Standard Specification for Fire Hose Nozzles

1.1 This specification covers the design, manufacture and testing of fire hose nozzles intended for use with sea water or fresh water either in straight stream or adjustable spray patterns.  
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.

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ASTM F1546/F1546M-96(2001) - Standard Specification for Fire Hose Nozzles
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AnAmerican National Standard
Designation: F 1546/F 1546M – 96 (Reapproved 2001)
Standard Specification for
Fire Hose Nozzles
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1546/F1546M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 3.1.2 break apart—a feature that allows the nozzle tip to be
disconnected from the nozzle body by virtue of a coupling
1.1 This specification covers the design, manufacture, and
identical to that on the hose end of the nozzle.
testing of fire hose nozzles intended for use with sea water or
3.1.3 constant flow rate spray nozzle—an adjustable pattern
fresh water either in straight stream or adjustable spray
nozzle in which the flow is delivered at a designed nozzle
pressure. At the rated pressure, the nozzle will deliver a
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
constant flow rate from straight stream through a wide angle
pattern.This is accomplished by maintaining a constant orifice
2. Referenced Documents
size during flow pattern adjustment.
3.1.4 constant pressure (automatic) spray nozzle—an ad-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
justable pattern nozzle in which the pressure remains constant
A 313/A 313M Specification for Stainless Steel Spring
through a range of flows rates. The constant pressure provides
the velocity for an effective stream reach at various flow rates.
A580/A580M Specification for Stainless Steel Wire
This is accomplished by means of a pressure-activated, self-
A582/A582M Specification for Free-Machining Stainless
adjusting orifice baffle.
Steel Bars
3.1.5 constant/select flow rate feature—anozzlefeaturethat
B117 Practice for Operating a Salt Spray (Fog)Apparatus
allows on-site adjustment of the orifice to change the flow rate
D395 Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression
to a predetermined value. The flow rate remains constant
throughout the range of pattern selection from straight stream
D412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-
to wide angle spray.
plastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension
3.1.6 free swivel coupling—a coupling between the nozzle
D572 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration by Heat and
and hose or between halves of a break-apart nozzle that is
capable of being turned readily by hand; that is, a spanner
D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
wrench is not required to tighten the coupling to prevent
2.2 NFPA Standards:
NFPA1963 Standards for Screw Threads and Gaskets for
3.1.7 flush—afeatureinanozzlethatallowstheorificetobe
Fire Hose Connections
opened so that small debris that might otherwise be trapped in
3. Terminology
the nozzle, causing pattern disruptions and flow variation, can
pass through. When the flush feature is engaged, the nozzle
3.1 Definitions:
pressure will drop and the pattern will deteriorate.
3.1.1 ball shut-off—a spray nozzle configuration that stops
3.1.8 lever-type control—a control in which the handle
the flow of water through the nozzle by rotating the ball
operates along the axis of the nozzle.
through which the water flows so that the passage no longer
3.1.9 pistol grip— a feature usually available as an attach-
aligns with the nozzle flow passage.
ment that allows a nozzle to be held like a pistol.
3.1.10 rated pressure—thatpressureforwhichthenozzleis
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F25 on Ships
designed to operate at a specified flow rate(s).
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.07 on
3.1.11 rotational-type control—a control that rotates in a
General Requirements.
plane perpendicular to the axis of the nozzle.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1996. Published October 1997. Originally
published as F1546-94. Last previous edition F1546-94.
4. Classification
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02.
4.1 Marine fire hose nozzles may be classified into four
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.
general construction types, as follows:
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
NFPA 1963 may be ordered by contacting the National Fire Protection 4.1.1 Type I—Pistol grip, lever-type control operated.
Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.
Copyright ©ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959, United States.
F 1546/F 1546M
4.1.2 Type II—Nonpistol grip, lever-type control operated. Tensile strength, ultimate elongation, and tensile set
4.1.3 Type III—Break apart, pistol grip, lever-type control shall be determined in accordance with Test Methods D412,
operated. Method A, except that, for tensile set determinations, the
4.1.4 Type IV—Break apart, nonpistol grip, lever-type con- elongation shall be maintained for only 3 min, and the tensile
trol operated. set shall be measured 3 min after release of the specimen. The
4.2 Nozzle types may be subdivided into three general elongationofaspecimenforatensilesetdeterminationistobe
classes, as follows: such that the bench marks 25 mm apart become separated to a
4.2.1 Class I—Constant flow rate. distance of 76 mm.
4.2.2 Class II—Constant/select flow rate. If a specimen breaks outside the bench marks, or if
4.2.3 Class III—Constant pressure. either the measured tensile strength or ultimate elongation of
4.3 Classes may be subdivided into two general sizes, as the specimen is less than the required value, an additional
follows: specimen shall be tested, and those results shall be considered
4.3.1 Size 38 mm, with free swivel base. final. Results of tests for specimens that break in the curved
4.3.2 Size 64 mm, with free swivel base. portion just outside the bench marks may be accepted if the
measured strength and elongation values are within the mini-
5. Ordering Information
mum requirements.
5.1 The following shall be specified when ordering: 6.2.2 Compression Set Test:
5.1.1 Quantity, Type I specimens of the material shall be prepared
5.1.2 Type (see 4.1), andthetestconductedinaccordancewithTestMethodsD395,
5.1.3 Class (see 4.2), Method B. The specimens shall be exposed for 22 h at 22°C.
5.1.4 Size (see 4.3), 6.2.3 Accelerated Aging Test:
5.1.5 Material (see 6.1.2, 9.8.1 and 12) Specimens shall be prepared in the same manner as
5.1.6 Thread type for tensile strength and ultimate elongation and ultimate
elongation tests, except for the bench marks 25 mm apart that
6. Material and Manufacture
shall be stamped on the specimen after the test exposure. The
6.1 Materials: exposure shall be conducted in accordance with Test Method
6.1.1 All nozzle components and parts must be durable and
demonstratesatisfactoryoperationduringallperformancetests All materials must retain not less than 70% of the
as-received tensile strength and ultimate elongation after the
in Section 9.
6.1.2 The nozzle body and any metal used in the construc- accelerated aging test.
tion of any part of the nozzle shall be corrosion resistant. 6.2.4 Silicone rubber (rubber having polyorganosiloxane as
Copperalloyscontainingmorethan15%zincareprohibitedin itscharacteristicconstituent)shallhaveatensilestrengthofnot
all parts that are in contact with the fluid flow. No aluminum less than 3.5 MPa and at least 100% ultimate elongation as
alloys may be used except for nozzles being operated exclu- determined in accordance with 9.3.2.
sively with fresh water. No ferrous material may be used
6.2.5 Sealing material other than silicone rubber shall have
except for the Type 300 series stainless steel for wire and a tensile strength of not less than 10 MPa and at least 200%
springs in accordance with Specifications A313/A313M or
ultimate elongation as determined in accordance with 6.2.1.
A580/A580M and for screws and pins in accordance with
Specification A582/A582M.
7. Configuration
6.1.3 Allnonmetallicmaterialsorsyntheticelastomersused
7.1 All nozzles shall consist of the following components
to form a seal or gasket shall have the following properties:
and design: uniform dimensions,
7.1.1 Nozzle body, beofsuchsize,shape,andresiliencyastowithstand
7.1.2 Free swivel coupling,
ordinary usage and foreign matter carried by water, including
7.1.3 Shutoffs,
petrochemical solvents and high alkaline solutions such as
7.1.4 Shutoff seats,
those used for cleaning nozzles (see 6.2), and
7.1.5 Shutoff handle, be able to withstand ozone and ultraviolet light
7.1.6 Bumper guard,
exposure if used on the external portion of the nozzle.
7.1.7 Seals,
6.1.4 All materials shall have tensile set of not more than 5
7.1.8 Flushing feature,
mm as determined in accordance with 6.2.1, and compression
7.1.9 Pistol grip (optional), and
7.1.10 Break apart feature (optional).
6.2 Specific Requirements for Rubber Sealing Materials:
7.2 Nozzles shall be provided with a lever-type control
6.2.1 Tensile Strength, Ultimate Elongation, and Tensile Set
shutoff handle which shall be in the closed position when the
handle is closest to the discharge end of the nozzle. Lever-type
control of the flow rate must also be by means of the shutoff
Nozzle material should be galvanically compatible with the intended fire hose
7.2.1 The inside clearances of the shutoff handle shall be a
Threads should conform to a recognized industry standard such as NFPA1963. minimum of 75 mm wide by 25 mm high.
F 1546/F 1546M
7.2.2 The shutoff handle shall be of such a size that the 9.3 Nonmetallic components shall be subjected to the fol-
operator’s hand in a fireman’s glove and closed on the handle lowing specific testing:
does not interfere with the operation of the shutoff handle in
9.3.1 Aging Exposure:
any position. Aging tests shall be performed before all other tests
7.3 Spraypatternadjustmentshallbebymeansofrotational
identified in this standard.
controls. Rotational controls shall traverse from a wide angle The specimens shall be subjected to air-oven aging
for 180 days at 70°C and then allowed to cool at least 24 h in
air at 25°C and 50% relative humidity.
The wide and narrow angle spray patterns shall be enhanced At the conclusion of the test, the specimens shall be
with an impinging action by means of a minimum of one and
inspected and all functions shall be operated to ensure they
the discharge orifice.
interferes with the proper operation of any specimen shall
7.4 Nozzles shall have a capability of clearing or flushing
constitute failure of this test.
debris from the nozzle without shutting down the hose line.
9.3.2 Ultraviolet Light-Water Exposure:
This may be accomplished either through the full open nozzle Nozzle designs with exposed nonmetallic parts shall
position or through a flush feature of the nozzle.
be subjected to ultraviolet light and water for 720 h.
7.4.1 If used, the flush feature shall have a separate control, The ultraviolet light shall be obtained from two
incorporate a detent, or shall required increased force to
stationary enclosed carbon-arc lamps. The arc of each lamp is
operate, to indicate to the firefighter when the flush feature is
being engaged.
7.5 All features and controls shall be operable by one hand
787 mm in diameter and 450 mm in height. Each arc is to be
of the operator while the other hand is holding the nozzle.
enclosed with a number PX Pyrex-glass globe.
7.6 A bumper shall be provided at the discharge end of the The water shall conform to Type IV water in
Specification D1193.
shall not extend past the bumper in any of the flow positions The specimens are to be mounted vertically on the
including flush.
inside of the revolvable cylinder, arcing the lamps, and the
7.7 Thepistolgrip,ifoneisprovided,shallhavefourfinger
cylinder continuously revolved around the stationary lamps at
notches on the tip side and the minimum span and width shall
be suitable for use with a hand wearing a typical fireman’s
During the operating cycle, each specimen is to be exposed to
7.8 Couplings shall be of a free swivel type.
7.9 Each nozzle shall be provided with a resilient gasket
(total 20 min). The air temperature within the revolving
fitted in the nozzle coupling recess. The gasket shall have
cylinder of the apparatus during operations is to be maintained
dimensions in accordance with NFPA 1963. Type III and IV
at 65°C.
nozzles shall incorporate an additional gasket to accommodate At the conclusion of the test, the specimens shall be
the break-apart feature.
inspected and all functions shall be operated to ensure they
7.10 Nozzles for use with 38-mm hoses shall weigh not
operate properly. Cracking, crazing, or any other condition
more than 4.53 kg. Nozzles for use with 64-mm hoses shall
which interferes with the proper operation of any specimen
weigh not more than 5.9 kg.
shall constitute failure of this test.
7.11 Shutoff seats shall be self-adjusting or shall be adjust-
9.4 Discharge Calibration Test:
able without disassembly of the nozzle.
9.4.1 Constant flow rate specimens shall flow the rated
7.12 All features which incorporate a stop, detent, separate
discharge, plus 10%, minus 0%, measured at rated pressure,
control, or increased force to engage shall be clearly labeled,
through the entire range of pattern setting from straight stream
including the open and shutoff positions, pattern selection, and
to wide angle spray.
flow rate selection.
9.4.2 Constant/select flow rate specimens shall flow the
8. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance
rated discharge, plus 10%, minus 0%, measured at rated
pressure, for each flow rate selection through the entire range
8.1 All parts and assemblies of the nozzle including cast-
of pattern setting from straight stream to wide angle spray.
ings, forgings, molded parts, stampings, bearings, machined
9.4.3 Constant flow rate specimens and select flow rate
surfaces and welded parts shall be clean and free from sand,
specimens are to be installed on a

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