ASTM D3836-94(1999)
(Practice)Standard Practice for Evaluation of Automotive Polish
Standard Practice for Evaluation of Automotive Polish
1.1 This practice covers testing properties and apparatus used in evaluating the performance of automotive polishes. This practice is applicable to products that are commonly referred to as car/auto wax, cleaner wax, polish, etc.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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Designation:D3836–94 (Reapproved 1999)
Standard Practice for Evaluation of
Automotive Polish
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3836; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4.3 Test Substrates—The test substrate shall be one for
1.1 This practice covers testing properties and apparatus
be in good physical condition, not badly cracked, scratched, or
used in evaluating the performance of automotive polishes.
otherwise damaged so as to interfere with evaluation of polish
This practice is applicable to products that are commonly
properties. The minimum test surface area for each sample
referred to as car/auto wax, cleaner wax, polish, etc.
2 2
shall be 1290 cm (200 in. ).
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
NOTE 1—It is important to select a test substrate for which a particular
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
polish is intended. For example, if a particular polish is intended for a
certain make of car only, then the test substrate should be similar.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
NOTE 2—Standard paint panels that were previously available through
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
ASTM have been discontinued as of January 1, 1988. It became very
2. Terminology
2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
requires that the test substrate be one for which the test polish is intended,
2.1.1 automotive polish—aids in cleaning and improving
it is in the best interest of the user of this practice to determine and obtain
the appearance of automobile finishes.
Polishes suggests if further assistance is needed in determining or
3. Significance and Use
obtaining appropriate test substrates that contact be made with automotive
paint manufacturers, automobile manufacturers, and/or re-painting tech-
3.1 This practice is intended to define the properties to be
nology specialists.
tested, the apparatus to use, and the comparisons of product
4.4 Polishing Cloth—The same type and size of polishing
performance. It is recognized that considerable discretion
cloth shall be used with each sample tested. Separate cloths
exists among formulators and marketers of automotive polish
shall be used for each sample. Materials such as washed cheese
on what properties or performance characteristics are best for
cloth, rumple cloth, flannel, cotton diaper cloth, and nonwoven
their products. This practice is flexible enough to honor this
fabrics are suitable for this purpose. Felt or paper shall not be
fact within the confines of the automotive polish definition
4.5 Cleaning Solvent:
3.2 Thetestmethodsaresubjectiveandempiricalinorderto
4.5.1 Aliphatic solvents with kauri butanol values less than
flexibility in testing.
4.5.2 Water/isopropanol (70/30).
4. Apparatus and Materials
4.6 Eye Droppers and Distilled or Deionized Water.
4.7 Masking Tape, with a 9.5-mm ( ⁄8-in.) width.
4.1 Sample of Polish to be tested.
4.8 Thermometer.
4.2 Sample of Control Polish—The control polish is se-
4.9 Humidity Gage.
lected subjectively for comparison to the test polish. It may be
a competitive product, a modified formulation of the test
5. Test Conditions
5.1 The temperature and relative humidity of the test runs
formulated to perform different functions.This should be taken
shall be measured and recorded. The temperature shall be
into account when interpreting results and choosing the control
within 13 to 29°C (55 to 85°F) with a relative humidity of 20
to 80 %.
5.2 The substrate shall have the same temperature as the
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-21 on Polishes
surrounding area.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D21.04 on Performance Tests.
Current edition approved Nov. 15, 1994. Published January 1995. Originally
published as D 3836 – 79. Last previous edition D 3836 – 89a.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D3836–94 (1999)
6. Personnel and Instructions These four positionings should be written on tags and drawn
randomly by each of the four who apply the polishes.
6.1 The application and evaluation of the test and control
polishes require four individuals. They shall be capable of
9. Evaluation
making discriminating judgements of subjective physical and
9.1 General—Comparison is made between the test polish
aesthetic properties. Training and orientation to specific prod-
and the control.
uct performance characteristics may be required.
9.2 Application Properties—During the application of the
6.2 The four persons each apply the polishes to one of the
polish begin the first phase of evaluation. In each case compare
four test substrates. All persons then rate all properties except
the test polish and the control. Evaluate all or any number of
application properties on the remaining (three) substrates to
the following properties:
which they did not apply polish. The persons applying the
9.2.1 Ease of Application—During the application of the
polishes rate ease of use and other application properties. This
polishes note the ease of wetting, spreadability, and absence of
means there will be only four readings on application proper-
ties. The three rating the other polish properties do not observe
9.2.2 Cleaning—Following the application of the polishes
the application because they rate properties of each polish
inspect the discoloration, if any, on applicators (towels). Also
note the effect of applying the polishes on the test surfaces.
NOTE 3—Forintralaboratoryanddevelopmentworktheobservationsof
9.2.3 Drying Rate—Take readings of time in minutes for
an individual experimenter may be substituted as long as the decrease in
each polish to dry.
accuracy is considered.
9.2.4 Ease of Wipe Off—Note effort necessary to wipe off
each of the polishes from test substrate.
7. Procedure
9.2.5 Powdering—Note the degree of powdering, if any,
7.1 Cleaning of Test Substrates—Using soft cotton towels,
during the wipe off of polishes from test substrate.
first clean the test substrate thoroughly with an aliphatic
9.2.6 Ease of Rub Up to Maximum Gloss— During appli-
solvent having a kauri butanol value less than 38. Wipe dry.
cation of the polishes, note the time and ease with which each
Using new soft cotton towels, reclean with a water/isopropanol
product develops maximum gloss.
solvent mixture (70/30). Wipe dry with a clean soft cotton
9.3 Final Properties—Five to ten minutes following the
second phase of the application of the polishes, begin the
NOTE 4—If polishes containing resins or reactive polymers, or both, or evaluation. In each case compare the test polish and the
unknown polishes have been previously used on the test substrate,
preclean with an abrasive cleaner to ensure their complete removal.
9.3.1 Gloss—Evaluate as depth of gloss.
7.2 Surface Subdivision—Divide the precleaned surface of 9.3.2 Uniformity—Observe the surface for streaks, unpol-
each test substrate and outline by tape with uniform squares. ished dry spots, and general uniformity.
7.3 Application of Polish—Assuming the control polish or 9.3.3 Distinctness of Image—Observe the clearness or
the test polish is a commercially available product, follow the sharpness of an image of an object in the polished surface.
directions on the container so far as is possible. When in doubt
Overhead lights, face, hand, or other objects may be used for
on the method of use, the directions for similar products may reflection. This test may be eliminated for low-luster surfaces
be used. Equal volumes of control and test polish shall be used
that do not possess mirror-like finishes.
to avoid excessively thin or heavy coats of polish. One or two 9.3.4 Smear and Mar Resistance—Smear is the degree of
applications may be used depending on the substrate and the
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