Standard Test Method for Acoustic Emission for Insulated Aerial Personnel Devices

1.1 This test method describes a procedure for acoustic emission (AE) testing of insulated aerial personnel devices.  
1.1.1 Equipment Covered- This test method covers the following types of vehicle-mounted insulated aerial personnel devices: Extensible boom aerial personnel devices, Articulating boom aerial personnel devices, and Any combination of and  
1.1.2 Equipment Not Covered- This test method does not cover any of the following equipment: Noninsulated aerial devices, Material-handling aerial devices, Digger-derricks with platform, and Cranes with platform.  
1.2 The AE test method is used to detect and area-locate emission sources. Verification of emission sources may require the use of other nondestructive test (NDT) methods, such as radiography, ultrasonics, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, and visual inspection.
1.3 The values given in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for information only.  
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM F914-98 - Standard Test Method for Acoustic Emission for Insulated Aerial Personnel Devices
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Designation: F 914 – 98
Standard Test Method for
Acoustic Emission for Insulated Aerial Personnel Devices
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 914; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E 976 Guide for Determining the Reproducibility of Acous-
tic Emission Sensor Response
1.1 This test method covers a procedure for acoustic emis-
2.2 ANSI Standard:
sion (AE) testing of insulated aerial personnel devices.
ANSI A92.2 Standard for Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and
1.1.1 Equipment Covered—This test method covers the
Rotating Aerial Devices
following types of vehicle-mounted insulated aerial personnel
2.3 ASNT Standard:
ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A Extensible boom aerial personnel devices,
2.4 CARP/SPI Standard: Articulating boom aerial personnel devices, and
Recommended Practice for Acoustic Emission Testing of Any combination of and
Fiberglass Tanks-Vessels
1.1.2 Equipment Not Covered—This test method does not
2.5 EMI/MADDDC Standard:
cover any of the following equipment:
Nomenclature and Specifications for Truck-Mounted: Noninsulated aerial devices,
(a) Extensible Aerial Devices, Material-handling aerial devices,
(b) Articulating Aerial Devices, and Digger-derricks with platform, and
(c) Digger-Derricks Cranes with platform.
1.2 The AE test method is used to detect and area-locate
3. Terminology
emission sources. Verification of emission sources may require
3.1 Definitions:
the use of other nondestructive test (NDT) methods, such as
3.1.1 acoustic emission (AE)—the class of phenomena
radiography, ultrasonics, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant,
whereby elastic waves are generated by the rapid release of
and visual inspection.
energy from a localized source or sources within a material, or
1.3 The values given in inch-pound units are to be regarded
the transient elastic wave(s) so generated. Acoustic emission is
as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for
the recommended term for general use. Other terms that have
information only.
been used in AE literature include stress wave emission,
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
microseismic activity, and emission or acoustic emission with
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
other qualifying modifiers.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.1.2 aerial personnel device—any device extensible, ar-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
ticulating, or both, that is designed to position personnel.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.1.3 amplitude (acoustic emission signal amplitude)—the
2. Referenced Documents peak voltage of the largest excursion attained by the signal
wave form from an emission event.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.4 amplitude distribution—a display of the number of
E 569 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Struc-
acoustic emission events with signals that exceed an arbitrary
tures During Controlled Stimulation
3 amplitude as a function of amplitude.
E 610 Terminology Relating to Acoustic Emission
3.1.5 articulating-boom aerial device—an aerial device
E 650 Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission
2 with two or more hinged boom sections.
3.1.6 attenuation—loss of energy per unit distance.
E 750 Practice for Characterizing Acoustic Emission Instru-
2 3.1.7 channel—an input to the main AE instrument that
1 4
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-18 on Available from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St.,
Electrical Protective Equipment for Workers and is the direct responsibility of 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Subcommittee F18.55 on Acoustic Emission. Available from American Society of Nondestructive Testing, 4153 Arlingate
Current edition approved November 10, 1998. Published February 1999. Plaza, Caller #28518, Columbus, OH 43228.
Originally published as F 914 – 85. Last previous edition F 914 – 97. Available from the Society of Plastics Industry, 355 Lexington Ave., New York,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03. NY 10017.
3 7
Discontinued; see 1991 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03. Replaced Available from the Equipment Manufacturers’ Institute, 410 N. Michigan Ave.,
by Terminology E 1316. Chicago, IL 60611.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
F 914
accepts a preamplifier output. 3.1.21 signal (emission signal)—a signal obtained by detec-
3.1.8 commoned—two or more sensors interconnected such tion of one or more acoustic emission events.
3.1.22 For definitions of other terms in this test method,
that the sensor outputs are electronically processed by a single
channel without differentiation of sensor origin. (Synonym refer to Terminology E 610 and the FIEI document in 2.4.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard (see Figs.
1 and 2):
3.1.9 count (acoustic emission count), n—the number of
3.2.1 elbow—the structure connecting the upper boom to
times the acoustic emission signal amplitude exceeds a preset
the lower boom, about which one articulates relative to the
threshold during any selected portion of a test.
3.1.10 decibel (dB)—logarithmic expression of a ratio of
3.2.2 elbow pin—the horizontal pin about which the upper
two single peak amplitudes. A reference scale expresses the
boom rotates relative to the lower boom.
logarithmic ratio of a single peak amplitude to a fixed reference
3.2.3 lift cylinder—The hydraulic cylinder that lifts the
lower boom and the extensible boom(s).
Signal peak amplitude ~dB!5 20 log ~A /A !
10 1 0
3.2.4 lower boom—the structural member, attached to a
turntable or base, that supports the upper boom.
A = I μV at the sensor output (before amplification), and 3.2.5 lower boom cylinder—the hydraulic cylinder that
A = peak voltage of the measured acoustic emission
articulates the lower boom.
3.2.6 lower boom insulator—the part of the lower boom
made of high dielectric strength material (usually fiberglass
Acoustic Emission Reference Scale
Voltage at Voltage at Integral Preamp
reinforced plastic or equivalent).
dB Value Sensor Output Sensor Output (40 dB gain)
3.2.7 lower boom pin—the horizontal pin about which the
0 1 μV 100 μV
lower boom is raised and lowered relative to the turntable.
20 10 μV 1 mV
40 100 μV 10 mV
3.2.8 outriggers—the structural members that, when prop-
60 1 mV 100 mV
erly extended or deployed on firm ground, assist in stabilizing
80 10 mV 1 V
100 100 mV 10 V the vehicle on which the aerial device is mounted.
3.2.9 pedestal—the stationary base of the aerial device that
3.1.11 event (acoustic emission event)—a local material
supports the turntable.
change giving rise to acoustic emission.
3.2.10 platform—the personnel-carrying component of an
3.1.12 event count (Ne)—the number obtained by counting
aerial device, such as a bucket, basket, stand, or equivalent.
each discerned acoustic emission event once.
3.2.11 platform pin—the horizontal pin about which the
3.1.13 extensible-boom aerial device—an aerial device, ex-
platform rotates relative to the upper boom.
cept the aerial ladder type, with a telescopic or extensible
3.2.12 rated platform capacity—The maximum load as
stated by the manufacturer for which an aerial device is
3.1.14 first-hit—a mode of operation of AE monitoring
designed to operate, consisting of the combined weight of the
equipment in which an event occurring on one channel will
personnel and all items carried on or in the platform.
prevent all other channels from processing data for a specified
3.2.13 stabilizers—a means to assist in stabilizing the ve-
period of time. The channel with a sensor closest to the
hicle, such as outriggers, torsion bars, and spring lockouts.
physical location of the emission source will then be the only
3.2.14 turntable—the rotating base of the aerial device that
channel processing data from that source.
supports the booms.
3.1.15 insulated aerial device—an aerial device designed
3.2.15 upper boom—the structural member, attached to the
with dielectric components to meet a specific electrical insu-
lower boom, that supports the platform.
lation rating.
3.2.16 upper boom cylinder—the hydraulic cylinder that
3.1.16 insulator—any part of an aerial device such as, but
articulates the upper boom.
not limited to, the upper boom, lower boom or supporting
3.2.17 upper boom drive mechanism—means, such as link-
structure, made of a material having a high dielectric strength,
age, cables, sheaves and gears, used to produce upper boom
usually FRP or the equivalent.
3.1.17 noise—any undesired signal that tends to interfere
3.2.18 upper boom tip—the end of the upper boom to which
with the normal reception or processing of the desired signal.
the platform is attached.
3.1.18 non-overcenter—the feature of an aerial device
4. Summary of Test Method
where the upper boom cannot travel past vertical orientation
with respect to the ground.
4.1 This test method consists of applying a predetermined
3.1.19 overcenter—the feature of an aerial device where the
load to an insulated aerial personnel device while it is being
upper boom travels past vertical orientation with respect to the monitored by sensors that are sensitive to acoustic emissions
(AE) caused by active defects. These acoustic emmissions can
3.1.20 qualified personnel—personnel who, by possession be generated by, but are not limited to, the following: crack
of a recognized degree, certificate, professional standing, or nucleation movement or propagation in the metal components;
skill, and who, by knowledge, training, and experience, have or matrix crazing, delamination or fiber breakage of the
demonstrated the ability to deal with problems relating to the fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) material; or both.
subject matter, the work, or the project. 4.2 The insulated aerial personnel device is loaded at a
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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F 914
FIG. 1 Articulating Aerial Device Nomenclature Diagram
uniform rate until a predetermined load is reached, which is method shall be evaluated by either more refined acoustic
held for a period of time. The load is removed and the cycle is
emission test methods or other nondestructive techniques
repeated. Acoustic emissions are monitored during both cycles
(visual, liquid penetrant, radiography, ultrasonics, magnetic
and the data are evaluated.
particle, etc.). Other nondestructive tests may be required to
4.3 The test load used during an acoustic emission test on an
locate defects present in insulated aerial personnel devices.
insulated aerial personnel device shall be two times the rated
5.5 Defective areas found in insulated aerial personnel
platform capacity.
devices by this test method should be repaired and retested as
appropriate. Repair procedure recommendations are outside
5. Significance and Use
the scope of this test method.
5.1 This test method provides a means of evaluating acous-
tic emissions generated by the rapid release of energy from
6. Personnel Qualifications
localized sources within an insulated aerial personnel device
under controlled loading. The resultant energy releases occur 6.1 This test method shall be performed by qualified per-
during intentional application of a controlled predetermined sonnel. Qualification shall be in accordance with an established
load. These energy releases can be monitored and interpreted written program, consistent with the established format of
by qualified individuals.
ASNT SNT-TC-IA for training, qualification, and certification
5.2 This test method permits testing of the major compo-
of personnel for conducting AE testing of insulated aerial
nents of an insulated aerial personnel device under controlled
personnel devices.
loading. This test method utilizes objective criteria for evalu-
NOTE 1—Personnel performing subsequent nondestructive evaluation
ation and may be discontinued at any time to investigate a
(visual, liquid penetrant, radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic particle, etc.)
particular area of concern or prevent a fault from continuing to
on aerial devices shall be certified in accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-IA
ultimate failure.
5.3 This test method provides a means of detecting acoustic
6.2 Acoustic emission test personnel shall be familiar with
emission sources that may be defects or irregularities, or both,
affecting the structural integrity or intended use of the aerial the design, manufacture, and operation of insulated aerial
personnel device. personnel devices. Relevant information is contained in ANSI
5.4 Sources of acoustic emission found with this test A92.2 and manufacturers’ operating and service manuals.
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F 914
NOTE 2—Experience has shown that a minimum of eight channels of
data acquisition is required. The instrument should be capable of recording
the following: time, events, counts, amplitude and load. Hard copy records
shall be provided by the instrument or available through a direct interface.
NOTE 3—A maximum of two sensors may be commoned on any one
8. Test Preparation
8.1 Prior to the AE test, perform a visual observation of the
aerial lift device to ensure that the components to be tested are
free from any condition that may prohibit the test or adversely
affect test results.
8.2 The components to be monitored in an insulated aerial
personnel device shall include but not be limited to those
specified in Table 1. Additional channels and sensors may be
used to supplement the minimum test requirements and im-
prove location resolution.
8.3 Position the sensors on the FRP and metal portions of
the components identified in Table 1. The extent of the
coverage is determined by the number of sensors used and the
attenuation characteristics of the individual components, and
can be veri

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