Standard Guide for Selection of Sampling Equipment for Waste and Contaminated Media Data Collection Activities

1.1 This guide covers criteria that should be considered when selecting sampling equipment for collecting environmental and waste samples for waste management activities. This guide includes a list of equipment that is used and is readily available. Many specialized sampling devices are not specifically included in this guide. However, the factors that should be weighed when choosing any piece of equipment are covered and remain the same for the selection of any piece of equipment. Sampling equipment described in this guide includes automatic samplers, pumps, bailers, tubes, scoops, spoons, shovels, dredges, coring and augering devices. The selection of sampling locations is outside the scope of this guide.
1.1.1 Table 1 lists selected equipment and its applicability to sampling matrices, including water (surface and ground), sediments, soils, liquids, multi-layered liquids, mixed solid-liquid phases, and consolidated and unconsolidated solids. The guide does not address specifically the collection of samples of any suspended materials from flowing rivers or streams. Refer to Guide D4411 for more information.
1.2 Table 2 presents the same list of equipment and its applicability for use based on compatibility of sample and equipment; volume of the sample required; physical requirements such as power, size, and weight; ease of operation and decontamination; and whether it is reusable or disposable.
1.3 Table 3 provides the basis for selection of suitable equipment by the use of an Index.
1.4 Lists of advantages and disadvantages of selected sampling devices and line drawings and narratives describing the operation of sampling devices are also provided.
1.5 The values stated in both inch-pound and SI units are to be regarded separately as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.6 This guide offers an organized collection of information or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course of action. This guide cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgement. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all circumstances. This guide is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project's many unique aspects. The word "Standard" in the title of this guide means only that it has been approved through the ASTM consensus process.
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D6232-00 - Standard Guide for Selection of Sampling Equipment for Waste and Contaminated Media Data Collection Activities
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 6232 – 00
Standard Guide for
Selection of Sampling Equipment for Waste and
Contaminated Media Data Collection Activities
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6232; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope ment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all
circumstances. This guide is not intended to represent or
1.1 This guide covers criteria that should be considered
replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given
when selecting sampling equipment for collecting environmen-
professional service must be judged, nor should this document
tal and waste samples for waste management activities. This
be applied without consideration of a project’s many unique
guide includes a list of equipment that is used and is readily
aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this guide means
available. Many specialized sampling devices are not specifi-
only that it has been approved through the ASTM consensus
cally included in this guide. However, the factors that should
be weighed when choosing any piece of equipment are covered
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
and remain the same for the selection of any piece of
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
equipment. Sampling equipment described in this guide in-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
cludes automatic samplers, pumps, bailers, tubes, scoops,
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
spoons, shovels, dredges, coring and augering devices. The
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
selection of sampling locations is outside the scope of this
2. Referenced Documents
1.1.1 Table 1 lists selected equipment and its applicability to
2.1 ASTM Standards:
sampling matrices, including water (surface and ground),
D 1452 Practice for Soil Investigation and Sampling by
sediments, soils, liquids, multi-layered liquids, mixed solid-
Auger Borings
liquid phases, and consolidated and unconsolidated solids. The
D 1586 Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel
guide does not address specifically the collection of samples of
Sampling of Soils
any suspended materials from flowing rivers or streams. Refer
D 1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Geotechnical Sam-
to Guide D 4411 for more information.
pling of Soils
1.2 Table 2 presents the same list of equipment and its
D 3550 Practice for Ring-Lined Barrel Sampling of Soils
applicability for use based on compatibility of sample and
D 4136 Practice for Sampling Phytoplankton with Water-
equipment; volume of the sample required; physical require-
Sampling Bottles
ments such as power, size, and weight; ease of operation and
D 4342 Practice for Collecting of Benthic Macroinverte-
decontamination; and whether it is reusable or disposable.
brates with Ponar Grab Sampler
1.3 Table 3 provides the basis for selection of suitable
D 4343 Practice for Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates
equipment by the use of an Index.
with Ekman Grab Sampler
1.4 Lists of advantages and disadvantages of selected sam-
D 4348 Practice for Collecting Benthic Macroinvertebrates
pling devices and line drawings and narratives describing the
with Holme (Scoop) Grab Sampler
operation of sampling devices are also provided.
D 4387 Guide for Selecting Grab Sampling Devices for
1.5 The values stated in both inch-pound and SI units are to
Collecting Benthic Macroinvertibrates
be regarded separately as the standard. The values given in
D 4411 Guide for Sampling Fluvial Sediment in Motion
parentheses are for information only.
D 4448 Guide for Sampling Groundwater Monitoring
1.6 This guide offers an organized collection of information
or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course
D 4547 Practice for Sampling Waste and Soils for Volatile
of action. This guide cannot replace education or experience
and should be used in conjunction with professional judge-
D 4687 Guide for General Planning of Waste Sampling
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D34 on Waste
Management and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D34.01.01 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08.
Planning for Sampling. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.05.
Current edition approved June 10, 2000. Published August 2000. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02.
published as D 6232 – 98. Last previous edition D 6232 – 98. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.04.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 6232
TABLE 1 Equipment Selection—Matrix Guide
Water and Waste Water Sediment Soil Waste
(May be used for discrete sample
Surface Ground Point Multi-Layer Mixed Phase Consolidated Unconsolidated
Water Water Discharge Liquid Solid/Liquid Solid Solid
Pumps and Siphons
Automatic Sampler—Non volatiles * * - - N N N - -
Automatic Composite Sampler—** --- - - - -
Air/Gas Displacement Pump *D 4448 *- - * - - -
Piston Displacement Pump *D 4448 *- - N - - -
Bladder Pumps *D 4448 *- - N N - - -
Peristaltic Pump * *D 4448 *- - * * N
Centrifugal Submersible Pump * * - - - - -
Ekman Dredge - - - *D 4387 -- - - - -
D 4343
Petersen Dredge - - - *D 4387 -- - - - -
Ponar Dredge - - - *D 4387 -- - - - -
Discrete Depth Samplers
Bacon Bomb * - - - - * N - - -
Kemmerer Sampler *D 4136 -- - - * N - - -
Syringe Sampler *D 5743 -N - - * * * - -
Peristaltic Pump * *D 4448 *- - * * N
Lidded Sludge/Water Sampler - - - - - N N * - N
Discrete Level Sampler * * * - - * * - - -
Push Coring Devices
Temporary G.W. Sampler - * - - - N - - - -
Penetrating Probe Sampler - - - N * - - N - *
Split Barrel Sampler - - - * *D 1586 -- N - N
*D 4700
Concentric Tube Thief - - - - - - - - - *
Trier - - - - * - - N - *D 5451
*E 300
Thin Walled Tube - - - *D 4823 *D 1587-- - - *
D 4700
Coring Type w/Valve - - - N *D 4823 -- * - *
Miniature Core Sampler - - - N *D 4547 -- - - N
D 6418
Modified Syringe Sampler - - - N *D 4547 -- - - N
Sort Sediment Sampler - - - * N - - N - N
Rotating Coring Devices
Bucket Auger - - - N *D 1452-- - - *
D 4700
Screw Auger - - - - - - - - * -
Rotating Coring Device - - - *D 4823 *D 4700 -- - * -
Liquid Profile Devices
COLIWASA - - - - - *D 5495 *D 5495 --
D 5743 D 5743
Reuseable Point Sampler N - N - - * * * - -
Drum Thief - - - - - * * * - -
Valved Drum Sampler - - - - - * * * - -
Plunger Type Sampler N - N - - *D 5743 *D 5743 *D 5743 --
Liquids Profiler N - N - - * * * - -
Surface Sampling Devices
Bailer N *D 4448 -- - N N - - -
Point Sampling Bailer N *D 4448 -- - N N - - -
Differential Pressure Bailer - * - - - N N - - -
Dipper *D 5358 - *D 5013 - - *D 5358 - *D 5358 --
Liquid Grab Sampler * - N - - * * * - -
Swing Jar Sampler * - N N - * * N - -
Impact Devices - - - - - - - - * -
Spoon N - N - *D 4700 NN - - N
Scoops and Trowel - - - N *D 4700N- N - *
Shovels - - - N *D 4700 -- N - *
* Equipment may be used with this matrix N=Not equipment of choice but use is possible -Not recommended
=ASTM Guide =ASTM Test Method = ASTM Practice
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 6232
TABLE 2 Sampling Equipment Selection Guide
Equipment Ease of Disposal or
Chemical Physical Effect on Sample Volume Range Physical Operation Decon Reuse
Pumps and Siphon
Automatic Sampler—Nonvolatiles • • = U B/P • • R
Automatic Composite Sampler— •• = U B/P • • R
Air/Gas Displacement Pump • • • U P/S/W • • R
Piston Displacement Pump • • • U P/S/W • • R
Bladder Pumps = • = U P/S/W • • R
Peristaltic Pump • • = U B/P • = R
Centrifugal Submersible Pump • • • U P/S/W = •R
Ekman Dredge == • 0.5-3.0 N • • R
Petersen Dredge == • 0.5-3.0 W • • R
Ponar Dredge == • 0.5-3.0 W • • R
Discrete Depth Samplers
Bacon Bomb • == 0.1-0.5 N = •R
Kemmerer Sampler • == 1.0-2.0 N = •R
Syringe Sampler == = 0.2-0.5 N == R
Lidded Sludge/Water Sampler = • • 1.0 S/W • • R
Discrete Level Sampler = • = 0.2-0.5 N = •R
Push Coring Devices
Temporary G.W. Sampler == = 0.1-0.3 P/S/W • • R
Penetrating Probe Sampler == = 0.2-2.0 S/W • = R
Split Barrel Sampler == • 0.5-30.0 S/W == R
Concentric Tube Theif == = 0.5-1.0 N == R
Trier == = 0.1-0.5 N == R
Thin Walled Tube == • 0.5-5.0 S/W == R
Coring Type w/Valve == = 0.2-1.5 N == R
Miniature Core Sampler == = 0.01-0.05 N == D
Modified Syringe Sampler == = 0.01-0.05 N == D
Soft Sediment Sampler == = 1.6-7.0 N == R
Rotating Coring Devices
Bucket Auger == • 0.2-1.0 N • = R
Screw Auger == • 0.1-0.3 N • = R
Rotating Coring Device == • 0.5-1.0 B/P == R
Liquid Profile Devices
COLIWASA = • = 0.5-3.0 N = • D/R
Reuseable Point Sampler == = 0.2-0.6 N == R
Drun Thief = • = 0.1-0.5 N = • D/R
Valved Drum Sampler == = 0.3-1.6 N == D/R
Plunger Type Sampler = • = 0.2-U N == D/R
Liquids Profiler • == 1.3-4.0 N == R
Surface Sampling Devices
Bailer • = • 0.5-2.0 N == D/R
Point Sampling Bailer • == 0.5-2.0 N == R
Differential Pressure Bailer == = 0.04-1.0 N == R
Dipper == = 0.5-1.0 N == R
Liquid Grab Sampler == = 0.5-1.0 N == R
Swing Jar Sampler • == 0.5-1.0 N == R
Impact Devices • • • N/A B/P == R
Spoon == • N/A N == R
Scoops and Trowel == • 0.1-0.6 N == R
Shovels == • 1.0-5.0 N == R
• = Significant operation consideration Range of Volume (liters) Physical Requirements: Disposal and Reuse:
= = Not a significant operational consideration U = Unlimited B = Battery W = Weight R = Reusable
N/A = Not Applicable P = Power S = Size D = Single-Use
N = No limitations
D 4696 Guide for Pore-Liquid Sampling in the Vadose D 5088 Practice for Decontamination of Field Equipment
2 6
Zone Used at Nonradioactive Waste Sites
D 4700 Guide for Soil Sampling from the Vadose Zone
D 5283 Practice for Generation of Environmental Data
D 4823 Guide for Core Sampling Submerged, Unconsoli-
Related to Waste Management Activities: Quality Assur-
dated Sediments
ance and Quality Control Planning and Implementation
D 5013 Practices for Sampling Wastes from Pipes and 6
D 5314 Guide for Soil Gas Monitoring in the Vadose Zone
Other Point Discharges
D 5358 Practice for Sampling with a Dipper or Pond
D 5079 Practices for Preserving and Transporting Rock
Core Samples
D 5451 Practice for Sampling Using a Trier Sampler
D 5495 Practice for Sampling with a Composite Liquid
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09. Waste Sampler COLIWASA
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 6232
5 7
D 5633 Practice for Sampling with a Scoop E 300 Practice for Sampling Industrial Chemicals
D 5679 Practice for Sampling Consolidated Solids in E 1391 Guide for Collection, Storage, Characterization, and
5 3
Drums or Similar Containers Manipulation of Sediments for Toxicological Testing
D 5680 Practice for Sampling Unconsolidated Solids in
3. Terminology
Drums or Similar Containers
D 5730 Guide for Site Characterization for Environmental
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Purposes with Emphasis on Soil, Rock, the Vadose Zone
3.1.1 consolidated, adj—a compact solid not easily com-
and Ground Water
pressed or broken into smaller particles.
D 5743 Practice for Sampling Single or Multilayered Liq-
3.1.2 decontamination, n—the process of removing or re-
uids, With or Without Solids, in Drums or Similar Con-
ducing to a known level undesirable physical or chemical
constituents, or both, from a sampling apparatus to maximize
D 5778 Test Method for Performing Electronic Friction
the representativeness of physical or chemical analyses pro-
Cone and Piezocone Penetration Testing of Soils
posed for a given sample.
D 5781 Guide for Use of Dual-Wall Reverse-Circulation
3.1.3 data quality objectives (DQOs), n—qualitative or
Drilling for Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Instal-
quantitative statement(s) derived from the DQO process de-
lation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices
scribing the problem(s), the decision rule(s) and the uncertain-
D 5782 Guide for Use of Direct Air-Rotary Drilling for
ties of the decision(s) stated in the context of the problem.
Geoenvironmental Exploration and the Use of Subsurface
3.1.4 environmental data, n—defined for use in this docu-
Water-Quality Monitoring Devices
ment to mean data in support of environmental activities.
D 5783 Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Drilling with
3.1.5 matrix, n—the principal constituent(s) of a material.
Water-Based Drilling Fluid for Geoenvironmental Explo-
3.1.6 unconsolidated, adj—defined for use in this guide to
ration and the Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality
mean uncemented or uncompacted material that is easily
Monitoring Devices
separated into smaller portions.
D 5784 Guide for Use of Hollow-Stem Augers for Geoen-
3.1.7 representative sample, n—a sample collected in such a
vironmental Exploration and the Installation of Subsurface
manner that it reflects one or more characteristics of interest (as
Water-Quality Monitoring Devices
defined by the project objectives) of a population from which
D 5875 Guide for Use of Cable-Tool Drilling and Sampling
it was collected. (D 6044)
Methods for Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installa-
tion of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices
4. Summary of Guide
D 5876 Guide for Use of Direct Rotary Wireline Casing
4.1 This guide discusses important criteria which should be
Advancement Drilling Methods for Geoenvironmental
considered when choosing sampling equipment.
Exploration and Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality
4.1.1 Criteria discussed in this guide include physical and
Monitoring Devices
chemical compatibility, sample matrix, sample volume, physi-
D 6001 Guide for Direct-Push Water Sampling for Geoen-
cal requirements, ease of operation and decontamination. Costs
vironmental Investigations
are considered, where appropriate.
D 6044 Guide for Representative Sampling and Manage-
4.2 A limited list of sampling equipment is presented in two
ment of Wa

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