Standard Specification for Combination Bar Soap

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ASTM D2179-65(1990)e1 - Standard Specification for Combination Bar Soap
English language
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ASTM D2377*EL 65 m 0759530 0058748 9 m
([lb Designation: D 2179 - 65 (Reapproved I9gO)"
1918 Race SI., Philadelphla, Pa. 19103
Repiinled liom lhe Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyiighl ASTM
II noi lisled In lhe currenl combined index, will appear in lhe next ediiion.
Standard SDecification for
Combination Bar Soap'
This standard Is issued under the fixed designation D 2179; the number immediately follow¡ng the designation indkcates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval, A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editona1 change since the last revkion or reapproval.
Non-Section 7 was added and Sections 3 through 5 were renumbered in April 1990.
1. Scope hardness of 300 ppm calculated as Caco3.
1,l This specification covers bar soap containing soap and
5. Chemical Composition
detergent surfactant as the major active ingredients. This bar
5.1 Combination bar soap shall conform to the following
is intended for toilet use in soft and hard water.
requirements as to chemical composition, The percentage of
each constituent shall be calculated on the basis of the bar as
2. Referenced Document
2.1 ASTM Standard:
Moisture and matter volatile at IOS'C, max, % 14.0A
D 460 Test Methods for Sampling and Chemical Analysis
Detergent surfactant, min, % 15.0
of Soaps and Soap Products' Anhydrous soap, calculated as sodium soap," min, % 40.0
Free alkali, calculated as NaOH, max, % 0.05
pH of a I 96 solution:
3. Ordering Information
max 10.5
min 8.5
3,l The material shall be purchased by net weight.
A Delive& that yield more than 14 96 volat¡le matter shall be rejected without
4. General Requirements
further test.
Althougb calculated as sodium soap, other metallic soap may

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