Standard Practice for Packaging of Copper and Copper-Alloy Mill-Products for U.S. Government Agencies

1.1 This practice establishes requirements for packaging, packing, and marking intended to ensure proper and safe storage and transportation of copper and copper-alloy mill-products, both foreign and domestic, for direct shipment to government activities or shipment processed at a military activity or agency. This practice details the materials, methods, containers, and procedures for the preparation for shipment of copper and copper-alloy mill-products. Mill products wherein copper is the basic metal are within the scope of this practice. Commercial packaging establishes the minimum requirements that apply unless Level A or B packing is specified (see ).
1.2 The values given in inch-pound units are regarded as standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for information only.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM B900-99 - Standard Practice for Packaging of Copper and Copper-Alloy Mill-Products for U.S. Government Agencies
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Designation: B 900 – 99
Standard Practice for
Packaging of Copper and Copper-Alloy Mill–Products for
U.S. Government Agencies
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 900; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope D 3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
D 4444 Test Methods for Use and Calibration of Hand-Held
1.1 This practice establishes requirements for packaging,
Moisture Meters
packing, and marking intended to ensure proper and safe
D 5118/D 5118M Practice for Fabrication of Fiberboard
storage and transportation of copper and copper-alloy mill-
Shipping Boxes
–products, both foreign and domestic, for direct shipment to
D 5168 Practice for Fabrication and Closure of Triple-Wall
government activities or shipment processed at a military
Corrugated Fiberboard Containers
activity or agency. This practice details the materials, methods,
D 5330/D 5330M Specification for Pressure-Sensitive Tape
containers, and procedures for the preparation for shipment of
for Packaging, Filiment-Reinforced
copper and copper-alloy mill–products. Mill products wherein
D 6251/D 6251M Specification for Natural Wood-Cleated
copper is the basic metal are within the scope of this practice.
Panelboard Shipping Boxes
Commercial packaging establishes the minimum requirements
2.2 ANSI Standard:
that apply unless Level A or B packing is specified (see 6.1).
ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 Sampling Procedures and Tables for
1.2 The values given in inch-pound units are regarded as
Inspection by Attributes
standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for information
2.3 Federal Specifications:
A-A-55057 Panels, Wood/Wood Base: Construction and
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
PPP-B-585 Boxes, Wood, Wirebound
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
PPP-B-587 Boxes, Wood, Wirebound Pallet Type
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
PPP-B-601 Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
PPP-B-621 Boxes, Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner
2. Referenced Documents
PPP-B-1055 Barrier Material, Waterproofed, Flexible
PPP-D-705 Drum: Metal Shipping, Steel, (Over 12 and
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Under 55 Gallon)
B 846 Terminology for Copper and Copper Alloys
PPP-D-723 Drums, Fiber
D 143 Method of Testing Small Clear Specimens of Tim-
PPP-D-729 Drums: Metal, 55-Gallon (for Shipment of Non-
corrosive Material)
D 779 Test Method for Water Resistance of Paper, Paper-
2.4 Military Standard:
board, and Other Sheet Materials by the Dry Indicator
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
2.5 Military Publication:
D 828 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Paper and
MIL-HDBK-774 Palletized Unit Loads
Paperboard Using Constant-Rate-of Elongation Appara-
3. Terminology
D 1974 Practice for Methods of Closing, Sealing, and
3.1 For definitions of terms related to copper and copper
Reinforcing Fiberboard Boxes
alloys, refer to Terminology B 846.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B05 on Copper and
Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.91, Editorial.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1999. Published February 2000. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
3 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10 Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111–5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.1.1 Category 1—Boxes, nailed wood, wire-bound wood,
wood-cleated plywood, and wood cleated, veneer, paper over-
3.2.1 deckboard, n—piece or pieces of lumber fastened at
laid (see 7.6.1).
right angles to the stringers or skids of a pallet to form a
5.1.2 Category 2—Fiber and metal drums (see 7.6.2).
load-bearing surface.
5.1.3 Category 3—Pallets and pallet boxes (see 7.6.3).
3.2.2 gross weight, n—the bare-item weight and the weight
5.1.4 Category 4—Skidded lifts (see 7.6.4).
of all packaging and packing materials.
5.1.5 Category 5—Hand bundles (see 7.6.5).
3.2.3 interleaving, n—the protective material placed be-
5.1.6 Category 6—Secured lifts (without skids) (master
tween two adjacent pieces of metal.
bundles) (see 7.6.6).
3.2.4 net weight, n—the bare-item weight.
5.1.7 Category 7—Reels and spools (see 7.6.7).
3.2.5 nominal, adj—the rough–sawn, commercial size des-
5.1.8 Category 8—Fiberboard boxes (see 7.6.8).
ignation for lumber common to the industry.
5.1.9 Category 9—Special containers (see 7.6.9).
3.2.6 packing; Level A—the protection required to meet the
most severe worldwide shipment, handling, and storage con-
6. Ordering Information
ditions. A Level A package must be capable of protecting
6.1 Orders for products shall specify the following packag-
material from effects of direct exposure to extremes of climate,
ing information:
terrain, and operational transportation environments.
6.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue.
3.2.7 packing; Level B—the protection required to meet
6.1.2 Fiberboard box, if other than Class 1 (see 7.6.8).
moderate worldwide shipment, handling, and storage condi-
6.1.3 Level of packaging and level of packing if other than
tions. A Level B package must be capable of protecting
commercial (see 7.4 and
material not directly exposed to extremes of climate, terrain,
6.1.4 Maximum gross weight of container (see
and operational transportation environments., 7.6.3 and 7.6.4).
3.2.8 packaging; commercial—although not specifically de-
6.1.5 When palletized drums are required (see
fined by any government regulation or instruction, commercial
6.1.6 When bare welding rod in wire form is required in
packaging (preservation and packing) is understood to be those
fiber drums (see
practices by manufacturers and contractors to protect and
6.1.7 When cores fitted with slinger ring attachment are
identify material and items packaged for retail and wholesale
required for shafting (see
distribution purposes. Practice D 3951 provides guidance in the
6.1.8 When coiled wire is required in lighter or heavier net
application of commercial packaging.
weight (see
NOTE 1—It has been determined by joint DoD instructions that com-
6.1.9 When saddles are required (see
mercial, also in some areas addressed as industrial packaging, should only
6.1.10 Special marking required (see 7.9).
be used or specified when such packaging is known to satisfy the DoD
needs. Such use should be determined before a contract for supplies is
7. Detailed Requirements
awarded or within the life cycle of the contract when substantial savings
to the government may result. Commercial (industrial) packaging should
7.1 Options—Unless otherwise specified, packaging and
not be specified where multiple shipments and handlings are anticipated or
packing requirements selection shall be at the option of the
7.2 Packaging and Packing Materials—Materials not cov-
3.2.9 skid, n—one of a pair or series of parallel wood
ered by applicable specifications or not specifically described
runners affixed to the underside of boxes, crates, or an item
herein shall be of the best commercial quality and suitable for
allowing entry of truck forks, or to facilitate sliding.
the purpose intended.
3.2.10 sound woods, n—wood free of any form of decay,
7.2.1 Packaging—The use of packaging materials shall be
incipient or advanced, and from insert holes.
in accordance with 7.8.
3.2.11 stringer, n—a wooden member fastened at right
7.3 Level A:
angles to the load-bearing members of a pallet or the deckboard
7.3.1 Waterproof Barrier Materials—The material shall
of a platform.
consist of 100 % sulfate paper suitably coated or laminated to
3.2.12 sulfate paper, n—wood-pulp paper made by the
meet the following tensile-strength requirement when tested in
sulfate process.
accordance with Test Method D 828 and the following water-
resistance requirement when tested in accordance with Test
4. Significance and Use
Method D 779. If an asphalt laminate [base weight 30 lbs (13.6
4.1 This practice is applicable to packaging of copper-alloy
kg) minimum] is used, the paper shall have a minimum base
mill-products for shipment to agencies of the U.S. government.
weight of 30 lbs per 500 sheets 24 by 36 in. (609.6 by 914.4
4.2 It covers packaging of rod, bar, shapes, plate, sheet,
mm) (30-30-30-minimum).
strip, foil, wire, flat wire, rolled bar, forgings, pipe, and tube
Tensile strength per inch width (weaker direction) 15 lbs (16.8 kg)
products. Water resistance (dry indicator method) 10 h
7.3.2 Alternatively, waterproof-barrier materials in accor-
5. Classification
dance with Specification PPP-B-1055 may be used at the
5.1 Shipping containers, for Levels A and B packing (see contractor’s option. All wrapping material in contact with bare
7.6 and 7.8), having common characteristics are as follows: metal surfaces shall be within the pH range from 5.0 to 10.0.
7.3.3 Interleaving Paper—Interleaving paper shall be anti- each side of the joint at least three times the width of the board
tarnishing, noncorrosive, uncreped paper of 10-lbs (4.54-kg) being spliced. The splicing board shall equal the width and
minimum base weight. thickness of the boards being spliced. Nails shall be clinched.
7.3.4 Unit Containers—Fiberboard boxes and closure meth- Skid (Runners)—Except as specified herein, boxes
ods used for packaging wire on spools, wire and tube in coils,
having a gross weight exceeding 600 lbs (272 kg) shall be
or similar products shall be in accordance with Practices
modified by the addition of nominal 2- by 4-in. (50.8- by
D 5118and D 1974. Where specific container designs are not
101.6-mm) skids positioned flatwise across the width of the
described by the applicable specification, the manufacturer’s
box and located approximately 4 in. (101.6 mm) from the ends
commercial practice shall apply.
of the box. In attaching skids, nailing shall be through the
7.4 Commercial—Unless Level A or B packing is specified
bottom boards and into the skids. When longitudinal, as well
(see 6.1), the following shall apply.
as, girthwise straps are required, the skids shall be notched to
7.4.1 Packaging material(s) shall be sufficient to afford
permit passage of the straps between the skids and the bottom
adequate protection against physical damage during shipment
of the box. Skids are not required for boxes shipped on pallets,
from the supply source to the first receiving activity for
boxes in a skidded master shipping unit, or boxes 7 ft (2.13 m)
immediate use. This level may be in accordance with Practice
or over in length.
D 3951 when such meets the requirements of this level. Thickness of Lumber—The thickness of lumber for
7.5 Packing (Levels A and B):
nailed wood boxes shall be in accordance with Tables 1-3.
7.5.1 Wood—Requirements for wood for boxes, pallets, Nails—The nails for nailed wood boxes shall be in
reels, and similar items with regard to species, quality, and
accordance with Table 4.
dimensions shall be in accordance with Specification PPP-B- Strapping—Nailed wood boxes shall be strapped
621 except as modified in and Tables 1-3.
with flat steel strap or round wire having a breaking strength Seasoning—The wood shall be seasoned to a mois-
equivalent to that of the flat steel strap. Strap placement shall
ture content not more than 18 % nor less than 12 %. At the time
be in accordance with Figs. 1-6, as applicable.
of inspection of containers, the moisture content of the wood Wirebound Boxes—Wirebound boxes shall conform
shall not be less than 8 %. Wood for pallets shall be seasoned
to Specification PPP-B-585, Class 3 use for Level A packing
to a moisture content not more than 22 % for deck boards and
and Class 1 or 2 use for Level B packing. Unless otherwise
26 % for stringers.
specified (see 6.1), the gross weight of wirebound boxes shall Plywood—Plywood for boxes shall be in accordance
not exceed the requirements of the box specification.
with Type I or II, Class 2 of Specification A-A-55057 for Level Wood, Cleated-Plywood Boxes—Wood cleated-
A packing, and Type III, Class 1 of Specification A-A-55057
plywood boxes shall be in accordance with Specification
for Label B packing.
PPP-B-601, overseas type for Level A packing and domestic
7.6 Container Construction Packing and Securing Methods
type for Level B packing. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.1),
(Levels A and B):
the gross weight shall not exceed, the weight limitations of the
7.6.1 Category 1 Boxes:
box specification. Nailed Wood Boxes (All Groups of Wood)—The
construction and style of nailed wood boxes shall be in Wood, Cleated, Veneer, Paper-Overlaid Boxes—
accordance with Figs. 1-6 and Tables 1-4. Side, top, and Wood, cleated, veneer, paper-overlaid boxes shall conform to
bottom sections 9 ⁄2 in. (241.3 mm) or less in width shall be Specification D 6251/D 6251M Class 2 for Level A packing
made of one piece, whenever possible. Spliced boards, when- and Class 1 for Level B packing. Unless otherwise specified
ever necessary, on nailed wood boxes are permissible. The (see 6.1), the gross weight shall not exceed the weight
boards shall be butted and the splicing board shall extend on limitations of the box specification.
TABLE 1 Nailed Wood Boxes for Straight Lengths of Bar, Rod, Shafting, Shapes, Flat Wire, and Tubular Products
Ends End Cleats Battens
Minimum Top Styles 1 Styles 2, 4, 7,
Minimum Sides Styles 2, 4, 7, and 8 Styles 1A, 7, and 8
Weight of Content, lbs Box Styles and Bottom and 1A and 8
Thickness, in.
(kg) (See Figs. 1-6) Thickness, Minimum 1 or Minimum 1-Ply Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
in. (mm) 2-Ply Thickness, Thickness, in. Width, in. Thickness, in. Width, in. Thickness,
in. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) in. (mm)
5 1 1 5 1 5
Up to 280 (127) 1, 2, and 4 ⁄8(15.8) ⁄2 (12.7) 1 ⁄16(27.0) ⁄8(15.8) 2 ⁄2(63.5) ⁄8(15.8) . . . . . .
5 5 1 5 1 5
281 to 560 1, 2, and 4 ⁄8(15.8) ⁄8 (15.8) 1

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