Standard Terminology Relating to Emergency Medical Services

1.1 Thisterminology covers standard definitions of terms which apply to all F-30 standards but which are more precise than common usage.

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ASTM F1177-96a - Standard Terminology Relating to Emergency Medical Services
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: F 1177 – 96a
Standard Terminology Relating to
Emergency Medical Services
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1177; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope or assisting role to the course instructor/coordinator. This
individual may substitute for the course instructor/
1.1 This terminology covers standard definitions of terms
coordinator in case of necessity or, in other courses, serves
which apply to all F-30 standards but which are more precise
as a course instructor/coordinator. F 1256, F 1257
than common usage.
basic life support—medically accepted non-invasive proce-
2. Terminology
dures used to sustain life.
basic life support/cardiopulmonary resuscitation (BLS/
2.1 Appropriate definitions for interpretation of terms used
CPR)—a set of skills that includes airway management,
in ASTM Emergency Medical Services standards shall be
chest compressions, and others as defined by the American
determined in the following order:
Heart Association. F 1254, F 1255, F 1287
2.1.1 Specific definitions of terminology or description of
call rotation—a system in which emergency medical re-
terms provided in the standard. These will apply to use of the
sponses are allocated sequentially to multiple providers.
term in that standard only.
clinical certification—a standardized process for evaluation
2.1.2 ASTM Standard Terminology Relating to Emergency
and recognition of an acceptable level of competence in a
Medical Services (Standard F-1177).
specific aspect of patient care. F 1256, F 1257
2.1.3 Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 16th Edition
clinical experience—exposure to and practice in an area of
(Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company, 1989).
patient care. F 1256, F 1257
2.1.4 Mosby’s Emergency Dictionary (St. Louis: C.V.
clinical/field preceptor—an individual who supervises and
Mosby Company, 1989).
evaluates the students during clinical or field experiences
2.2 Definitions:
under the direction of the course instructor/coordinator.
adjunct instructor—an individual with specialized subject
F 1256, F 1257
matter expertise, who, on occasion, instructs a specific topic
clinical medical practice—patient diagnosis and treatment,
of a curriculum under the direction of the course instructor/
including treatment protocols, which are the purview of
coordinator. F 1256, F 1257
qualified professionals (as determined by the state or other
advanced life support—medically accepted life sustaining,
appropriate authority).
invasive or non-invasive procedures; provided at the detec-
communication resource—an entity responsible for imple-
tion of a physician or other authorized health care provider.
mentation of direct medical direction and/or entities respon-
ambulance—a vehicle for transportation of the sick and
sible for response and scene two-way communication (a. k.
injured, equipped and staffed to provide emergency medical
a. medical control resource).
care during transit.
course administrator—an individual responsible for manag-
ambulance service—a qualified provider of medical transpor-
ing administrative details of a course, separate from actual
tation for patients requiring treatment and/or monitoring due
instruction of the course. F 1256, F 1257
to illness or injury.
course instructor/coordinator (I/C)—an individual who is
ambulance service provider—a person or organization, either
authorized by the appropriate entity to present and assess
public or private, responsible for operation, maintenance,
competence in all of the subject matter contained in a
and administation of an ambulance service.
curriculum. This person also oversees all instruction in the
associate instructor—an individual who possesses the quali-
course and makes final evaluations concerning student
fications and education/training of a course instructor/
competence. F 1256, F 1257
coordinator, but, in a specific course, assumes a supportive
definitive care—a level of therapeutic intervention capable of
providing comprehensive health care services for a specific
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-30 on
delegated practice—the medical activities of providers per-
Emergency Medical Services and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
formed under the authority and direction of a licensed
F30.06 on Terminology.
Current edition approved June 10 and Dec. 10, 1996. Published May 1997.
Originally published as F 1177 – 88. Last previous edition F 1177 – 94a.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
F 1177
direct medical control—the process of providing immediate or collection of medical transport services which provide
physician orders to EMS personnel through direct commu- transportation, treatment, and observation of patients for a
nication (a.k.a. on-line medical control, indirect medical specific geographic area.
direction). mutual aid—the furnishing of resources, from one individual
dispatch life support—the knowledge, procedures, and skills or agency to another individual or agency, including but not
used by trained emergency medical dispatchers in guiding limited to facilities, personnel, equipment, and services,
care by means of post-dispatch (pre-arrival) instruction to pursuant to an agreement with the individual or agency, for
callers. use within the jurisdiction of the individual or agency
EMS region—a defined geographic area used for EMS plan- requesting assistance.
ning, development, and coordination. on-line medical physician—a physician immediately avail-
emergency medical dispatcher (EMD)—a trained public able, when medically appropriate for communication of
safety telecommunicator with additional training and spe- medical direction to non-physician prehospital care provid-
cific emergency medical knowledge

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