ASTM F2318-04
(Specification)Standard Specification for Rotary Wing Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Specialized Medical Support Air Ambulances (Withdrawn 2013)
Standard Specification for Rotary Wing Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Specialized Medical Support Air Ambulances (Withdrawn 2013)
This specification covers rotary wing aircraft involved in patient prehospital emergency medical care and transportation. It outlines the minimum requirements, including personnel, and patient care equipment and supplies, that must be met before the aircraft can be classified as a rotary wing air ambulance unit. This specification describes a suitable rotary wing aircraft, which together with the specified personnel, equipment, and supplies, will provide patient care, at least to national standards for basic life support, throughout the medical mission. It applies to all the medical activities that involve rotary wing air ambulance operation at the basic life support level, including on-scene work and interhospital transfer. Application of this specification will ensure that the air ambulance will be able to provide a well-established level of patient care. The rotary wing basic life support air ambulance shall consist of three components: the rotary wing medical transport vehicle, transport personnel, and patient care equipment and supplies in accordance with this specification. The minimum personnel requirement for the rotary wing basic life support air ambulance shall be the FAA flight crew requirement for the aircraft and for each patient, one qualified air-medical crewmember. All pieces of medical equipment and supplies used in rotary wing operations shall be maintained in accordance with the specified requirements.
1.1 This specification covers rotary wing aircraft involved in patient prehospital emergency medical care and transportation. It outlines the minimum requirements, including personnel, and patient care equipment and supplies, that must be met before the aircraft can be classified as a rotary wing air ambulance unit.
1.2 The first part of this specification (Sections through ) describes the minimum aircraft configuration and capability, the minimum number of seats for personnel, and the provisions for the minimum medical equipment and supplies for rotary wing basic life support air ambulances.
1.3 The provisions of this specification plus the provisions of the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Annex comprise the specification for rotary wing advanced life support air ambulances.(See Section 1 and 1.1 of the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Annex for the scope for rotary wing advanced life support air ambulances.)
1.4 The provisions of this specification plus the provisions of the Advanced Life Support Annex, plus the provisions in the Specialized Medical Support (SMS) Annex comprise the specification for rotary wing specialized medical support air ambulances. (See Sections 1 through 1.3 of the Specialized Medical Support (SMS) Annex for the scope for rotary wing specialized medical support air ambulances.)
This specification covers rotary wing aircraft involved in patient prehospital emergency medical care and transportation. It outlines the minimum requirements, including personnel, and patient care equipment and supplies, that must be met before the aircraft can be classified as a rotary wing air ambulance unit.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee F30 on Emergency Medical Services, this specification was withdrawn in January 2013 in accordance with section of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, which requires that standards shall be updated by the end of the eighth year since the last approval date.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation:F2318 −04
StandardSpecification for
Rotary Wing Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support,
and Specialized Medical Support Air Ambulances
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2318; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Humans (Withdrawn 2007)
F960Specification for Medical and Surgical Suction and
1.1 This specification covers rotary wing aircraft involved
Drainage Systems (Withdrawn 2003)
in patient prehospital emergency medical care and transporta-
F1031Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Tech-
tion. It outlines the minimum requirements, including
nician (Basic)
personnel, and patient care equipment and supplies, that must
F1118Specification for National Air Medical Transport
be met before the aircraft can be classified as a rotary wing air
Units Resources Catalog (Withdrawn 2007)
ambulance unit.
F1149Practice for Qualifications, Responsibilities, and Au-
1.2 The first part of this specification (Sections 1 through
thority of Individuals and Institutions Providing Medical
13.2) describes the minimum aircraft configuration and
Direction of Emergency Medical Services
F1177Terminology Relating to Emergency Medical Ser-
provisions for the minimum medical equipment and supplies
for rotary wing basic life support air ambulances.
F1219Guide for Training the Emergency Medical Techni-
cian (Basic) to Perform Patient Initial and Detailed As-
1.3 The provisions of this specification plus the provisions
of the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Annex comprise the sessment (Withdrawn 2006)
F1220 Guide for Emergency Medical Services System
specification for rotary wing advanced life support air ambu-
lances.(See Section 1 and 1.1 of the Advanced Life Support (EMSS) Telecommunications
F1229Guide for Qualification and Training of EMS Air
(ALS) Annex for the scope for rotary wing advanced life
support air ambulances.) Medical Patient Care Providers
F1555Guide for Characteristics for Extremity Splints
1.4 The provisions of this specification plus the provisions
F1556Guide for Spinal Immobilization and Extrication
(SPINE) Device Characteristics
Specialized Medical Support (SMS) Annex comprise the
F1557Guide for Full Body Spinal Immobilization Devices
specification for rotary wing specialized medical support air
(FBSID) Characteristics
ambulances. (See Sections 1 through 1.3 of the Specialized
F1558Guide for Characteristics for Adjunct Cervical Spine
Medical Support (SMS) Annex for the scope for rotary wing
Immobilization Devices (ACSID)
specialized medical support air ambulances.)
F1559Guide for Characteristics for Cervical Spine Immo-
bilization Collar(s) (CSIC)
2. Referenced Documents
2.2 NTIS Document:
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D3577Specification for Rubber Surgical Gloves
2.3 Federal Laws and Regulations:
D3578Specification for Rubber Examination Gloves
14 CFRChapter 1—FederalAviationAdministration (FAA)
F920Specification for Minimum Performance and Safety
Rules and Regulations, Parts 1-49 and 61-139;
Requirements for Resuscitators Intended for Use With
specifically, Subpart 135.19—Emergency Operations, and
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F30 on
Emergency Medical Services and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
F30.01 on EMS Equipment.
Current edition approved April 1, 2004. Published May 2004. DOI: 10.1520/ Available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) , 5285 Port
F2318-04. Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. Accession Number ADA
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or 2118434.
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Office,Washington, DC 20402.When indicated, reprints of certain regulations may
the ASTM website. be obtained from the Federal agency responsible for issuance thereof.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
Subpart 135.271—Helicopter Hospital Emergency Medi- CGAP-4Safe Handling of Cylinders by Emergency Rescue
cal Evacuation Services Squads
2.4 Federal Standards/Specifications: CGA V-1Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and Inlet
FAA Technical Standard OrdersC-22g Safety Belts, and Connections
C114 Torso Restraint Systems CGA V-5Diameter Index Safety System
29 CFROccupational Safety and Health Administration—
2.9 Canadian Standards Association (CSA):
Standard 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and
CSAStandard Z305.1MNonflammable Medical Gas Piping
Emergency Response
29 CFROccupational Safety and Health Administration—
CSA Standard Z305.2MLow Pressure Connecting Assem-
Standard 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens
blies for Medical Gas Systems
29 CFROccupational Safety and Health Administration—
CSA Standard Z305.3MPressure Regulators, Gages and
Standard 1010.134, Respiratory Protection
Flow Metering Devices for Medical Gas Systems
21 CFRFood and Drug Administration—Medical Devices
2.10 American National Standards Institute andAssociation
DOT Specification RR-C-901/3Cylinders Compressed Gas:
for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (ANSI/AAMI):
With Valve or Plug and Cap; ICC3aa
ANSI Z79.3Anesthetic Equipment—Oropharyngeal and
2.5 FAA Advisory Circulars (AC):
Nasopharyngeal Airways
AC 43.13-2A Acceptable Methods, Techniques and
ANSI Z79.6Breathing Tubes
Practices, Aircraft Alterations
ANSI Z79.14Anesthetic Equipment—Tracheal Tubes
AC 135.14 Emergency Medical Services/Helicopter
ANSI/AAMI SP9Standard for Nonautomated Sphygmoma-
2.6 Military Standards:
ANSI/AAMI SP10Standard for Automated Sphygmoma-
MIL-STD-101Color Coding, Medical Gases
MIL-STD-202 Test Methods For Electronic and Electric
2.11 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE):
Component Parts
SAE Air 825BOxygen Equipment for Aircraft
MIL-STD-461Department of Defense Interface Standard,
SAE AS 1198Continuous Flow Oxygen Regulator
Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interfer-
ence Characteristics of Subsystems and Equipment 2.12 Underwriters Laboratory (UL):
MIL-STD-704 Aircraft Electric Power Characteristics
UL 2601-1 Standard for Safety—Medical Electrical
MIL-STD-810EEnvironmentalTest Methods and Engineer- Equipment—Part 1: General Requirements for Safety
ing Guidelines
3. Terminology
MIL-STD-39226Compressed Gas Cylinders
MIL-STD-1472 Human Factors
3.1 Following are definitions used in this specification.
2.7 National Fire Protection Association Standards:
3.2 Definitions Relating to Personnel:
NFPA 56FStandard for Nonflammable Medical Gas Sys-
3.2.1 air ambulance provider—the individual or entity that
holds the state (or equivalent) air ambulance provider certifi-
NFPA 70National Electrical Code
NFPA 407-8Aircraft Fuel Servicing, paragraphs 2–4.1
NFPA 99Electrical Safety
3.2.2 air-medical crewmembers—transportpersonnelwhose
2.8 Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Standards:
primary function is to carry out the medical duties of the
CGA C-9Standard for Color-Marking of Compressed Gas
medical mission that has been accepted by an air ambulance.
Cylinders Intended for Medical Use
They are qualified to perform the medical responsibilities of
CGA E-7Standard for Flow meters, Pressure Reducing
the mission to the standard established for the designated air
Regulators, regulator/Flow Meter and Regulator/Flow
ambulance category (basic life support, advanced life support,
gage Combinations for the Administration of Medical
or specialized).
CGA P-2Characteristics and Safe Handling of Medical
3.2.3 flight crewmembers—transport personnel whose pri-
mary function is to operate and navigate the aircraft under the
specified conditions, in accordance with all the applicable
6 Federal Aviation regulations. Flight crewmembers include
Copies of Federal standards and specifications are available from Federal
Standards and Specifications, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government pilots, navigators, radio operators, and crew chiefs.
Printing Office, 732 N. Capital St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401.
FAAAdvisory Circulars are available online at
Advisory/ac_index.htm. Available from Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 178 Rexdale Blvd.,
Copies of Military specifications and standards required by suppliers in Toronto, ON Canada M9W 1R3,
connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the AvailablefromAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute(ANSI),25W.43rdSt.,
procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
9 13
Available from National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Available from Technical Division, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),
Park, Quincy, MA 02269, 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096,
10 14
Available from Compressed Gas Association (CGA), 1725 Jefferson Davis Available from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Corporate Progress, 333
Hwy., Suite 1004, Arlington, VA 22202-4102, Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062,
3.2.4 transport personnel—flight crewmembers and air- 3.7.2 category—a level of patient care, relating to the
medical crewmembers who by specialized training (as defined capability of the air medical transport unit. There are various
in Guide F1229 or applicable FAA regulations) are currently levelsincluding,butnotlimitedto,basiclifesupport,advanced
qualified to carry out their assigned duties. life support, and specialized medical care.
3.3 Descriptions of Terms Relating to Aircraft:
3.7.3 declared effective service range—the number of nau-
3.3.1 air ambulance—an aircraft that is capable of meeting tical miles, without resupply of aviation or medical
the standard for a medical transport unit if the requisite
requirements, within which the rotary wing medical transport
personnel, equipment, and supplies are added. It does not unit can be expected to operate.
include the personnel and the onboard medical equipment.
3.7.4 declared response time—thenormalminimumnumber
3.3.2 rotarywingaircraft—aircraftthatusearotorsystemto
of minutes required between the initial notification of the
take off and land vertically. They include helicopters and
tiltrotor aircraft.
3.7.5 declared service area—the area designated by the air
3.4 Descriptions of Terms Relating to Patient Care
ambulance provider where the rotary wing medical transport
Equipment—Patient care equipment is defined as that equip-
unit is operationally capable of response. It includes pre-
ment related to the medical mission. It includes:
defined limits in range, altitude and weather, over water,
3.4.1 permanently installed patient care equipment—
instrument flight, and day/night capability.
designed to be used inside the air ambulance. It may be
3.7.6 medical mission—an accepted medical flight from the
self-contained or it may depend on the aircraft’s power source,
initial notification to the completion or cancellation.
or a combination of both.
3.7.7 rotary wing air ambulance—a rotary wing medical
3.4.2 portable patient care equipment—self-contained and
transport vehicle, the crew, and onboard equipment that meets
designed for use en route, at the pick-up point, and in transit.
the standard for the named category.
It implies being capable of being hand carried. Some items of
portable patient care equipment may have the option of using
3.7.8 rotary wing advanced life support air ambulance—a
the aircraft’s sources of power and medical gases.
unit that meets the standard described in the Annex entitled
ALS Advanced Life Support.
3.4.3 transportable patient care equipment—notnecessarily
self-contained. It may be used en route if qualified for use in
3.7.9 specialized medical support level of patient care—a
flight, and if power and accessibility are available.
level of patient care that is directed to particular problems that
are usually already undergoing advanced treatment. Typically,
3.5 Descriptions of Terms Relating to Communications—
Airborne communication equipment consists of three groups, the patient is being moved to a facility that can provide
additional service. It may also include the need for special
depending on its primary function:
3.5.1 aviation communication equipment—equipment in- equipment not normally required in air ambulances, such as
incubators, left ventricular assist devices, pressure chambers,
navigation of the aircraft, and receiving weather information. and so forth.
3.5.2 intercommunication equipment—equipment, used by
3.7.10 independent accredited testing laboratory—a testing
the transport personnel to facilitate conversations between the
facility that is accredited in accordance with the National
flight crew and air-medical crewmembers and, in some cases,
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Volun-
with the patient.
tary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) to perform
specific calibrations and tests that it is contracted to perform
3.5.3 medical communication equipment—equipment in-
and (1) has no business relationship with the company whose
stalled in the aircraft, used by the transport personnel to
facilitate conversations between the air-medical crewmembers
company’s product; (2) has no corporate stock that is directly
and the emergency medical system in which they operate. It
owned by a principal of the company whose product is being
tested; and (3) has no conflict-of-interest by accepting fee-for-
ground units, with selected medical control, and with EMS
service testing of a company’s product.
systems dispatch centers. It can include equipment for the
transmission of graphic data.
4. Significance and Use
3.6 Descriptions of Terms Relating to Documentation:
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