a
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
specific space is removed or replaced, or both.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
3.1.5 air filtering system—a system for separating and
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
removing undesirable contaminants from air as it is passed
2. Referenced Documents through the system.
3.1.6 air intake—the design area or opening through which
2.1 SAE Standards:
2 air enters or is taken into a space or system.
SAE J726 Air Cleaner Test Code (for Fine Dust)
3.1.7 ambient conditions—existing conditions in the sur-
SAE J1012 Recommended Practice Agricultural Equipment
rounding area.
Enclosure Pressurization System Test Procedure
3.1.8 breathing zone—the zone surrounding and immedi-
2.2 NIOSH Standards:
ately in front of operator’s face. Assumed to be directly above
NIOSH S318 Method for Xylene (Aromatic Hydrocar-
front edge of operator’s seat and 1.2 m above floor of
NIOSH S327 Method for Formaldehyde (Aldehydes)
3.1.9 closed operator enclosure—a structure for enclosing
NOTE 1—NIOSH P&CAM 354 may also be used.
or enveloping the operator that is sufficiently air-tight to permit
NIOSH S340 Method for Carbon Monoxide
modification of the environment within.
NOTE 2—General Electric Carbon Monoxide Dosimeter with Support
3.1.10 concentration—the relative content of a component
Console may be used.
in a mixture or solution.
NIOSH S370 Method for Malathion (Organic Phosphates)
3.1.11 contaminant—an undesirable component in any ma-
NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods
terial or system.
2.3 OSHA Standard:
3.1.12 differential air pressure—difference in the pressure
OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.20, Standard Methods for Sam-
exerted by air at a specific location relative to another selected
pling Air Contaminants
3.1.13 droplet—a small drop of liquid material.
3.1.14 dust—a fine grained particulate substance, suspend-
able in air, 90 % of which is capable of passing through a 44
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-35 on
μm (U.S. Standard 325 mesh) screen.
Pesticides and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E35.26 on Safety to
3.1.15 dynamic test—a test conducted while the test subject
Current edition approved March 29, 1985. Published June 1985.
is undergoing specified motion.
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Dr.,
3.1.16 eye point—the specified notional location of the
Warrendale, PA 15096.
operator’s eye (Reference TC23/SC3).
Available from National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, 4676
Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45226.
Available from Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 219 S. Dear-
born, Chicago, IL.
Available from SKC, Inc., RD 1, 395 Valley View Rd., Eighty Four, PA 15330.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1058
3.1.17 forced air ventilation—air ventilation which is cre- a relatively low temperature.
ated or aided by a forced movement of air as by a fan or 3.1.43 volatility—the relative tendency of a material to
blower. change physical state from liquid or solid to a gas as the
temperature rises.
3.1.18 gaseous—existing in the state of a molecular gas (<
0.001 μm particle size); containing no liquid droplets or solid
4. Summary of Test Methods
3.1.19 mists—cloud-like aggregation of liquid droplets hav- 4.1 Static (Laboratory) Test—This test involves having the
ing a diameter of < 50 μm which are temporarily suspended in stationary vehicle housed in a sealed and insulated chamber.
air. Air containing standard dust or chemical test media is passed
3.1.20 moving test (dynamic test)—a test conducted while through the chamber at various speeds, temperatures, and
humidities, while the vehicle engine and air-filtering or air-
the test subject is undergoing specified motion.
conditioning system are operating. Automatic samplers are
3.1.21 operator enclosure—a structure intended for enclos-
positioned inside and outside the operator enclosure to sample
ing the operator.
the air during the test interval. Analysis of these samples for the
3.1.22 operator-introduced contaminant—contaminant
test contaminants provides a basis for determining the effi-
which is introduced by or as a result of actions of the operator
ciency of the air-filtering or air-conditioning system for the
(that is, as carried on operator’s hands or clothing).
operator enclosure.
3.1.23 particulate matter—solid particles of material.
4.2 Dynamic (Field) Test—This test involves monitoring the
3.1.24 primary filter (also particulate filter or fresh-air
operator enclosure during normal field operations of the
filter)—a device used for filtering suspended mists and particu-
vehicle. Air sampling inside and outside the operator enclosure
late matter out of intake air.
is carried out in a fashion similar to that used in the static test
3.1.25 rated air flow—rate of flow of air in or through a
method. Analysis of the test parameters, vehicle speed and
system specified for designed performance.
direction, ambient atmospheric conditions, operator enclosure
3.1.26 recirculating filter—filter used for filtering the air
environment, properties of the materials involved, sample
which is recirculated within the operator enclosure (see sec-
analytical results, etc., provides a basis for determining the
ondary filter).
efficiency of the air-filtering or air-conditioning system for the
3.1.27 relative humidity—ratio of the vapor pressure of air
operator enclosure.
divided by the saturation pressure at the same temperature.
3.1.28 secondary filter—filter located in a system where air
5. Significance and Use
in the enclosure is refiltered after passing through the primary
5.1 There are concerns about the potential for excessive
filter (usually for recirculated air) (see recirculating filter).
exposure of the operators of self-propelled agricultural vehicles
3.1.29 self-propelled agricultural vehicle—an agricultural
to toxic agricultural chemicals when transporting or applying
vehicle that has the capability of providing its own motive
these materials, or both. A need exists for suitable procedures
for determining the amount of toxic chemical contaminants in
3.1.30 seat index point (SIP)—reference point relative to
the vehicle operator environment when official testing is
the operator’s seat as determined by a SIP measurement device.
3.1.31 standard atmospheric pressure—760 mm or 1013.2
5.2 The purpose of these test methods is to provide a
millibars of pressure.
practical, reliable, and reproducible procedure for testing the
3.1.32 static test—a test performed while the test subject is
performance of operator enclosure ventilating or air condition-
stationary, in a fixed position.
ing systems, or both, relative to the maintenance of safe
3.1.33 technical material—the chemically active ingredient
environmental conditions with regard to toxic material con-
of a chemical solution or formulation.
tamination within the enclosure under static (laboratory) or
3.1.34 test media—the materials being used to test the
dynamic (field) conditions, or both.
performance of a system.
3.1.35 threshold limit value (TLV)—time-weighted concen-
tration of a material to which most workers can be exposed for
8 h per day over long periods of time without experiencing 6. Test Facilities and Apparatus
adverse effects.
6.1 Test Chamber:
3.1.36 toxic ingredients—specific ingredients in a solution
6.1.1 Dimensions—The test chamber shall be large enough
or formulation that are considered to be toxic.
to contain the vehicle to be tested with a minimum of 1.0 m
3.1.37 toxic material—poisionous materials having the abil-
clearance on all sides and top of the vehicle being tested.
ity to inhibit or destroy the life processes of living organisms.
6.1.2 Construction—Insulate and seal the test chamber
3.1.38 ultra-low volume (ULV)—0.45 to 4.5 L per hectare.
sufficiently to adequately maintain the physical conditions
3.1.39 vapor—matter in a gaseous state.
specified for the tests to be conducted. (While not essential, a
3.1.40 vehicle—a means in or by which something is
turntable is recommended so that vehicle being tested can be
carried or conveyed. quickly repositioned for different tests.)
3.1.41 ventilation system—a system by which a space is
6.1.3 Chamber Pressure—Provide the test chamber with a
provided with new or fresh air. means for maintaining air pressure specified for the tests to be
3.1.42 volatile material—material that vaporizes readily at conducted.
E 1058
6.1.4 Heating and Cooling System, adequate to maintain 7.2.1 Low Temperature Test—Maintain the temperature of
steady state temperature within the test chamber from 5 to 40 the test media (air plus contaminants) within the test chamber
6 3°C for the duration of each test. at 5 6 3°C.
6.1.5 Humidity Control—Provide a means which can main-
7.2.2 Normal Temperature Test—Maintain the temperature
tain the relative humidity within the test chamber that is of the test media within the test chamber at 22 6 3°C.
specified for the test being conducted, ranging from 20 to 90%
7.2.3 High Temperature Test—Maintain the temperature of
relative humidity 6 5%. the test media within the test chamber at 40 6 3°C.
6.1.6 Air Circulation System—Equip the test chamber with
7.3 Humidity:
an air circulation system capable of maintaining uniform air
7.3.1 Low Relative Humidity Test—Maintain the relative
flow within the chamber at the speed and direction specified for
humidity within the test chamber at 10 6 5 % for this test.
the test. From 2 to 18 6 2 km/h measured 0.5 m above the
7.3.2 High Relative Humidity Test—Maintain the relative
center of the top of the operator enclosure being tested.
humidity within the test chamber at 90 6 5%.
6.1.7 Vehicle Engine—Engine air supply and exhaust gases
7.4 Air Movement:
shall be separately ducted into and out of the test chamber.
7.4.1 Calm Conditions Test—Maintain the movement of the
6.1.8 Test Media Introduction and Removal:
test media (air plus contaminants) relative to the operator Introduction—Provide a means for introducing the
enclosure within the test chamber at 8 6 2 km/h toward the
test media into the air circulation system and maintaining the
front of the enclosure being tested.
concentration throughout the air in the system that is specified
7.4.2 Moderate Wind Conditions Test— Conduct tests with
for the test being conducted.
the test media moving from three directions relative to the Removal—Provide a means for filtering out or
operator enclosure being tested (from directly in front from 90°
removing test media, or both, from the air in the air circulating
to one side and directly from the rear).
system of the test chamber and test vehicle and from the Wind from in Front—Maintain the movement of the
surfaces within the test chamber and of the test vehicle, when
test media within the test chamber at 18 6 2 km/h from directly
tests with a specific test media are completed. Follow chemical
in front of the enclosure being tested.
manufacturers’ decontamination procedures as indicated on the Wind from the Side—Maintain the movement of the
labels of chemicals being used.
test media within the test chamber at 8 6 2 km/h from 90° to
6.2 Instrumentation:
either side of the enclosure being tested.
6.2.1 Air Flow Meters. Wind from the Rear—Maintain the movement of the
6.2.2 Air Pressure Measuring Devices— Two calibrated
test media within the test chamber at 2 6 2 km/h from the rear
barometers (aneroid or mercury type), one for inside the
of the enclosure being tested.
enclosure being tested and one for outside of the enclosure but
7.5 Air Filtering or Conditioning System, operated at rated
inside the test chamber. A differential manometer may be
speed (normal operating speed during field operations) 6 5%
substituted for the barometer inside the enclosure.
for all tests.
6.2.3 Hygrometer.
7.6 Vehicle Engine Speed—Operate the engine of the ve-
6.2.4 Thermometers—The instruments used should give
hicle of which the operator enclosure is being tested at 706
general purpose accuracy from −1 to +51°C.
5 % of rated engine speed during all static tests.
6.2.5 Air Samplers: Aromatic Hydrocarbons—See NIOSH S318.
8. Test Media (See Section 2) Aldehydes—See NIOSH S327.
8.1 Dust—SAE J726, Table 1 and Table 2. Carbon Monoxide—See NIOSH S340.
8.2 Organic Phosphates—See NIOSH S370. Malathion Organic Phosphates—See NIOSH S295.
mist and vapor (4 % solution in xylene) in air at 90 μg/m of air Dusts—See OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.20.
(range 80 to 110 μg/m of air).
8.3 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Xylene)— See NIOSH S318.
7. Test Conditions
3 3
435 μg/m (range 218 to 870 μg/m of air).
7.1 Air Pressure:
8.4 Aldehydes (Formaldehyde)—See NIOSH S327. OSHA
7.1.1 Interior Air Pressure—Measure the pressure within
standard concentration 10 ppm (range 4.6 to 19.8 ppm).
the operator enclosure by following SAE J1012.
8.5 Carbon Monoxide—See NIOSH S340.
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