Specification for Seamless Ferritic-Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (Withdrawn 1983)

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Technical specification
ASTM A669-83 - Specification for Seamless Ferritic-Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (Withdrawn 1983)
English language
4 pages
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1916 Rw* St., PhiluMphi8. Pa. 19103
Rlprintd from thr AnW Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright Am
If not listad in th. curront -bind idox. will rppur in the next edition.
Standard Spdtkation tor
Thh standard u issued under tho Iabd duignaiion A669; ~hc number immediately following ~bc &siption iadi ~e
iml ~doption or, in the use of mirion, the yCa~ of lut nvision. A nrcnbtr m p81cntBcsaio~~ :be yut of last
mpptov. A superscript epsilon (e) indicrtu an cdilori.1 churgc sin- tht Iw rcvi* or reapproval.
tion shall include tbe fbIlowiog. as required, to
dcsuibe the desired material adcquatek.
I. I This s~tcation2 covers seasnkss fa-
4.1.1 Quantity (fcct or number of kngths),
riti~ustcnitic st-1 tubes for heat cxcbaager
4.1 2 Diienshs (outside diem and av-
and ge~d setvia. The steel is Ltcnded for
enge wall ad lea%th, cut or random),
use ia general ~~on-~t applications
4-13 Name of matuial (sumless tubes).
with paraiaiar emphasis om mistma to smss-
4.1.4 SpuScati~#~ number,
w&on awkiq. This material stmy &VCIQP
4.8.5 Candirion (bot or ooldl finished).
cmbrit1Perncnt if usad aa tavw above
41.6 sp#irrl q-~s.
6as0~ (32s0c$,
4.1.7 Opiaal quimmeo~ ((see 9.4), andl
1.2 me wb'i siaes and ahidmesses 14~1a1Oy
4.1.8 Cd6draa (sac U.2 of Specification
furnished lfCb fQ&i S8CCiflcatiost me % PO 6 h, (4.4
A 4903. i
80 142.4 mm), inol, in ooWa diamtscr and
8.020 to h, (43.51 $0 2'8.9 m), in arc-
5, Mrada and Madaawc
wal4 thidta,es.%, hbiq hawig &ut-shs
5.1 The -d bc made by the dtclric-
may be ff~rnilad, podded wdh auks omp\y
with a84 otikw mq~mc~do~ofabh-~iQlr.
pwd by anbe p&sclr. Tk primary mentin&
8 -3 lYle
has a nvimmac3~c omsi&q
may iimaqmMc ~Ic dqpsbg w mfmimg.
of dmu3 50 % R~QQ~S sf amwbw&e h a ff&c
red* olr wmamm-an: RC-
1-4 Tub8 aLmW os his vipmi@p1#4m
-, If sxmdq di is cm~~, nhc
by rht oon~l~~dmd mdmis,
1.4 1AE vnPues ~r(d riar bda-pud \pmiib
5.2 Tblbea k made by llbf sumkm
5.3 AMMbcssbabcliuPsisbadhIhthI-
#Bmkmd d a 8lempatw ad 118% * 5QQF
r(!?OJlQ & 28'OCO with sdlhqma qdag in
MRC~ aw uqMy oodlirag by &r mans.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
hcat which am hat trtoted in !he rune fLrnsct c-.
5.4 The tub shall be pickled frce from
Whcn the find heat Utltmmt is in a continuous fur-
&. Whcn brigbt anneJin8 in acwrdmcc
-, a lot shll include dl tuhe of the sune & rad
with 5.3 is perfond, pickling is not required.
hat, hart treated in the same furnra at tbc sune
tempmature, time at heat and funt~ce speed.
9. Mcclunial Reqmire~~~nts
6.1 The tubes shall conform to the require-
ments as to chemical composition prescribed in 9.1 Tension Test--One tension test shall be
Table 1. made on a specimen for lots of not mom than
SO tubes. Tension tests shall be madc on speci-
mens from two tubes for iots of more than SO
7.1 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be tubes (Note 2). Results of tests shall oonfonn to
made by the stbtl manufaCZum to determine
the tensile properties prescribed in Table 2.
the percentages of the elements specified. If 9.2 Hardness Test-Brine11 or Rockwell hard-
secondary melting processes an employed, the
ness tests shall be made on specimens fom two
hcat analysis shaU be obtained from one re-
tubes from each lot (Note 2). Results of tests shall
metted ingot or the product of one remelted
conform to th

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