Standard Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth

1.1 This specification covers industrial woven wire fabric, referred to as wire cloth, for general use including the separation of particles. Wire cloth can be made of any primary metal or metal alloy wire that is suitable for weaving. This specification does not apply to the following special types of wire cloth: filter cloth or dutch weave (see Appendix X1), fourdrinier and cylinder cloth, galvanized hardware cloth, insect wire screening, spiral weave wire cloth, testing sieve cloth, or welded wire cloth.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units shall be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM E2016-99(2004)e1 - Standard Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: E 2016 – 99 (Reapproved 2004)
Standard Specification for
Industrial Woven Wire Cloth
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2016; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
e NOTE—Table 6 was corrected editorially in November 2004.
Industrial wire cloth can be produced in many thousands of combinations of size and shape of
opening, wire diameter, type of weave, and metal. This specification covers woven wire cloth for
industrial use, including the separation of particles. Its purpose is to introduce standard terms and
definitions, to note the normal range of specifications woven, and to establish tolerances and
requirements. This specification excludes sieve cloth from its scope, since this is covered under
Specification E 11. If a user has a specific application for industrial wire cloth that is not within the
scope of this specification, it is recommended that the wire cloth supplier be consulted.
1. Scope A 510 Specification for General Requirements for Wire
Rods and Coarse Round Wire, Carbon Steel
1.1 This specification covers industrial woven wire fabric,
A 555/A 555M Specification for General Requirements for
referred to as wire cloth, for general use including the
Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods
separation of particles. Wire cloth can be made of any primary
E 11 Specification for Wire Cloth and Sieves for Testing
metal or metal alloy wire that is suitable for weaving. This
specification does not apply to the following special types of
wire cloth: filter cloth or dutch weave (see Appendix X1),
3. Terminology
fourdrinier and cylinder cloth, galvanized hardware cloth,
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
insect wire screening, spiral weave wire cloth, testing sieve
3.1.1 aperture, n—the dimensions defining an opening in a
cloth, or welded wire cloth.
screening surface (see also width opening).
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units shall be regarded
3.1.2 bolting cloth, n—a specific group of commonly used
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
mesh and wire diameter combinations. They are covered
information only.
within this specification.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.1.3 coatings, n—the wire used for weaving wire cloth can
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
be coated, plated, or in some other way finished prior to
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
weaving, or wire cloth can be specified coated after weaving.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Consult with a supplier as to the applicability of this specifi-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
cation. Examples of possible coatings include, but are not
2. Referenced Documents limited to, metallic plated, such as, copper, nickel, tin, and so
forth, painted, or epoxy-coated or galvanized-steel wire cloth
2.1 ASTM Standards:
that has been coated with zinc either before or after weaving.
3.1.4 Types of Crimps:
ThisspecificationisunderthejurisdictionofASTMCommitteeE29onParticle crimp, n—the corrugation in the warp or shute wire,
and Spray Characterization and is the direct responsibility of E29.01 on Sieves,
or both. The crimp in the wires is formed either during the
Sieving Methods, and Screening Media.
weaving process, or with a crimping machine prior to weaving.
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2004. Published November 2004. Originally
If formed during the weaving process, the tension existing
approved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as E 2016 – 99
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
between the warp and shute wires fundamentally determines
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
the respective amount or depth of crimp, which locks the wires
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
in place and in part establishes the firmness of the wire cloth.
the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2016 – 99 (2004) double crimp, adj—wire cloth woven with approxi- lock crimp, adj—precrimped wire cloth with deep
mately equal corrugations in both the warp and shute wires to crimps at points of intersection to lock the wires securely in
lock the wires in position (see Fig. 1).
place (see Fig. 4). flat top, adj—wire cloth with deep crimps, as in lock precrimp, adj—wireclothwovenwithboththewarp
crimp, except that all crimps are on the underside of the cloth,
and shute wires crimped before weaving.
leaving the top surface all in one plane. Sometimes designated triple shute, adj—wire cloth woven with three shute
smooth top (see Fig. 2).
wires inserted adjacent to each other, often constructed in intermediate crimp, adj—precrimped wire cloth
conformance with precrimp rectangular.
with extra crimps or corrugations between the points or
3.1.5 market grade, n—a specific group of commonly used
intersection; sometimes designated intercrimp or multiple
crimp. The warp, or shute wires, or both, may be intermediate mesh and wire diameter combinations. They are covered
within this specification.
crimped (see Fig. 3).
FIG. 1 Double Crimp
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 2 Smooth Top
3.1.6 mesh, n—the number of wires or openings per linear
inch (25.4 mm), counted from the center of any wire to a point
OA = the percent open area;
exactly 1 in. (25.4 mm) distant, including the fractional M = the mesh warp;
distance between either thereof. M = the mesh shute;
D = the diameter warp wire; and,
3.1.7 mill grade, n—a specific group of commonly used
D = the diameter shute wire.
mesh and wire diameter combinations. They are covered
within this specification.
3.1.9 rectangular (off-count) mesh, n—either precrimp or
3.1.8 percent open area, n—the ratio of the area of the
double crimp wire cloth having a different number of wires in
openings to the total area expressed as a percentage. The
the warp and shute, producing rectangular openings. The
theoretical percent open area can be calculated as follows:
diameter of the warp and shute wires may be the same or
OA 5 ~12M D !~12M D !~100! (1) different.
w w s s
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 3 Intermediate Crimp
3.1.10 screen, n—a surface provided with apertures of 3.1.13 sieve cloth, n—wire cloth specified by width of
uniform size and shape; another term used interchangeably for opening based approximately on the fourth root of 2 Series.
woven wire cloth.
Sieve cloth is used generally for the determination of particle
3.1.11 selvage, n—the edge or border of wire cloth finished
off so as to prevent unraveling. Examples of finished edges
excludes sieve cloth from the scope, because it is covered
include looped selvage (see Fig. 5), folded selvage (see Fig. 6),
under Specification E 11.
cut and tucked (see Fig. 7), welded, plastic bonded, and
3.1.14 space cloth, n—wire cloth that is designated by the
bent-back picket, as opposed to a raw or cut edge (see Fig. 8).
width of the open spaces between the inside faces of adjacent
3.1.12 shute wires, n—the wires running the short way of,
parallel wires, expressed in inches or the metric equivalent (see
or across the cloth as woven (also referred to as the shoot, fill,
4.2 for the normal range of space cloth specifications).
or weft wires).
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 4 Lock Crimp
3.1.15 square mesh, n—wire cloth having the same number twill, adj—wire cloth in which the warp wires and
of wires in both the warp and shute.
shute wires pass over two and under two wires in both
3.1.16 Types of Weaves:
directions (see Fig. 10). herringbone twill, adj—wire cloth in which the
3.1.17 warp wires, n—thewiresrunningthelongwayofthe
direction of a twilled weave is reversed at regular intervals to
cloth as woven.
produce a striped or herringbone effect.
3.1.18 weight per unit area, n—the weight per square foot plain, adj—wire cloth in which the warp wires and
for wire cloth can be approximated (without consideration for
crimp) by the following equation:
(see Fig. 9).
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 5 Looped Edge
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 6 Folded Edge
2 2 2
3.1.19 width opening, n—distance between two parallel
Wt/ft 5~12 M ~12p ~D /4! r!! 1 ~12 M ~12p ~D /4! r!!
w w s s
adjacent warp or shute wires, measured in the projected plane.
The theoretical width of an opening in the direction of interest
can be calculated by subtracting the nominal wire diameter
2 2
Wt/ft = the weight (lb/ft );
from the reciprocal of the mesh in that direction as follows:
M = the mesh warp;
Opn 5 ~1/M! 2 D (3)
M = the mesh shute;
D = the diameter warp wire;
D = the diameter shute wire;
Opn = the width opening (in decimal parts of an inch);
r = the density of material (lb/in.) (0.2836 for plain or
M = the mesh; and,
carbon steel); and,
D = the diameter wire (in decimal parts of an inch).
p = the constant 3.1416, which for square mesh wire
The theoretical width of an opening can be calculated
similarly with SI units converting the pitch (1/M) to millime-
and shute reduces to:
2 tres by the multiplier factor 25.4 and subtracting the wire
Wt/ft 5 72prMD
diameter in millimetres.
which further reduces for plain steel to:
3.1.20 wire diameter, n—wire diameter shall be expressed
2 2
Wt/ft 5 64.15 MD
in decimal parts of an inch or the metric equivalent.
4. Wire Cloth Specifications
4.1 Normal Range of Double-Crimp, Square Mesh Wire
Wt/ft = the weight (lb) per square foot;
Cloth (expressed by mesh):
M = the mesh; and,
D = the diameter wire (in decimal parts of an inch).
4.1.1 Carbon Steel—For the normal range of woven wire
See Table 1 for a listing of conversion factors from plain cloth specifications for double-crimp, square mesh carbon
steel for various other metals and alloys. The theoretical steel, see Table 2.
mass/unit area can be calculated similarly with SI units or an 4.1.2 Stainless Steel—For the normal range of woven wire
approximate multiplier factor of 4.8824 can be used to obtain cloth specifications for double-crimp, square mesh stainless
kg/m . steel, see Table 3.
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 7 Cut and Tucked Edge
FIG. 8 Raw or Cut Edge
4.2 Normal Range of Space Cloth (expressed by width 5.2.1 Industrialwireclothcanbewovenfromagreatvariety
opening): of metals and alloys. For the purposes of tolerances as woven,
4.2.1 Carbon Steel—For the normal range of space cloth the following metals are applicable:
specifications for carbon steel, see Table 4. aluminum (5000 series);
4.2.2 Stainless Steel—For the normal range of space cloth brass;
specifications for stainless steel, see Table 5. carbon steel; copper;
5. Technical Requirements Monel;y
5.1 Wire Tolerances—The diameter tolerance for wire be- nickel;
fore weaving shall be in accordance with Table 6. It is phosphor bronze; and
recognized that mechanical deformation of the wire occurs stainless steel (300 and 400 series).
during weaving, and therefore, the diameter measured after
weaving only can be used as a guide of the original nominal 5.2.2 Wire cloth tolerances for other metals may or may not
diameter. be applicable depending on the particular specification and
5.2 Wire Cloth Tolerances: should be discussed with the supplier.
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 9 Plain Square Weave
5.2.3 Tolerances on Mesh—Tolerances in mesh count shall 5.3.3 Variation in Mesh—An area of wire cloth with mesh
be applied separately for warp and shute and in accordance count out of the tolerances shown in 5.2.3 shall be considered
with Table 7. a defective area.
5.2.4 TolerancesonopeningforspaceclothThetolerancein 5.3.4 Defective Opening—An irregular opening in an area
opening of space cloth shall be in accordance with Table 8. of wire cloth shall be considered a defect if the measured
5.3 Wire Cloth Blemishes: opening is out of tolerance as shown in Table 10 or Table 8 for
5.3.1 Wire cloth shall be woven with first-class workman- space cloth.
ship, although some blemishes or defects are inherent in the 5.4 Delivery Requirements—Except when specifically
weaving process. agreed to otherwise, the total quantity of wire cloth furnished
5.3.2 Permissible Number of Major Blemishes—Unlessoth- shall be within 6 10 % of the quantity ordered. The invoice
erwise agreed upon, the permissible number of major blem- shall be based on the actual quantity furnished. Any finishing
ishes or defects as defined in Annex A1 shall be as shown in or fabrication specified to wire cloth may or may not affect its
Table 9. The shute count shall determine the mesh category. delivered quality and should be discussed with the supplier.
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
FIG. 10 Twilled Square Weave
5.4.1 Roll—Astandard roll shall be 100 linear feet (30.5 m) 5.4.2 Width—Permissible tolerance in the width of standard
6 10 linear feet (3 m), and may consist of up to three pieces, wireclothrolls,exceptwhencuttospecificdimension,shallbe
no piece less than 10 linear feet (3 m). in accordance with Table 11. Unless otherwise specified, rolls
E 2016 – 99 (2004)
TABLE 1 Approximate Weight/ft —Multiplier Conversion Factors
width of opening cannot be applied since, after woven,
Multiplier Multiplier coatings will increase effectively the wire diameter and de-
Conversion Conversion
crease the opening.
Metal or Alloy Factor Metal or Alloy Factor
5.4.10 General—The percentage of yield of the cloth shall
Aluminum (EC) and 1100 0.346 NichromeT 1.052
be agreed on with the customer and will vary according to the
Aluminum (5056) 0.335 NichromeT I 1.017
specification and size of the product. If the quality or conform-
Brass, cartridge (70/30) 1.087 Nich

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