ASTM E783-02(2010)
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
This test method is a standard procedure for determining the air leakage characteristics of installed exterior windows and doors under specified static air pressure differences.
Note 1—The air pressure differences acting across a building envelope vary greatly. The factors affecting air pressure differences and the implications of the resulting air leakage relative to the environment within buildings are discussed in the literature. , , These factors should be fully considered in specifying the test pressure differences to be used.
Rates of air leakage are sometimes used for comparison purposes. Such comparisons may not be valid unless the components being tested and compared are of essentially the same size, configuration, and design.
Rates of air leakage of essentially identical windows or doors, as determined in the laboratory (Test Method E283) and as measured in the field by this test method, have sometimes been used for comparison purposes. The correlation between the laboratory and field test results, and the correlation between actual performance of in-service products and the response to these tests has not been established because of insufficient data.
Rates of air leakage, as determined by this test method may be affected by: the age or physical condition of the test specimen; the type or quality of installation; the care exercised in the attachment of the test apparatus and the determination of extraneous leakage; and the actual conditions to which the test specimen is exposed beyond those imposed by the test method, that is temperature, relative humidity, wind impingement, etc. Consideration must be given to the proper selection of test specimens, the choice of appropriate test technique (when a choice is given within this test method), and the proper use and interpretation of the results obtained from this test to minimize the effect of these conditions.
Rates of air leakage, as determined by this test method may include air leakage that doe...
1.1 This test method provides a field procedure for determining the air leakage rates of installed exterior windows and doors.
1.2 This test method is applicable to exterior windows and doors and is intended to measure only such leakage associated with the assembly and not the leakage through openings between the assemblies and adjacent construction. The test method can be adapted for the latter purpose, provided the potential paths of air movement and the sources of infiltration and exfiltration can be identified, controlled, or eliminated.
1.3 This test method attempts to create and given set of natural environmental conditions. There is a strong possibility that the test method or the test apparatus may, by virtue of their design and use, induce air leakage that does not occur under natural environmental exposure.
1.4 This test method is intended for the field testing of installed exterior windows or doors. Persons interested in laboratory testing of fenestration products should reference Test Method E283.
1.5 Persons using this procedure should be knowledgeable in the area of fluid mechanics and instrumentation practices, and shall have a general understanding of fenestration products and components.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific precautionary statements, see Section 7.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: E783 − 02 (Reapproved 2010)
Standard Test Method for
Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed
Exterior Windows and Doors
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E783; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This test method provides a field procedure for deter- 2.1 ASTM Standards:
mining the air leakage rates of installed exterior windows and E283Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage
doors. Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors
Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Speci-
1.2 This test method is applicable to exterior windows and
doors and is intended to measure only such leakage associated
E631Terminology of Building Constructions
with the assembly and not the leakage through openings
between the assemblies and adjacent construction. The test
3. Terminology
method can be adapted for the latter purpose, provided the
3.1 Definitions—Terms used in this test method are defined
potential paths of air movement and the sources of infiltration
in Terminology E631.
and exfiltration can be identified, controlled, or eliminated.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.3 This test method attempts to create and given set of
3.2.1 air leakage rate (q or q )—theairleakageperunitof
natural environmental conditions. There is a strong possibility
specimen area (A) or per unit length of operable crack
3 2 3 2 3
perimeter (L), expressed as m/s−m (ft /min−ft ), or m /
design and use, induce air leakage that does not occur under
s−m(ft /min−ft).
natural environmental exposure.
3.2.2 extraneous air leakage (Q)—the volume of air
1.4 This test method is intended for the field testing of
flowing per unit of time through the test chamber and test
installed exterior windows or doors. Persons interested in
apparatus, exclusive of the air flowing through the test
laboratory testing of fenestration products should reference
specimen, under a test pressure difference and test temperature
Test Method E283. 3
difference, converted to standard conditions, expressed in m /s
1.5 Persons using this procedure should be knowledgeable
(ft /min).
in the area of fluid mechanics and instrumentation practices, Discussion—Extraneous leakage is the sum of all
leakage other than that intended to be measured by the test.
and components.
3.2.3 specimen air leakage (Q )—the volume of air flowing
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as per unit of time through the specimen, under a test pressure
difference and test temperature difference, converted to stan-
standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
3 3
conversions to inch-pound units that are provided for informa- dard conditions, expressed in m /s (ft /min).
tion only and are not considered standard.
3.2.4 specimen area (A)—theareadeterminedbytheoverall
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the dimensions of the frame that fits into the rough opening,
2 2
expressed as m (ft ).
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.2.5 test pressure differences—the specified differential
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
static air pressure across the specimen, expressed as Pa
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific
(lbf/ft ).
precautionary statements, see Section 7.
3.2.6 test specimen—the assembled window or door unit as
installed in the exterior wall of a building. The test specimen
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on
Performance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.51
on Performance of Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2010. Published November 2010. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as E783–02. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/E0783-02R10. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E783 − 02 (2010)
consistsofthemajorcomponentsoftheassembly,includingall specimenisexposedbeyondthoseimposedbythetestmethod,
joints, cracks, or openings between such components and any that is temperature, relative humidity, wind impingement, etc.
panning, receptors, extenders, sills, mullions, or other parts or Consideration must be given to the proper selection of test
components used for assembly and installation. The test specimens, the choice of appropriate test technique (when a
specimen excludes any joints, cracks, or openings between the choiceisgivenwithinthistestmethod),andtheproperuseand
assemblyandanyinteriororexteriortrimthatisnotanintegral interpretation of the results obtained from this test to minimize
partofthesystem,andexcludesanyjoints,cracks,oropenings the effect of these conditions.
between the assembly and the adjacent wall construction.
5.5 Rates of air leakage, as determined by this test method
3.2.7 total air flow (Q)—the volume of air flowing per unit
may include air leakage that does not occur during normal
operation and exposure, or that does not contribute to the
the air flowing through the test specimen, under a test pressure
overall air leakage for the structure.Air may be supplied to or
difference and test temperature difference, converted to stan-
exhausted from wall cavities or adjacent construction, or may
3 3
dard conditions, expressed in m /s (ft /min).
bypass interior or exterior trim or components in a manner not
experienced during normal operation or exposure. Care must
3.2.8 unit length of operable crack perimeter (L)—the sum
be taken to prevent such leakage from occurring, or consider-
of all perimeters of operable ventilators, sash, or doors con-
ation must be given that such leakage may have occurred
tained in the test specimen, based on the overall dimensions of
during the test.
such parts, expressed in m (ft). Where two suchoperable parts
5.6 This test method addresses the issue of air leakage
only one length.
through the high pressure face of the test specimen only. Air
leakage from the adjacent wall cavity through sill, head, and
4. Summary of Test Method
jambs of the window frame is considered extraneous air
leakage and, therefore, not a component of the measured
4.1 The test consists of sealing a chamber to cover the
interior or exterior face of a test specimen, supplying air to or specimen air leakage. Such extraneous air leakage through the
exhausting air from the chamber at a rate required to maintain
the specified test pressure difference across the specimen, and of air leakage into, or out of, the building if the frame is not
sealed against air infiltration from the adjacent wall cavity.
measuring the resultant air flow across the specimen.
6. Apparatus
5. Significance and Use
6.1 The description of the apparatus in this section is
5.1 Thistestmethodisastandardprocedurefordetermining
general in nature (see Fig. 1). Any suitable arrangement of
doors under specified static air pressure differences.
NOTE 1—The air pressure differences acting across a building envelope
vary greatly. The factors affecting air pressure differences and the
buildings are discussed in the literature. These factors should be fully
considered in specifying the test pressure differences to be used.
5.2 Rates of air leakage are sometimes used for comparison
purposes. Such comparisons may not be valid unless the
components being tested and compared are of essentially the
same size, configuration, and design.
5.3 Rates of air leakage of essentially identical windows or
as measured in the field by this test method, have sometimes
been used for comparison purposes. The correlation between
actual performance of in-service products and the response to
5.4 Rates of air leakage, as determined by this test method
may be affected by: the age or physical condition of the test
specimen; the type or quality of installation; the care exercised
extraneous leakage; and the actual conditions to which the test
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 1989.
Fluid Meters—Their Theory and Application, 5th Edition, 1959.
Chapter 4, “Flow Measurements,” Power Test Code, 2nd Edition, Part 5, 1956
. FIG. 1 General Arrangement of Air Leakage Test Apparatus
E783 − 02 (2010)
equipment capable of maintaining the required test tolerances 8.2 Air Leakage Rate—Basis for reporting air leakage rate
3 3
is permitted. shall be total air leakage m /h (ft /min), per unit length of
3 3
6.1.1 test chamber—achamberformedbysealingasheetof operable crack perimeter, m /h−m (ft /min−ft), and per unit
3 2 3 2
plywood,plastic,orothersuitablematerialagainsttheframeof area of outside frame dimension, m/h−m (ft /min−ft ).
the test specimen.At no time during the test shall the sheet or
8.3 The testing agency shall supply the following informa-
any other part of the testing assembly, come in contact with or
restrict any point where air leakage may occur. At least one
8.3.1 Whetherthetestchamberwillbeaffixedtotheinterior
static air pressure tap shall be provided on each side of the
or exterior side of the test specimen, and
specimen to measure the chamber pressure versus the ambient
8.3.2 Whetherthetest(s)willbeconductedusingpositiveor
negative static air pressure differences.
reading is unaffected by outdoor impinging wind, or by the air
supply to or exhaust from the test chamber. The air supply
9. Sampling, Test Specimens, and Test Units
opening to the chamber shall be located in an area in which it
9.1 Determinethenumberofspecimenstobetestedandthe
does not directly impinge upon the test specimen.
6.1.2 supply air system—a controllable blower, exhaust fan,
specimens according to the following:
or reversible blower designed to provide the required air flow
9.1.1 The intended use of the test results;
at the specified test pressure difference. The system should
9.1.2 The expected or estimated variation in results from
provide essentially constant air flow at the specified test
test specimen to test specimen;
pressure difference for a time period sufficient to obtain
9.1.3 The level of confidence desired in extrapolating the
readings of air flow.
test results to specimens not tested.
6.1.3 pressure measuring apparatus—a device to measure
the differential test pressures to 62% of setpoint or 62.5 Pa 9.2 Establish specific limitations or requirements for the
(60.01 in. of water column), whichever is greater. repair, adjustment, or modification of test specimens prior to
6.1.4 air flow metering system—a device to measure the air testing.
flow measurement error shall not exceed 65% when the air
ing test specimen sampling, selection, and identification procedures, such
−4 3 3
flow equals or exceeds 9.44×10 m /s (2 ft /min) or 610%
procedures should be mutually agreed upon by all parties involved prior
−4 3 3
to testing.
whentheairflowislessthan9.44 ×10m /s(2ft /min).(The
reference listed in AnnexA1 presents background information
10. Preparation of Test Specimen
on fluid metering practices.)
10.1 Select and identify the test specimen in accordance
NOTE 2—At lower flows a greater percentage of errors will be
with the procedures established in 8.1.1 and 9.
acceptable. If higher precision is required, special flow metering tech-
niques are necessary. The accuracy of the specimen air leakage flow
10.2 Conduct a detailed visual examination of the test
measurement is affected by the accuracy of the flowmeter and the amount
specimen and the construction adjacent to the test specimen.
of extraneous air leakage. (See Annex A1).
Record all pertinent observations.
7. Hazards
NOTE 5—The purpose of this examination is to record the physical
condition of the test specimen and adjacent construction at the time of
7.1 Glass breakage may occur at the test pressure differ-
testing. Examples of pertinent observations to be recorded include: any
damage or deterioration observed; missing or broken components; mis-
to protect personnel, observers, and bystanders.
alignment or misadjustment of weatherstrip or other components; clean-
liness of the test specimen; out-of-square installation; etc.
when tests are conducted to measure exfiltration. The choice of whether
10.3 Record any repairs, modifications, or adjustments
the test chamber is affixed to the interior or exterior side of the test
specimen, and whether the tests are conducted using positive or negative
measured results.
static air pressure can aid in the protection.
10.4 Make certain that the test specimen, and specifically
8. Test Conditions
that all weatherstrip, is thoroughly dried prior to testing.
8.1 The specifying authority shall supply the following
NOTE 6—The results of this test may be significantly affected by the
information: presence of water within the test specimen. The test should not be
conducted immediately after a rain, window washing, or other condition
8.1.1 Test specimen sampling, selection, and identification
where water can be retained by the test specimen.
(see Section 9).
8.1.2 Test pressure difference(s) if no value is designated,
11. Preparation of Test Apparatus
75 Pa (1.57 lb/ft ).
11.1 Fit the test chamber to the perimeter of the test
8.1.3 Standard Test Co
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