Standard Guide for Environmental Monitoring Plans for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

Use of this guide will ensure that the potential impact on the surrounding environment from planned decommissioning activities has been properly assessed.
Use of this guide will ensure that the adequacy of environmental sampling has been assessed for location, frequency, analytical techniques, and media type to monitor the environment and to detect site-related releases and their impact.
1.1 This guide covers the development or assessment of environmental monitoring plans for decommissioning nuclear facilities. This guide addresses: (1) development of an environmental baseline prior to commencement of decommissioning activities; ( 2) determination of release paths from site activities and their associated exposure pathways in the environment; and (3) selection of appropriate sampling locations and media to ensure that all exposure pathways in the environment are monitored appropriately. This guide also addresses the interfaces between the environmental monitoring plan and other planning documents for site decommissioning, such as radiation protection, site characterization, and waste management plans, and federal, state, and local environmental protection laws and guidance. This guide is applicable up to the point of completing DD activities and the reuse of the facility or area for other purposes.

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ASTM E1819-96(2005) - Standard Guide for Environmental Monitoring Plans for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
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Designation:E1819–96 (Reapproved 2005)
Standard Guide for
Environmental Monitoring Plans for Decommissioning of
Nuclear Facilities
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1819; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Radiation Processing
2.2 ANSI Standards:
1.1 This guide covers the development or assessment of
ANSI N 545 Environmental Application of Thermolumi-
environmental monitoring plans for decommissioning nuclear
nescent Dosimetry
facilities. This guide addresses: (1) development of an envi-
ANSI N 13.1 Guide to Sampling Airborne Radioactive
ronmental baseline prior to commencement of decommission-
Materials in Nuclear Facilities
ing activities; (2) determination of release paths from site
2.3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document:
activities and their associated exposure pathways in the envi-
NUREG CR-2082 Monitoring for Compliance with De-
ronment; and (3) selection of appropriate sampling locations
commissioning Termination Survey Criteria
and media to ensure that all exposure pathways in the envi-
NUREG-1575 Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site
Investigation Manual (MARSSIM), December 1997
the interfaces between the environmental monitoring plan and
2.4 U.S. Government Documents:
other planning documents for site decommissioning, such as
29 CFR Part 1910.120
radiation protection, site characterization, and waste manage-
2.5 U.S. EPA Documents:
ment plans, and federal, state, and local environmental protec-
OSWER-9950.1 RCRA Ground-Water Monitoring Techni-
tion laws and guidance.This guide is applicable up to the point
cal Enforcement Guidance Document
of completing D&D activities and the reuse of the facility or
SW-846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste
area for other purposes.
40 CFR 302 Notification of Releases or Threatened Re-
2. Referenced Documents
leases of Hazardous Substances
40 CFR 61 National Emission Standards for HazardousAir
2.1 ASTM Standards:
E666 PracticeforCalculatingAbsorbedDoseFromGamma
40 CFR 58 Air Monitoring of Hazardous Pollutants
or X Radiation
2.6 American Public Health Association Document:
E668 Practice for Application of Thermoluminescence-
Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewa-
in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronic Devices
E1167 Guide for Radiation Protection Program for Decom-
3. Terminology
missioning Operations
3.1 Definitions:
E1278 Guide for Radioactive Pathway Methodology for
3.1.1 active phase, n—time during which physical
Release of Sites Following Decommissioning
decontamination/dismantling operations are performed.
E1281 Guide for Nuclear Facility Decommissioning Plans
3.1.2 characterization, n—a systematic identification of the
E1707 Guide for Estimating Uncertainties in Dosimetry for
types, quantities, forms, and locations of contamination on the
1 3.1.3 Data Quality Objectives (DQOs), n—quantitative and
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E10 on Nuclear
Technology and Applications and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee qualitative statements that specify the quality of data needed
E10.03 on Radiological Protection for Decontamination & Decommissioning of
from a particular data collection activity.
Nuclear Facilities & Components.
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2005. Published August 2005. Originally
approved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 1996 as E1819-96. DOI: Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
10.1520/E1819-96R05. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
2 5
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Office, Washington, DC 20402.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M St. SW,
the ASTM website. Washington, DC 20460.
3 7
Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced Available from American Public Health Association, 1015 15th St. NW,
on Washington, DC 20005.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E1819–96 (2005)
3.1.4 decommission, vt—to remove safely from service and mitigation of off-site impacts caused by radioactive or hazard-
reduce residual radioactivity to a level that permits release of ous materials released from decommissioning activities at
the property for unrestricted use and termination of any nuclear facilities.
applicable licenses.
3.1.5 decontamination, n—activities employed to reduce 5. Significance and Use
the levels of (radioactive or hazardous chemical) contamina-
5.1 Useofthisguidewillensurethatthepotentialimpacton
tion in or on structures, equipment, materials, and personnel.
the surrounding environment from planned decommissioning
Typical forms of decontamination may include: (1) decontami-
activities has been properly assessed.
nation to support decommissioning objectives; (2) decontami-
5.2 Use of this guide will ensure that the adequacy of
nation to reduce radiation levels in support of as low as
environmental sampling has been assessed for location, fre-
reasonably achievable (ALARA) objectives; (3) decontamina-
quency, analytical techniques, and media type to monitor the
tion to limit the spread of radiological contamination; (4)
environment and to detect site-related releases and their
decontamination to support the unrestricted release of material
and equipment; and (5) decontamination of personnel.
3.1.6 monitoring, vt—observing or taking measurements
6. Organizational Interfaces
6.1 The environmental monitoring plan should coordinate
significant changes in conditions or performance of a system,
with other decommissioning documents. Guide E1281 recom-
facility, or area.
mends that certain planning documents and implementation
3.1.7 passive phase, n—time of surveillance and mainte-
plans will be prepared prior to commencement of dismantle-
nance from the time plant operations cease until
ment actions. This guide ensures that the basic environmental
decontamination/dismantling operations begin, and from the
monitoring planning elements and requirements are identified,
end of active decontamination/dismantling operations until the
examined, and addressed to accomplish the decommissioning
site is released for unrestricted use.
activities. Other project plans and reports guide the operations
3.1.8 radiological release criteria, n—levels of residual
and organization for the decommissioning project.
radioactivity present at the completion of a decommissioning
6.1.1 Planning and implementation documents define the
activity below which the site may be released to the general
activities around which the site environmental monitoring
public for unrestricted use.
program will be developed. Documents that should be re-
3.1.9 hazardous material clean-up criteria, n—the reduc-
viewed include the following:
tion of hazardous contaminants needed to reduce the risk Site Description and Operating History Reports,
identifiedinthebaselinehealth-basedriskassessmenttoalevel Site Characterization Report,
consistent with Applicable and Relevant or Appropriate Re- Health Based Baseline Risk Assessment,
quirement (ARAR) values. Planned Decommissioning Activities Document,
3.1.10 hazardous substance, n—any material identified by Licensing and Regulatory Issues Document,
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 40 CFR 262. Quality Assurance Document, and
3.1.11 restricted use, n—organizational control is main- Radiation Protection Document.
tained over a property through physical barricades, signs and Appendix X1 contains brief overviews of these
documents, as they contribute to the environmental plan.
by an owner or prospective owner.
3.1.12 unrestricted use, n—controloverthepropertyisfully
7. Elements of an Environmental Monitoring Plan
released for any use desired by the owner.
7.1 Site environmental monitoring shall comply with a
4. Summary of Guide
written plan. This plan must both direct the performance of
4.1 Nuclear facilities must have established plans for moni- monitoring and inform concerned individuals as to the intent
toring the environment surrounding the site as part of their and methodologies used in monitoring the environment. The
plan must clearly define the scope of work activities, that is,
license or technical specifications. These plans are designed to
identify any release of radioactive or hazardous material and to describe the site, area, or room to be decommissioned. Guid-
assess the resulting impacts. Similar plans are required during ance on the content and structure of the plan is outlined in
decommissioningorsiteremediationstocontinueenvironmen- 7.2-7.10.12. Additional guidance relative to the requirements
tal monitoring, although the types of discharges and the for monitoring of environmental pollutants at facilities being
affected pathways may be different from those monitored decommissioned can be found in such references as , 40 CFR
during facility operations. 61, and 40 CFR 58. These cover such topics as notification of
4.2 In addition, limited environmental surveillance may the release of hazardous materials, emission standards for air
have been performed since the facility operated. The existing pollutants, and air monitoring of these materials.
environmentalmonitoringplansshouldbemodifiedfordecom- 7.2 Introduction and Objectives—The introduction should
missioning and reflect the current environment, potential re- address the history of actions leading to decommissioning,
lease points, and affected pathways. If no environmental identify the organizations involved, describe the decommis-
monitoring plan exists, one must be developed. sioning process and required documentation, define the objec-
4.3 The decommissioning environmental monitoring plan tive or purpose of the environmental monitoring program, and
must be consistent and complete to ensure the detection and describe the intended use of the monitoring data.
E1819–96 (2005)
7.2.1 Monitoring Objectives—Basic objectives should in- 7.3.5 Background Evaluation Requirements:
clude the following, as a minimum: Requirements governing the decommissioning ac- Assess the actual or potential doses to man from
tivities and release of the site may be based on levels above
contaminants released to the environment as a result of
background; therefore, careful evaluation of background con-
decontamination efforts,
ditions at the decommissioning site should be considered when Demonstrate compliance with applicable environ-
planning the environmental monitoring program.
mental regulations during decommissioning and with estab-
7.4 Evaluation of Existing Data:
lished release criteria. Chapter 4 of The Decommissioning
7.4.1 Source Term Examination—Once all contaminants
Handbook provides an excellent summary of the various
present at the site are identified, those contaminants that
environmental regulations that apply to decommissioning
missioning should be identified specifically and included in the Evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the
transport model, as discussed in 7.4.2.
containment and effluent control system during decontamina-
7.4.2 Pathways Modeling for Monitoring System Design—
The decommissioning activities specified in the decommis-
7.2.2 Calibration and Measurement System Performance:
sioningplanshouldbereviewedtoidentifyactivitiesthatcould Provisions must be made when planning environ-
release hazardous materials to the off-site environment. The
mental monitoring activities at decommissioning sites to en-
environmental transport pathways will then be identified,
sure that all data are obtained using instruments and instru-
including critical environmental components and receptors.
mentation systems capable of producing accurate and valid
Using the strength of the source and the model, the most
data. This requires the use of instruments and equipment
significant pathways and receptors will be identified for each
having valid and current calibration certificates. It also means
that careful consideration should be given to the appropriate The pathways model (conceptual or mathematical)
use of spiked samples, blanks, and split samples as quality
for transport of material to the environment should comply
assurance principles are incorporated into the environmental
with Guide E1278 and should establish the critical population
monitoring program.
and the most probable locations for accumulation of radioac-
7.2.3 Data Quality Objectives—The DQOs impact statisti-
tivity or hazardous material. Pathways with potentially high
cal sampling design, sampling techniques, analytical proce-
accumulation rates should be selected for sampling to provide
dures, and documentation procedures. The elements for a
a means of detecting releases at the earliest opportunity.
decommissioning monitoring plan will be prepared with con-
Likewise, exposure pathways to humans defined in the site
release criteria (that is, milk, fish, and groundwater consump-
be established to support the data quality objectives in the
tion, and dust ingestion and inhalation) should be specifically
monitoring plan. The objectives will be specified in terms of
considered for sampling. These pathways to humans provide a
precision, accuracy, representativeness, completeness, compa-
means of comparing site releases and resultant environmental
rability, and detection limit. For further information on DQOs,
levels with calculated doses to individuals. The model must
see Ref (1).
consider the transport of each contaminant separately, since
7.3 Background Information:
their sources and environmental fates may be different.
7.3.1 Location—The plan should specify the location and
7.5 Sampling and Analytical Design:
describe the site and surrounding area.
7.5.1 Statistical Design—Avariety of st

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