Standard Test Method for Powdering of Floor Polish Films

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ASTM D2048-92 - Standard Test Method for Powdering of Floor Polish Films
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ASTM D2048 92 - 07595lrO 05LLZL5 246 -
1816 Race St Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Designation: D 2048 - 92
Reprinted from the Alvlual Book of ASTM Standards. CoPflight ASTM
lf not list4 in the current combined index, will appear iI7 the WXt edition
Standard Test Method for
Powdering of Floor Polish Films’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2048; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapprova]. A
superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 5.7 Glove Box-An enclosure that houses the crockmeter
keeping it in a constant humidity and temperature environ-
1.1 This test method covers a bench procedure for the
ment; features rubber glove inserts so that the tests may be
determination of the degree of powdering of floor polishes
run keeping the environment of the crockmeter constant.
under ambient conditions as well as conditions of low rela-
5.8 Desiccant-Silica gel or calcium chloride.
tive humidity.
5.9 Salts for Constant Humidity Conditions-LiCl ’ H,O,
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
CaC12+6H,0, or Mg(NOJ2*6H20.
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
NOTE l-saturated aqueous solutions of the following salts in
contact with an excess of a definite solid phase of salt at the indicated
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
temperatures and in an enclosed space will maintain the required
bility ojregulatory limitations prior to use.
constant humidities:
LiCl. Ha0 at 2X (77°F) yields 11. I % relative humidity.
2. Referenced Document
CaCl,.6H,O at 10°C (5o’F) yields 38.0 % relative humidity.
Mg(NO&a*6HaO at 23.9’C (75’F) yields 42.9 % relative humidity.
2.1 ASTM Standard:
D 3 153 Test Method for Recoatability of Water-Emulsion 5.10 Fan, small, electric.
Floor Polishes* 5.11 Metal Clip, to hold the abrading felt on the
crockmeter surface during testing.
3. Terminology
6. Preparation of Test Sample
3.1 Dejnition:
6.1 Clean the tile surface in accordance with Test Method
3.1.1 powdering-partial or total disintegration of the
D 3153, paragraph 9.1.2, to ensure removal of any coating
polish film resulting in a fine, light colored material.
6.2 Pipet 2 mL of polish onto the center of the test panel.
4. Significance and Use
Place the cheesecloth into the polish and allow it to absorb
4.1 This is a comparative test method. If this method does
the emulsion. Distribute the emulsion evenly over the
not indicate powdering, it is still possible that the product in
surface; then draw the cheesecloth downward in smooth
actual use may powder.
separate strokes, with no more pressure than is exerted by the
weight of the hand, until the entire panel has been coated. If
5. Apparatus
304 by 304-mm (12 by 12-in.) tiles are used, pipet 3.6 mL of
polish out the center of each tile.
5.1 Textile Crockmeter, weighted with a l-kg weight. The
6.3 Apply a second coat of polish 1 h tier the first. Apply
weight is placed directly over the abrasion dowel and
this coat in the same manner as the first coat.
attached with two-faced tape.
5.2 Abrading Felt-670 Kelly No, 720 billiard cloth cut 6.4 One hour after the second coat of polish has dried,
into 50 by 50-mm (2 by 2-m) squares.4 place one of the test tiles in the glove box in which the
5.3 Substrate-Official Vinyl Composition Tile (OVCT)5 relative humidity is 10 to 15 %. The low humidity is
obtained and controlled using silica gel or calcium chloride
shall be used in this test.
5.4 Volumetric Pipet, 2-mL. as the desiccant or by using a saturated salt solution with a
5.5 Cheesecloth Applicator, washed to remove sizing; cut small fan to circulate the air inside the box. Also place inside
into 50-mm (2-in.) strips of four-ply cloth; folded twice. the glove box the crockmeter weighted with a l-kg weight
5.6 Relative Humidity and Temperature Indicator. and the green felt test pads. Age the tiles and equipment for
24 h at 10 to 15 % relative humidity at 23.9 + l.l”C (75 +
r This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-21 on
6.5 Prepare additional test tiles in the same manner and
Polishes and is the responsibility of Subcommittee D21.04 on Performance Tests.
dry for 24 h at 25 + l.l”C (77 + 2’F) and 55 + 3 % relative
Current edition approved Aug. 15, 1992. Published October 1992. Originally
published as D 2048 - 64 T. Last previous edition D 2048 - 87.
z AWIIIU/ Bwk o/ASTM Sandards, Vol 15.04.
NOTE 2-Prepared samples may also be tested at 10 f 1. 1’C (50 f
3 Textile Crockmeter available from Atlas Electric Devices Co., Chicago, IL.
2’P) and 38 f 3 % relative humidity.
Model CM-

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